Wednesday 20 December 2017

THE INVINCIBLE HUNTERS (Unimaginable Seed) Season 1 Episode 1

Sometimes being physically strong can’t make one a brave man. You need to be spiritually strong too. Zumga was a powerful city with sanguine citizens due to the physical and spiritual attack they had experienced in the past. They had witches and wizards too which was one of the criteria that made them overcome several spiritual forces. The city was also
regarded as one of the richest in town. It has double roads with street light lining up in between them. A car could be seen coming speedily from the opposite side of the road. It has no roof thereby exposing the driver to the windy weather. The driver had a cowboy hat on his head. He was a young boy in his early twenties without a single beard on his jaw which added to his handsomeness. One could also see a big golden ring in the smallest finger of his left hand as he handled the stirring wheel. He reached out to his ringing
phone and placed it on his ear.
“Hi, Jack” a female voice sounded from the other side of the phone.
“Hey, Karina, I’m driving” Jack replied.
“Who cares?!”
“Guess where i am”
“Where are you? Hello..” the line went dead then Jack dropped the phone smiling. He knew Karina as one that always play trick on him.
Jack’s resident has tall trees that serves as flowering plants. One could see it’s red flowers falling down as Jack drove in and packed his car under one of them. He stepped down and hurried towards the door after climbing three stairs. He wore a pair of brown trouser, a longsleeve shirt which he tucked in properly and a voluminous shoes that matched with his hat. He was totally looking like a cowboy. He clutched the door knob but couldn’t believe what he saw-the door was already opened! So he took caution and slowly entered to see his television broadcasting cartoon. Therefore he brought out a knife from the side of his trouser ready to slay. He heard running water from the kitchen where a ray of light was also coming out from. He slowly moved towards
the kitchen, just as he wanted to enter, he bumped on Karina who screamed coz Jack placed the knife on her throat to cut it. A plate of fried egg that was in her hand fell down.
“Karina!” Jack swiftly withdrew the knife instantly.
“What is wrong with you?!” Karina provoked walking to the sittingroom while Jack followed her.
“How did you get into my house?”
“Is that an apology for nearly cutting my throat?”
“Alright, I’m sorry. But.. but.. but..” Jack stammered looking around the house. He couldn’t figure out how Karina entered a house he locked before going out.
“You left your door open” Karina began by sliding her hair backward. She wore a jean trouser and a black top that exposed her abdomen. She also had a black beautiful complexion. “When i came, i saw it open so i decided to
prepare something. That was when i called you” she added.
“I probably didn’t lock the door
properly” Jack said.
“Yes, you didn’t. Now go prepare
another egg for me!” Karina sat on the couch angrily with hands folded and legs crossed.
“Oh, come on!” Jack exclaimed with spread arms.
Jennifer, popularly known as Jane had parents and a little sister, Lana, who was just six year old. They weren’t rich neither were they poor. They went for a family vacation nearby a mountain. One could see a large umbrella. Under it were Mr. and Mrs. Fenado, Jane’s
parents, a food flask and water bottles.
“Where are Jane and Lana?” Mrs Fenado looked back.
“I guess they are in the woods” the husband also turned.
“The woods? No, that place might be hazardous”
“Just let them be”
“I said no!” the wife stood up.
On the other hand, Jennifer had been carried away by what she found in the forest-a strange seed. The seed was as big as a mango fruit having white colour all over it. “What’s this?” she soliloquized.
However, Lana, her sister, had been staring at every angle of the forest. She saw dead grasses rattling and flinging up without the force of a wind. “Jane?” she
called dragging her sister’s dress. Her voice was as tender as a baby.
“Yes, what’s it?” Jennifer looked at her.
“I’m scared”
“Of what?”
“Look over there” Lana pointed at the rattling grasses which stopped instantly when Jennifer’s eyes were directed to them. The forest became quiet. They could hear the sound of a flowing water then Jennifer also became scared. She put the seed in a bag she hung on her shoulder and held her sister’s hand.
“Let’s get out of here” she said.
The family returned from the vacation to their home with their car. Yet, Jennifer had not showed anybody the seed. She kept the bag in her room, the first thing she did was to call Jack on the phone-a video call.
“Hey, Jack”
“Hey, Jane. Where have you been?”
“We went for a family vacation. I wonna show you something”
“What’s it?”
Jennifer reached her bag to bring out the seed but it was nowhere to be found again. She became confused..

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