Wednesday 3 May 2017


The world is a shadenfreude! I can vividly remember when I was fighting my way out of my mother’s womb. Nobody was there to help, save for few spectators or… well-wishers outside the womb shouting a word of encouragement: push! That was all they could do but at least it raised my morale. They gave me one more reason to fight harder. At last I fought through and came out victorious but at a price. It was a pyrrhic victory. I was in pain literally in a pool of blood. I could not stifle it but cried it out. To my greatest surprice, everybody was laughing! They lack empathy. They were laughing at my plight. But I had naively thought they were well-wishers. I was dissapointed so I drifted into quiscence. Their source of joy had just been terminated so there was no reason left for laughter. They looked one another in the eye in confusion and anxiety. One of them reached out is hand and landed a slap on either of my buttocks. I let out a yell out of protest and they broke again into laughter. They were happy again that I was crying. They derived their joy from my misfortune. I have got my impression of the world. It is a shadenfreude.

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