Friday 24 March 2017

Sister Mary Episode 2

“but how do we go about the hot injection?. I like the plan but just asking” i murmured. Jboy laughed.

“it’s just simple. After you must have drugged her. I’ll come over with a chemist friend who will do the injection. Very simple” he explained. I breathed deeply and stood up,

“thanks man, i have to get going” i said, shaking hands with him.
As i laid on my bed later in the night, i thought about the plan and the consequencies. Surely it was a very dangerous plan, something capable of ruining my reputation and career, but my heart was strong. I was very determined to carry it out to the last.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone which began ringing. I smiled as i grabbed it. As usual Chioma was calling just to say goodnight to me. Such a wonderful lady she was.
“Had i met her earlier, perhaps i wouldn’t have been in this mess” i reasoned as i answered her phone call.
After a very stressful day at the office the next day. I had a quick meal in a small cafe closeby before heading to Mary’s apartment. I really had a hard time locating the isolated compound which stood at the end of a dirty street, poles away from other houses. It was my first time of visiting her.
Parking my car in front of an old gate, i calmly dropped a piece of paper she used in writing down her address for me weeks ago, breathed deeply and alighted from my car. I dialled her phone number which rang twice before she answered it.

“i’m in front of your house. At the gate” i slowly informed her, praying she comes out. She hung the call, saying nothing. I was lost and stunned. Breathing deeply i dialled her number again and again but she refused answering. In desperation i tucked my handset back in my b—-t pocket, raised up my head to see her rushing towards me. Her face bright with joy.

She drew close stopped and stared at me with uncertainty. I smiled and hugged her.
“i’m very sorry dear. Forgive me. I have realised my mistakes. I spoke to the pastor yesterday” i said softly, my heart pounding furiously.

Such decietful words they were but enough to make her melt in my arms with joy.

are you for real?” she asked with joy,

“of course i’m, can we go to my house or are you busy?” i asked. She backed away from me, shook her head and laughed.

“of course i’ll go with you. We have a lot to discuss isn’t it so?” she asked. I nodded with a careful smile, saying nothing.

“let’s go inside. I have to change my clothes before going with you” she said sweetly,

“no i can wait here, just be fast” I replied. She blew out a kiss, turned and ran into her apartment. I calmly waited, so happy that things were going well. I prayed for the rest of my plan to be equally easy.

She soon showed up minutes later, wearing a lovely green gown with a green handbag on her left shoulder. I quickly opened the car door for her, jumped into the driver’s corner and zoomed off to a small but cute restaurant, where i ordered a delicious meal for her and a bottle of beer for myself. I truly astonished her with my behaviour and the poor girl thought it all was for real.

On getting to my apartment an hour later. I dragged her to my bedroom where i kissed her profusely. She responded without resisting, giving me the courage to push her down on my bed.

I was so weak and tired, but i had to make love to her. I had to make her feel convinced that all was well and settled between us. I showed her love, grabbed, fondled, caressed and devoured her. All i did with superb perfection, sucking her bosoms, p—y and finally slamming her with my heavy-duty joystick, which devoured and made her scream with joyful abandon as it went in and out of her hot wet ki.tty.

We f.uc.ked each other till 11pm when we fell apart breathing heavily and sweating profusely. She stared at me with eyes filled with joyful tears.

“i really prayed so much for this moment. I knew my prayers would be answered. I knew you will come back to me. I love you so much” she poured out with all her heart.
“so when do we begin planning for this baby that i’m carrying?”She asked, touching her belly.

“calm down my dear. I already have things figured out” i replied with an evil smile. She relaxed and caressed my chest happily.

“i trust you darling” she murmured, failing to understand the meaning of my words.

Having her where i wanted, the next thing was to move over to the next stage of my murderous plan.

The next day i briefed Jboy, giving him the details of everything that went on between Mary and I the previous day. He was pleased.

