Friday 23 June 2017


My daughter, there is something I want us to talk about. Mom woke me up from my sleep early in the morning and said.
I'm all ears mom, make it snappy, I need to go back to sleep. I responded sleepily.
My daughter, you know I always want the best for you. I hate to see your sister flourishing more than you. You must be on your feet and grab the best out of your life. Mom advised with all seriousness.
Awwww mummy, I'm so proud of you, thanks so much for being there for me all the time. I responded happily.
Anyway, my name is Baaba Benson, the second daughter and the last born of Mr and Mrs Benson Hayford.
I was born into a rich family, hence, very saucy and proud. I was my parents most pampered and spoilt child. 
One thing I hated most was going to school. I didn't see the reason why I should worry myself working nor schooling to get money in the future.
My mother persuaded me with words of honey to get a tertiary educational background after Senior High School.
Though my grades were poor, they still managed to gain admission for me into a university with their wealth and fame.
I was feeling reluctant to go to school because I didn't know the benefits.
My mother sat me down one afternoon when my father had gone out to work.
Baaba, I know it isn't your will to continue with your education, but I'm pleading with you to do it for me. 
We are very rich and famous, and it will be a disgrace on our part to allow our daughter to be tagged as an illiterate.
Look at your sister Eve, she's almost done with her tertiary education and everyone in this vicinity admires her.
I'm begging you Baaba, just do this for the love you have for me. Mummy pleaded.
I've heard you mummy, but please promise me that, after the tertiary education, you won't bother me with education stuff again. I said.
I promise you my daughter. 
This is the last time I'm begging you concerning education. She assured.
I packed bag and baggage and prepared for school. 
My father drove me to the school and walked me into the chancellor's office.
The chancellor knew my father as the renowned lawyer in the country so he gave me the best treatment on campus.
I was rich and saucy. No one dared talk to me without my permission. 
I will humiliate you no matter who you are.
Guys got scared of me. 
I made only one friend who was a lady. 
I chose her because she was beautiful and hardworking. 
She worshipped my feet.
My best friend Cindy, did almost everything for me on campus. 
She washed, cooked, and cleaned my room every other day after lectures.
I also made sure to make her feel appreciated. 
I took her to shopping every week. 
From dresses to classy shoes, from shoes to provisions.
Cindy really loved being with me. 
One evening after lectures, she came into my room for a conversation.
Baaba, there is something I want us to talk about, promise you ain't going to flare up. She said.
Talk to me Cindy, you and I know I don't easily get angry with sweet people like you. I said playfully.
Baaba, people have been approaching me on your saucy attitude towards them on campus. 
I am therefore pleading with you to cut down on that. Cindy said.
Cindy, I wish there is something I could do about it, but unfortunately, there isn't.
Cindy, the truth of the matter is that, I hate ugly and broke people.
And almost every one that approaches me is either broke or ugly. 
What do you expect me to do? 
Nothing than to insult them and walk away. I responded.
Baaba, there is something you must understand, and that is, not everyone can be like you. 
Indeed, you are beautiful, powerful and above all rich, but that doesn't mean you should look down on everyone that cannot be like you.
In fact Baaba, if you continuously do this, I will have no option than to quit friendship with you. Cindy threatened.
Come on Cindy, it has not gotten to this, just chill. I pleaded.
Alright, don't worry, I promise to be tolerant to broke people but not the ugly ones. Is that ok by you? I asked.
If you say so Baaba, it's better than combining both. Cindy responded.
Since the chancellor was my father's good friend, he most times invited me to his home to have dinner with his family.
My stay on campus was full of fun and swag.
To be continued...

My stay on campus was full of fun and swag.
One day, after dinner in my chancellor's house, his wife, Mama Tina, sat me down for a mother to daughter talk.
Baaba, I am very happy to see you associating yourself with my family, and I'm privileged to be sitting down here with you as a daughter because I don't have a child of my own. I therefore want to take this opportunity to advise you. She said.
I'm listening mummy. I responded.
Baaba, there is more to life than you see it. 
Your parents might be rich today but it shouldn't guarantee your wayward life. 
Your sister Eve is not like that. She's humble and simple.
Baaba, I've been observing how you dress and talk to others, and I must say, it isn't speaking well about you. Please, learn to be simple and respectful to everyone you come in contact with. Mama Tina advised.
I stared at her barren lips in anger and finally decided to talk.
I'm sorry you see me this way mummy. 
And I'm equally disappointed in you for comparing me to my big sister Eve. 
It is never my fault to be born into a rich family. 
It is also not my fault to be my parents most pampered child.
How I dress or talk is as a result of my family's wealth, so anyone that finds fault with it, is not worth talking to. 
Mummy, I can see that, these mere foods I come to eat in your house is bothering you, and I promise not to come here again. 
I thought we were family, I didn't know you hated me. I responded gently but angrily.
No Baaba, don't get me wrong, I rather want the best for you. She said.
I just stared at her from head to toe and stood up to leave.
Baaba, come back. Please don't walk out on me, I didn't mean any harm. She pleaded as I walked out.
Just then, the chancellor came out from his bedroom. 
What is going on here? 
Baaba, why are you leaving? Has anyone offended you? He asked worriedly.
Yes sir, your wife has just insulted me bitterly. I stopped and responded.
Mama Tina tried explaining but the husband cut in angrily. 
Will you shut up Tina! What is wrong with you? How dare you insult our guest? He yelled.
The woman burst into tears.
I looked on and walked out of the room.
The man followed me to the compound. 
Baaba, I'm sorry for this embarrassment, please forgive us and don't tell your parents about it. He said.
No problem sir, but the truth is that, I won't come to your house again. I responded and drove out of his house.
I got to the hostel and threw my angry self on the bed.
Cindy came into my room after few minutes. 
Baaba, you don't seem happy, what is wrong? She inquired.
Cindy, I've been insulted in the chancellor's house by his barren wife and I promise to deal with her squarely. I explained angrily.
Calm down Baaba, what exactly transpired between the two of you? Cindy asked.
I took my time and explained everything to her.
Aaahh Baaba! But this is nothing to be angry about. 
The woman was only trying to be a mother to you. Cindy said.
Whatever Cindy! I just hate it when people insult me all in the name of truth telling. 
I hate it when people compare me to my sister Eve. 
As far as I'm concerned, I'm not happy about the words she used on me. I responded in bitterness.
Cindy, I promise to cause that woman real pain. I threatened.
Whatever Baaba, you are becoming controversial by each day and I'm not happy about it. Cindy responded and walked out to her room.
I laid quietly on my bed thinking of how best I can pay Mama Tina back with her harsh words and comparison.
Quickly, I remembered to call my mom and tell her what had happened.
Hello mummy, good evening. I greeted.
Good evening my precious daughter. 
I hope there isn't any problem? You don't always call me this late. She said.
There is a problem mom. Can you imagine the chancellor's wife has insulted my personality just because of a high spiced miserable food she invited me to? I said.
And what did you tell her? Mom asked.
Nothing mom, I just walked out of her house and promised never to go back there again. I responded.
Baaba, why did you allow her to go free? 
You should have given her the insult of her life. 
Such a loser! Mom insulted angrily.
Don't worry mom, I have painful plans for her. 
I promise to cause her intense pain. I threatened.
That is my daughter, I trust the hell in you. 
I got your back always. Mom responded.
Thanks mom but please, don't tell daddy about it. I said.
I won't my daughter, you know how your father is, he's going to side with them and scold you instead. Mom responded.
Alright mom, you will here from me later. 
Have a good night. I bid and hanged up.
Early the next morning, I wore my sexiest body tight dress, showing all my curves and went to campus.
To be continued... 

Early the next morning, I wore my sexiest body tight dress, showing all my curves and went to campus.
All eyes were staring at me. 
One handsome guy stopped me right in front of the lecture hall.
Wow girl, you look incredibly hot! He complimented.
Oh really, I can see you have guts. I responded.
Of course I do, because I ain't broke. I equally have cash and class. 
You and I know money can send you anywhere in life. He responded with swag.
You get money right? 
Wow! I love that. 
Anyway, I'm late for lectures so I will see you some other time. I said with smiles.
My name is Curtis Fosu. You can call me Fosu for short. 
May I know yours? He asked.
I'm Baaba Benson. You can call me B.B. I responded.
Fosu, Can I have your number for subsequent meetings? I inquired.
No Baaba sexy, nobody looks for me, I rather look for them. 
I will look for you when I need you. He responded and walked away.
Wow! This guy's swag is incredibly beyond measure. 
So he could actually turn me down on his contact? 
Like hell, I must override his swag with mine. I thought and entered the lecture hall.
I met Cindy already seated in the lecture hall.
Hi Cindy, you didn't check up on me before coming to campus today. 
I went to your room and your mates told me you had left. I explained.
Baaba, like I said last night, I am getting fed up with our friendship. She responded harshly.
Oh really? That means the friendship is over right? 
Hahahah, anyway I've heard you. Please just go ahead and do as you wish. I responded sarcastically and walked to my seat.
During the second lecture, I just picked up my bag and walked out of the lecture hall. 
Everyone turned to look at me when I was leaving but like hell, I gave no damn.
I walked straight to the chancellor's office.
Hello Baaba, I'm glad to see you here. 
Anyway let me cease this opportunity to apologize to you for my wife's primitive behavior yesterday. He said.
Don't worry at all sir. I'm very fine. 
Anyway, will you have time to go out with me for dinner tonight? I asked seductively.
Eeerrrm Baaba, I have to inform my wife first. He responded.
Come on sir, what better advice can that your archaic wife give you? 
I'm actually inviting you to the most expensive dinner ever. 
The dinner that will give you sleepless nights. 
The dinner that will give you blue balls if you turn it down. I convinced seductively and stood up from where I was seated and walked towards his desk.
I sat right in front of him on his desk and opened my legs a bit wide. 
I then slid my pant to one side for him to have a view of the dinner I was talking about.
He began to sweat profusely. 
Tell me sir, how do you see this dinner? Isn't it enticing enough? I asked seductively.
He could still not say anything. 
He gazed deeply at my pussy.
Slowly, I held his confused head and pushed it down to my pussy.
Come on sir, taste it! Go ahead and taste it. I whispered.
He began to lick my pussy as if it was food. 
He breathed rapidly.
Two minutes after his greedy licking, I stood up from the desk. 
How did it go sir? I asked seductively and walked back to my seat.
He just stared into my eyes without saying anything.
Wow wow wow! I can see you are dumbfounded. 
Anyway, call me when you close, for a full taste of what just happened. I said and walked out of his office.
I walked back to the hostel to freshen up from the chancellor's saliva in my pussy.
I giggled as I entered my washroom.
Hahahaha! This is just the beginning. 
This chancellor hasn't seen anything yet.
I will give him the best laughter of the century and that is what is going to give his wife an everlasting tears. I thought happily.
I freshened up and threw myself on my bed. 
Lectures must go to hell, after all, I am going to gain the best grades after the semester. I thought as sleep carried me away.
To be continued... 

Lectures must go to hell, after all, I am going to make the best grades after the semester. I thought as sleep carried me away.
I woke up late in the evening and realised I had not eaten. 
So really, Cindy has stopped worshipping me right? I thought.
Anyway, let me drive to town and get myself food. 
I dressed up as usual in my classy shoes and dress to an expensive restaurant to have supper.
I was at the same time waiting for the chancellor's call.
I sat down and ordered my food. 
The waitress brought the food in minutes. 
Unfortunately, she stained my dress with particles of the food on the tray.
What the hell is wrong with you? 
Are you blind? What kind of useless service is this? I yelled.
I'm sorry madam, I never meant to stain your dress. She apologized.
You asshole! How do you expect me to stay out with this? 
Don't you know I have a date? I asked angrily.
My insults were creating a scene. 
Just then, a gentleman approached me.
Hello Baaba, please tone down. 
You are creating a scene. He said.
I instantly calmed down when I saw who it was. 
I'm sorry Fosu, I didn't know you are here. I said.
Yeah, I saw you entering the premises but I decided not to talk to you because I am with my fiance and her friends. He said.
I turned and looked at who that lucky woman was. 
She looked like a low class girl.
That's alright Fosu, but I equally have a date and I don't know how I'm going to meet up with the person in a stained dress.
You know what, my house is just around this vicinity, let me drive you there for a fast clean up. He suggested.
What about your fiance? What are you going to tell her? I asked.
Leave that to me, I will handle her. He said and excused me for seconds.
Afterwards, he came back. 
Baaba, we are good to go now, I will drive you back in few minutes to meet your date. He said.
We left his fiancee in the restaurant and walked out. 
Should we go with your car or mine? I asked.
Let's go with mine. 
We will soon be back. He said.
I joined his car and in two minutes, we were in his house.
Wow! You have such a nice house. I complimented.
Yeah, that's one of my father's houses. He responded.
Oh really? What does he do? I asked.
I will tell you some other time but for now, get into that room and undress. 
Afterwards, pick a towel from the wardrobe and wrap yourself up with it, then bring the dress to me to clean the stain. He said.
I entered the room and did as he said. 
The room was so nice. It was a standard room that befits a rich man.
I laid down on the bed wishing to be in Fosu's fiancee's shoes. 
God, this is the kind of man I've always wanted in life. 
Rich, handsome, gentle, and loving. I thought deeply.
Baaba, are you there? I heard him calling but I pretended I'd not heard him.
Baaba, is everything alright with you? Are you ok? He continuously called.
I laid still without responding. 
He knocked on the door severally but I refused to answer.
Minutes later, he entered the room. 
Baaba, I thought you said you were in a hurry to meet up with your date. Why then are you laying down unperturbed? He asked.
I slowly stood up from the bed and walked towards him. 
Fosu, there can't be any better date than you. I responded softly and unwrapped myself from the towel showing him my sexy body.
His jaw dropped with shock. 
He stared at me slowly from head to toe.
He licked his lips in a circular motion for seconds and grabbed my boobs.
I gave out a loud moan.
Mmmmmmmmm! Fosu!
He fondled my boobs for minutes and took possession of my nipples with his greedy sexy lips.
I moaned loudly. 
Fosuuuuuu! Aaaahhhh! Ooouuuucchhh!
He slowly pushed me on the bed. 
I laid down watching his cute face with a fierce desire to taste his cock.
He smiled at me and picked up my dress and walked towards the door.
Fosu, you can't leave me this way. Please come back and fuck me. I said shamelessly.
Baaba, I decide whom to penetrate. Nobody dictates to me. Besides, I am not horny. He responded.
Come on Fosu, this is not fair, can't you see I am burning inside? Please Fuck me. I pleaded.
I will let you know when I'm ready to fuck you. He said and walked out.
Damn! This guy is overly saucy. How could he turn me down this way? I thought. Minutes later, he brought back my dress without the stain. 
I was still laying on the bed in thoughts.
He slid his finger into my pussy unexpectedly and began to finger me.
I began to moan again. 
Just when I started enjoying it, he stopped.
Baaba, I just wanted to see how tight your pussy was, and I must say you've qualified for my dick someday. 
For now, I have a lot of beautiful sexy ladies in queue waiting for my penetration. I will let you know when it's your turn.
Now get dressed and let's go. I will be waiting for you in the car. He said and walked out.
I dressed up in disappointment and joined him in the car.
I must Fuck this guy and dump him. I thought angrily.
To be continued... 

I must fuck this guy and dump him. I thought.
We got to the restaurant and Fosu left me and joined his fiancee. 
I felt defeated.
I walked into the restaurant and paid for the food. 
I then ordered them to package the food to be taken away.
I got into my car and drove off to the hostel. 
I waited for the chancellor's call but it didn't come.
I became bitter. 
Nobody messes with me and go free. 
Fosu is proving hard to get whereas the useless chancellor is doing same.
It's rather unfortunate they've all tasted part of my rich and expensive body. 
I must defeat them no matter what. I vowed.
The next morning, I wore a very short skirt with my sleeveless blouse and a high heel wedge shoes.
I walked to campus instead of driving because, I needed people to admire my beauty. 
Whiles on my way, I met Cindy.
Baaba, where are you going to dressed like this? She asked in shock.
What kind of question is that Cindy? 
I am going to campus to read my notes. I responded.
Going to campus in this dress? In this short skirt exposing all your thighs? What is wrong with you Baaba? What? She asked angrily.
Cindy, I don't need your stupid advice anymore. 
I've learnt to move on without you.
I considered a miserable lady like you into my life because of your beauty, aside that, you have nothing better to offer. 
Now listen to me carefully, never poke your nose into my affairs again. I hate you! I yelled and walked out on her.
I walked straight to the chancellor's office because I had no lecture for the day.
I was stopped at the entrance by the secretary.
Miss Baaba, please you can't go there, my boss asked me not to allow anyone in there. He's busy with an office work. She said.
Oh really? That law can bind everyone on this campus but not me, Baaba Benson. 
Lawyer Benson Hayford's sexiest daughter. His pampered daughter. The heir to his wealth. I bragged.
I'm sorry Miss Baaba, you have to go and come back some other time. She said.
You must be crazy! How dare you stop me? How much is your salary? I asked angrily and walked pass her into the chancellor's office.
She stood up and followed me to report me to the chancellor.
Don't worry, just go back to your desk. I will handle Baaba myself. The chancellor said to the secretary.
I was now left with the chancellor. 
Sir, may I know why you didn't show up for the dinner? I asked.
Baaba, please understand me. I don't want to do anything to hurt my wife. He said.
That is bullshit chancellor! Why then did you lick me yesterday? Are you alright? I responded angrily.
Tone down Baaba, I am old enough to be your father, please don't insult me. He said unhappily.
I stood up and stripped myself naked. 
Now get up from that your bossy seat and come here. I commanded.
Baaba, what do you think you are doing? He asked surprisingly.
What does it appear I am doing? You and I are coming to Fuck. 
And woe betides you if you turn me down, I will scream this office down.
I will accuse you of rape. So don't dare me at all. I threatened.
He got up from his seat and pleaded with me. 
Baaba, please dress up, I will call you in the evening for us to meet. He said.
No chancellor, you have to deposit some commitment. I insisted.
Alright then, let's go into the washroom. He said.
No! I want it right here on this table. I insisted.
He locked the door and came back to me. 
I unzipped his trouser and brought out his erected cock. 
I gave him the suck of his life. 
He groaned and moaned in ecstasy.
I then brought out my sexy boobs from my bra and gave them to him to suck. 
He suckled like a baby.
I just couldn't control myself. I groaned loudly.
Ooouuuucchhh! You are killlllllllllllllling meeeeeeeeee!
I got so wet. 
He slid his fingers into my pussy and fingered me vigorously.
Minutes later, he turned my back to face him.
Baaba, should I give you anal sex? He asked.
No, please fuck my pussy, it's equally tight. I responded. 
He penetrated me and thrusted slowly for minutes.
Aaaaahhh! Baaba, you are sweet! Mmmm! Ooouuchh! He moaned.
After several minutes of fucking, he ejaculated.
I walked into his washroom, cleaned up and came back into the office.
Baaba, is this what you wanted? He asked.
Exactly chancellor, but we are not done yet. I responded.
Baaba, how is your father going to feel if he finds out? He asked.
Hahahah! I can't believe you are thinking about my father instead of your wife. 
Anyway, are you the one going to tell my father? I asked.
Never Baaba! Am I crazy? He exclaimed.
I ain't crazy either sir, so consider this a secret. 
What I want you to know is that, you are mine now. I will call you anytime I need you. And in fact, we are meeting tonight for the official launching of our sex party at Happy Hotel. 
Please meet me there at exactly 9pm. Don't be late. I said and walked out.
To be continued... 

Please meet me there at exactly 9pm. Don't be late. I said and walked out.
I walked back to the hostel happily.
Wow, I've defeated the first stubborn dick. I'm left with Fosu, the most stubborn hard to get dick. I thought.
I went to the washroom to freshen up, when I returned, I met Cindy comfortably seated on my bed.
Cindy, how may I help you? What do you want in my room? I asked angrily.
Chill Baaba, your room needs cleaning. I came to clean up for you. She swerved my question.
I no longer need your services, neither do I need your friendship.
Anyone who walk out of your life once, is capable of walking out again any day, anytime.
I can't watch you toy with my life.
I am still the Baaba that you disliked and walked away from, nothing has really changed, so why are you here? I asked angrily.
I'm sorry for waking out of your life Baaba, I never meant to.
It is sometimes good to let go of certain things in order to appreciate them the more.
Baaba, I walked out of your life for few days and I've really felt the impact it has had on me. The truth is that, I simply can't let this friendship go.
Please forgive me and accept me back. She pleaded.
I've forgiven you because of how good you were to me, but the next time you dare walk out of my life again, you will forever stay out of it.
I am my own happiness, and I am enough to make myself happy. I don't need any fake person to distract my peace and happiness. I warned.
Thanks Baaba, but there is one request I will like to make from you. She responded sadly.
I just knew it. Cindy, I knew you really needed help.
Anyway, what is it? I asked.
Baaba, I haven't paid my full semester fees and we are about to start the end of semester exams.
Please I need your help, I need money to pay. She pleaded.
Cindy, I ain't your father nor mother, so if you get your fees from me, you must work towards it.
There is actually no free lunch. I responded harshly.
Talk to me Baaba, what do you want me to do for you? I'm ever ready to go the extra mile to get my fees. Cindy pleaded.
I walked pass her and and laid on my expensive bed.
Do you really want to know how to work for your fees? Do you really wanna know? I asked repeatedly.
Baaba, just tell me what it is.
My father is broke and he doesn't have a dime to pay for my fees. I am therefore ready to go to the moon and back to pay for it. She said.
Alright then, get your head down my pussy and lick the hell out of me. I said boldly.
What! Lick you? Baaba, are you ok? Is everything alright with you? She exclaimed.
No Cindy, I am never ok.
How can I be ok when a young lady like me is taking care of a lazy parents child?
If you can't do it, I suggest you bounce! Get the hell out of my room. I screamed.
Calm down Baaba.
I am ready to do it. She responded.
I flipped my thighs apart and asked her to go ahead.
I was actually punishing her for walking in and out of my life.
I didn't know when I started moaning to her licking. It felt so good.
Come on Cindy, don't stop. Please do it! Mmmmm! Aaaaahhh! Ooouuuucchhh! I moaned.
She did it for so many minutes until I finally reached orgasm and asked her to stop.
Cindy, I'm sorry for making you do this but like you know, you've hurt me really bad that's why I decided to punish you this way.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I've come to love what you just did.
Cindy let me ask you, have you ever been a lesbian? I inquired.
Yes Baaba, that was when I was in the senior high School, but I stopped immediately after school. She confessed.
Wow Cindy, this is a beautiful sin. I think I love it.
Why don't you become my partner then, so that I will pay you every other month for your services? I offered.
No problem about that Baaba, but please promise we will stop when I want us to. She responded.
No problem at all Cindy, I cross my heart. I said.
Cindy became my lesbian partner from that very moment.
We fucked anywhere including the School's washroom.
She was all over me and I was all over her.
But I was still in my secret relationship with the chancellor, whiles hoping to fuck and dump Fosu as well.
I kept my relationship a secret from Cindy.
I would drive out of campus to meet up with the man without her notice.
The chancellor fell hell over heels in love with me and he began spending nights with me in various hotels.
Sir tell me, how is your wife taking your sudden change of attitude? I asked.
Come on Baaba, I no longer care about that barren witch.
I come out and go home anytime I want to.
She does nothing than to cry day and night.
One day, she asked me.
My husband, who is this new woman who is taking away the happiness in my home?
She's not taking it away Tina, she's rather helping you with the things you can not do.
Tell me, when was the last time you gave me an oral sex?
When was the last time you gave me a surprise sex if I don't ask for it?
Tina, when was the last time you groaned or moaned to my love making?
You always lay down like a log, making everything so boring like hell. The chancellor explained.
Wow! I love your vibes and how you are treating her.
She's actually making your life boring and you deserve someone energetic like me to rekindle your dull sexual life. I bragged.
Don't worry at all Baaba, I will maltreat her till she packs out of my house.
Baaba, I want you to take over my home. He said.
Awwww handsome, your words have pierced my heart.
Please buy me a latest car as a birthday present if you really want me to be your wife. I pretended.
Sure I will. Just let me know when you are celebrating your birthday. He said with smiles.
I quickly told him about the day and he promised to surprise me.
We spent that night fucking and mocking his wife.
To be continued...

