Friday 24 March 2017

Friday The 13th Episode 2

His teeth clenched.
His eye burned.
His heart contracted with every breath he took.
That was it. They NEEDED to die.

“Make the bad girl suffer, Jason…make her PAY…” his mother’s voice sharpened when she hit the last word and it rang through his ears. “…for EXACTLY what she’s done!”

Jason slowly pulled away from the cabin window and listened hard. He could hear soft moaning coming from one of the far-off cabins. He wished he could just chop off his ears to get the sinful cries out of his head, but since he had heard it so many times before he knew that the ugly sounds were now tattooed to his brain.

Jason slowly made his way toward the almost shaking cabin. With every step he took, the cries grew louder and screeched through the calm summer night.

He knew he had to make the bad girl who had hurt the good girl suffer much longer than the others, so he quietly peered inside to see where she was. To be honest, it was rather hard to tell.

One couple was rolling around in the bed, the covers hardly shielding their activities from Jason’s eye. The other couple was under the table, slamming their limbs into one of the table legs every two seconds from their rapidly growing actions. Jason was able to tell that the bad girl that hurt the good girl was in the bed. The only reason he could tell was simple; he remembered her high-pitched screams.

Jason’s plan was quickly formed in his mind. He knew the exact way he was going to make that bad, bad girl suffer and pay for what she had done to that innocent, little girl.

And boy was he going to enjoy it.
Destiny wiped her face clean with the blanket she managed to wrap around herself and let out a sharp cry in defeat. She was still curled up in a ball on the floor, her red cheek coated in tears from the puddle of tears she managed to form. She slowly got to her knees and tumbled into the bed, pulling her stuffed dog out of its hiding place. She shoved her face against its belly and breathed shallowly in a poor attempt to keep her heartbeat down. Destiny was sure that reading Matilda wouldn’t help her anymore. She was far too torn up now to let an imaginary British girl who could talk like a thirty year old at the age of one and a half help her now. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of depression and doubt.

Perhaps Lucy was right…maybe people didn’t like her because she wasn’t as…open as other girls were. Perhaps if she let herself go…just a little…

Destiny sighed and to herself and shook her head.

“No…I-I can’t,” her voice shook as she spoke. “It’s just not in me. Acting like someone I’m not would only make things worse.” Destiny took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and suddenly felt her throat scratch.

She looked around and groaned in defeat when she realized there wasn’t any water in the cabin.
“Am I really that stupid to not bring any water from the lake to drink?”

she asked herself bitterly as she glanced outside. She could see the lake literally shimmer from the moonlight It looked utterly gorgeous.

Destiny couldn’t stop from gazing at it for a few minutes, losing herself in the air of peace around it.

A loud noise interrupted her peace. Destiny blinked hard, trying to concentrate on the sounds. She started to make out faint moans and cries, and Destiny felt her face flame up instantly. Destiny did know that it was inevitable, but she didn’t expect she would actually hear them do it.

Destiny groaned and looked outside again. It was way too dark for her to go out there now. Even though her throat was starting to hurt from all the crying she’s done and from lack of water for most of the day, she would rather suffer then go out there. It would be easier if she had someone with her, but since she was alone…

Destiny sighed and lied down in bed, lying on her stomach. She turned down the oil lamp so that it was hardly glowing and pressed her face against the pillow, praying that sleep would take over so that she wouldn’t have to hear the others having s-x. She felt her face go redder when she heard Brianna screaming at Eli.

She could hear every single word…

Destiny groaned in frustration and pulled the pillow over her head. It felt like she was listening in on a porno film someone else was watching. It almost didn’t sound real. It actually started to sound more like howler monkeys, and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing at that. Perhaps if she tried to make them sound funny, she would relax more and fall asleep! But before Destiny could use her tactic for long, she heard a sharp scream.

One sharp enough to almost literally propel her off the bed and onto the floor.

“W-WHAT THE FLIPPING CRAP WHAT THAT?” Destiny screamed, gripping her stuffed dog as if she wanted to kill it. She looked out the window sharply, her heart pounding.

She couldn’t see that well, since the cabin was completely dark, but the screaming didn’t relent. In fact, it seemed to get louder and more desperate. Destiny felt her body shake in fear. Was one of the boys raping Lucy?