“so how do we give her the drugs?. When do you think will be perfect?” i asked,

“well remember i said it could be done within a week. It’s all on you” he replied.

“ok then, saturday night will be better. I want it done as soon as possible” i answered. He kept quiet for a while, perhaps thinking how possible it would be.

“so what’s your plan?. Remember she isn’t supposed to eat anything within that time-frame. How do you intend keeping her hungry by that hour. It sounds hard oo. I would have preferred it done in the morning?” he asked.

“remember Kano state football team {kano pillars} are coming over to the state for a football match on saturday?” i asked,

“yes and what has that got to do with the plan?” he curiously asked.

“a lot bro. I will pick her up from her apartment on saturday morning. Have some rounds of s-x with her. Then in the afternoon, i will buy her some light snacks which we will eat together before heading over to watch the match. On our return, i will serve her a drugged cup of fruit juice before notifying you to come over with your chemist friend. It’s a difficult task but it really is the best i can come up with” i explained convincingly.

“well let’s pray it works well. I’ll bring the sleeping stuff tomorrow morning” he murmured and hung up.

I was happy and angry with myself. I knew what i was about doing wasn’t right but had to do it to avoid an unending regret.
Early the next day as i dressed for work, Jboy brought the pills and wished me luck.
“i’m by your side bro” he smiled as we shook hands.

On getting to the office, I told Chioma that i will be travelling to the village to spend the weekend. She instantly believed me, asking no prying question which really was a big relief.

I had the sleeping pills, Chioma out of the way. The only thing left was completing my plans which were now in the final stage.

Deep down i was very scared.

Later in the evening, i thought over my plans, rehearsing every step and praying for it to work out well. Commiting a crime is never easy, no matter how small it is.

On rechecking the sleeping drugs Jboy gave me in the morning. I noticed that the small container in which the pills were stored had no label. I quickly called him on phone. I knew how bad sleeping pills could be and so wasn’t willing to take silly chances.

“of course the pills are 95% risk free. Three tablets will be perfect for her. It disolves instantly in any liquid solution. My young cousin brought the drugs from Ireland last christmas. You have nothing to worry about moreover the chemist and i will be around the corner waiting for your signal. Just sleep tight bro, we have a long night tomorrow” he assured me strongly. I finally hung up and slept with my hopes up.

By 12noon the next day, Mary showed up at my house looking happy and excited. I couldn’t help but wonder how miserable she would be after my plans have been carried out.

We played, kissed, romanced and joked till 3:30pm when we headed to the stadium to watch a much anticipated football match. We ate no lunch, which equally was one of the sacrifices i endured. However we had a great time at the stadium, whispering sweet nothings to ourselves all through the duration of the match.

7:30pm we returned to my apartment, very tired and hungry.
“thanks sweetie for everything. I guess i have to head to the kitchen to prepare something” she said to me with a smile. I shook my head before kissing her.

“no my dear. Just relax in my room, I have another surprise for you” i whispered to her. Her eyes brightened with joy, she turned and headed to my room without another word.

I rushed to the kitchen, brought out the pills were i hid them, opened my fridge, brought out a fruit juice which i poured in a glass cup, quickly mixing the juice with three tablets of the sleeping pills just like jboy directed. I murmured some quick prayers before taking the cup of juice to her.

“where is the surprise my love?” she asked as i walked into the room. I smiled and handed the glass of juice to her.

“just drink this first my love” i smiled, winking at her. She quietly obeyed, drinking half of it in one gulp. I breathed with satisfaction.

Unknown to her, the surprise she was waiting for was in the juice she just gulped…

She calmly finished the drink, dropped the cup and flashed a smile at me.

“thanks sweetie you are so caring. I wish things will continue this way” she said happily. I breathed deeply, drew close and kissed her.

“of course it will” i murmured as we kissed. We fondled each other, kissed and joked for about fifteen minutes before she stood up, trying to head to the kitchen once again. I quickly held her.