We spent that night fucking and mocking his wife.
The next morning, I drove back to campus.
Just when I entered the room, Cindy walked in.
Baaba, where are you coming from? She asked harshly.
Why are you sounding this harsh Cindy? Is there any problem? I asked.
You've still not answered my question Baaba, where did you spend the night? She asked again.
Why are you acting as if you own me? What has come over you? I responded angrily.
Yes I own you!
Baaba, I own you and won't allow any asshole to share you with me. Get it straight. She yelled on top of her voice.
Bring your voice down Cindy. It has not got to this.
You don't have to start getting jealous over me. I responded calmly.
It has passed this stage Baaba. I will do my own investigations and get hold of that son or daughter of a bitch who is crossing my way.
Trust me Baaba, I will find out. She yelled and walked out on me.
I threw myself on the bed in confusion.
Jeeeeeeez, this is the beginning of trouble.
How can Cindy fall in love with me? I thought we were only having fun. I cogitated.
I called Cindy severally on phone but she refused to answer.
Later in the evening, she brought my supper and my next day dress for campus.
Cindy, please don't go. Kindly sit down and let's talk. I said.
She sat down with an unhappy face.
Cindy, listen to me, you are taking things so personal. This whole lesbianism thing is supposed to be fun, you don't have to fall in love with me. I said.
That's where you are wrong Baaba. Lesbianism is more or less a spirit.
The moment you engage in it, you get addicted, so it is either you start and get addicted, or, you don't do it at all. She explained.
Why then am I not addicted Cindy? I asked.
That is because, you are yet to. If you like, let's wait and see. She responded with all seriousness.
Why are you asking so many questions Baaba, ain't you interested in me anymore? She asked whiles pressing my nipples.
Instantly, I became so weak and confused.
She slowly pushed me on the bed and started sucking my boobs.
I tried stopping her but I was too weak.
Mmmmm Cindy! Pleeeeeaaase! Aaaahhhh! I moaned.
Cindy gently took off my clothes and hers as well.
She rubbed her boobs on mine and began to kiss me passionately.
I clinched to her body.
I pressed her soft ass in pleasure.
She slowly opened up my legs and started licking the horney in my pussy.
I couldn't just control myself anymore.
Cindyyyyyyyy! Make me cum! Pleaaaaaaaaaaaassseeeee do!
Minutes later, we were done.
How did you feel Baaba? Tell me you don't want it anymore. She said softly.
I can't stop doing this with you Cindy, gradually, you are taking over my brains. I responded.
I spent that night with Cindy.
The chancellor kept calling me but I refused to answer.
Days later, I had a call from a strange number.
Hello, Miss Baaba Benson speaking, who do I have on the line? I asked.
Baaba, this is Fosu, I called to let you know that it's your turn to taste my sugary dick, so get ready, I will pick you up from your hostel 8pm tomorrow. He said.
Come on Fosu, you didn't give me enough time to prepare. The notice is too short. I said.
Baaba, what are you going to prepare for? You are virtually going to do nothing.
It is my duty to make you feel like a woman.
Just get ready and I will pick you up. He said and hanged up.
Damn! How is Cindy going to take this? Where will I tell her I'm going to? I thought worriedly.
To be continued...

Damn! How's Cindy going to take this? Where will I tell her I'm going to? I thought worriedly.
Exactly at the appointed time the next day, Fosu arrived at my hostel.
I quickly dressed up and sneaked out of my room to join him in his car.
Just when I was descending the stairs, Cindy shouted at my name.
Baaba, where are you going to? She yelled.
Eeerrmm Cindy, I have a date with a friend of mine. I responded with a trembling voice.
A friend of yours? And you never informed me?
Anyway, let's all descend the stairs and see who it is. She said.
We walked to the car and Fosu stepped down to meet us.
Baaba, are we going with your friend? I never requested for a threesome ooo. He said
Oh really? So it's actually a sex date yeah? Cindy asked angrily.
It's not what you think Cindy, just calm down and let me go and come. I cut in.
You ain't stepping a foot in that useless car. If you like, dare me! Cindy warned.
Baaba, what's happening here? Fosu asked.
I'm sorry Fosu, she's a friend of mine who cares so much about me that's why she's asking so many questions. I asked.
I can really tell there is something more than friendship between you two.
Anyway, I won't stay here for any stupid embarrassment.
Your chance has expired. Fosu said angrily and drove away.
Cindy, you see what you have caused?
Who the hell do you think you are anyway?
Simple lesbianism and you are making marriage out of it.
Whom have you paid my bride price to?
I have my life to live, so kindly don't cross me next time. After all, I pay you for the services.
Get it straight, don't come to me for sex unless I call for it. Thank you. I cautioned angrily and walked out on her.
I locked myself up in the room and began calling Fosu to apologize.
Hello Fosu, I'm sorry for what just happened. Please forgive me and let's reschedule this. I said.
Baaba, your time has expired and as I speak to you, another woman is in my bed waiting for a penetration.
You know how it is, money controls women like magic.
More especially, when my dad is a minister.
Money combined with fame and class. He bragged.
Come on Fosu, I ain't one of those ladies. I don't need your money, I just need sex from you and that's all. I said.
Baaba, your time has expired. I will see if I can reschedule you for the next semester. He said and hanged up.
Cindy has really spoilt my chance of defeating this asshole.
I would have fucked his stupid swag out of him, video him and show it to his so called fiancee and then dump his sorry ass. I thought.
Anyway, next semester is just around the corner, let me focus on the chancellor Now.
I must destroy his home before the semester ends, else, my father won't allow me to go out when I vacate. I thought.
Just when I was thinking about all these, mom's call came through.
Hello Baaba, how are you doing? She inquired.
Very well mom. Just that, school is boring.
No classy people on this campus, mummy, I'm beginning to feel bored. I said.
Sorry about that my daughter, very soon, you will be done with school and all the boredom will be over. She said.
Less I forget, your sister Eve is completing school this semester. She will be writing her final papers soon and your father is so enthused about it. She added.
Mother, Eve is the reason why everyone insults me.
They compare us both and she seem to have an advance ticket to heaven.
Daddy pampers her more than he does to me, and I'm beginning to get jealous. I complained.
Listen to me Baaba, Eve can never be better than you.
She might be academically good but, you are more beautiful than she is.
Men will approach you first before her. Remember, men don't look at certificate, they look at beauty. The sexy curves you've got is what they look at. Mom convinced.
Alright mom, I'm glad for your words of compliments.
I promise to make you proud by bringing a man of substance into our family as my husband. I said proudly.
That reminds me Baaba, how far with the issue of Tina, the chancellor's wife? Have you beat the hell out of her? Mom inquired.
Hahahaha mom! I'm still giving her the beatings of her life. You will soon here about it. I said ironically.
That's my daughter, I trust your capabilities.
Just take care of your beautiful self for me. Mom said and hanged up.
Wow! What a sweet mother I got. She's got my back always.
I love you mom. I soliloquised.
To be continued...

Wow! What a sweet mother I got. She's got my back always.
I love you mom. I soliloquised.
The next day, I waited for Cindy to call me to campus but she didn't show up.
 I went to her room but I was told she had already left.
I can't believe Cindy is giving me space again. I thought.
I went to the lecture hall but I didn't find her there.
I tried her line severally but it didn't go through.
Where could this lady be? I thought.
I couldn't stay in the lecture hall, I came to stand outside trying all her lines.
Just then, I saw Cindy walking towards the lecture hall with a handsome guy.
Instantly, I got bitter.
Cindy, I've been searching everywhere for you, where did you go to? I asked.
I went to the guy's hostel to check up on my friend.
Anyway, say hello to him for me, his name is Josh.
Josh, meet Baaba, the all famous Baaba. Cindy introduced.
Wow, nice meeting you Baaba, I've heard a lot about you. He said.
Nice meeting you Josh, but why are the both of you walking? Where is your car? I asked.
Come on Baaba, not everyone has a car. Cindy cut in.
That's true Baaba, not everyone has a car.
I might possess more than a car though. Josh added.
Like really? So you don't have a car, and yet you can befriend the best friend of Baaba, the wealthy lady.
I can see you lack manners. I responded in anger and pain.
What do you mean by that Baaba, is car the only thing that can define a person?
Anyway, if you care to know, I possess decency, morality and respect towards everyone I come across. So you see, I have more than a car.
Car without the above mentioned qualities is a wheel barrow.
In short Baaba, car is the least of the best assets. Josh preached and walked away.
Baaba, you see what you've caused? You think wealth is everything right?
Anyway, like you told me last night, we all have our lived to live, so I decide whom to befriend. Cindy speaker harshly and walked out on me too.
I stood there looking more stupid.
So this Josh of a guy can conquer me with his words of wisdom right.
I swear, I will deal with him romantically. I thought.
First of all, I have only two weeks to complete the semester, let me focus on the chancellor before he defeats me too.
I quickly walked to his office.
This time around, I didn't even bother talking to the secretary, I just walked into the office and securely locked the door behind me.
Baaba, I am very mad at you, why have you not been answering my calls or coming to See Me? He asked with bitterness.
Forgive me honey, I was not feeling well. I lied.
That's alright Baaba, but unfortunately, yesterday, I was so honey, so I had no option than to have sex with that old witch I call a wife. He explained.
Damn! How could you do that? Why should you cheat on me with her? I asked in disappointment.
I'm sorry about that Baaba, but I can give you one hot sex right now to erase the memories of the boring sex I had with her yesterday. He suggested.
Not now sir. Listen to me, I'm here for a purpose, we can make all the love you want after coming into conclusion. I said.
I'm all ears Baaba, talk to me. He said.
You told me you wanted me to occupy your home right?
If that is really the case, then I want us to be meeting up in your house for our love making instead of those hotels.
It will make me feel better. I proposed.
That is ridiculous Baaba. How is my wife going to accept that? He exclaimed.
Quickly, I stood up and pulled down my shorts showing him my ass.
Look at this chancellor, if you don't accept what I'm proposing, you won't ever taste it again.
Mmmmm Baaba, you are already making me horny.
Please don't do this to me. He said confusedly.
I drew closer to him and unzipped his trouser.
I then brought out his dick and began to give him a blow job.
Aaaaahhh Baba! Mmmmm! Ooouuuucchhh! You are killlllllllllllllling me. He moaned.
When I realised he was soaked in pleasure, I stopped.
Baaba, please don't stop. Please continue. Please let me Fuck you. He said.
No sir, you will only fuck me when you agree to my proposal. I said.
To be continued...

No sir, you will only fuck me when you agree to my proposal. I said.
Alright Baaba, I accept your proposal but please, get ready to marry me after school. He said.
Wow! You are such a darling.
Our first sex in your house will be tomorrow, please make sure your wife packs out of the room to the guest room before I get there. I said happily.
I will do all that Baaba, but what I need from you right now is sex. Let me fuck you. He said softly and pulled me closer to himself.
We locked our lips together for so many minutes until I could no longer breath.
He slowly and gently laid me on his desk and began to lick me.
Aaaaahhh! Mmmm! Oooouuuuuccchhhhh! This feels too good. Aaaaahhh! I moaned.
He withdrew his mouth and took possession of my boobs.
I could breathe less.
You are killlllllllllllllling meeeeeeeeee! Pleeeeeaaase! Ooouuuucchhh!
Slowly, he slid his cock into my salivating pussy.
I was damn wet down there.
Just when he penetrated me, we heard a knock on his door.
He paused.
Go on honey, please don't stop! Please fuck me. I pleaded.
Sssshhhh Baaba, don't talk. He cautioned.
Just then, his office line rang and he answered.
I could hear the secretary's voice on the line.
Hello sir, your wife is here to see you. She said.
The chancellor began to pant.
He quickly dressed up and asked me to hide in the washroom.
That is not fair sir, after all, you will soon break up with her, so why don't you allow her to meet me here? That will even facilitate your breakup. I said.
Baaba please stop talking plenty and hide. He insisted.
I walked to the washroom and hid there.
The place was damn hot. I began to sweat profusely.
He went to open the door and his wife walked in.
Dear, why was your door locked? What's wrong? Mama Tina asked.
Nothing my wife. I just didn't want any disturbance.
I've been busy signing some forms for the students. He lied.
Really? And why is the room smelling funny this way? She asked.
Funny how? The chancellor asked.
Like sperms and stuff. She responded bluntly.
Tina, are you ok? I hope you didn't come here to nag? How can you even think this way when I'm busy working? The chancellor responded angrily.
From the way you are even sweating, I can see you are indeed busy working.
Anyway, I'm pressed, let me use your washroom. She said.
The WC isn't working Tina.
You can go out and use the staff washroom. He acted swiftly.
My husband, why are you punishing me this way? Why are you not happy to see me? She asked.
Cut the drama Tina, this is my workplace and I don't handle marital problems here. Please allow me to work. The chancellor responded angrily.
I hear you my husband.
I only passed by to give you a surprise kiss. She responded.
Tina, as you can see, I'm too busy for this kiss you are talking about, I will come for it when I close. The Chancellor responded dismissively.
Hmmmm, I can see you are really avoiding me.
Anyway, have a nice day, I will be home waiting for you. She said sadly and walked out.
The chancellor quickly locked the door behind her and called me out of my hide out.
Baaba, please come out, I'm sorry for doing this to you. He said.
Don't worry dear, all I need from you is to sack her from your house as soon as possible, but in the mean time, we were in a very important business transaction when she interrupted. I said seductively.
Yeah sure Baaba, he said and pushed me on the table again.
He penetrated his hard and long cock into my almost dry pussy.
It hurt sweetly bad.
Mmmmm! Ooouuuucchhh! Oh baby! Fuck me! Please Fuck me! I groaned.
He thrust on top speed until I collapsed with orgasm.
He withdrew his cock and splashed his sperms on my face.
It was fantastically nasty.
Damn, this man is naughtily sweet. I thought.
I used his washroom to clean up the mess on my face.
Sweetheart, let me allow you to work, we will meet tomorrow in your home. I said and walked out.
Miss Baaba Benson, please stop right there. The secretary said.
I stopped in shock and turned to watch her miserable face.
Eheh? How may I help you? I asked.
I don't need your evil help.
I only want you to know that what you are doing with that married man has consequences.
Someone will sleep with your husband someday too. She responded angrily.
How dare you talk to me that way?
Oh! So you are the unemployed gossip who called the woman right? I swear to deal with you.
Start packing your stuff from here because you've already lost your job. I threatened.
I am ever ready to quit Madam.
God will pay me better for preaching this gospel to you. She responded angrily.
To be continued...

God will pay me better for preaching this gospel to you. She responded angrily.
I walked back in anger into the chancellor's office.
What is it Baaba? Why are you fuming in anger? He asked.
Can you imagine the secretary just confirmed that she was the one who called your wife? I alleged.
Quickly, he called the secretary into his office.
Comfort, Baaba just told me something and I want to be sure about it. Is it true that you were the one who called my wife? He questioned her.
Sir, I don't know what you are talking about, I haven't called anyone today. She responded.
Sweetheart, why are you even bantering words with her? Just give her an outright dismissal. I said angrily.
Baaba, wait a minute, you think you are the only person who has power to make things happen in your favour right?
You must be crazy! The secretary insulted.
Did you hear that? Please sack her! If you don't.. I threatened.
What will happen if he doesn't?
Baaba! One thing you are afraid of is defeat, but I tell you that, if you don't change, you will forever be defeated. The secretary insulted.
I burst into tears, why ain't you saying anything Sir?
Listen to the way this low life girl is insulting me. I said.
Eeerrmm Baaba, stop crying, I will see what I can do. The chancellor responded.
See what you can do how?
If you don't sack her, I can't sleep tonight. I insisted.
Baaba, then you are going to stay awake for the rest of your life.
This dick you are head over heels in love with, this dick that you are walking shoulders high on campus for, is not yours alone.
People tasted it before you came. The secretary confessed and walked out on us.
The chancellor just bowed down his head in shame.
So you've actually been sleeping with her, that is why she doesn't regard me right? I asked in pain.
No Baaba, I've not been sleeping with her.
The truth is that, I was dating her colleague secretary but we are no more.
As it stands now, she has my secrets in her palms so I can't sack her. He explained.
You are such a loser!
You disgust me! I yelled and walked out on him.
The secretary burst into laughter when she saw me leaving.
I still didn't care about her.
I got to the hostel in anger.
Why does everything seem to be backfiring? I am supposed to be winning but why? I thought.
I remembered my encounter with Cindy and her so called friend.
I quickly called her on phone.
Cindy, I'm in my room, can I please see you? I asked.
No Baaba, I'm currently in my friend's room, I mean Josh's room. I will see you when I come. She responded.
His room? Cindy please don't do this to me.
You are hurting me, please. I pleaded.
I'm busy Baaba, I said I will see you when I come. She responded harshly and hanged up.
I called her back severally but she didn't answer.
Later in the evening, she came into my room.
Yes Baaba, I'm here now, please talk to me. She said.
Eeerrmm Cindy, I miss you and I wanted you to warm me up.
I stood up and tried kissing her.
Stop it Baaba! I'm no longer interested in this lesbianism thing.
I was turning Josh down because of you but now, I've fully accepted his proposal, so I can't do this lesbian thing any longer. She responded candidly.
Cindy please don't do this to me. You introduced me to it and I've gotten addicted. Please don't jilt me.
I promise to give you more money. I convinced.
Baaba, fortunately for me, Josh is not broke.
He has promised to be there for me when I'm financially stranded. She teased.
I just didn't know what to think nor say again.
I stood up, stripped naked and forcefully grabbed Cindy's boobs.
She struggled with me and pushed me on the bed and walked out.
I laid down in tears and pain.
Why does everything seem to be going in the wrong direction? Aaahhh!
I must do everything possible to separate this useless Josh and Cindy. I swear to cause Cindy more pain than necessary. I vowed.
Early the next morning, I asked few of the guys for Josh's number but they all turned me down except one of them.
Miss Baaba Benson, I'm very honored to be talking to you.
I never knew you would ever need my help someday, after all the insults you once rained on me for proposing to you. He said.
Yeah true. I'm not as evil as everyone think, I am down to earth, just that, I was not interested in you. I pretended.
Well, sorry to inform you that almost all the guys hates you and I don't think anybody will be willing to give you Josh's number apart from me. He responded.
That's kind of you dear.
Please call the number out to me. I responded.
Not so fast Baaba, I will personally come to your hostel tonight to call the numbers to you. He said.
My jaw dropped with shock!
To be continued...

My jaw dropped with shock!
I'm lost, what do you mean by you will bring it to my hostel? I asked.
Baaba, this is self explanatory, I don't think it needs any further clarification. He responded.
That is ridiculous, I don't entertain people like you around me. I responded harshly.
Oh really? Then go to the telecommunications office and pick Josh's number from there.
And hey, I will blow your cover to Josh, I will tell him you are searching for his number so he should change it. He threatened and began to walk away.
No please come back. Don't walk out on me. I said and held his shirt.
Listen, what time are you coming to my hostel and what are you coming to do there? I asked humbly.
I will come exactly 8pm and the truth is, I'm also coming to have my share of the classy body you always brag about. He responded boldly.
That is no problem, but may I please know your name? I asked calmly.
My name is coded. You can simply address me as Pussy Killer... PK for short. He responded.
Alright PK, I will be waiting for you, but please, come a bit late, I don't want people to see us. They will spread rumors about me. I said.
I will be there at 11pm then.
Expect me live. He said and walked away.
Jeeeeeeez! Why does everyone want to pull me down? Just look at this wretch wanting to sleep with me.
Anyway, I will just get him a nice alcoholic beverage and drug him to get the number.
I will never stoop so low to sleep with this thing. I thought.
At exactly 11pm, I heard a knock on my door.
I opened up and indeed, it was PK.
Hi handsome, welcome to my humble apartment. I welcomed nicely.
Yeah Baaba, let's make it snappy, I have to get back to my books. He responded.
Eeerrrmm PK, you know, I want this meeting to be one of those romantic moments, so please, get up on your feet and let's dance to a cool music whiles we share this wine. I pretended.
He stood up and began dancing to the cool music that was already on play.
He held me closely and began to fondle my ass.
Come on PK, have your drink. I said and handed his drugged glass of drink to him.
He took it and gently asked me to take a sip.
No oooo PK, I have mine in hand already, please drink yours. I said.
Baaba, since it is a romantic moment, I will like you to drink mine whiles I drink yours. He insisted.
No PK, I can't drink yours, I prefer drinking from my glass. I responded almost in anger.
Baaba, if you don't take this drink, I will scream for everybody in this hostel to know that, a nobody like me is making love to you. He threatened.
PK please calm down, it has not gotten to that. Please. I pleaded.
Baaba, get this straight into your empty skull, being poor doesn't mean I've lost my mind. If I have, I wouldn't be on the same campus with a cheap classy girl like you.
I just knew you will play smart, but unfortunately for you, you've played it on the wrong person.
Now get your sorry ass down for a Fuck, or I blow up your cover to Josh. He threatened.
Quickly, I sat on the bed with the fear of embarrassment.
He held my sexy dress and tore it apart.
PK, please I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I only wanted you to sleep so that I can get the number.
Please, take it easy on me. I pleaded.
He pushed me on the bed without listening to anything I was saying.
He began sucking my boobs vigorously.
My eyes were filled with tears but there was nothing I could do.
He then penetrated me forcefully and began to thrust on top speed.
Mmmm! Aaaaahhh! Baaba! You are damn sweet! Ooouuucchh! Fuck! Fuck! He groaned.
So many minutes later, he ejaculated.
Baaba, why were you laying down like a log? Why? He asked angrily.
PK, you've actually raped me. I never intended to do this. I said in tears.
Well Baaba, let me know when you are ready, so that we will do it better for the number. He said and stood up to leave.
PK please, don't do this to me. You've already slept with me, what else do you want? I asked sadly.
Baaba, we agreed to make love not sex.
In fact, you won't get the number from me unless we make love. He said.
Alright PK, I'm ready now. I responded sadly.
Good girl! Now wipe your tears and come to daddy. He said seductively.
Even though I didn't like what I was doing, I had to do it to cause Cindy pain.
Cindy, wherever you are, brace yourself because I am going to make sure your tears get finished.
I am going to make sure you die out of heartbreak. I vowed in thoughts.
PK hugged me so tight and whispered into my ears, you are indeed sexy Baaba.
He carried me unto my study table and penetrated me from there.
I pretended to be enjoying it.
Mmm PK! Fuck meeeeeeeeee! Please do! Aaaaahhh!
He fucked with all his strength.
He slowly withdrew his cock and began to finger me with all his five fingers.
Oooouuuuuccchhhhh Baaaaaba! You are so sweet! He complimented.
He penetrated me again and the fucking continued.
PK was indeed a pussy killer! He fucked for so many minutes without ejaculating.
I became so weak and exhausted.
PK please stop! I'm tired! Please stop. I pleaded.
He was such a crazy fucker! He laid me on the floor, on the table, on the bed, carried me to the washroom and finally ejaculated whiles he fucked me on the WC.
God! This is damn good! He exclaimed.
The deal is over PK, please give me the number and get going. I said with my exhausted lips.
He called out the numbers to me and dressed up.
Baaba, call me anytime, anyday, when you need my services. He teased and walked out.
To be continued...