“L-lucy?” Destiny cried weakly, her voice contracted. She hesitantly got to her feet and turned on the oil lamp again. She stared at the door, hesitating. Sure, she hated Lucy, but she couldn’t live with herself knowing that she was possibly dying. She swallowed hard over the lump that was forming in her throat and looked up at the ceiling.

“G-God, if I don’t make it out of what I’m about to do, please tell my parents I love them…a-and perhaps you can tell Ashton Kutcher that I hate him.” Destiny sighed and forced herself to grin a little. Oh, how she hated Ashton Kutcher…

With that, she ran out the door. She held the oil lamp in front of her so she could see as clearly as she could, and took in deep breaths, even though she knew it was inevitable; she felt like throwing up either way. Destiny reached the cabin she assumed was the one that Lucy was in; the screaming was piercing now. Her entire body shook as she reached for the doorknob. Was she really doing the right thing? Lucy did just make her feel like the most unloved person on the face of the earth. She bit her lip hard, trying to block out Lucy screams in order to think about what she was about to do, but Lucy sounded like she was being torn to pieces.

“O-oh, D–N IT ALL!”
Destiny busted through the door, her face rather wild with determination.

What Destiny saw instantly changed her expression from bravery, to down-right terror.
A VERY large man, wearing a hockey mask, was holding Lucy by the hair. His machete was halfway in Lucy’s throat, blood spurting from the wound. Hacked limbs covered the bed and floor around them, and Destiny could tell that the others had died way before this; their bodies were somewhat more intact that Lucy’s was, and there were huge puddles of blood on the floor around them.

After taking in the whole scope of the situation, Destiny did the one thing she really only knew what to do, and she would have to thank Lucy later in the afterlife for such a wonderful idea.

Destiny screamed.

When Jason saw the bad girl’s flawless skin gush blood and her screams of pain fill the campsite, he knew he couldn’t possibly feel any more alive. These bad, bad people were FINALLY getting what they deserved; slow, painful, torturing deaths that involved a lot of their precious blood staining the wood.

Slicing up the worst girl was the most entertaining. He made sure to cut up her body just enough in the beginning so she would be too dizzy to move. That gave Jason enough time to kill the other bad kids in front of her.

Watching her friends die must have been painful…very painful…
Jason smirked under his mask as he heard the bad girl scream at him to stop, begging and crying.

When he was done with the others, he turned to see black and skin-colored tears streaking down her face. They looked nothing like the pure, clear tears he saw the good girl shed when they had bullied her. Even though Jason never wanted to see those tears again, he preferred them over these fake ones. This was just an example of how bad this girl really was.

Jason gripped the bad girl by the hair and held up her body with it, which caused the girl scream in pain. Jason felt his heart beat faster with adrenaline as he slowly held his machete to her wrist, proceeding to chop it off cleanly. The bad girl’s voice cracked as it hit a new octave, and Jason knew that she was going to die of blood loss soon. That didn’t mean he couldn’t have more fun with her.

Jason started to slash off random parts of her body, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, depending on how much he felt she deserved it. Did she deserve to have her thigh carved out of her body nice and slow like he was cutting a piece of cake? Did she deserve to have her fingers diced up like a stick of celery? Jason grinned evilly as he toyed with her mind, listening to her screams start to fade. She was starting to die now. Painfully. Slowly. Just the way she deserved it.

Her breathing was becoming shallower, and Jason knew it was going to be over soon. He decided to end her misery by slowly chopping off her head. He held the blood-covered machete to her throat and slowly pressed it against the soft flesh. It tore instantly, so he took it slow, making sure it counted. The bad girl no longer had the ability to scream, and Jason was about to slice her head clean off when he heard someone scream from the cabin door.

“O-oh, D–N IT ALL!”
Jason’s heart throbbed in shock as he saw the good girl burst through the door, brandishing an oil lamp.


Jason stared at her, his limbs frozen. There she was. The good girl. The innocent girl. The girl he needed to protect and preserve for the rest of time. And she found him in the worst possibly position he could ever be in; surrounded by dead, bleeding bodies and a girl severed in too many ways to count.

Before Jason could react to this unwelcomed encounter, the good girl did exactly what he expected her to. Scream. Loudly. He blinked at the sound of her voice cracking in fear and that one second was enough for the good girl to drop the oil lamp on the cabin floor and book it outside.