He called out the numbers to me and dressed up.
Baaba, call me anytime, anyday when you need my services. He teased and walked out.
Damn! Because of this useless girl called Cindy, look at how this wretch has just fucked me. I swear to deal with her ruthlessly. I soliloquised.
I went to the the washroom and laid in the bath sink to wash away the poverty PK has contaminated my body with.
Just then, I remembered I had a date with the chancellor to cause his wife pain.
I quickly grabbed my phone to call him and I saw his zillion missed calls.
I returned his calls, even though it was late.
Baaba, where the hell have you been? Do you know the number of times I've called you? He asked angrily.
Calm down honey, I was fast asleep. Please forgive me. I pleaded.
Well, my wife will be traveling to the States tomorrow for a surgery, and she's returning in three months time. If you don't come now, it means our plans have failed. He said.
Alright dear, I will be right on my way. I said hastily and hanged up.
I quickly dressed up and drove out of the hostel to the chancellor's house.
Baaba, what brings you here this late? Is everything ok? The wife welcomed at the gate.
Yes Tina, everything is very fine. I'm here to see my sugar daddy. I responded.
How dare you address me as Tina? I am old enough to be your mother if you care to know. She responded angrily.
Not at all, we are age mates, since we are sharing the same penis. I teased.
Just then, the chancellor appeared on the scene.
Baaba, welcome home, I've been waiting for you for hours. He said.
What is going on here my husband? The wife asked confusedly.
Exactly what you are seeing Tina, I am his new mistress. I responded and walked pass her into their bedroom.
The chancellor joined me and we locked the door.
Mama Tina kept banging on the door but we didn't mind her.
Tina baby, please use the guest room ok? I teased.
I could hear the woman weeping bitterly behind the door.
The chancellor began to play with my boobs.
Dear please, we can't make love today, I am very tired. I said.
Baaba, don't tell me someone has taken the lead to fuck you. He responded.
How can you say that honey, I'm just tired from today's activities on campus. I responded.
Why should you kill yourself learning when you've already earned your good grades? He asked.
Eeerrmm nothing really, I just want my colleagues to know that my hard work is what is earning me those good grades. I lied.
Anyway Baaba, just give me one round, please, I am too horny. He said and began romancing me.
Even though it felt good, I was more than tired to respond to him.
He romanced me and penetrated me deeply.
Quickly, he withdrew his penis.
Baaba, your pussy is very slippery with some fluid.
Why has it lost its tightness and friction all of a sudden?
It wasn't like this yesterday. Are you sure nobody has fucked you today? He asked in a bit of anger.
I don't know what you are talking about honey, but please, if my pussy is too loose for you today, kindly give me anal sex. I responded to cover up.
That's my girl! Anal sex is damn good. Have you ever done it before? He asked happily.
No please, today is my first time. I responded unhappily.
He turned my face down on the bed and began fucking.
It was a hell of pain. I screamed so loud in pain.
My husband, please don't tell me you are making love to that small girl, please don't tell me that. Mama Tina screamed behind the door.
We ignored her and continuously fucked.
I groaned in pain whiles the chancellor moaned in pleasure.
The next morning, I could hardly walk nor stand.
What a night of two wicked penises. I thought.
I stayed in the chancellor's bedroom the whole of the day whiles he went about cooking all sorts of food for me.
The wife wept bitterly for hours and drove out of the house.
Minutes later, my mother called me.
Hello Baaba, Tina has been here. She came to report you to your father and I that you are sleeping with the husband.
She said you are currently in the house.
Your father doesn't believe it, so, he's on his way coming with her to their house to see things for himself.
If you are indeed there right now, just drive out before your father gets there. Mom said and hanged up.
I quickly dressed up and informed the chancellor about it.
I drove out of the house on top speed back to the hostel.
I freshened up and laid on my bed with a book beside me.
Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.
It was my father and Mama Tina.
Helloooo daddy and mommy, what a pleasant surprise. I pretended and ushered them into my room.
Baaba, I can see you are learning. My father said.
Yes daddy, end of semester exams is just around the corner so I've been learning without a break.
Even last night, I didn't sleep. I lied.
You are such a pathetic liar! An evil spirit, that's what you are. Mama Tina insulted.
Mama, please is everything ok? Why are you insulting me?
Daddy please talk to me, what have I said wrong? I pretended.
Baaba, Tina says you were in her home last night with her husband making love. Daddy narrated.
Me? God forbid! What kind of baseless allegation is that?
Daddy, I have never slept with anyone in my entire life. This woman simply hates me for the two times dinner I had in her home. I lied in tears.
Tina did you hear that? I know Baaba very well.
She's stubborn towards education and not things like this.
Probably you were hallucinating last night.
We went to your home to confirm your allegations and your husband was even preparing lunch for you, so why do you want to set my daughter up? Why at all do you want to tarnish her image? Daddy asked bitterly.
To be continued...
Wow! Lots of work ahead but I must finish with the chancellor tonight. I thought with smiles.
Later in the evening, I called the chancellor and we met in one of our usual hotels.
I refused going to his house because, I didn't want Mama Tina to have any evidence for my father.
Baaba sexy, welcome.
Let's get it started, I'm already starving for your sexy sassy classy body. He said.
Hold on a minute dear, there is something we must discuss. I said with seriousness.
Talk to me Baaba, what is it again? He asked.
Dear, can't you see your wife is not the right woman for you? A woman who dries her dirty linens outside her home.
A woman who is not capable of giving birth. Sweetheart, I suggest you break up with her for me to occupy her place as discussed. I proposed.
Baaba, I'm equally desperate to make you my Mrs but you are still in school, how are we going to make that possible? He asked.
It doesn't matter dear, I will still be with you till I complete my education. And the moment I complete, it is you and I together. I responded.
Alright Baaba, I've heard you.
I truly want to make this body of yours my permanent food. He said.
So when are you filing for divorce? I inquired.
Tomorrow Baaba, I will talk to my lawyer and get everything started tomorrow. He said.
That is alright my love, but please, you must finalise everything within a week. In fact, before we vacate. I said.
I will do exactly that Baaba, but for now, give me that ass. He responded seductively.
We romanced for a while and I gave him my ass for penetration.
It was still painful but I had to endure to see other people suffer. I thought.
I drove back to campus the next morning and mapped a strategy for Josh, Cindy's stupid boyfriend.
First of all, I must allow the bruises PK caused me in my private part heal in other to be fit enough for any subsequent surprise.
Two days later, I got a new sim card and began chatting Josh as a wrong number.
Hi friend, it's been a long time I heard from you. How have you been? I texted.
Very well, but please whom am I chatting with? He texted back.
Awwww, it's your long time friend B.B. I texted.
I'm sorry I don't know anyone by that name, I believe it's a wrong number. He replied.
I'm so sorry, please forgive me. Stay blessed and don't forget your God. I texted.
God? Are you that religious? He replied.
Yes my brother, without God, we are nothing. I love God more than anything.
Since it is a wrong number, I have to go offline now. I texted.
Please wait, I like religious ladies and I want us to be friends. He proposed.
If you say so my brother in Christ. I am more than ready. I texted happily.
Days passed, and our friendship upgraded to various levels.
I did a lot of research online for various quotations to preach his stupidity out of him.
Josh had all the time in the world for me due to the gospel I preached to him every other day on phone.
One day, he texted.
My sweet friend, my fiancee is becoming suspicious over our friendship, she feels there is something more going on.
She says I have time for you more than her. She's nagging too much for my liking.
I'm sorry to hear that my brother in Christ.
A Christian like you must not have a fiancee in the first place, but probably, God brought me into your life to make you see the light.
God is speaking directly to my spirit that, your woman is evil, and as such, is preventing you from listening to the word of God. I replied happily.
Jesus! There are lots of things God is telling me right now, but they are too horrible to even tell you. I added.
This is serious! Can I please call you? He texted.
I'm currently leading a church service, I will call you when I close. I replied.
In the evening, I put a handkerchief in my mouth to disguise my voice.
Hello brother Josh, peace be unto you. I greeted.
And you too sister B.B.
Please talk to me, what did you say God told you? He asked worriedly.
Hmmm brother Josh, your woman is an atrocious lady.
Can you believe she is a lesbian?
Can you believe she sleeps with another woman right under your nose on campus? I explained.
Blood of Jesus! Sister B.B, are you sure?
Are you very sure about this? He asked in shock.
God told me that, the lady she sleeps with is called Benson something something. You can verify from your lady herself. I said with all seriousness.
To be continued...

Atrocities season one episode 16- End of season 1
16/06/2017 04:05:27 PM: Anckorlanious: A True Story by Miss Lincy Gyamfi, CEO, "Love & Relationship Mall" on facebook
You can verify from your lady herself. I said with all seriousness.
Secondly, God told me that, she started doing that when she was in Senior High School. 
Brother Josh, you can confront her, if she denies, confront her friend the Benson something something. I added.
Eeeeiii God! Cindy has killed me! 
So I've been sharing her with another woman all these while? Aaaaahhh! He screamed in pain.
Take heart brother Josh, just confront her and get back to me. I will call you back tomorrow. I said and hanged up.
I burst into laughter. 
Hahahahhahahaha! Cindy is in trouble. 
She has not seen anything yet. I soliloquised.
Early the next morning, Josh called me. 
I quickly put a handkerchief in my mouth and answered.
Peace be upon your life my brother. To what do I owe this early morning call? I asked politely.
Sister B.B, I confronted her last night when she visited me. 
She said she was only doing it back at senior high School but she stopped. She said she has never done it with her friend so if I like I can ask her. He explained.
Hmmm brother Josh, alright then, go ahead and ask her friend. 
What if her friend says is true, what are you going to do? I asked.
I will break up with her as directed by God. I can't marry such an evil spirit. He responded angrily.
Sister B.B, please let me talk to her friend and come. He said and hanged up.
I quickly switched off the phone and waited patiently for Josh in my hostel. 
Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.
Please come in. I responded. 
It was Cindy in misery.
How may I help you Cindy? 
Why are you wearing this face? I asked.
Baaba, the worst has happened to me. 
Can you believe a prophetess has told Josh about our engagement in lesbianism? 
Baaba, I'm finished. She explained in tears.
What! That means she has implicated me too. 
God! My image will be tarnished. I'm doomed oooo I'm doomed. I acted in pain. 
So what did you tell Josh? I asked.
Of course I denied it. What else could I have done? 
Please, he might confront you, if he does, deny it too. 
I don't ever want to loose him. She said.
Cindy, I know how much you love Josh, but the truth is that, nothing good comes easy. 
If indeed, you want me to lie to Josh to save your relationship, then I must sleep with you for the last time, or else, I will confess. I threatened.
Oh Baaba please, don't do this to me. Please! She said.
Come on Cindy, you deserve some love at this painful moment of your life. Let me wipe your tears away. I said and began touching her breasts. 
She succumbed to my request and began moaning.
I excused her and went to the washroom to text Josh. 
Hello brother Josh, God has revealed to me that, your fiancee is currently making love with her friend in her room, please be fast and go and catch them red handed.
Alright sister, I'm currently on my way. He replied.
Please don't knock when you get there. I texted and switched off the phone.
Baaba, what were you doing this long time in the washroom? I have lectures this morning so please be fast about it. Cindy said.
Sorry Cindy, I went to brush my teeth. I lied.
I slowly and gently stripped her naked. 
I did same for myself and climbed up on her.
I began rubbing my boobs against hers. 
She moaned in pleasure.
Aaaahh Baaba! You are killlllllllllllllling me! Mmmm! 
I miss this!
Leave Josh and come for me baby! You deserve the best. 
Oooouuuuuccchhhhh! Aaaahhhh! I moaned too.
I stood up from her and began licking her. 
She groaned heavily.
I'm cummiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg! Ooooooouuuuucccccchhhhhh Baaba!
Just then, my door opened and it was Josh. 
I quickly stood up and covered myself with a cloth.
Cindy screamed in shock. 
Josh! What are you doing here? She asked confusedly.
You are such a disappointment Cindy! I never knew it was true after all. Just last night, you were in my room denying everything. My God will punish you. Josh cursed in tears.
I'm sorry Josh! I can explain. Cindy pleaded in tears.
There is nothing to explain Cindy, it is over between us. 
If you dare come to my hostel again, I will tell the whole wide world the beast you are. Josh threatened.
And to you Baaba, if this is what you call class, then I must say class is indeed classless. He said to me.
Walk the bloody hell out of my room Mr lover boy. 
Walk out! I yelled.
He walked out almost in tears.
Cindy baby, stop crying ok? 
I will be here for you when you need me. I said whiles hugging her.
Leave me alone Baaba! You are the cause of all these. 
She yelled and dressed up and walked out on me.
Haaaaa! What a relief. 
Second target achieved. 
Baaba, you are such a genius. I said to myself.
To be continued... 

Haaaaa! What a relief. 
Second target achieved. 
Baaba, you are such a genius. I said to myself.
I switched the phone on and waited patiently for Josh's call. 
Minutes later, he called.
Hello sister B.B, I've been trying your line several times but it was not going through. He complained.
I'm sorry about that brother Josh, I was in a meeting with my church members. I responded.
Sister B.B, I must say your God is a true God. Can you believe I caught my fiancee red handed in the act as you told me in the morning? 
I just couldn't believe my eyes my sister, as I speak to you, I am tearing apart. 
I have an exam to write next week but I don't think I can even learn for the papers. He explained in tears.
I'm sorry for all your pain brother Josh, please take heart. 
My God just told me to tell you that, you shouldn't sit for the exams next week, else you will fail everything. 
He says that, you should resit for the papers after your wounds are healed, and he's going to make sure you get distinction. I said.
Alright sister B.B, I will pack my things and leave this campus tomorrow. 
Can you give me your location so that I come there for prayers? He inquired.
It's rather unfortunate I have a flight this evening to South Africa for a seminar, I promise to call you when I come back. I responded.
That's no problem sister, I will be waiting for you. He responded in tears.
Alright brother Josh, please pull yourself together and leave the campus tomorrow as directed by God. I said and hanged up.
Useless boy, you think you are smart. 
No one messes up with me and go free. 
I've destroyed your relationship and your education as well. Your stay on campus this semester is useless. Son of a bitch! I soliloquised in insults.
Quickly, I removed the sim card and destroyed it.
Now, back to the chancellor. 
I called him and he answered. 
Hello Baaba, I'm in a family meeting, I will call you later. He said.
In the evening after my sumptuous supper from an expensive restaurant, I had a call from the chancellor.
Hello Baaba, come to my house right now, I have a surprise for you. He said happily.
Your house? Where is your wife? I asked.
Baaba, stop asking questions and come. He responded.
I quickly drove off to his house. 
Welcome to your home my future wife. 
Tina has finally packed out. He welcomed happily.
Wow! This is great news! 
Can't wait to wear your ring on my finger. I exclaimed happily.
We made love that night till the next morning.
I stayed in his home till the following week when we were writing our exams.
I got to the hostel, freshened up and looked good for my afternoon first paper.
Just when I was stepping out, Cindy walked in. 
Baaba, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. She said.
Is there any problem Cindy? I asked.
No Baaba, just that, I miss you. 
I've been horny and I wanted you to fuck me. She responded seductively.
I'm your refuge now right? You only ran to me when your foolish boyfriends dump your sorry ass.
Anyway Baaba, I have a paper this afternoon and I must get to campus to read my books. I responded harshly.
She stripped naked and blocked my way. 
Baaba, tell me you don't want this. Tell me you don't wanna fuck this body. She whispered seductively.
I became speechless. 
She got closer to me and held my ass firmly. 
She began rubbing her boobs against mine.
Stop it Cindy! I gathered all the courage and yelled. 
I don't need your stupid lesbianism anymore, I have a fiance who is willing to fuck me several times as I want in a day.
Now listen to me, you are used and dumped, I don't ever want to see you in this room again. 
My time in your life has expired. I said and pushed her out of my room and locked it.
Days passed and I was done with my first semester.
Baaba, how are we going to meet, now that we've vacated? The chancellor asked.
I will try my possible best to get in touch. 
Though my father is strict, I promise to do anything possible to come to your house. I assured.
I packed up and drove off from the hostel. 
Just when I got to campus, I saw Fosu on phone beside his car.
I quickly pulled over and walked towards him. 
He also ended the call when he saw me.
Hello Baaba, how are you? He asked.
Very well Fosu, I just want to remind you that, we have a fucking deal to strike next semester. I said.
Why don't we make it right now if you are ready? He responded.
Bingo!!! Fosu, you are the real deal! I tell you, you are the pussy surpriser! The pussy swallower! I mean, the real pussy Don! I exclaimed happily.
To be continued... 

Top of Form
Bingo!!! Fosu, you are the real deal! You are the pussy surpriser! The pussy swallower! I mean, the real pussy Don! I exclaimed happily.
Wow Baaba, all these names for me? You don't cease to amaze me. He responded playfully. 
Anyway, let's get going, my fiancee is in her hostel packing up her things, I must finish with you as soon as possible and come back to pick her. He added.
Fosu, does your fiancee stay in this town? I inquired.
Yes she does, she is the daughter of a member of parliament too. She is a lady of class and standard. He bragged.
That sounds nice, but she doesn't look like a rich man's daughter. She looks too broke. I responded bitterly.
Hahahahahahaha Baaba, class speaks less. 
Class is not glamour, class is decency. 
Her class is classy and not as classless as yours. He responded.
Fosu come on, you don't have to insult me because of a common 10 minutes sex, besides, my father is equally rich and famous. I responded in a bit of anger.
Chill Baaba, why are we still here having this unpleasant conversation when we should actually be on our way to fuck ourselves to stupor? Now get your fine ass into that car and let's get going.. He responded and joined my car.
Why are we using my car instead of yours Fosu? I asked.
My fiancee might step out of the hostel soon and I don't want her to know I have gone back to town, I want her to know I'm around. He responded.
We soon got into his house and he carried me from the car into his room. 
I felt pampered and winning.
Fosu please get me water, I'm thirsty. I tricked.
He quickly walked out and I quickly sat up to set up my camera to video everything and show it to his fiancee.
Minutes later, he joined me with the water. 
I took the glass and placed it beside the bed. 
Come on here Fosu, come to mama. I said seductively.
Slowly, he walked up to me and began kissing me from my feet. 
I felt a sharp spasm of need.
He gently unbuttoned my dress one by one with a deep stare into my eyes. 
I could simply breath less.
My body surged into his and I began begging him for a penetration. 
Fosu please fuck me, Mmmmm fuck me! I can't stand your classy romance, Aaaaahhh! Ooouuuucchhh!
I pleaded softly whiles trying to force his dick into my pussy.
Chill Baaba, every hole will get it's share. 
It is not yet the turn of your pussy, let me handle your mouth first. He teased.
My legs were too weak, Fosu was indeed a pussy sinner. 
I moaned with a shattering climax.
He kissed me slowly for minutes and gently took possession of my plumped boobs. 
He sucked them with a shock wave of pleasure.
I could neither breath nor talk. 
Wow, it feels so good to make love with a rich spoilt guy. 
Even when the love making goes wrong, you quickly divert your mind towards his rich bank account and you will instantly see him like a porn star. 
Everything he does will look perfect.
Even if he cuts your boobs with a knife, you will feel like he is replacing them with gold. I thought.
Fosu went deeper and deeper into romancing me. 
Finally, he broke the silence.
Baaba, say Yaaaaaayyyyyy! He said playfully.
Yaaaaaayyyyyy! I responded with smiles.
Now it is time for my golden dick to enter your bronze pussy. 
It is your turn to taste what you've been praying and fasting for. He said.
Your golden dick indeed! Hurry up and let me show the video to your fiancee. Your happiness must graduate to pain. I thought.
Fosu sneaked into my fragile heart with his deep and hard penetration. 
I screamed out so loud. 
Aaaaaaaahhhhh Fosu, this is tooooooo goooooood! Mmmmmmmmm!
He gave me a long slow ride of delight until he finally spilled his seed into my fertile land.
We both gave a loud sound of delightful completion. 
Ooooooouuuuucccccchhhhhh! I came. We both chorused.
I laid down quietly for a while and he did same.
Tell me Baaba, how did it go? He asked.
Simply perfect Fosu. Every rich guy fucks good.
If his dick is small, his account is huge. Unlike poor guys, if his dick is small, his account is equally small, and you end up not reaching orgasm. I responded playfully.
You are crazy Baaba. Anyway, let's get into the washroom and shower, you must take me back to campus to pick up my fiancee. He said.
Take the lead into the washroom Fosu, I will join you soon. I responded.
He walked into the washroom and I quickly picked the camera into my handbag. 
I snooped through his phone and picked his fiancee's number from it.
Useless boy, you think you can flex muscles on me and eventually fuck me for free. 
You have fucked me, and I am going to screw you. I thought happily.
I joined him in the shower and we both hurried back to dress up. 
I drove him on top speed back to campus.
Thanks for the presidential fuck Fosu, we shall soon meet at the rewarding side of it. I said mischievously and drove away.
Wow, third target about to be achieved. 
My name is Baaba Benson, the daughter of the renowned lawyer Benson Hayford. No one messes up with me and go free.
I will take my revenge on every pain anyone causes me except a mosquito bite. I thought happily as I drove home.
To be continued... 

I will take my revenge on every pain anyone causes me except a mosquito bite. I thought happily as I drove home.
Helloooo my daughter! You are most welcome home. Mom welcomed.
Mom, I'm famished, is there something to eat in this house? I asked.
Yes my dearest, the maids have prepared your favorite food. 
Vegetable jollof rice with salad. Mom responded and called one of them to serve me.
I could see unhappiness written all over the faces of the maids. 
They were really scared of me because I was a no nonsense person.
Welcome home madam Baaba. One of them greeted.
Thank you. Have you cleaned up my room already? I asked.
No please, mummy didn't tell us about your coming. She responded in fear.
Hurry up and get the place cleaned. 
Make sure you lay the bed nicely. I don't want to see any creases. I instructed.
She run into my room to get the cleaning done.
Mom came to sit beside me and we started with the catch ups. 
Baaba, how was school? She asked.
School was very boring mom. Almost all the guys on campus are broke, except one of them. I responded.
Really? Did he show any interest in you? Mom asked.
No mom, I didn't want any man to distract my studies so I gave him blind eyes. I lied.
That's good of you my pretty girl. 
Anyway tell me, how did you handle the disrespectful chancellor's wife Tina? I learnt she and the husband have even separated. Mom inquired.
Yes mom, I put her where she rightly belonged. 
The truth is that, I snatched the husband from her and caused their separation. I confessed.
That sounds marvelous Baaba! You are such a smart girl and I trust you for that. 
Mummy said happily and hugged me.
So tell me Baaba, how are you going to handle the chancellor, now that he's single? Will you marry him? Mom asked.
Over my dead body mom! Marry such an old man? What for? I responded teasingly.
Mom, what I'm going to do is that, I will use him for my good grades and dump him immediately after graduation. I said.
That's my girl. You are smarter than that sister of yours who call herself a descent lady. Mom said.
That reminds me mom, where is she? Is she really done with school? I asked.
Yes my daughter, she's done with school. 
Not long ago, she brought a man into this house who calls himself a pastor. 
Their mission for the visit was that, the man wants to marry her. Mom narrated.
Instantly, I lost my appetite. 
Marry a pastor? Mom! Did you approve of that? I asked.
Not at all Baaba, it is your father who did. 
I really wanted you to marry that pastor instead because he's rich, handsome and famous. Mom said.
I stood up and walked into my room with hatred. 
Baaba come back! What is it? Please come back. Mom called but I gave deaf ears to her.
She later joined me in my room to console me. 
Baaba, I know you are bitter, but trust me, you are going to marry the most handsome and powerful man on earth. 
Remember you are so beautiful to catch any man's attention. She consoled.
Alright mummy, thanks for your words. I responded.
Not long after mom left my room, Eve also came in.
Hello kid sister, welcome home. She greeted happily.
Thanks Eve, where have you been? I've been home since afternoon but there was no sign of you. I responded calmly.
Yeah that's true Baaba. I went for church service. She responded.
In your husband's church? I asked straight forwardly.
How did you know about him Baaba? I believe you and mom gossiped about me. She responded playfully.
Anyway, I was waiting for you to come back home so that I will tell you about it. 
His name is Fiifi Edward. He is a pastor. 
We are planning to tie the knot in six months time. She explained.
Congratulations my blood. I am so happy for you. I said. 
I can't wait to meet him. I added.
I will introduce you to him God willing tomorrow. 
Just don't worry. She responded and walked away to her room.
I laid down on my bed in bitterness.
Quickly, I remembered I had a contract to execute. 
I remembered to call Fosu's fiancee.
To be continued... 
Quickly, I remembered I had a contract to execute. 
I remembered to call Fosu's fiancee.
Hello dear, my name is Baaba Benson, there is something very important I want us to discuss. I said.
Yeah Baaba, I think I know you. Are you not the lady Fosu helped out with a stained dress in the restaurant some weeks back? She asked.
Sure I am the one. 
Can we meet for a very serious talk? I said.
That is no problem at all Baaba, I am currently hanging out with few friends at glitz restaurant, you can come over. She responded.
I quickly dressed up and drove out of the house. 
I called her and she showed me where she was seated.
I walked to them with shoulders high. 
Hello ladies, I greeted.
Hi Baaba, have a seat. The lady responded.
I sat down and began with my mission. 
I didn't excuse her from her friends because, I wanted to give her and Fosu the embarrassment of their lives.
Baaba, I'm listening, you said you have something to discuss with me. She said.
Sure I do dear. You know, it is unfortunate how rich classless people like you fall prey for useless sorry ass guys. I narrated.
Baaba, can you please spare me the insults and go straight forward to your mission? She cut in almost in anger.
I opened my handbag and brought out the camera. 
Now watch this. I said and pressed the play button.
They watched for minutes and burst into uncontrollable laughter. 
Madam Baaba, what has your love making with my driver got to do with me? The lady asked.
Your driver? Is Fosu your driver? I asked in shock.
Of course he is! Fosu is my driver. Why, what did he tell you? She asked.
So who owns that beautiful mansion? I asked confusedly.
It belongs to my father. My father is a minister, I hope you are aware? She responded.
Fosu told me that the house belongs to his father instead.
And he told me you are his fiancee. I responded heart brokenly.
God I'm doomed! I'm finished! So I slept with a common driver? 
So Fosu has been lying to me all these while? I lamented almost in tears.
They burst into laughter again. 
So Baaba, you thought Fosu was my fiance so you played smart in snatching him from me right? You are so shameless. The lady insulted.
Anyway, if you doubt me, let me call Fosu to come here right now, so that you can personally verify from him. She said and began dialling Fosu's number.
Fosu where are you? Come here right now. She instructed.
My head was still bowed down in shame. 
I couldn't simply control my tears from flowing.
Few minutes later, Fosu arrived at the scene.
Fosu, do you know this lady? She asked.
Yes madam. Fosu responded.
Where do you know her? And what did you tell her I am to you? She asked.
Madam, I am sorry, I told her you are my fiancee. Fosu confessed on his knees.
Why in God's name would you do that? What did you seek to achieve? The lady asked angrily.
Madam please forgive me. I only wanted to sleep with her because, she was too pompous and disrespectful. 
Anytime I drove you to school, I saw the way she used to insult every guy that approached her. 
I then decided to ride on your fame to fuck her freely. He confessed.
I quickly stood up and slapped him with pain. 
Useless guy, you dare humiliate me this way right? I will deal with you! 
I will make sure you are jailed for rape. I threatened.
You can't do that Baaba, I recorded everything we did in the room, so I have evidence that we fucked mutually. I never raped you. He responded angrily too.
What a game of two useless smart dudes. So you all recorded each other to cause yourselves pain right? I pity you. 
Now get the hell out of my sight and let me enjoy my outing. The lady yelled at us.
I ran into my car in tears and drove off. 
I wept bitterly throughout the night.
How could I fallen an easy prey for a common driver? How? I thought in tears.
To be continued... 

How could I have fallen an easy prey for a common driver? How? I thought in tears.
I laid down on my bed in bitterness till the next morning when I remembered I had another battle ahead of me.
First of all, I have to call Fosu. 
Hello Baaba, is there something I can do for you? He asked harshly.
Fosu please calm down, I am so sorry for what transpired between us yesterday, please forgive me. I apologized.
Baaba, you are too saucy, you simply need to be humble, else, every soul will plan evil for you till they see your downfall. He responded.
Thanks for the advice Fosu, but please, do me a favor. 
Kindly delete the video before it gets leaked. I pleaded.
Don't worry Baaba, I have gotten what I needed, so I won't waste my time leaking that video. 
All I need from you is to change for the better. He responded.
Thanks for the assurance Fosu, I promise to be humble as you've said. I pretended and hanged up in a bit of relief.
I quickly stood up and went to Eve's room.
Good morning sweet sister, how was your night? I asked in a mixed feeling.
My night was ok Baaba, how about yours? She asked.
Not so well Eve, I had a nightmare and I seriously need a spiritual person to pray for me. I said worriedly.
That sounds really bad Baaba, but I'm glad you are beginning to be religious.
 Just get into your room and dress up, I will soon send you to Fiifi for prayers. She responded with all seriousness.
I run to my room. Took my bath, dressed up and waited for her in the sitting room.
Baaba, where are you going this early morning. Mom asked.
Good morning mom, Eve and I are going out. I responded.
Won't you at least wait to have breakfast with your father? He came home very late last night and you were fast asleep. Mom said.
I will see him later in the day mom. What Eve and I are going to do is equally important. I responded.
Eve joined me in minutes and we drove off in her car to Pastor Fiifi's house.
We finally arrived in the house.
Wow! Such a beautiful house it was.
Eve, your husband's house is very beautiful. I complimented.
Thank you Baaba, so is his heart, very beautiful and pleasing to God. She responded.
We entered the house finally and the man of God came down from upstairs to meet us.
Good morning family, shall we pray? Fiifi said.
We shared words of prayers before we began the conversation.
Eeerrrmm Pastor Fii, please meet my kid sister Baaba. Eve introduced.
Welcome to my humble home Baaba, I am very delighted to meet you finally. 
Eve always talks about you. She said she has a lively sister who is going to be her chief bridesmaid during our wedding. He said with smiles.
Wow, this man is naturally handsome. 
Just look at his lips, his eyes, his nose. 
How I wish I am the one he is going to get married to. I thought.
Helloooo Baaba, are you with us? Pastor Fii is talking to you but you seem absent minded. Eve interrupted.
I'm sorry Eve, just that I'm a bit worried about the dream I had tonight. I responded.
Let's get talking Baaba, what dream did you have? Pastor Fiifi asked.
Eve, I'm a bit shy of you, can you please excuse me? I requested.
Sure dear. Eve responded and excused us.
Now talk to me Baaba, I'm all ears. Fiifi said.
Pastor, I had a dream that, I was walking at the beach in a bikini, showing off my curves and my sexy body. I got to a place and decided to lay down and admire nature. 
Pastor, I laid down staring into the blue beautiful skies, just then, I saw a masculine handsome man like you coming towards my direction.
Pastor, before I knew what was happening, the man was laying on top of me. 
He whispered into my ears how beautiful and sexy I was. He slowly removed my brazier and began to suck my soft and firm boobs. 
After minutes of doing that, he slowly inserted his fingers into my already wet pussy and began fingering me.
Pastor, after minutes of that pleasure, he penetrated me deeply and began to fuck me. 
Mmmmm Baaba! You are the sweetest woman in the world, you are the tightest woman on earth. He complimented.
We fucked for so many minutes before he finally ejaculated. 
He then asked me if I will marry him but I turned him down.
When he was finally walking away, he said "Baaba, any man that will marry you has really gotten an asset"
And I responded to him that "Yes I know that already. God has even told me that I will marry a pastor"
Pastor, I'm so confused about this dream, please what does it really mean? I asked seductively.
Pastor Fiifi was still staring at my face after I finished talking.
To be continued... 

Pastor Fiifi was still staring at my face after I finished talking.
Hello pastor, are you with me? I asked.
Yes yes Baaba, I am very well with you. I was only thinking through what you just told me. 
Eerrrmm Baaba, in your narration, you said that the man said you have a sexy body, am I right? He asked.
Hmmm pastor, I'm even shy. 
Yes it is true I said that. Mom keeps telling me that I have the most beautiful and sexy curves every man will wish for. I responded.
And again Baaba, you said you told the man you will marry a pastor. Have you ever wished for that? He asked.
Yes Pastor Fiifi. It has always been my dream to marry a pastor and do the work of the Lord. I responded.
Alright Baaba, we will have to pray towards all these. 
If someone admires your body in a dream, it means the person is spiritually attached to you, so we seriously have to pray to break that bondage.
And about you wanting to marry a pastor, it is a call and not a choice. We will equally have to pray towards that if that is what God has destined. He explained.
So what do we do now Pastor? When should I start coming for the prayers? I asked.
Baaba, the church is always ready to receive you. 
Our doors are always opened. You only have to make up your mind to talk to your God as many times as you want. 
You can come to the church anytime and any day. He responded.
Pastor will I please meet you in the church anytime I come? I asked.
Not all times Baaba, most times, I go for evangelism and seminars. But don't you worry, my junior pastors are always available. He responded.
Alright pastor, I promise to be prayerful from now on. Can I please have your number in other to call you in times of studying the scriptures? I asked humbly.
Yeah sure Baaba. He responded and called out the numbers to me.
Pastor Fiifi, please promise not to tell my sister what we've just discussed. I really shy her. I said.
Don't worry Baaba, your sister is even not one of those inquisitive ladies, she won't even ask. He responded.
Pastor Fiifi called my sister back to join us. We had several minutes of chats.
Sweetheart, let me get into the kitchen and prepare something for you. Eve told Pastor Fiifi.
Alright dear, let me give you a helping hand. He responded and joined Eve in the kitchen.
God, I can't wait to get a man like this. God fearing, loving, handsome, rich and famous. I thought.
An hour later, they invited me to the dinning hall. 
They had prepared Vegetable stew with spaghetti. 
I ate the food with thoughts whiles Pastor Fiifi and Eve ate happily with love.
We left there and came back home. 
Baaba, where have the two of you been? Mom asked.
Mom, this is sisters affair, we went out for personal stuff. I teased.
Yes mom, allow us to keep this one a secret. Eve added playfully.
Daddy returned from work that evening with lots of kebabs and drinks. 
Where are my beautiful daughters? Daddy is home. He called out.
We run from our various rooms to embrace him. 
We sat down together as a family and had fun.
Baaba, has your sister informed you she will soon get married? Daddy asked.
Yes daddy, I am solidly behind her. I responded.
That's great, I pray you also bring a descent man home after school. 
I am proud of how the two of you have been able to maintain your virginities till now. Daddy said boastfully.
Mummy stared at my face and gave a half smile.
To be continued... 

Mummy stared at my face and gave a half smile.
I smiled and winked her back.
Days passed and I intensified my spirituality. I went to Pastor Fiifi's church regularly.
Every Sunday and weekdays, morning and evening services.
Baaba, I'm very happy you have become this prayerful, without prayers the devil will always overcome us. Eve complimented.
It is rather unfortunate that, I have to be helping mom in her supermarket since I am done with school. 
Because of that, I can't be going to church during the weekdays like you do, but please, remember me in prayers anytime you go. She added.
Anything for you Eve. I know you are busy that's why I am praying on your behalf. I responded.
One day, I went for evening service and pastor Fiifi was not there. 
After the church service, I decided to check up on him in his house since the church was not far from where he stayed.
Hello Baaba, what a pleasant surprise. He exclaimed and ushered me into the house.
I'm sorry for bumping into you this late pastor, but I didn't see you in church today, so I asked one of the junior pastors and I was informed that you are not feeling well. So I decided to check up on you. I narrated.
That is thoughtful of you Baaba, but it is nothing serious. I was just stressed up and I needed a little time to rest. He explained.
Before he landed, it started raining heavily.
That's ok Pastor, I must get going. I said and stood up.
Baaba, it is raining and I can't allow you to walk in the rain into your car, please allow it to subside. He suggested.
Alright then, let me stay. I responded quickly.
Let me call Eve and tell her you are here with me. He said.
No Pastor, you don't have to do that. I didn't in the first place tell her I was coming here, she might not be happy. I responded.
Why won't she be happy Baaba? She is your sister, and her home is your home. Besides, Eve doesn't think evil. Pastor Fiifi said.
The truth is that, she asked me to do something for her in the house which I didn't do because I was running late for the service. 
She will ask me why I didn't come home to do it immediately I closed. I explained.
I understand you Baaba, let's wait for the rain to subside so that you can go. He responded unhappily.
The rain kept intensifying. 
I sat in the sofa pretending to be dozing.
Baaba, the rain is not stopping anytime soon from the look of things, let me give you something to cover yourself so that you can walk into the car. Pastor Fiifi suggested.
Pastor, I am feeling so cold and I don't know what will happen to me on the way. 
Please let me call and inform my family that because of the rain I will be a bit late to the house. I said and walked into the corridor pretending to be talking to the family. 
Minutes later, I came back to sit down.
Baaba what was their response. Pastor asked.
They are cool with it as far as I am with you. I responded.
I kept stealing glances at Pastor Fiifi but he was so much focused on the television.
Finally, the rain subsided and he asked me to go. 
Baaba, I think you can go now. He said.
Yes I can, thanks for your time. I responded unhappily.
Just when I stepped out, I pretended to have fallen heavily on the floor.
I screamed out so loud in pain and Pastor Fiifi rushed to help me up.
Baaba, are you hurt? Talk to me. He asked worriedly.
Yes I am pastor, my leg, my ribs, I can't sit nor stand.
He walked me back into the house. 
Baaba, let me call your sister? He said worriedly and grabbed his phone.
No Pastor, she will be too worried. 
Please just apply some ointment for me and let me start going. I said in pain.
He rushed to his room and brought out an ointment for the massage. 
I screamed so loud in pain.
I began to fly my legs apart showing him my pussy.
To be continued... 

I began flying my legs apart showing him my pussy.
I could see him stealing glances at it. 
I flew it so wide in pain.
Baaba, I think it's OK. He said and stopped.
Pastor, the leg is ok but my ribs is hurting really bad. I can't breathe properly, please help me. I pleaded almost in tears.
How do I massage your rib when you are wearing a straight dress Baaba? I think we should go to the hospital instead of this. He said unhappily.
No Pastor, that is a long process, I might even die before we get there. 
Please give me a towel so that I can remove my dress for you to massage it for me. Please don't watch me to die. I pleaded in tears.
He brought the towel in fear and excused me as I undressed. 
I later called him and he came back to massage me.
I pulled down the towel a bit and he had access to my ribs. 
I held him so tight in pain and tears.
Pastor easy! Please easy. It is painful, please easy. I moaned in pain.
In the course of the massage and my inability to stand the pain, the towel totally fell off.
Pastor Fiifi stared at me in shock and yelled. 
What is happening here Baaba!
It isn't my fault Pastor, the pain is too much to bear, please don't be angry with me. I pleaded.
He angrily stood up to excuse me.
I grabbed him tight with my boobs touching him.
He struggled to free himself from my arms but I held him so tight.
As if by magic, we began kissing deeply.
I held him so tight in other not to allow him go. 
I began touching his cock through his trouser.
He groaned in pleasure and hesitancy. 
Baaba please stop. This is not right, Mmmmm! Ooouuuucchhh! Pleeeeeaaase stop.
I continuously rubbed my hand on his cock until I finally pushed him into the sofa. 
I quickly removed his cock and began sucking it.
Aaaaahhh Baaba! Please don't do this! I am almost marrying your sister. Mmmmm! Aaaaahhh!
Come on baby, tell me you don't want this! Tell me this is not sweet! I whispered seductively.
Quickly, I stood up and sat on his erected cock. 
He screamed out so loud in ecstasy. 
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Baaaaaaaaaaaba! You are killlllllllllllllling meeeeeeeeee!
I gave him a crazy ride of fun.
I fucked him so hard and fast for minutes until I convulsed with orgasm while he seizured with ejaculation.
I stood up from his dick and tried to cuddle him. 
Stop it Baaba! What have we done! He yelled.
What does it seem Pastor? We just made love. I responded.
You must be crazy Baaba! You and who made love? Are you aware you've just raped me? He asked.
I burst into laughter. 
Hahahahah Pastor! Rape? You are so funny. I teased.
Baaba, do you realize I am a pastor? Do you realize your sister and I are getting married? He asked angrily.
Not anymore Pastor Fiifi. 
You ain't getting married to Eve anymore, you will rather be getting married to me. I responded sarcastically.
Baaba you can't do this to me! It is your sister I love, not you. He said.
Pastor Fiifi or whatever you call yourself, what is good for the goose is equally good for the gander. 
It is me you must marry, and not my sister. I responded angrily.
As you can see, it is late, let me get going, I promise to be back tomorrow for the marriage plans. 
Please don't play smart with me, because if you do, I will charge you for rape, and my father will throw you into jail. I said and began dressing up.
Baaba, my God will punish you! You are so evil. Evil resides in your heart! He cursed in tears.
Yes I know Pastor, that is why you must marry me to cast it out for me. I responded teasingly and walked out.
I got to the house a bit late and Eve was still awake.
Baaba, you've so much delayed, what happened? She asked.
My sister, you should have been in the church today to see the miracles that happened. 
Your husband is so powerful. He kept screaming for heaven to hear his voice. He groaned and moaned to the Holy Spirit that descended upon him, and finally, he casted out demons that had existed for centuries. 
Eve, in fact, you have gotten a husband. I narrated.
Eeeiii Baaba! You are so funny. Groaned and moaned to the Holy Spirit? I see. 
Anyway, get some sleep and let me call my husband. She said.
Your husband indeed! Useless girl. I insulted in thoughts.
I hid behind her, eavesdropping their conversation. 
Hello Pastor Fii, Baaba has really complimented the church service today . 
She said you are so good at everything. Eve said.
Yes Eve, we give all glory to God. I overheard Fiifi responding.
Sweetheart, you don't sound ok, please is everything alright with you? Eve asked.
I am very fine Eve, just that I'm a bit tired. Fiifi responded.
Alright my husband, rest for me, I will try and see you on Sunday. Eve responded and hanged up.
I run into my room and freshened up to sleep.
Thank you God for making me win Pastor Fiifi's love. He will soon be my husband. I thought.
To be continued... 

Thank you God for making me win Pastor Fiifi's love. He will soon be my husband. I thought.
Early the next morning, I received a call from Pastor Fiifi. 
Hello sexy sassy boo, tell me you are missing me. I said.
Baaba, I called to let you know that you've distant me from my God and I will never forgive you for that. He responded angrily.
Calm down baby, I will come over for us to talk. You need to make my father know about your change of mind to marry me instead of Eve. I said.
Baaba, don't you dare step your sinful foot in my house, or else. He threatened.
Will you shut up there! Whom do you think you are? Why should you shout at me when you and I enjoyed the act. 
I gave you a free blow job you paid nothing for, and there you are giving me unnecessary attitude.
Listen to me carefully Fiifi, I have even changed my plans of coming to your house. I am driving to my father's office to tell him everything that happened between you and I last night. 
I promise to throw you into jail. I threatened and hanged.
He kept calling me severally but I refused to answer. 
He then sent me an sms. 
"Baaba, please don't tell your father anything, please come home and let's talk."
I quickly dressed up in my sexy silky short dress and drove off to his house.
He was seated miserably in his sitting room when I got there.
Helloooo my husband to be, why are you looking this miserable? I asked.
Baaba, thank God you are here, please I hope you've not told anyone about what is happening? He asked sadly.
Not yet baby, I will only do that when you prove stubborn. I responded.
Please don't do anything to hurt me, if you do, my career will be at stake. My reputation will be dragged into the mud. The media won't spare me. He pleaded.
Just do what is right baby, and I promise to handle the rest to make sure you are safe. I responded.
Baaba please talk to me, what exactly do you want? What can I do to erase all these? He asked almost in tears.
I stood up and stood closely in front of him. 
Sweetheart, as I stand here, I am more than horny, the only thing you can do for me is to lick me to stupor. I responded and raised my dress to pants level.
Baaba please hold it. Are you saying if I lick you, you will leave everything behind us? He asked.
Sure baby, just go ahead and do it, but make sure you don't chew my clit, because it is too sweet like a toffee. I responded and stripped naked.
I laid down in the sofa with my legs widely opened. 
Come on baby, come to Mama. I whispered.
He stood up with tears in his eyes and began licking me.
Indeed, Fiifi was a pastor. He just didn't know how to even lick me for me to cum.
Fiifi, do it well, you are failing. I teased.
Baaba, I've never done this before. You are the first woman I've ever slept with. He responded in a trembling voice.
Alright then, just stop it. Your teeth is causing bruises down there. I responded and dressed up.
Baaba, please, are you ready to let everything go? He asked.
No Fiifi, since you couldn't complete the licking task, I can't let everything go.
 Now listen to me, you and I are going to marry. Just come over to my house in three days, and declare your intention of marrying me instead of Eve.
Fiifi, don't ever play smart with me, because if you do, I will charge you for rape. 
I will announce on every media platform that, Pastor Fiifi Edward is a rapist. I threatened and drove away.
Fiifi called me on phone several times and shed tears.
Fiifi, there is nothing your tears can do for you, just come into my house and make our marriage intentions known to my parents. I yelled.
To be continued... 