Jason quickly ran to the oil lamp and shut it off before it caught the cabin on fire. He stared after the good girl, who was running off toward the entrance. Where the car was.


The good girl was getting away.


Far away. Far away from him. This would make her a bad girl. A bad, bad girl. He had to stop her! He had to make sure she stayed a good girl!


Jason dropped the machete and ran after the good girl, his clothes soaking in the mix of all the others’ blood.

Destiny couldn’t feel herself breathe as she ran. She couldn’t feel her body as it ached with all the abuse she suffered today. She didn’t care that vomit was now sloshing around in her stomach.

Let her hurl all over the car, she NEEDED to get the hell out of there before that man killed her!
Destiny tripped over her feet as her head started to swim.

The scene she had just seen before her was flashing through her mind, making it hard to keep running, and making it hard not to keel over and throw up all over the ground. But she knew she had to run. She had to get away before it was too late. Destiny suddenly started to her hard steps behind her. She didn’t dare turn, but utter idiotic curiosity caused her head to move, and she immediately prayed that this was all a dream.

The man – the VERY large man – was now running toward her, covered in blood. His machete was gone, but that didn’t stop her from panicking. It didn’t matter what kind of weapon he had; he was going to kill her either way.

Destiny felt a sharp scream escape her now burning throat, and her body lurched when she felt herself gag.

This one spasm swept her to the ground and she emptied her stomach on the ground involuntarily, tears streaming down her face at the pain.

Her entire body throbbed as she gasped for air, and finally collapsed on her side, almost forgetting that a serial killer was on her tail.

She turned her head weakly and suddenly saw the man run faster.

Destiny screamed and tried to get to her feet as quickly as she could, feeling her life flash before her eyes.

But it all came to an abrupt stop, pausing at all the bad moments that happened today as she fell once again, tripping over a branch.

Her memories fogged over reality, and she could only see half of the serial killer as he stood over her.

She could feel her body twitch and tremble as he stared down at her, and she knew that it was most likely all over for her, so she just closed her eyes, waiting with a look of defeat tracing her features for her death.

Surprise awoke her being as she felt a pair of rough hands grasp her midsection and throw her body over a massive shoulder, and she could feel herself freeze in fear as she saw the cabins getting farther and farther away.

Jason’s heart stopped beating when he saw the good girl collapse and vomit all over the ground just at the sight of him running after her.

He could understand it, though. He wasn’t very pretty to look at, especially now that he was covered in blood. But that was pushed out of his mind.

He had to stop her! He had to make sure she wouldn’t be a bad girl! Jason ran faster and quickly gained on her, breathing hard from under his mask. For such a tiny girl, she ran pretty darn fast!
He quickly managed to catch up with her, and he stared down at her slowly.

She looked so vulnerable. Jason felt her heart ache as her frame jerked and shook, her eyes clouded over with what looked like defeat.

It was obvious that she thought that he was going to kill her, which didn’t surprise him.

After just seeing him kill four people, it seemed to make sense. Jason couldn’t take the look in her eyes any longer.

She looked like she was ready to die. He didn’t like it. It was perfectly okay for others to have that look; since they were going to die anyway, but not her…she can’t die…

Jason slowly bent down and clutched her small midriff.

It was so small he could curl both hands around it just barely touch the first knuckles on his fingers.

He quickly lifted her over his shoulder and looked around to make sure no one saw what was going on.

Not that he was too worried; no one ever came by here and came back alive.

He started to make his way back to his home, his arm gripping her tightly on around her mid-body to keep her in place.

He felt himself tremble slightly as the realization of what he was doing hit him.

He was bringing a good girl to his home for the first time. For some reason, he felt nervous.

He didn’t know how she was going to react to this. He prayed that she wouldn’t run away. That would make her a bad girl, and he would have to kill her. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

“Don’t worry, Jason,”Jason heard his mother’s voice tickle his ear.

“As long as you are gentle and express that you won’t hurt her, she will stay.

Remember to be patient. She’s so delicate…”

His mother’s words made him shudder.

She WAS delicate. She was innocent. She was untouched. She was the epitome of everything he had been looking for, and he knew that he would protect her innocence with his life.

To be continued…

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