Fiifi, there is nothing your tears can do for you, just come into my house and make our marriage intentions known to my parents. I yelled.
On the third day, Eve came into my room. 
Baaba, you've not been going to church lately, is everything alright? She asked.
Everything is very fine my sister. The reality is that, when your tummy is full, you still don't go ahead to eat. 
The short of the long talk is that, God has answered my prayer and I am contempt with it. 
I won't bombard his ears with more requests. I responded.
Wow! That sounds like a real good news. 
Anyway, tell me about it. She said.
You will soon know about it Eve, just slow down. I responded.
After Eve left my room, I called Fiifi. 
Hello husbee, I hope you remember today is the last day to come and ask for my hand in marriage. I asked.
Baaba, please, don't do this to me, I'm begging you. He responded.
Fiifi, don't play smart with me, I give you from now till 6pm, if you don't show up, I will personally walk to a radio station to blow your cover. 
And now listen, today is Saturday so my parents are home, you can come anytime you are ready. I said and hanged up.
I waited impatiently for Fiifi. 
At exactly 5pm, he showed up.
Daddy called us into the sitting room. 
Eeerrrm my daughters and my wife, Pastor Fiifi says he's here because of us all. That's why I've called you all here. Daddy explained.
You are welcome once again Pastor Fiifi, please let's hear you. Daddy said.
Fiifi sat down for more than a minute before he finally broke the silence. 
Daddy and mummy, please I'm here with regards to my marriage plans with Eve. He said.
Eheh, what about it? We are all ears. Mom cut in desperately.
Mom, I'm sorry to announce to you that I can no longer marry Eve. Fiifi concluded.
What! Why the sudden change of mind? Fiifi why? Eve broke down in tears.
My father consoled her.
Now talk to us Pastor Fiifi Edward, what wrong has my daughter done to you? Daddy asked almost in anger.
Daddy, Eeerrrm, I have fallen in love with another woman and that woman is within this same household. He responded hestistantly.
Fiifi, you are getting me confused. Is it one of my maids? Mom asked.
No mom, it is Baaba! He responded boldly.
I quickly jumped onto my feet. 
What! Fiifi are you mad? How can you quit my sister and marry me? 
Fiifi, that is an abomination and if you care to know, I can't be part of that Atrocity! I am a born again Christian and I won't allow sinners like you to be a stumbling block to my blessings. I acted innocent to implicate Fiifi.
But Baaba...... Fiifi tried speaking.
Will you shut up you shameless thing who calls himself a pastor. 
You think you can bring enmity between two blood sisters right? You lie bad!
 Now if you really know what is good for you, walk out of my house before I call the police to arrest a criminal like you. Daddy yelled angrily.
Fiifi stood up in tears and trembling lips and drove out of the house.
Eve was buried in tears and I continuously consoled her.
Stop crying my sister, Fiifi is just not the right man for you. You will soon find your Mr Right. 
Eve, I promise to stand by you and never to cause you pain. I consoled.
Late in the night when everyone was sleeping, mom came into my room. 
Baaba, were you part of the drama that happened in this house today? Did you know anything about it? She asked.
Yes mom. I made the guy fall in love with me and I decided to disgrace him. I responded shyly.
You are so smart my beautiful girl. 
I just knew you were up to something when you began frequenting his church. 
Anyway, it serves the both of them right. 
Just sleep for me. Mom congratulated and walked out.
Such a supportive mom I have. I love her to the moon and back.
Not long after mom had left, I had a call from the love doctor, Pastor Fiifi Edward.
To be continued... 

Not long after mom had left, I had a call from the love Pastor Fiifi Edward.
Hello Fiifi, what do you want from me? I asked.
Baaba, so you deliberately planned to separate your sister and I right? 
You planned everything to make you look like a good girl before your family right? Baaba, I assure you that, the God that I serve won't let you go free. 
He knows my heart and he knows I ain't evil like you. 
God knows that I am only human and I make mistakes ,so I will go down on my knees in prayers and he will forgive me, but I assure you that, if you don't repent, you will go through more intense pain than you've caused your sister and I. He cursed.
Fiifi, it's unfortunate how a grown up man like you could be stupid and senseless.
Anyway, what matters is you've been casted out from my family like a spell. 
Never try telling anyone about it because if you do, you will be thrown into jail. I responded and hanged up.
I burst out in laughter. 
Wow, I am mummy's smartest girl. I thought.
Days later, the chancellor started calling me. 
Hello Baaba, haven't you missed your future husband? He asked.
Awwww my future husband, I've been very busy worshipping God. I responded.
When are we meeting Baaba, my home is too empty. No one to cook, wash nor clean for me. He said sadly.
I'm sorry about that dear, I can only see you after vacation. Daddy is very strict on me. 
Kindly get a maid and let her do the cleaning for you. I responded and hanged up.
Eve was still sick due to her distorted marriage plans. 
I stayed by her almost all the time, consoling her.
Baaba, there is something I want to ask you. Eve said. 
Baaba, the very day you told me God had answered your prayers was the same bloody day Fiifi came into this house to ask for your hand in marriage. 
Baaba, did these two incidents had a link, or it was a mere coincidence? She asked.
Awww my sister, how would I have known Fiifi had fallen in love with me? 
The truth is that, I received a call from the chancellor that I had made good grades in my end of semester exams.
Eve, please listen to me, I love you too much to hurt you. 
I can never be interested in your man. I explained with tears in my eyes.
I'm sorry for thinking bad for you Baaba, please don't cry, just let it go. Eve consoled.
Weeks passed into months and it was time for school again. 
I informed dad and mom and they gave me huge amount of money to do massive shopping.
From classy shoes to classy clothes and jewels. 
I went to mom's supermarket and picked all the needed provisions.
Daddy sat all of us down as a family and advised us.
Baaba, be a good girl as you are going to school and don't forget to keep your virginity till marriage.
I am also glad to inform you that, your sister Eve will be travelling to the States to do her masters program in other to help heal her wounds. Daddy said.
That sounds great daddy, but please promise you will do same for me after school. I requested.
I will my daughter, just be a good girl for me. He responded.
I packed up the following day and left for school. 
I got to campus in the afternoon and offloaded my things in my expensive single hostel apartment and drove back to the chancellor's house.
I entered the main house but there was no one in the sitting room.
I climbed up to the stairs and I could hear voices coming from his bedroom.
Aaaahhhh baby, fuck meeeeeeeeee! Mmmmmmmmm! Please fuck me. The lady moaned.
My supposed husband was busy making love to someone in the room.
I stood behind the door in disappointment and tears. 
Minutes later, I gathered courage and bumped into them.
What do you want here Baaba? Why didn't you call me before coming here? And in fact, why didn't you knock before entering this room? He asked angrily.
Cindy, is that you on the bed or I am dreaming? I asked with shock.
It's me Baaba, any problem? She asked.
Cindy, how dare you snatch my man from me? How dare you? I screamed in pain and tried to slap her.
The chancellor held my hand. 
Baaba, I chose whom to sleep with, since you were busy fucking all the guys on campus. He said angrily.
What! Me? Is that what Cindy told you? Cindy, how could you fabricate those lies about me? And in fact, how did you know the chancellor and I are going out? I asked in shock.
Baaba, if you really want answers to all your useless questions, then meet me on campus. 
For now, we are very busy as you can see. Cindy responded harshly.
Baaba, whiles I was building hopes to marry you, you were also busy fucking those small small boys on campus. 
Read my lips, it is over between us. 
Now get your cheap classy ass out of my room. He said angrily and pushed me out.
I just couldn't believe my eyes. I burst into uncontrollable tears.
To be continued... 
I just couldn't believe my eyes. I burst into uncontrollable tears.
I stood behind the door for several minutes before driving out of the house.
I will deal with Cindy ruthlessly today, she must find something better to tell me or else. I thought in anger when I got to the hostel.
In the evening, Cindy came back into the hostel. 
I could hear her room mates cheering her up.
I walked into her room in anger. 
Cindy, what was the meaning of the nonsense you told my boyfriend? I asked angrily.
Boyfriend? Man friend or boyfriend? 
Anyway Baaba, if you were capable of sleeping with PK just to get Josh's number to destroy our relationship, then I'm equally capable of monitoring your every movement to find out about you and the chancellor and separate the two of you with lies. She responded boldly.
You are such a pathetic liar Cindy. What evidence do you have to back your claims? I asked in disappointment.
Hahahaha Baaba, just accept blame and walk out of my room because I have no explanations to give you. She yelled.
Cindy, I swear to deal with you ruthlessly. 
And just so you know, the chancellor is mine and mine only. I threatened.
Empty threats Baaba! As far as I'm concerned, the chancellor is done with you. 
He won't dare fuck a cheap pussy like yours any longer. If you doubt me, let's bet. Cindy responded angrily.
I bet you Cindy! I bet you! I said and walked out in pain.
God, how can Cindy defeat me this way? How? 
I must go to the chancellor's office tomorrow and talk to him. 
He must choose me over Cindy. I thought.
Early the following morning, I wore a very short dress and went to the chancellor's office.
Baaba, what do you want here? He asked angrily the moment he saw me.
Sweetheart please calm down. Don't forget I am the reason why you left your wife.
Please talk to me, what exactly did Cindy tell you? I asked sadly.
Baaba, it was because of you I divorced my wife, no two ways about that, but I've realised I have made a very big mistake and I'm thinking of how best to apologize and bring her back into the beautiful home we once shared.
Baaba, I want you to know that, I am done with you. 
Start learning ceaselessly to maintain the flamboyant grades I dashed you this semester, or else, I will personally make sure you trail every paper on this campus.
Quickly, I went down on my knees. 
Don't do this to me sir, please tell me what I have done wrong? I pleaded sadly.
Baaba, did you sleep with the useless boy called PK or not? He asked.
Sir please, who told you this? Who told you? I asked in tears.
Baaba, Cindy told me everything and I personally called the guy to find out. 
I dashed him some little amount of money and he told me everything. 
He told me how he took an aphrodisiac to fuck out your stupidity that night.
Baaba, that was the same night I called you into my house to cause my loving wife pain. 
The same bloody night you offered me your contaminated anus to fuck. 
Baaba deny it if it's not true. Just go ahead. He lamented.
I wept so loud. 
It is true Sir, but I can explain. 
Cindy pushed me to do all that, please understand me. I pleaded.
No Baaba, your selfishness pushed you to do all that. 
Simply because she refused to be your lesbian partner, you went to the extreme to cause separation between she and her fiance.
Baaba, you are such a disgrace. 
In fact, you are an atrocious being. The chancellor insulted.
I continuously pleaded but he called his security guard to throw me out of his office.
The secretary laughed so loud at me when he saw the security guard dragging me out of the office.
I walked in tears into the hostel and threw my miserable self on the floor.
Cindy and PK will pay dearly for this, I swear! I lamented in tears.
To be continued...

Cindy and PK will pay dearly for this. I lamented in tears.
My stay on campus became very miserable. 
Cindy and her room mates kept making mockery of me.
I managed to control my pain till the semester was over. 
I got bad grades in the exams.
Soon enough, I was in my final semester in level 400.
I then decided to take my revenge on Cindy and PK when I knew everyone including the chancellor had forgotten about our beef.
I got to town and inquired from few people, the most notorious criminals in the city. 
I got to their ghetto and I was stopped at the entrance by one of the guys.
Hey, stop right there. What do you want here? He asked.
I began to panic. 
I'm sorry for bumping into you boss, but I'm here to give you a contract. I explained.
He searched me to make sure I was not armed. 
He then ushered me into a small unkept room.
I met their overall boss seated on his bed with lots of girls around him. 
He was at the same time smoking weed.
Hey miss Baaba, daughter of the renowned Lawyer Benson. What brings you to my ghetto? I hope you father has not asked you to come and spy on us. He asked.
I was so shocked. 
How did you know my name and that of my father? I asked.
Hahahahah! Miss Baaba, I am the Don of this jungle. I know what goes on in every corner of this city. 
I know whom I'm supposed to know. He responded.
Anyway, make it swift, what brings you here? He asked.
Please can you tell your ladies to excuse me? I requested.
No baby, they are part of this team. There is nothing like secrets in my ghetto. He responded.
Alright boss. Please, there is a guy and a lady I want you to hurt badly. 
I narrated everything that ensued between Cindy and I to him.
I also told him about PK.
Hahahaha! That is nasty! I must say those two people are smart. He responded. 
Anyway, what do you suggest I do to them? He asked.
Boss, I don't want them to die, I only want you to cause them the pains of their life. I responded.
Miss Baaba Benson, I must say this is no task at all to my guys and I. 
What we are going to do is that, I will ask one of my guys who is HIV POSITIVE to rape your friend Cindy and forcefully penetrate PK's anus as well.
Eventually, he will infect them with the disease and they will live to regret the day they ever caused you pain. 
Is that ok by you? He asked.
Yes please, that is very ok. But please, how do you do it? I asked.
Leave that one to us. 
My guys will kidnap them and send them to our wicked land where we perform all the atrocities. 
We will call you to witness the act with your naked eyes. He explained.
No sir, what if they find out I am behind it? I asked.
They will never find out because we will blindfold them and at the same time disguise you. He explained.
That is alright boss. I'm game. I responded happily.
Yes Miss Baaba Benson. And this whole procedure is going to cost you 5000 Ghana Cedis. He added.
No problem boss, I will make half payment of 2500 tomorrow, and pay the rest after the procedure. I responded.
That is cool with me sweet beautiful rich girl. We will be expecting you, but hey, don't you dare play smart on us, else, you are as good as dead! He warned.
I drove back to the hostel happily. 
As usual, Cindy and her friends kept making mockery of me when they saw me entering my room.
I stared deeply at her face and smiled. 
I pity your poor soul Cindy. I thought.
The next day, I went to the bank and withdrew money from my account, I then drove to the ghetto and paid the ransom to the gangsters.
Get ready Miss Baaba, we will call you tomorrow when we finally kidnap them. 
This is one of the simplest tasks, and we will finish before you know it. The Don said.
I walked out of the ghetto, full of smiles.
To be continued... 
I walked out of the ghetto full of smiles.
The following morning, I kept monitoring Cindy's movements. 
She was on phone through out the day. 
I just knew the Don was applying his intelligence on her.
In the evening at exactly 8pm, the Don called me. 
Hello Miss Baaba, we have finally kidnapped those fools. 
Come right now before we begin the task. He said.
Since I didn't want to be suspected, I left my car in the hostel and picked a taxi to where they directed me. 
The Don met me at the entrance and gave me a veil to cover my head and face.
He walked me into the uncompleted building and Oh my! 
Cindy and PK were blindfolded and tied against two chairs.
They were so much soaked in tears.
We welcome everyone to this humble place of ours. 
Cindy, I am delighted to meet you after the long talks we had on phone today. 
Hahahah! Ladies of today and money, just when I called you as a wrong number who just returned from the States, you instantly fell in love with me because you thought you could milk me dry.
Well, unfortunately for you, I am rather coming to milk you dry. The Don teased.
And to you PK the pussy fucker, you got carried away when one of my ladies called to tell you that she was a sugar mummy who wanted a sugar boy like you to fuck her and get paid. 
Instead of you focusing on your books, you run out to meet her.
Well, it's unfortunate you are not going to fuck, rather, you are going to be fucked! The Don teased.
Now listen to me the both of you, someone is going to give the fuck of your lives, if you don't want to get killed, just succumb and let's make it snappy. 
If you dare resist, we will shoot you. He threatened.
They both started weeping. 
Sir, please who employed you to do this to us? Please who? Cindy asked in tears.
Yes tell us, what benefits will you derive from it, after fucking us? PK added.
Well, let's finish before I explain everything to you. The Don responded and stripped them naked.
His guy jumped onto Cindy and penetrated her forcefully. 
Cindy struggled with him.
The other guys held her legs tight and opened it wide. 
The guy raped her for minutes.
I watched them in ecstasy. 
Hey sweet pawpaw, I can see you are satisfied now. The Don said to me and started walking me away from the scene.
We walked back to the entrance and he engaged me in a conversation while the guy continuously raped Cindy.
Miss Baaba, I must say you are a sexy lady. I also wish to taste your sweetness to seal this deal. 
I promise not to leave any trace after you give me just one round of sex. He whispered.
Does that mean there will be a trace if I don't give myself to you? I asked in shock.
Of course Miss. I will come back to you anytime I'm broke, and you know how that one is going to be? More or less like a blackmail. He responded.
This is not fair the Don. Not at all. That was not the deal we had. I responded unhappily.
I know Miss, but sexy girls like you don't escape from my trap. You must give me one round or I blackmail you. He responded boldly whiles trying to touch my boobs.
Stop it! You don't have to handle me like some lunch w class girl. I yelled. 
Anyway, I will come and give it to you tomorrow at the ghetto. I responded in disappointment.
No Miss, after today, I am done with this business. I won't like to do any transactions with you again. He responded.
So what do we do then? How do I give you the round of sex? I asked.
Right here, right now. 
Let's get into one of the rooms. He responded and dragged me there.
Please make it fast, I am a classy lady who doesn't have sex in uncompleted buildings like this. I said with bitterness.
He pushed me against the wall and began kissing me with his smoking smelling mouth. 
I couldn't just breath.
He then began sucking my boobs afterwards. 
Minutes later, he raised my dress, slid my pants aside, and penetrated me with his hard huge cock. 
I nearly screamed for help.
He fucked me faster without a pause. 
He moaned in ecstasy.
Aaahhh Miss, you are sweet! You are damn sweet! 
He spank my ass whiles fucking.
Minutes later, he finished and we walked out of the place. 
I felt cheated and deceived but there was absolutely nothing I could do. I needed to go the extra mile to defeat Cindy.
Just when we walked out, we saw the rest of the guys running on top speed as if they were chasing someone.
What is happening? Where are they running to? I asked in fear.
We walked to the backyard and met only Cindy on the floor weeping.
Damn! The guy has escaped! The Don exclaimed in disappointment.
We followed the guys and met them on their return.
Guys what happened? The Don asked.
Boss, the guy has escaped. PK is gone! They explained.
Fuck you all. The Don screamed. 
How did you allow him to escape? How? He asked angrily.
Boss, the lady was proving stubborn so we were all holding her. By the time we realised, the guy had untied himself and took to his heels. We are sorry sir. They pleaded.
But tell me, did you fuck the lady? I asked desperately.
Yes I did madam. I ejaculated into her. The HIV guy responded.
Miss Baaba, please run out of here before PK comes with the police. 
This place isn't safe for you anymore. The Don said.
I run as fast as my legs could carry me to the roadside and picked a car to the hostel.
Minutes later, I overheard noisy voices in the hostel. 
I walked out of my room to inquire what it was.
To be continued... 

I walked out of my room to inquire what it was.
Guys, what is happening here? I asked.
Miss Baaba, news just came in that Cindy and PK were kidnapped and PK managed to escape. 
As we speak now, he and the chancellor have informed the police and they've gone to the site to arrest the kidnappers. One of the ladies narrated.
I burst into tears. 
What! Oh God! Why my friend! Why Cindy? I lamented.
People consoled me till news came around that Cindy has also been rescued and sent to the hospital. 
I picked few of the ladies and we drove there.
I met Cindy in tears on the hospital bed.
Cindy, please talk to me, did they hurt you? I asked worriedly.
Yes Baaba, they raped me. She responded in tears.
I burst into tears and held her so tight. 
Oh Cindy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pains you've gone through.
Minutes later, she was calm, and she explained to me how she received a call from an unknown number who claimed to have just returned from the States. 
Baaba, since I was broke, I decided to have a one night stand with him to get money for my upkeep, only to be kidnapped and raped by a gangster. She narrated.
Cry no more Cindy, what we must pray for is that, he has not infected you with any disease. I said.
Yes Baaba, that is what I'm also praying against. 
Oh God help me! She lamented in tears.
Days later, she was discharged from the hospital and I paid for all her bills. 
People congratulated me for my kindness towards her.
PK turned a new leaf and began preaching on campus. 
He told people how God saved his life. 
He preached that, people should refrain from all atrocities and repent.
I listened to him on several occasions and laughed within. 
This guy is damn lucky. I said.
Days passed into weeks and I wrote my final papers on campus.
I escorted Cindy to the hospital afterwards to check her HIV status.
Madam Cindy, we are sorry to inform you that you are HIV POSITIVE. The counselor said.
Cindy burst into tears. 
I'm doomed oooo Baaba! My life has finally come to and end. She lamented.
I'm sorry for all these Cindy, but I must get going now. 
Go home and tell your family about it. I said and entered my car.
Baaba, please don't leave me here. Baaba! Baaba! She called in tears whiles I drove off on top speed to the hostel to pack my things.
Useless girl. You dare cross my path! I soliloquised angrily.
I packed up and went to the chancellor's office. 
What do you want here Baaba? He asked.
Nothing really Sir, I am only here to ask you if you still sleep with Cindy. I responded.
Of course I do. Since my wife has still not accepted to come back to me, Cindy will forever remain my partner. 
And if you care to know, we had series of sex just yesterday. He teased.
Wow! That means you've still been sleeping with her after she was raped? I asked.
Yes Baaba, it has not taken her natural beauty away from her. I have still been sleeping with her. He responded teasingly.
Wow! congratulations Mr Chancellor! You have successfully activated your HIV POSITIVE status. 
I wish you a painful and slow death. I said and began walking away.
Come back Baaba! What do you mean by that? He asked worriedly.
If you want further details, ask your so called partner Cindy, when she returns from the hospital or better still, go to the hospital and check your HIV status.
Baaba, you are scaring me, please talk to me, what are you insinuating? He asked almost in tears.
Your partner Cindy has tested HIV positive in the hospital, and since you are a shareholder to her cheap pussy, you've automatically become a shareholder to her HIV positive achievement.
See you on graduation day, HIV CHANCELLOR. I responded teasingly and walked out on him.
I drove off happily to the house.
To be continued... 
Wow! Lots of work ahead but I must finish with the chancellor tonight. I thought with smiles.
Later in the evening, I called the chancellor and we met in one of our usual hotels.
I refused going to his house because, I didn't want Mama Tina to have any evidence for my father.
Baaba sexy, welcome. 
Let's get it started, I'm already starving for your sexy sassy classy body. He said.
Hold on a minute dear, there is something we must discuss. I said with seriousness.
Talk to me Baaba, what is it again? He asked.
Dear, can't you see your wife is not the right woman for you? A woman who dries her dirty linens outside her home. 
A woman who is not capable of giving birth. Sweetheart, I suggest you break up with her for me to occupy her place as discussed. I proposed.
Baaba, I'm equally desperate to make you my Mrs but you are still in school, how are we going to make that possible? He asked.
It doesn't matter dear, I will still be with you till I complete my education. And the moment I complete, it is you and I together. I responded.
Alright Baaba, I've heard you. 
I truly want to make this body of yours my permanent food. He said.
So when are you filing for divorce? I inquired.
Tomorrow Baaba, I will talk to my lawyer and get everything started tomorrow. He said.
That is alright my love, but please, you must finalise everything within a week. In fact, before we vacate. I said.
I will do exactly that Baaba, but for now, give me that ass. He responded seductively.
We romanced for a while and I gave him my ass for penetration. 
It was still painful but I had to endure to see other people suffer. I thought.
I drove back to campus the next morning and mapped a strategy for Josh, Cindy's stupid boyfriend.
First of all, I must allow the bruises PK caused me in my private part heal in other to be fit enough for any subsequent surprise.
Two days later, I got a new sim card and began chatting Josh as a wrong number.
Hi friend, it's been a long time I heard from you. How have you been? I texted.
Very well, but please whom am I chatting with? He texted back.
Awwww, it's your long time friend B.B. I texted.
I'm sorry I don't know anyone by that name, I believe it's a wrong number. He replied.
I'm so sorry, please forgive me. Stay blessed and don't forget your God. I texted.
God? Are you that religious? He replied.
Yes my brother, without God, we are nothing. I love God more than anything. 
Since it is a wrong number, I have to go offline now. I texted.
Please wait, I like religious ladies and I want us to be friends. He proposed.
If you say so my brother in Christ. I am more than ready. I texted happily.
Days passed, and our friendship upgraded to various levels. 
I did a lot of research online for various quotations to preach his stupidity out of him.
Josh had all the time in the world for me due to the gospel I preached to him every other day on phone.
One day, he texted. 
My sweet friend, my fiancee is becoming suspicious over our friendship, she feels there is something more going on. 
She says I have time for you more than her. She's nagging too much for my liking.
I'm sorry to hear that my brother in Christ. 
A Christian like you must not have a fiancee in the first place, but probably, God brought me into your life to make you see the light. 
God is speaking directly to my spirit that, your woman is evil, and as such, is preventing you from listening to the word of God. I replied happily.
Jesus! There are lots of things God is telling me right now, but they are too horrible to even tell you. I added.
This is serious! Can I please call you? He texted.
I'm currently leading a church service, I will call you when I close. I replied.
In the evening, I put a handkerchief in my mouth to disguise my voice. 
Hello brother Josh, peace be unto you. I greeted.
And you too sister B.B. 
Please talk to me, what did you say God told you? He asked worriedly.
Hmmm brother Josh, your woman is an atrocious lady. 
Can you believe she is a lesbian? 
Can you believe she sleeps with another woman right under your nose on campus? I explained.
Blood of Jesus! Sister B.B, are you sure? 
Are you very sure about this? He asked in shock.
God told me that, the lady she sleeps with is called Benson something something. You can verify from your lady herself. I said with all seriousness.
To be continued... 

You can verify from your lady herself. I said with all seriousness.
Secondly, God told me that, she started doing that when she was in Senior High School. 
Brother Josh, you can confront her, if she denies, confront her friend the Benson something something. I added.
Eeeeiii God! Cindy has killed me! 
So I've been sharing her with another woman all these while? Aaaaahhh! He screamed in pain.
Take heart brother Josh, just confront her and get back to me. I will call you back tomorrow. I said and hanged up.
I burst into laughter. 
Hahahahhahahaha! Cindy is in trouble. 
She has not seen anything yet. I soliloquised.
Early the next morning, Josh called me. 
I quickly put a handkerchief in my mouth and answered.
Peace be upon your life my brother. To what do I owe this early morning call? I asked politely.
Sister B.B, I confronted her last night when she visited me. 
She said she was only doing it back at senior high School but she stopped. She said she has never done it with her friend so if I like I can ask her. He explained.
Hmmm brother Josh, alright then, go ahead and ask her friend. 
What if her friend says is true, what are you going to do? I asked.
I will break up with her as directed by God. I can't marry such an evil spirit. He responded angrily.
Sister B.B, please let me talk to her friend and come. He said and hanged up.
I quickly switched off the phone and waited patiently for Josh in my hostel. 
Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.
Please come in. I responded. 
It was Cindy in misery.
How may I help you Cindy? 
Why are you wearing this face? I asked.
Baaba, the worst has happened to me. 
Can you believe a prophetess has told Josh about our engagement in lesbianism? 
Baaba, I'm finished. She explained in tears.
What! That means she has implicated me too. 
God! My image will be tarnished. I'm doomed oooo I'm doomed. I acted in pain. 
So what did you tell Josh? I asked.
Of course I denied it. What else could I have done? 
Please, he might confront you, if he does, deny it too. 
I don't ever want to loose him. She said.
Cindy, I know how much you love Josh, but the truth is that, nothing good comes easy. 
If indeed, you want me to lie to Josh to save your relationship, then I must sleep with you for the last time, or else, I will confess. I threatened.
Oh Baaba please, don't do this to me. Please! She said.
Come on Cindy, you deserve some love at this painful moment of your life. Let me wipe your tears away. I said and began touching her breasts. 
She succumbed to my request and began moaning.
I excused her and went to the washroom to text Josh. 
Hello brother Josh, God has revealed to me that, your fiancee is currently making love with her friend in her room, please be fast and go and catch them red handed.
Alright sister, I'm currently on my way. He replied.
Please don't knock when you get there. I texted and switched off the phone.
Baaba, what were you doing this long time in the washroom? I have lectures this morning so please be fast about it. Cindy said.
Sorry Cindy, I went to brush my teeth. I lied.
I slowly and gently stripped her naked. 
I did same for myself and climbed up on her.
I began rubbing my boobs against hers. 
She moaned in pleasure.
Aaaahh Baaba! You are killlllllllllllllling me! Mmmm! 
I miss this!
Leave Josh and come for me baby! You deserve the best. 
Oooouuuuuccchhhhh! Aaaahhhh! I moaned too.
I stood up from her and began licking her. 
She groaned heavily.
I'm cummiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg! Ooooooouuuuucccccchhhhhh Baaba!
Just then, my door opened and it was Josh. 
I quickly stood up and covered myself with a cloth.
Cindy screamed in shock. 
Josh! What are you doing here? She asked confusedly.
You are such a disappointment Cindy! I never knew it was true after all. Just last night, you were in my room denying everything. My God will punish you. Josh cursed in tears.
I'm sorry Josh! I can explain. Cindy pleaded in tears.
There is nothing to explain Cindy, it is over between us. 
If you dare come to my hostel again, I will tell the whole wide world the beast you are. Josh threatened.
And to you Baaba, if this is what you call class, then I must say class is indeed classless. He said to me.
Walk the bloody hell out of my room Mr lover boy. 
Walk out! I yelled.
He walked out almost in tears.
Cindy baby, stop crying ok? 
I will be here for you when you need me. I said whiles hugging her.
Leave me alone Baaba! You are the cause of all these. 
She yelled and dressed up and walked out on me.
Haaaaa! What a relief. 
Second target achieved. 
Baaba, you are such a genius. I said to myself.
To be continued... 

Haaaaa! What a relief. 
Second target achieved. 
Baaba, you are such a genius. I said to myself.
I switched the phone on and waited patiently for Josh's call. 
Minutes later, he called.
Hello sister B.B, I've been trying your line several times but it was not going through. He complained.
I'm sorry about that brother Josh, I was in a meeting with my church members. I responded.
Sister B.B, I must say your God is a true God. Can you believe I caught my fiancee red handed in the act as you told me in the morning? 
I just couldn't believe my eyes my sister, as I speak to you, I am tearing apart. 
I have an exam to write next week but I don't think I can even learn for the papers. He explained in tears.
I'm sorry for all your pain brother Josh, please take heart. 
My God just told me to tell you that, you shouldn't sit for the exams next week, else you will fail everything. 
He says that, you should resit for the papers after your wounds are healed, and he's going to make sure you get distinction. I said.
Alright sister B.B, I will pack my things and leave this campus tomorrow. 
Can you give me your location so that I come there for prayers? He inquired.
It's rather unfortunate I have a flight this evening to South Africa for a seminar, I promise to call you when I come back. I responded.
That's no problem sister, I will be waiting for you. He responded in tears.
Alright brother Josh, please pull yourself together and leave the campus tomorrow as directed by God. I said and hanged up.
Useless boy, you think you are smart. 
No one messes up with me and go free. 
I've destroyed your relationship and your education as well. Your stay on campus this semester is useless. Son of a bitch! I soliloquised in insults.
Quickly, I removed the sim card and destroyed it.
Now, back to the chancellor. 
I called him and he answered. 
Hello Baaba, I'm in a family meeting, I will call you later. He said.
In the evening after my sumptuous supper from an expensive restaurant, I had a call from the chancellor.
Hello Baaba, come to my house right now, I have a surprise for you. He said happily.
Your house? Where is your wife? I asked.
Baaba, stop asking questions and come. He responded.
I quickly drove off to his house. 
Welcome to your home my future wife. 
Tina has finally packed out. He welcomed happily.
Wow! This is great news! 
Can't wait to wear your ring on my finger. I exclaimed happily.
We made love that night till the next morning.
I stayed in his home till the following week when we were writing our exams.
I got to the hostel, freshened up and looked good for my afternoon first paper.
Just when I was stepping out, Cindy walked in. 
Baaba, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. She said.
Is there any problem Cindy? I asked.
No Baaba, just that, I miss you. 
I've been horny and I wanted you to fuck me. She responded seductively.
I'm your refuge now right? You only ran to me when your foolish boyfriends dump your sorry ass.
Anyway Baaba, I have a paper this afternoon and I must get to campus to read my books. I responded harshly.
She stripped naked and blocked my way. 
Baaba, tell me you don't want this. Tell me you don't wanna fuck this body. She whispered seductively.
I became speechless. 
She got closer to me and held my ass firmly. 
She began rubbing her boobs against mine.
Stop it Cindy! I gathered all the courage and yelled. 
I don't need your stupid lesbianism anymore, I have a fiance who is willing to fuck me several times as I want in a day.
Now listen to me, you are used and dumped, I don't ever want to see you in this room again. 
My time in your life has expired. I said and pushed her out of my room and locked it.
Days passed and I was done with my first semester.
Baaba, how are we going to meet, now that we've vacated? The chancellor asked.
I will try my possible best to get in touch. 
Though my father is strict, I promise to do anything possible to come to your house. I assured.
I packed up and drove off from the hostel. 
Just when I got to campus, I saw Fosu on phone beside his car.
I quickly pulled over and walked towards him. 
He also ended the call when he saw me.
Hello Baaba, how are you? He asked.
Very well Fosu, I just want to remind you that, we have a fucking deal to strike next semester. I said.
Why don't we make it right now if you are ready? He responded.
Bingo!!! Fosu, you are the real deal! I tell you, you are the pussy surpriser! The pussy swallower! I mean, the real pussy Don! I exclaimed happily.
To be continued... 

Bingo!!! Fosu, you are the real deal! You are the pussy surpriser! The pussy swallower! I mean, the real pussy Don! I exclaimed happily.
Wow Baaba, all these names for me? You don't cease to amaze me. He responded playfully. 
Anyway, let's get going, my fiancee is in her hostel packing up her things, I must finish with you as soon as possible and come back to pick her. He added.
Fosu, does your fiancee stay in this town? I inquired.
Yes she does, she is the daughter of a member of parliament too. She is a lady of class and standard. He bragged.
That sounds nice, but she doesn't look like a rich man's daughter. She looks too broke. I responded bitterly.
Hahahahahahaha Baaba, class speaks less. 
Class is not glamour, class is decency. 
Her class is classy and not as classless as yours. He responded.
Fosu come on, you don't have to insult me because of a common 10 minutes sex, besides, my father is equally rich and famous. I responded in a bit of anger.
Chill Baaba, why are we still here having this unpleasant conversation when we should actually be on our way to fuck ourselves to stupor? Now get your fine ass into that car and let's get going.. He responded and joined my car.
Why are we using my car instead of yours Fosu? I asked.
My fiancee might step out of the hostel soon and I don't want her to know I have gone back to town, I want her to know I'm around. He responded.
We soon got into his house and he carried me from the car into his room. 
I felt pampered and winning.
Fosu please get me water, I'm thirsty. I tricked.
He quickly walked out and I quickly sat up to set up my camera to video everything and show it to his fiancee.
Minutes later, he joined me with the water. 
I took the glass and placed it beside the bed. 
Come on here Fosu, come to mama. I said seductively.
Slowly, he walked up to me and began kissing me from my feet. 
I felt a sharp spasm of need.
He gently unbuttoned my dress one by one with a deep stare into my eyes. 
I could simply breath less.
My body surged into his and I began begging him for a penetration. 
Fosu please fuck me, Mmmmm fuck me! I can't stand your classy romance, Aaaaahhh! Ooouuuucchhh!
I pleaded softly whiles trying to force his dick into my pussy.
Chill Baaba, every hole will get it's share. 
It is not yet the turn of your pussy, let me handle your mouth first. He teased.
My legs were too weak, Fosu was indeed a pussy sinner. 
I moaned with a shattering climax.
He kissed me slowly for minutes and gently took possession of my plumped boobs. 
He sucked them with a shock wave of pleasure.
I could neither breath nor talk. 
Wow, it feels so good to make love with a rich spoilt guy. 
Even when the love making goes wrong, you quickly divert your mind towards his rich bank account and you will instantly see him like a porn star. 
Everything he does will look perfect.
Even if he cuts your boobs with a knife, you will feel like he is replacing them with gold. I thought.
Fosu went deeper and deeper into romancing me. 
Finally, he broke the silence.
Baaba, say Yaaaaaayyyyyy! He said playfully.
Yaaaaaayyyyyy! I responded with smiles.
Now it is time for my golden dick to enter your bronze pussy. 
It is your turn to taste what you've been praying and fasting for. He said.
Your golden dick indeed! Hurry up and let me show the video to your fiancee. Your happiness must graduate to pain. I thought.
Fosu sneaked into my fragile heart with his deep and hard penetration. 
I screamed out so loud. 
Aaaaaaaahhhhh Fosu, this is tooooooo goooooood! Mmmmmmmmm!
He gave me a long slow ride of delight until he finally spilled his seed into my fertile land.
We both gave a loud sound of delightful completion. 
Ooooooouuuuucccccchhhhhh! I came. We both chorused.
I laid down quietly for a while and he did same.
Tell me Baaba, how did it go? He asked.
Simply perfect Fosu. Every rich guy fucks good.
If his dick is small, his account is huge. Unlike poor guys, if his dick is small, his account is equally small, and you end up not reaching orgasm. I responded playfully.
You are crazy Baaba. Anyway, let's get into the washroom and shower, you must take me back to campus to pick up my fiancee. He said.
Take the lead into the washroom Fosu, I will join you soon. I responded.
He walked into the washroom and I quickly picked the camera into my handbag. 
I snooped through his phone and picked his fiancee's number from it.
Useless boy, you think you can flex muscles on me and eventually fuck me for free. 
You have fucked me, and I am going to screw you. I thought happily.
I joined him in the shower and we both hurried back to dress up. 
I drove him on top speed back to campus.
Thanks for the presidential fuck Fosu, we shall soon meet at the rewarding side of it. I said mischievously and drove away.
Wow, third target about to be achieved. 
My name is Baaba Benson, the daughter of the renowned lawyer Benson Hayford. No one messes up with me and go free.
I will take my revenge on every pain anyone causes me except a mosquito bite. I thought happily as I drove home.
To be continued... 

I will take my revenge on every pain anyone causes me except a mosquito bite. I thought happily as I drove home.
Helloooo my daughter! You are most welcome home. Mom welcomed.
Mom, I'm famished, is there something to eat in this house? I asked.
Yes my dearest, the maids have prepared your favorite food. 
Vegetable jollof rice with salad. Mom responded and called one of them to serve me.
I could see unhappiness written all over the faces of the maids. 
They were really scared of me because I was a no nonsense person.
Welcome home madam Baaba. One of them greeted.
Thank you. Have you cleaned up my room already? I asked.
No please, mummy didn't tell us about your coming. She responded in fear.
Hurry up and get the place cleaned. 
Make sure you lay the bed nicely. I don't want to see any creases. I instructed.
She run into my room to get the cleaning done.
Mom came to sit beside me and we started with the catch ups. 
Baaba, how was school? She asked.
School was very boring mom. Almost all the guys on campus are broke, except one of them. I responded.
Really? Did he show any interest in you? Mom asked.
No mom, I didn't want any man to distract my studies so I gave him blind eyes. I lied.
That's good of you my pretty girl. 
Anyway tell me, how did you handle the disrespectful chancellor's wife Tina? I learnt she and the husband have even separated. Mom inquired.
Yes mom, I put her where she rightly belonged. 
The truth is that, I snatched the husband from her and caused their separation. I confessed.
That sounds marvelous Baaba! You are such a smart girl and I trust you for that. 
Mummy said happily and hugged me.
So tell me Baaba, how are you going to handle the chancellor, now that he's single? Will you marry him? Mom asked.
Over my dead body mom! Marry such an old man? What for? I responded teasingly.
Mom, what I'm going to do is that, I will use him for my good grades and dump him immediately after graduation. I said.
That's my girl. You are smarter than that sister of yours who call herself a descent lady. Mom said.
That reminds me mom, where is she? Is she really done with school? I asked.
Yes my daughter, she's done with school. 
Not long ago, she brought a man into this house who calls himself a pastor. 
Their mission for the visit was that, the man wants to marry her. Mom narrated.
Instantly, I lost my appetite. 
Marry a pastor? Mom! Did you approve of that? I asked.
Not at all Baaba, it is your father who did. 
I really wanted you to marry that pastor instead because he's rich, handsome and famous. Mom said.
I stood up and walked into my room with hatred. 
Baaba come back! What is it? Please come back. Mom called but I gave deaf ears to her.
She later joined me in my room to console me. 
Baaba, I know you are bitter, but trust me, you are going to marry the most handsome and powerful man on earth. 
Remember you are so beautiful to catch any man's attention. She consoled.
Alright mummy, thanks for your words. I responded.
Not long after mom left my room, Eve also came in.
Hello kid sister, welcome home. She greeted happily.
Thanks Eve, where have you been? I've been home since afternoon but there was no sign of you. I responded calmly.
Yeah that's true Baaba. I went for church service. She responded.
In your husband's church? I asked straight forwardly.
How did you know about him Baaba? I believe you and mom gossiped about me. She responded playfully.
Anyway, I was waiting for you to come back home so that I will tell you about it. 
His name is Fiifi Edward. He is a pastor. 
We are planning to tie the knot in six months time. She explained.
Congratulations my blood. I am so happy for you. I said. 
I can't wait to meet him. I added.
I will introduce you to him God willing tomorrow. 
Just don't worry. She responded and walked away to her room.
I laid down on my bed in bitterness.
Quickly, I remembered I had a contract to execute. 
I remembered to call Fosu's fiancee.
To be continued... 

Quickly, I remembered I had a contract to execute. 
I remembered to call Fosu's fiancee.
Hello dear, my name is Baaba Benson, there is something very important I want us to discuss. I said.
Yeah Baaba, I think I know you. Are you not the lady Fosu helped out with a stained dress in the restaurant some weeks back? She asked.
Sure I am the one. 
Can we meet for a very serious talk? I said.
That is no problem at all Baaba, I am currently hanging out with few friends at glitz restaurant, you can come over. She responded.
I quickly dressed up and drove out of the house. 
I called her and she showed me where she was seated.
I walked to them with shoulders high. 
Hello ladies, I greeted.
Hi Baaba, have a seat. The lady responded.
I sat down and began with my mission. 
I didn't excuse her from her friends because, I wanted to give her and Fosu the embarrassment of their lives.
Baaba, I'm listening, you said you have something to discuss with me. She said.
Sure I do dear. You know, it is unfortunate how rich classless people like you fall prey for useless sorry ass guys. I narrated.
Baaba, can you please spare me the insults and go straight forward to your mission? She cut in almost in anger.
I opened my handbag and brought out the camera. 
Now watch this. I said and pressed the play button.
They watched for minutes and burst into uncontrollable laughter. 
Madam Baaba, what has your love making with my driver got to do with me? The lady asked.
Your driver? Is Fosu your driver? I asked in shock.
Of course he is! Fosu is my driver. Why, what did he tell you? She asked.
So who owns that beautiful mansion? I asked confusedly.
It belongs to my father. My father is a minister, I hope you are aware? She responded.
Fosu told me that the house belongs to his father instead.
And he told me you are his fiancee. I responded heart brokenly.
God I'm doomed! I'm finished! So I slept with a common driver? 
So Fosu has been lying to me all these while? I lamented almost in tears.
They burst into laughter again. 
So Baaba, you thought Fosu was my fiance so you played smart in snatching him from me right? You are so shameless. The lady insulted.
Anyway, if you doubt me, let me call Fosu to come here right now, so that you can personally verify from him. She said and began dialling Fosu's number.
Fosu where are you? Come here right now. She instructed.
My head was still bowed down in shame. 
I couldn't simply control my tears from flowing.
Few minutes later, Fosu arrived at the scene.
Fosu, do you know this lady? She asked.
Yes madam. Fosu responded.
Where do you know her? And what did you tell her I am to you? She asked.
Madam, I am sorry, I told her you are my fiancee. Fosu confessed on his knees.
Why in God's name would you do that? What did you seek to achieve? The lady asked angrily.
Madam please forgive me. I only wanted to sleep with her because, she was too pompous and disrespectful. 
Anytime I drove you to school, I saw the way she used to insult every guy that approached her. 
I then decided to ride on your fame to fuck her freely. He confessed.
I quickly stood up and slapped him with pain. 
Useless guy, you dare humiliate me this way right? I will deal with you! 
I will make sure you are jailed for rape. I threatened.
You can't do that Baaba, I recorded everything we did in the room, so I have evidence that we fucked mutually. I never raped you. He responded angrily too.
What a game of two useless smart dudes. So you all recorded each other to cause yourselves pain right? I pity you. 
Now get the hell out of my sight and let me enjoy my outing. The lady yelled at us.
I ran into my car in tears and drove off. 
I wept bitterly throughout the night.
How could I fallen an easy prey for a common driver? How? I thought in tears.
To be continued... 

How could I have fallen an easy prey for a common driver? How? I thought in tears.
I laid down on my bed in bitterness till the next morning when I remembered I had another battle ahead of me.
First of all, I have to call Fosu. 
Hello Baaba, is there something I can do for you? He asked harshly.
Fosu please calm down, I am so sorry for what transpired between us yesterday, please forgive me. I apologized.
Baaba, you are too saucy, you simply need to be humble, else, every soul will plan evil for you till they see your downfall. He responded.
Thanks for the advice Fosu, but please, do me a favor. 
Kindly delete the video before it gets leaked. I pleaded.
Don't worry Baaba, I have gotten what I needed, so I won't waste my time leaking that video. 
All I need from you is to change for the better. He responded.
Thanks for the assurance Fosu, I promise to be humble as you've said. I pretended and hanged up in a bit of relief.
I quickly stood up and went to Eve's room.
Good morning sweet sister, how was your night? I asked in a mixed feeling.
My night was ok Baaba, how about yours? She asked.
Not so well Eve, I had a nightmare and I seriously need a spiritual person to pray for me. I said worriedly.
That sounds really bad Baaba, but I'm glad you are beginning to be religious.
 Just get into your room and dress up, I will soon send you to Fiifi for prayers. She responded with all seriousness.
I run to my room. Took my bath, dressed up and waited for her in the sitting room.
Baaba, where are you going this early morning. Mom asked.
Good morning mom, Eve and I are going out. I responded.
Won't you at least wait to have breakfast with your father? He came home very late last night and you were fast asleep. Mom said.
I will see him later in the day mom. What Eve and I are going to do is equally important. I responded.
Eve joined me in minutes and we drove off in her car to Pastor Fiifi's house.
We finally arrived in the house.
Wow! Such a beautiful house it was.
Eve, your husband's house is very beautiful. I complimented.
Thank you Baaba, so is his heart, very beautiful and pleasing to God. She responded.
We entered the house finally and the man of God came down from upstairs to meet us.
Good morning family, shall we pray? Fiifi said.
We shared words of prayers before we began the conversation.
Eeerrrmm Pastor Fii, please meet my kid sister Baaba. Eve introduced.
Welcome to my humble home Baaba, I am very delighted to meet you finally. 
Eve always talks about you. She said she has a lively sister who is going to be her chief bridesmaid during our wedding. He said with smiles.
Wow, this man is naturally handsome. 
Just look at his lips, his eyes, his nose. 
How I wish I am the one he is going to get married to. I thought.
Helloooo Baaba, are you with us? Pastor Fii is talking to you but you seem absent minded. Eve interrupted.
I'm sorry Eve, just that I'm a bit worried about the dream I had tonight. I responded.
Let's get talking Baaba, what dream did you have? Pastor Fiifi asked.
Eve, I'm a bit shy of you, can you please excuse me? I requested.
Sure dear. Eve responded and excused us.
Now talk to me Baaba, I'm all ears. Fiifi said.
Pastor, I had a dream that, I was walking at the beach in a bikini, showing off my curves and my sexy body. I got to a place and decided to lay down and admire nature. 
Pastor, I laid down staring into the blue beautiful skies, just then, I saw a masculine handsome man like you coming towards my direction.
Pastor, before I knew what was happening, the man was laying on top of me. 
He whispered into my ears how beautiful and sexy I was. He slowly removed my brazier and began to suck my soft and firm boobs. 
After minutes of doing that, he slowly inserted his fingers into my already wet pussy and began fingering me.
Pastor, after minutes of that pleasure, he penetrated me deeply and began to fuck me. 
Mmmmm Baaba! You are the sweetest woman in the world, you are the tightest woman on earth. He complimented.
We fucked for so many minutes before he finally ejaculated. 
He then asked me if I will marry him but I turned him down.
When he was finally walking away, he said "Baaba, any man that will marry you has really gotten an asset"
And I responded to him that "Yes I know that already. God has even told me that I will marry a pastor"
Pastor, I'm so confused about this dream, please what does it really mean? I asked seductively.
Pastor Fiifi was still staring at my face after I finished talking.
To be continued... 

Pastor Fiifi was still staring at my face after I finished talking.
Hello pastor, are you with me? I asked.
Yes yes Baaba, I am very well with you. I was only thinking through what you just told me. 
Eerrrmm Baaba, in your narration, you said that the man said you have a sexy body, am I right? He asked.
Hmmm pastor, I'm even shy. 
Yes it is true I said that. Mom keeps telling me that I have the most beautiful and sexy curves every man will wish for. I responded.
And again Baaba, you said you told the man you will marry a pastor. Have you ever wished for that? He asked.
Yes Pastor Fiifi. It has always been my dream to marry a pastor and do the work of the Lord. I responded.
Alright Baaba, we will have to pray towards all these. 
If someone admires your body in a dream, it means the person is spiritually attached to you, so we seriously have to pray to break that bondage.
And about you wanting to marry a pastor, it is a call and not a choice. We will equally have to pray towards that if that is what God has destined. He explained.
So what do we do now Pastor? When should I start coming for the prayers? I asked.
Baaba, the church is always ready to receive you. 
Our doors are always opened. You only have to make up your mind to talk to your God as many times as you want. 
You can come to the church anytime and any day. He responded.
Pastor will I please meet you in the church anytime I come? I asked.
Not all times Baaba, most times, I go for evangelism and seminars. But don't you worry, my junior pastors are always available. He responded.
Alright pastor, I promise to be prayerful from now on. Can I please have your number in other to call you in times of studying the scriptures? I asked humbly.
Yeah sure Baaba. He responded and called out the numbers to me.
Pastor Fiifi, please promise not to tell my sister what we've just discussed. I really shy her. I said.
Don't worry Baaba, your sister is even not one of those inquisitive ladies, she won't even ask. He responded.
Pastor Fiifi called my sister back to join us. We had several minutes of chats.
Sweetheart, let me get into the kitchen and prepare something for you. Eve told Pastor Fiifi.
Alright dear, let me give you a helping hand. He responded and joined Eve in the kitchen.
God, I can't wait to get a man like this. God fearing, loving, handsome, rich and famous. I thought.
An hour later, they invited me to the dinning hall. 
They had prepared Vegetable stew with spaghetti. 
I ate the food with thoughts whiles Pastor Fiifi and Eve ate happily with love.
We left there and came back home. 
Baaba, where have the two of you been? Mom asked.
Mom, this is sisters affair, we went out for personal stuff. I teased.
Yes mom, allow us to keep this one a secret. Eve added playfully.
Daddy returned from work that evening with lots of kebabs and drinks. 
Where are my beautiful daughters? Daddy is home. He called out.
We run from our various rooms to embrace him. 
We sat down together as a family and had fun.
Baaba, has your sister informed you she will soon get married? Daddy asked.
Yes daddy, I am solidly behind her. I responded.
That's great, I pray you also bring a descent man home after school. 
I am proud of how the two of you have been able to maintain your virginities till now. Daddy said boastfully.
Mummy stared at my face and gave a half smile.
To be continued... 

Mummy stared at my face and gave a half smile.
I smiled and winked her back.
Days passed and I intensified my spirituality. I went to Pastor Fiifi's church regularly.
Every Sunday and weekdays, morning and evening services.
Baaba, I'm very happy you have become this prayerful, without prayers the devil will always overcome us. Eve complimented.
It is rather unfortunate that, I have to be helping mom in her supermarket since I am done with school. 
Because of that, I can't be going to church during the weekdays like you do, but please, remember me in prayers anytime you go. She added.
Anything for you Eve. I know you are busy that's why I am praying on your behalf. I responded.
One day, I went for evening service and pastor Fiifi was not there. 
After the church service, I decided to check up on him in his house since the church was not far from where he stayed.
Hello Baaba, what a pleasant surprise. He exclaimed and ushered me into the house.
I'm sorry for bumping into you this late pastor, but I didn't see you in church today, so I asked one of the junior pastors and I was informed that you are not feeling well. So I decided to check up on you. I narrated.
That is thoughtful of you Baaba, but it is nothing serious. I was just stressed up and I needed a little time to rest. He explained.
Before he landed, it started raining heavily.
That's ok Pastor, I must get going. I said and stood up.
Baaba, it is raining and I can't allow you to walk in the rain into your car, please allow it to subside. He suggested.
Alright then, let me stay. I responded quickly.
Let me call Eve and tell her you are here with me. He said.
No Pastor, you don't have to do that. I didn't in the first place tell her I was coming here, she might not be happy. I responded.
Why won't she be happy Baaba? She is your sister, and her home is your home. Besides, Eve doesn't think evil. Pastor Fiifi said.
The truth is that, she asked me to do something for her in the house which I didn't do because I was running late for the service. 
She will ask me why I didn't come home to do it immediately I closed. I explained.
I understand you Baaba, let's wait for the rain to subside so that you can go. He responded unhappily.
The rain kept intensifying. 
I sat in the sofa pretending to be dozing.
Baaba, the rain is not stopping anytime soon from the look of things, let me give you something to cover yourself so that you can walk into the car. Pastor Fiifi suggested.
Pastor, I am feeling so cold and I don't know what will happen to me on the way. 
Please let me call and inform my family that because of the rain I will be a bit late to the house. I said and walked into the corridor pretending to be talking to the family. 
Minutes later, I came back to sit down.
Baaba what was their response. Pastor asked.
They are cool with it as far as I am with you. I responded.
I kept stealing glances at Pastor Fiifi but he was so much focused on the television.
Finally, the rain subsided and he asked me to go. 
Baaba, I think you can go now. He said.
Yes I can, thanks for your time. I responded unhappily.
Just when I stepped out, I pretended to have fallen heavily on the floor.
I screamed out so loud in pain and Pastor Fiifi rushed to help me up.
Baaba, are you hurt? Talk to me. He asked worriedly.
Yes I am pastor, my leg, my ribs, I can't sit nor stand.
He walked me back into the house. 
Baaba, let me call your sister? He said worriedly and grabbed his phone.
No Pastor, she will be too worried. 
Please just apply some ointment for me and let me start going. I said in pain.
He rushed to his room and brought out an ointment for the massage. 
I screamed so loud in pain.
I began to fly my legs apart showing him my pussy.
To be continued... 

I began flying my legs apart showing him my pussy.
I could see him stealing glances at it. 
I flew it so wide in pain.
Baaba, I think it's OK. He said and stopped.
Pastor, the leg is ok but my ribs is hurting really bad. I can't breathe properly, please help me. I pleaded almost in tears.
How do I massage your rib when you are wearing a straight dress Baaba? I think we should go to the hospital instead of this. He said unhappily.
No Pastor, that is a long process, I might even die before we get there. 
Please give me a towel so that I can remove my dress for you to massage it for me. Please don't watch me to die. I pleaded in tears.
He brought the towel in fear and excused me as I undressed. 
I later called him and he came back to massage me.
I pulled down the towel a bit and he had access to my ribs. 
I held him so tight in pain and tears.
Pastor easy! Please easy. It is painful, please easy. I moaned in pain.
In the course of the massage and my inability to stand the pain, the towel totally fell off.
Pastor Fiifi stared at me in shock and yelled. 
What is happening here Baaba!
It isn't my fault Pastor, the pain is too much to bear, please don't be angry with me. I pleaded.
He angrily stood up to excuse me.
I grabbed him tight with my boobs touching him.
He struggled to free himself from my arms but I held him so tight.
As if by magic, we began kissing deeply.
I held him so tight in other not to allow him go. 
I began touching his cock through his trouser.
He groaned in pleasure and hesitancy. 
Baaba please stop. This is not right, Mmmmm! Ooouuuucchhh! Pleeeeeaaase stop.
I continuously rubbed my hand on his cock until I finally pushed him into the sofa. 
I quickly removed his cock and began sucking it.
Aaaaahhh Baaba! Please don't do this! I am almost marrying your sister. Mmmmm! Aaaaahhh!
Come on baby, tell me you don't want this! Tell me this is not sweet! I whispered seductively.
Quickly, I stood up and sat on his erected cock. 
He screamed out so loud in ecstasy. 
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Baaaaaaaaaaaba! You are killlllllllllllllling meeeeeeeeee!
I gave him a crazy ride of fun.
I fucked him so hard and fast for minutes until I convulsed with orgasm while he seizured with ejaculation.
I stood up from his dick and tried to cuddle him. 
Stop it Baaba! What have we done! He yelled.
What does it seem Pastor? We just made love. I responded.
You must be crazy Baaba! You and who made love? Are you aware you've just raped me? He asked.
I burst into laughter. 
Hahahahah Pastor! Rape? You are so funny. I teased.
Baaba, do you realize I am a pastor? Do you realize your sister and I are getting married? He asked angrily.
Not anymore Pastor Fiifi. 
You ain't getting married to Eve anymore, you will rather be getting married to me. I responded sarcastically.
Baaba you can't do this to me! It is your sister I love, not you. He said.
Pastor Fiifi or whatever you call yourself, what is good for the goose is equally good for the gander. 
It is me you must marry, and not my sister. I responded angrily.
As you can see, it is late, let me get going, I promise to be back tomorrow for the marriage plans. 
Please don't play smart with me, because if you do, I will charge you for rape, and my father will throw you into jail. I said and began dressing up.
Baaba, my God will punish you! You are so evil. Evil resides in your heart! He cursed in tears.
Yes I know Pastor, that is why you must marry me to cast it out for me. I responded teasingly and walked out.
I got to the house a bit late and Eve was still awake.
Baaba, you've so much delayed, what happened? She asked.
My sister, you should have been in the church today to see the miracles that happened. 
Your husband is so powerful. He kept screaming for heaven to hear his voice. He groaned and moaned to the Holy Spirit that descended upon him, and finally, he casted out demons that had existed for centuries. 
Eve, in fact, you have gotten a husband. I narrated.
Eeeiii Baaba! You are so funny. Groaned and moaned to the Holy Spirit? I see. 
Anyway, get some sleep and let me call my husband. She said.
Your husband indeed! Useless girl. I insulted in thoughts.
I hid behind her, eavesdropping their conversation. 
Hello Pastor Fii, Baaba has really complimented the church service today . 
She said you are so good at everything. Eve said.
Yes Eve, we give all glory to God. I overheard Fiifi responding.
Sweetheart, you don't sound ok, please is everything alright with you? Eve asked.
I am very fine Eve, just that I'm a bit tired. Fiifi responded.
Alright my husband, rest for me, I will try and see you on Sunday. Eve responded and hanged up.
I run into my room and freshened up to sleep.
Thank you God for making me win Pastor Fiifi's love. He will soon be my husband. I thought.
To be continued... 

Thank you God for making me win Pastor Fiifi's love. He will soon be my husband. I thought.
Early the next morning, I received a call from Pastor Fiifi. 
Hello sexy sassy boo, tell me you are missing me. I said.
Baaba, I called to let you know that you've distant me from my God and I will never forgive you for that. He responded angrily.
Calm down baby, I will come over for us to talk. You need to make my father know about your change of mind to marry me instead of Eve. I said.
Baaba, don't you dare step your sinful foot in my house, or else. He threatened.
Will you shut up there! Whom do you think you are? Why should you shout at me when you and I enjoyed the act. 
I gave you a free blow job you paid nothing for, and there you are giving me unnecessary attitude.
Listen to me carefully Fiifi, I have even changed my plans of coming to your house. I am driving to my father's office to tell him everything that happened between you and I last night. 
I promise to throw you into jail. I threatened and hanged.
He kept calling me severally but I refused to answer. 
He then sent me an sms. 
"Baaba, please don't tell your father anything, please come home and let's talk."
I quickly dressed up in my sexy silky short dress and drove off to his house.
He was seated miserably in his sitting room when I got there.
Helloooo my husband to be, why are you looking this miserable? I asked.
Baaba, thank God you are here, please I hope you've not told anyone about what is happening? He asked sadly.
Not yet baby, I will only do that when you prove stubborn. I responded.
Please don't do anything to hurt me, if you do, my career will be at stake. My reputation will be dragged into the mud. The media won't spare me. He pleaded.
Just do what is right baby, and I promise to handle the rest to make sure you are safe. I responded.
Baaba please talk to me, what exactly do you want? What can I do to erase all these? He asked almost in tears.
I stood up and stood closely in front of him. 
Sweetheart, as I stand here, I am more than horny, the only thing you can do for me is to lick me to stupor. I responded and raised my dress to pants level.
Baaba please hold it. Are you saying if I lick you, you will leave everything behind us? He asked.
Sure baby, just go ahead and do it, but make sure you don't chew my clit, because it is too sweet like a toffee. I responded and stripped naked.
I laid down in the sofa with my legs widely opened. 
Come on baby, come to Mama. I whispered.
He stood up with tears in his eyes and began licking me.
Indeed, Fiifi was a pastor. He just didn't know how to even lick me for me to cum.
Fiifi, do it well, you are failing. I teased.
Baaba, I've never done this before. You are the first woman I've ever slept with. He responded in a trembling voice.
Alright then, just stop it. Your teeth is causing bruises down there. I responded and dressed up.
Baaba, please, are you ready to let everything go? He asked.
No Fiifi, since you couldn't complete the licking task, I can't let everything go.
 Now listen to me, you and I are going to marry. Just come over to my house in three days, and declare your intention of marrying me instead of Eve.
Fiifi, don't ever play smart with me, because if you do, I will charge you for rape. 
I will announce on every media platform that, Pastor Fiifi Edward is a rapist. I threatened and drove away.
Fiifi called me on phone several times and shed tears.
Fiifi, there is nothing your tears can do for you, just come into my house and make our marriage intentions known to my parents. I yelled.
To be continued... 

Fiifi, there is nothing your tears can do for you, just come into my house and make our marriage intentions known to my parents. I yelled.
On the third day, Eve came into my room. 
Baaba, you've not been going to church lately, is everything alright? She asked.
Everything is very fine my sister. The reality is that, when your tummy is full, you still don't go ahead to eat. 
The short of the long talk is that, God has answered my prayer and I am contempt with it. 
I won't bombard his ears with more requests. I responded.
Wow! That sounds like a real good news. 
Anyway, tell me about it. She said.
You will soon know about it Eve, just slow down. I responded.
After Eve left my room, I called Fiifi. 
Hello husbee, I hope you remember today is the last day to come and ask for my hand in marriage. I asked.
Baaba, please, don't do this to me, I'm begging you. He responded.
Fiifi, don't play smart with me, I give you from now till 6pm, if you don't show up, I will personally walk to a radio station to blow your cover. 
And now listen, today is Saturday so my parents are home, you can come anytime you are ready. I said and hanged up.
I waited impatiently for Fiifi. 
At exactly 5pm, he showed up.
Daddy called us into the sitting room. 
Eeerrrm my daughters and my wife, Pastor Fiifi says he's here because of us all. That's why I've called you all here. Daddy explained.
You are welcome once again Pastor Fiifi, please let's hear you. Daddy said.
Fiifi sat down for more than a minute before he finally broke the silence. 
Daddy and mummy, please I'm here with regards to my marriage plans with Eve. He said.
Eheh, what about it? We are all ears. Mom cut in desperately.
Mom, I'm sorry to announce to you that I can no longer marry Eve. Fiifi concluded.
What! Why the sudden change of mind? Fiifi why? Eve broke down in tears.
My father consoled her.
Now talk to us Pastor Fiifi Edward, what wrong has my daughter done to you? Daddy asked almost in anger.
Daddy, Eeerrrm, I have fallen in love with another woman and that woman is within this same household. He responded hestistantly.
Fiifi, you are getting me confused. Is it one of my maids? Mom asked.
No mom, it is Baaba! He responded boldly.
I quickly jumped onto my feet. 
What! Fiifi are you mad? How can you quit my sister and marry me? 
Fiifi, that is an abomination and if you care to know, I can't be part of that Atrocity! I am a born again Christian and I won't allow sinners like you to be a stumbling block to my blessings. I acted innocent to implicate Fiifi.
But Baaba...... Fiifi tried speaking.
Will you shut up you shameless thing who calls himself a pastor. 
You think you can bring enmity between two blood sisters right? You lie bad!
 Now if you really know what is good for you, walk out of my house before I call the police to arrest a criminal like you. Daddy yelled angrily.
Fiifi stood up in tears and trembling lips and drove out of the house.
Eve was buried in tears and I continuously consoled her.
Stop crying my sister, Fiifi is just not the right man for you. You will soon find your Mr Right. 
Eve, I promise to stand by you and never to cause you pain. I consoled.
Late in the night when everyone was sleeping, mom came into my room. 
Baaba, were you part of the drama that happened in this house today? Did you know anything about it? She asked.
Yes mom. I made the guy fall in love with me and I decided to disgrace him. I responded shyly.
You are so smart my beautiful girl. 
I just knew you were up to something when you began frequenting his church. 
Anyway, it serves the both of them right. 
Just sleep for me. Mom congratulated and walked out.
Such a supportive mom I have. I love her to the moon and back.
Not long after mom had left, I had a call from the love doctor, Pastor Fiifi Edward.
To be continued... 

Not long after mom had left, I had a call from the love Pastor Fiifi Edward.
Hello Fiifi, what do you want from me? I asked.
Baaba, so you deliberately planned to separate your sister and I right? 
You planned everything to make you look like a good girl before your family right? Baaba, I assure you that, the God that I serve won't let you go free. 
He knows my heart and he knows I ain't evil like you. 
God knows that I am only human and I make mistakes ,so I will go down on my knees in prayers and he will forgive me, but I assure you that, if you don't repent, you will go through more intense pain than you've caused your sister and I. He cursed.
Fiifi, it's unfortunate how a grown up man like you could be stupid and senseless.
Anyway, what matters is you've been casted out from my family like a spell. 
Never try telling anyone about it because if you do, you will be thrown into jail. I responded and hanged up.
I burst out in laughter. 
Wow, I am mummy's smartest girl. I thought.
Days later, the chancellor started calling me. 
Hello Baaba, haven't you missed your future husband? He asked.
Awwww my future husband, I've been very busy worshipping God. I responded.
When are we meeting Baaba, my home is too empty. No one to cook, wash nor clean for me. He said sadly.
I'm sorry about that dear, I can only see you after vacation. Daddy is very strict on me. 
Kindly get a maid and let her do the cleaning for you. I responded and hanged up.
Eve was still sick due to her distorted marriage plans. 
I stayed by her almost all the time, consoling her.
Baaba, there is something I want to ask you. Eve said. 
Baaba, the very day you told me God had answered your prayers was the same bloody day Fiifi came into this house to ask for your hand in marriage. 
Baaba, did these two incidents had a link, or it was a mere coincidence? She asked.
Awww my sister, how would I have known Fiifi had fallen in love with me? 
The truth is that, I received a call from the chancellor that I had made good grades in my end of semester exams.
Eve, please listen to me, I love you too much to hurt you. 
I can never be interested in your man. I explained with tears in my eyes.
I'm sorry for thinking bad for you Baaba, please don't cry, just let it go. Eve consoled.
Weeks passed into months and it was time for school again. 
I informed dad and mom and they gave me huge amount of money to do massive shopping.
From classy shoes to classy clothes and jewels. 
I went to mom's supermarket and picked all the needed provisions.
Daddy sat all of us down as a family and advised us.
Baaba, be a good girl as you are going to school and don't forget to keep your virginity till marriage.
I am also glad to inform you that, your sister Eve will be travelling to the States to do her masters program in other to help heal her wounds. Daddy said.
That sounds great daddy, but please promise you will do same for me after school. I requested.
I will my daughter, just be a good girl for me. He responded.
I packed up the following day and left for school. 
I got to campus in the afternoon and offloaded my things in my expensive single hostel apartment and drove back to the chancellor's house.
I entered the main house but there was no one in the sitting room.
I climbed up to the stairs and I could hear voices coming from his bedroom.
Aaaahhhh baby, fuck meeeeeeeeee! Mmmmmmmmm! Please fuck me. The lady moaned.
My supposed husband was busy making love to someone in the room.
I stood behind the door in disappointment and tears. 
Minutes later, I gathered courage and bumped into them.
What do you want here Baaba? Why didn't you call me before coming here? And in fact, why didn't you knock before entering this room? He asked angrily.
Cindy, is that you on the bed or I am dreaming? I asked with shock.
It's me Baaba, any problem? She asked.
Cindy, how dare you snatch my man from me? How dare you? I screamed in pain and tried to slap her.
The chancellor held my hand. 
Baaba, I chose whom to sleep with, since you were busy fucking all the guys on campus. He said angrily.
What! Me? Is that what Cindy told you? Cindy, how could you fabricate those lies about me? And in fact, how did you know the chancellor and I are going out? I asked in shock.
Baaba, if you really want answers to all your useless questions, then meet me on campus. 
For now, we are very busy as you can see. Cindy responded harshly.
Baaba, whiles I was building hopes to marry you, you were also busy fucking those small small boys on campus. 
Read my lips, it is over between us. 
Now get your cheap classy ass out of my room. He said angrily and pushed me out.
I just couldn't believe my eyes. I burst into uncontrollable tears.
To be continued... 

I just couldn't believe my eyes. I burst into uncontrollable tears.
I stood behind the door for several minutes before driving out of the house.
I will deal with Cindy ruthlessly today, she must find something better to tell me or else. I thought in anger when I got to the hostel.
In the evening, Cindy came back into the hostel. 
I could hear her room mates cheering her up.
I walked into her room in anger. 
Cindy, what was the meaning of the nonsense you told my boyfriend? I asked angrily.
Boyfriend? Man friend or boyfriend? 
Anyway Baaba, if you were capable of sleeping with PK just to get Josh's number to destroy our relationship, then I'm equally capable of monitoring your every movement to find out about you and the chancellor and separate the two of you with lies. She responded boldly.
You are such a pathetic liar Cindy. What evidence do you have to back your claims? I asked in disappointment.
Hahahaha Baaba, just accept blame and walk out of my room because I have no explanations to give you. She yelled.
Cindy, I swear to deal with you ruthlessly. 
And just so you know, the chancellor is mine and mine only. I threatened.
Empty threats Baaba! As far as I'm concerned, the chancellor is done with you. 
He won't dare fuck a cheap pussy like yours any longer. If you doubt me, let's bet. Cindy responded angrily.
I bet you Cindy! I bet you! I said and walked out in pain.
God, how can Cindy defeat me this way? How? 
I must go to the chancellor's office tomorrow and talk to him. 
He must choose me over Cindy. I thought.
Early the following morning, I wore a very short dress and went to the chancellor's office.
Baaba, what do you want here? He asked angrily the moment he saw me.
Sweetheart please calm down. Don't forget I am the reason why you left your wife.
Please talk to me, what exactly did Cindy tell you? I asked sadly.
Baaba, it was because of you I divorced my wife, no two ways about that, but I've realised I have made a very big mistake and I'm thinking of how best to apologize and bring her back into the beautiful home we once shared.
Baaba, I want you to know that, I am done with you. 
Start learning ceaselessly to maintain the flamboyant grades I dashed you this semester, or else, I will personally make sure you trail every paper on this campus.
Quickly, I went down on my knees. 
Don't do this to me sir, please tell me what I have done wrong? I pleaded sadly.
Baaba, did you sleep with the useless boy called PK or not? He asked.
Sir please, who told you this? Who told you? I asked in tears.
Baaba, Cindy told me everything and I personally called the guy to find out. 
I dashed him some little amount of money and he told me everything. 
He told me how he took an aphrodisiac to fuck out your stupidity that night.
Baaba, that was the same night I called you into my house to cause my loving wife pain. 
The same bloody night you offered me your contaminated anus to fuck. 
Baaba deny it if it's not true. Just go ahead. He lamented.
I wept so loud. 
It is true Sir, but I can explain. 
Cindy pushed me to do all that, please understand me. I pleaded.
No Baaba, your selfishness pushed you to do all that. 
Simply because she refused to be your lesbian partner, you went to the extreme to cause separation between she and her fiance.
Baaba, you are such a disgrace. 
In fact, you are an atrocious being. The chancellor insulted.
I continuously pleaded but he called his security guard to throw me out of his office.
The secretary laughed so loud at me when he saw the security guard dragging me out of the office.
I walked in tears into the hostel and threw my miserable self on the floor.
Cindy and PK will pay dearly for this, I swear! I lamented in tears.
To be continued...

Cindy and PK will pay dearly for this. I lamented in tears.
My stay on campus became very miserable. 
Cindy and her room mates kept making mockery of me.
I managed to control my pain till the semester was over. 
I got bad grades in the exams.
Soon enough, I was in my final semester in level 400.
I then decided to take my revenge on Cindy and PK when I knew everyone including the chancellor had forgotten about our beef.
I got to town and inquired from few people, the most notorious criminals in the city. 
I got to their ghetto and I was stopped at the entrance by one of the guys.
Hey, stop right there. What do you want here? He asked.
I began to panic. 
I'm sorry for bumping into you boss, but I'm here to give you a contract. I explained.
He searched me to make sure I was not armed. 
He then ushered me into a small unkept room.
I met their overall boss seated on his bed with lots of girls around him. 
He was at the same time smoking weed.
Hey miss Baaba, daughter of the renowned Lawyer Benson. What brings you to my ghetto? I hope you father has not asked you to come and spy on us. He asked.
I was so shocked. 
How did you know my name and that of my father? I asked.
Hahahahah! Miss Baaba, I am the Don of this jungle. I know what goes on in every corner of this city. 
I know whom I'm supposed to know. He responded.
Anyway, make it swift, what brings you here? He asked.
Please can you tell your ladies to excuse me? I requested.
No baby, they are part of this team. There is nothing like secrets in my ghetto. He responded.
Alright boss. Please, there is a guy and a lady I want you to hurt badly. 
I narrated everything that ensued between Cindy and I to him.
I also told him about PK.
Hahahaha! That is nasty! I must say those two people are smart. He responded. 
Anyway, what do you suggest I do to them? He asked.
Boss, I don't want them to die, I only want you to cause them the pains of their life. I responded.
Miss Baaba Benson, I must say this is no task at all to my guys and I. 
What we are going to do is that, I will ask one of my guys who is HIV POSITIVE to rape your friend Cindy and forcefully penetrate PK's anus as well.
Eventually, he will infect them with the disease and they will live to regret the day they ever caused you pain. 
Is that ok by you? He asked.
Yes please, that is very ok. But please, how do you do it? I asked.
Leave that one to us. 
My guys will kidnap them and send them to our wicked land where we perform all the atrocities. 
We will call you to witness the act with your naked eyes. He explained.
No sir, what if they find out I am behind it? I asked.
They will never find out because we will blindfold them and at the same time disguise you. He explained.
That is alright boss. I'm game. I responded happily.
Yes Miss Baaba Benson. And this whole procedure is going to cost you 5000 Ghana Cedis. He added.
No problem boss, I will make half payment of 2500 tomorrow, and pay the rest after the procedure. I responded.
That is cool with me sweet beautiful rich girl. We will be expecting you, but hey, don't you dare play smart on us, else, you are as good as dead! He warned.
I drove back to the hostel happily. 
As usual, Cindy and her friends kept making mockery of me when they saw me entering my room.
I stared deeply at her face and smiled. 
I pity your poor soul Cindy. I thought.
The next day, I went to the bank and withdrew money from my account, I then drove to the ghetto and paid the ransom to the gangsters.
Get ready Miss Baaba, we will call you tomorrow when we finally kidnap them. 
This is one of the simplest tasks, and we will finish before you know it. The Don said.
I walked out of the ghetto, full of smiles.
To be continued... 

I walked out of the ghetto full of smiles.
The following morning, I kept monitoring Cindy's movements. 
She was on phone through out the day. 
I just knew the Don was applying his intelligence on her.
In the evening at exactly 8pm, the Don called me. 
Hello Miss Baaba, we have finally kidnapped those fools. 
Come right now before we begin the task. He said.
Since I didn't want to be suspected, I left my car in the hostel and picked a taxi to where they directed me. 
The Don met me at the entrance and gave me a veil to cover my head and face.
He walked me into the uncompleted building and Oh my! 
Cindy and PK were blindfolded and tied against two chairs.
They were so much soaked in tears.
We welcome everyone to this humble place of ours. 
Cindy, I am delighted to meet you after the long talks we had on phone today. 
Hahahah! Ladies of today and money, just when I called you as a wrong number who just returned from the States, you instantly fell in love with me because you thought you could milk me dry.
Well, unfortunately for you, I am rather coming to milk you dry. The Don teased.
And to you PK the pussy fucker, you got carried away when one of my ladies called to tell you that she was a sugar mummy who wanted a sugar boy like you to fuck her and get paid. 
Instead of you focusing on your books, you run out to meet her.
Well, it's unfortunate you are not going to fuck, rather, you are going to be fucked! The Don teased.
Now listen to me the both of you, someone is going to give the fuck of your lives, if you don't want to get killed, just succumb and let's make it snappy. 
If you dare resist, we will shoot you. He threatened.
They both started weeping. 
Sir, please who employed you to do this to us? Please who? Cindy asked in tears.
Yes tell us, what benefits will you derive from it, after fucking us? PK added.
Well, let's finish before I explain everything to you. The Don responded and stripped them naked.
His guy jumped onto Cindy and penetrated her forcefully. 
Cindy struggled with him.
The other guys held her legs tight and opened it wide. 
The guy raped her for minutes.
I watched them in ecstasy. 
Hey sweet pawpaw, I can see you are satisfied now. The Don said to me and started walking me away from the scene.
We walked back to the entrance and he engaged me in a conversation while the guy continuously raped Cindy.
Miss Baaba, I must say you are a sexy lady. I also wish to taste your sweetness to seal this deal. 
I promise not to leave any trace after you give me just one round of sex. He whispered.
Does that mean there will be a trace if I don't give myself to you? I asked in shock.
Of course Miss. I will come back to you anytime I'm broke, and you know how that one is going to be? More or less like a blackmail. He responded.
This is not fair the Don. Not at all. That was not the deal we had. I responded unhappily.
I know Miss, but sexy girls like you don't escape from my trap. You must give me one round or I blackmail you. He responded boldly whiles trying to touch my boobs.
Stop it! You don't have to handle me like some lunch w class girl. I yelled. 
Anyway, I will come and give it to you tomorrow at the ghetto. I responded in disappointment.
No Miss, after today, I am done with this business. I won't like to do any transactions with you again. He responded.
So what do we do then? How do I give you the round of sex? I asked.
Right here, right now. 
Let's get into one of the rooms. He responded and dragged me there.
Please make it fast, I am a classy lady who doesn't have sex in uncompleted buildings like this. I said with bitterness.
He pushed me against the wall and began kissing me with his smoking smelling mouth. 
I couldn't just breath.
He then began sucking my boobs afterwards. 
Minutes later, he raised my dress, slid my pants aside, and penetrated me with his hard huge cock. 
I nearly screamed for help.
He fucked me faster without a pause. 
He moaned in ecstasy.
Aaahhh Miss, you are sweet! You are damn sweet! 
He spank my ass whiles fucking.
Minutes later, he finished and we walked out of the place. 
I felt cheated and deceived but there was absolutely nothing I could do. I needed to go the extra mile to defeat Cindy.
Just when we walked out, we saw the rest of the guys running on top speed as if they were chasing someone.
What is happening? Where are they running to? I asked in fear.
We walked to the backyard and met only Cindy on the floor weeping.
Damn! The guy has escaped! The Don exclaimed in disappointment.
We followed the guys and met them on their return.
Guys what happened? The Don asked.
Boss, the guy has escaped. PK is gone! They explained.
Fuck you all. The Don screamed. 
How did you allow him to escape? How? He asked angrily.
Boss, the lady was proving stubborn so we were all holding her. By the time we realised, the guy had untied himself and took to his heels. We are sorry sir. They pleaded.
But tell me, did you fuck the lady? I asked desperately.
Yes I did madam. I ejaculated into her. The HIV guy responded.
Miss Baaba, please run out of here before PK comes with the police. 
This place isn't safe for you anymore. The Don said.
I run as fast as my legs could carry me to the roadside and picked a car to the hostel.
Minutes later, I overheard noisy voices in the hostel. 
I walked out of my room to inquire what it was.
To be continued... 

I walked out of my room to inquire what it was.
Guys, what is happening here? I asked.
Miss Baaba, news just came in that Cindy and PK were kidnapped and PK managed to escape. 
As we speak now, he and the chancellor have informed the police and they've gone to the site to arrest the kidnappers. One of the ladies narrated.
I burst into tears. 
What! Oh God! Why my friend! Why Cindy? I lamented.
People consoled me till news came around that Cindy has also been rescued and sent to the hospital. 
I picked few of the ladies and we drove there.
I met Cindy in tears on the hospital bed.
Cindy, please talk to me, did they hurt you? I asked worriedly.
Yes Baaba, they raped me. She responded in tears.
I burst into tears and held her so tight. 
Oh Cindy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pains you've gone through.
Minutes later, she was calm, and she explained to me how she received a call from an unknown number who claimed to have just returned from the States. 
Baaba, since I was broke, I decided to have a one night stand with him to get money for my upkeep, only to be kidnapped and raped by a gangster. She narrated.
Cry no more Cindy, what we must pray for is that, he has not infected you with any disease. I said.
Yes Baaba, that is what I'm also praying against. 
Oh God help me! She lamented in tears.
Days later, she was discharged from the hospital and I paid for all her bills. 
People congratulated me for my kindness towards her.
PK turned a new leaf and began preaching on campus. 
He told people how God saved his life. 
He preached that, people should refrain from all atrocities and repent.
I listened to him on several occasions and laughed within. 
This guy is damn lucky. I said.
Days passed into weeks and I wrote my final papers on campus.
I escorted Cindy to the hospital afterwards to check her HIV status.
Madam Cindy, we are sorry to inform you that you are HIV POSITIVE. The counselor said.
Cindy burst into tears. 
I'm doomed oooo Baaba! My life has finally come to and end. She lamented.
I'm sorry for all these Cindy, but I must get going now. 
Go home and tell your family about it. I said and entered my car.
Baaba, please don't leave me here. Baaba! Baaba! She called in tears whiles I drove off on top speed to the hostel to pack my things.
Useless girl. You dare cross my path! I soliloquised angrily.
I packed up and went to the chancellor's office. 
What do you want here Baaba? He asked.
Nothing really Sir, I am only here to ask you if you still sleep with Cindy. I responded.
Of course I do. Since my wife has still not accepted to come back to me, Cindy will forever remain my partner. 
And if you care to know, we had series of sex just yesterday. He teased.
Wow! That means you've still been sleeping with her after she was raped? I asked.
Yes Baaba, it has not taken her natural beauty away from her. I have still been sleeping with her. He responded teasingly.
Wow! congratulations Mr Chancellor! You have successfully activated your HIV POSITIVE status. 
I wish you a painful and slow death. I said and began walking away.
Come back Baaba! What do you mean by that? He asked worriedly.
If you want further details, ask your so called partner Cindy, when she returns from the hospital or better still, go to the hospital and check your HIV status.
Baaba, you are scaring me, please talk to me, what are you insinuating? He asked almost in tears.
Your partner Cindy has tested HIV positive in the hospital, and since you are a shareholder to her cheap pussy, you've automatically become a shareholder to her HIV positive achievement.
See you on graduation day, HIV CHANCELLOR. I responded teasingly and walked out on him.
I drove off happily to the house.
To be continued... 

I drove off happily to the house.
The entire family was happy to see me home. 
Everyone congratulated me, especially my mother.
Mom, where is Eve? I inquired.
Your sister has traveled to the States for her masters program. Mom responded.
Mom, I will also like to do my masters in the States. I said bitterly.
I'm glad to hear you talk about furthering your education, but I'm pleading with you to wait for Eve to complete hers, else, I will be too lonely in this house. Mom responded.
If you say so mom, but I must by all means do my masters in the States as well. I said.
Months later, I went for my graduation and picked my third class certificate. 
Daddy was not so impressed but there was nothing he could do.
He called me into the sitting room one day for a fatherly talk. 
Baaba, you know how much I love you and your sister. 
I as such, want to the best for you. 
I've called you here this evening to inform you that, I've secured an appointment at a manufacturing company for you as the marketing manager.
 Baaba, you must stop idling in the house and get your self busy till such a time that I will fly you to the States to do your masters. Daddy explained.
Daddy, please I have heard everything you've just said, but the truth is that, I can't work under anybody for him or her to maltreat me. I responded sadly.
Baaba, everyone knows you are my daughter, and as such, will not maltreat you. 
Listen to me Baaba, I worked for all the riches you see today, and I want my daughters to also work for theirs.
Baaba, I will be more than proud to see you making it big in life. 
Please, brace yourself to be a winner in life. 
Don't turn this offer down, if you truly love me as a father. Daddy advised.
Hmmm daddy, I've heard you. I accept the offer. I responded reluctantly.
A week later, daddy drove me to my new workplace.
I was introduced to the manager.
Hello, my name is Hayford Ansah, the manager of this company. He introduced.
I'm Baaba Benson, the daughter of the man you see here. I introduced playfully.
We all laughed over it
and he happily oriented me to the company. 
It was such a huge company.
They gave me my appointment letter right away and the salary was mouth watery.
Thanks be to God, I will get enough money for my classy clothes and shoes. I thought.
The manager took me through my job description and I must say, it wasn't an easy task.
He wished me the best and showed me to my office.
I sat in my office throughout the day without touching anything.
What I was interested in, was the salary and not the job. I thought.
Finally, the day was over and I walked out of the office.
Miss Baaba, I can see you couldn't work today because it is your first day. The manager said.
That's very true Mr Ansah, I only decided to use today to study the place. I responded.
That's cool. We are hoping for better days ahead. He said.
Days passed and I developed some passion for the job, through the help of the manager.
He kept visiting me in my office and taking me out for lunch.
The ladies in the company started gossiping about us. 
Though the manager was nice to me, I had no interest in him. He was not handsome and was not so rich as well, so he was not my type of man.
One day, he took me out for lunch and we began talking about social issues.
Baaba, can you imagine the ladies in this office are gossiping about us? He said.
What about? What have we done? I asked.
They said you and I are going out. He responded.
Don't mind them, they have nothing better to talk about. I brushed it off.
Baaba, I was thinking if we could shame them by getting more intimate. He proposed.
Mr Ansah, did I hear you well? 
You want to get into a relationship with me because you simply want to put your subordinates to shame? Are you for real? I asked in a bit of anger.
That's not precisely what I mean Baaba, the truth is that, I am gradually developing an interest in you. He responded.
Simply because of this cheap lunch, you want us to get into a relationship. I'm sorry to tell you that, I'm not interested. I said bluntly.
Baaba please don't talk like that. Even the CEO of the company who is famously rich, takes his Breakfast, lunch and supper from this restaurant. He said.
The CEO? Is he that rich? I asked.
Of course he is. He is the richest young CEO in the country. 
Very influential but humble. He explained.
Please tell me more, is he not married? I asked.
Baaba, why do you seem so much interested in this conversation? And why would you want to know his marital status? Mr Ansah asked surprisingly.
Nothing bad, but because you said he takes his breakfast, lunch and supper from here. 
I was only thinking if his wife is that lazy to refuse cooking for him in the house. I answered smartly.
Ah well, he's still single and has given all the ladies a blind eye. 
The women easily fall for his handsome looks but, he turns them down. Mr Ansah explained.
Wow! This is a great opportunity for me to grab the best thing on earth. I thought happily.
To be continued... 

Wow! This is a great opportunity for me to grab the best thing on earth. I thought happily.
So tell me, why does he turn every lady down? Doesn't he find them attractive? I asked.
Not that Baaba, the CEO is too gentle to womanise. 
He's more particular about the company's welfare than his personal interests. 
The only thing that makes him a bit harsh is when women try forcing themselves on him.
Baaba, you know I report directly to him, whiles the rest of the employees report to me. So I always have the opportunity to talk with him. Mr Ansah explained.
Mr Ansah, does that mean no one can go to his office except through you? I asked.
Yes Baaba, we follow strictly the organogram, and like Jesus, no one goes to the father except through me. He responded playfully.
That sounds great. 
Anyway, let's get going, we have overstayed our break time. I said.
We stood up and drove back to the work place.
I just couldn't take my mind off the CEO. 
Show me the right way to get into the CEO's heart God, and I promise to give you a thanks offering. I prayed silently.
Days later, I went to Mr Ansah's office. 
Hello dear, I've not been seeing you lately, is everything alright? I asked.
Yes Baaba, you turned my proposal down and I don't see why I should still be wasting my time on you. He responded bluntly.
Come on Mr Ansah, please don't talk like this. 
You know it isn't compulsory to fall in love with someone. I responded.
Anyway, I can see you are very busy, what project are you working on? I inquired.
Baaba, we are left with just three months to go for the annual best worker's award and everyone is putting in much effort to win it. He explained.
Really? What prize does it come with? A house or something? I asked.
No Baaba, a brand new car and a month holiday trip with the CEO to Europe. He responded.
Instantly, my heart skipped a beat.
Mr Ansah, did you just say that? Are you for real? I asked.
Yes Baaba, that is the more reason why the entire workers are busy going about their normal duties. 
Please get going, I need to focus on my work. He responded in haste.
I walked back into my office and grabbed my job description. 
I must win this award at all cost. 
My spirit tells me the CEO is my husband. I thought.
As the marketing manager, I hit the streets and began advertising our products. 
I went to the various radio stations with my own pocket money to advertise.
People started patronising our products. 
We began having lots of customers above normal.
I hardly stayed in my office. 
I was mostly seen in the showcase room and on the streets convincing customers.
One day after office, my dad called me into the sitting room. 
Baaba, I've been hearing your voice on the various radio stations, marketing your products, and I must say, you are really doing well. Daddy complimented.
Thanks so much daddy, I am only heeding to your advice of being a hardworking lady. I responded.
I am happy to hear that Baaba, but one thing I am not happy about is the fact that, people keep complaining to me that, they see you on the streets doing a lot of talking. 
That alone is what I am not happy about. I don't want you to overstress yourself. Daddy complained.
Daddy, I love this work so much and I want to do my best to make it successful. 
Please don't listen to what people say. I said.
If you say so my daughter. 
I wish you the very best. Daddy responded.
Finally, the day for the award ceremony was here. 
Almost every staff was seated in the auditorium waiting for the grand finale.
Minutes later, the CEO and other important dignitaries walked into the premises and occupied the high table.
Wow! This man is wonderfully handsome. 
Look at his nose, his eyes, his head, his lips. Oh God, I can't wait to have this man as a husband.
Help me win this award Oh God. I prayed silently.
To be continued...

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