“i have to go prepare something my love” she said, trying to free herself from my grip.

“don’t worry dear. I’m heading out to get something more yummy. Just relax sweet-heart. I’ll take my bath first, then head to the restaurant down the street” i appealed convincingly. She shrugged, returned to my bed, grabbed the t.v control, and busied herself moving from one t.v channel to another. I smiled, undressed and headed to the bathroom, praying for my plans to work out without issues.
I spent close to ten minutes in the bathroom before coming out to see her half asleep. I sat beside her, smiling to myself. She turned, backing me as she murmured some inaudible words. I dressed up, went to the sitting room and called Jboy.

“yeah it’s about time. We will be there in ten minutes” he assured me and hung up.

Ten minutes really was a lot of time as i waited for him to show up with the man who was to give Mary the injection. I kept staring at the clock until they showed up fifteen minutes later. Wasting no time, i led them to my room where the man quickly gave two injections to Mary without any stress. Though as he gave her the second dose, she tried to turn in her sleep forcing me to hold her strongly.

“so what’s next?” i asked as we returned to the sitting room.

“just watch over her and wait” Jboy replied as he left my apartment with his chemist friend.

I really wanted them to stay with me, but couldn’t ask them for such favour. So Reluctantly, i returned to my room, uneasily awaiting the result of my deed. Such a terrible night it was. I couldn’t even sleep. I murdered my soul with a terrible crime, how could i sleep.

2:30am, I still sat awake, nervous as ever as i waited for the injections to work or for Mary to at least wake up.

I was so scared and happy. I couldn’t think properly anymore nor figure out the next step to take. I kept praying and hoping for things to work out well.

3:30am, my eyes slowly closed, my head quietly dropping as the great power of sleep and exhaustion took over my entire body.
Leaving the bulbs on, I had to change my position by lying beside Mary. Couple of minutes later, i slept off like a baby.

At exactly 5:15am, Mary’s sharp cry woke me up, instantly putting great fear into me as i sprang up from my bed. I lazily rubbed my eyes with my palms before staring at her with confusion.

“dear Lord no no no” she screamed with all her heart. Her eyes on my bed. I couldn’t help but follow her eyes which rested on nothing but on a small pool of blood which clearly glared under the florescent light in my room.

I breathed deeply with satisfaction and happiness. But i quickly hid my feelings, drew close and hugged her. Surprisingly she pushed me angrily away as if she was aware of my crime, rushed into the bathroom and locked the door.

For some minutes, i stood confused as i thought over things. Surely i was free from her after all. The unwanted baby gone forever.
“what next?” i asked myself over and over.

She rushed out of the bathroom minutes later with my towel wrapped round her body, looking very shaken, miserable and troubled. I tried to get close to her again but it earned me a dirty slap which silenced and made me a bit angry. I left her alone and went over my sitting room.

She soon showed up in the sitting room wearing my old tight fitting jean trouser and shirt. Eyeing me, she left the apartment without another word while i went after her, begging her to stay for at least an hour. She refused to listen to my pleas nor talk to me.

She left without saying any parting words which really put me in great suspense because i couldn’t figure out what she was thinking nor had a way of knowing if she suspected any foul play.

I returned to my messed up bedroom, very scared and uncomfortable. I had no choice than to start cleaning up the mess and awaiting what fate had in stock for me.
I knew not if i will ever see her again.

After cleaning my bedroom and bathroom, i tried calling Mary on phone but she simply choosed to ignore my calls.

I was scared and afraid. I couldn’t eat nor do anything else other than to lie down in my sitting room, deeply thinking without any solution.

Finally by 5:30pm, I rushed over to Jboy’s apartment, briefing him on the latest development. He wasn’t a bit moved by my story.

“her behaviour isn’t out of the ordinary. Of course you weren’t expecting her to jump with joy when she found her baby was gone for real?. Well the best you can do is just to go over to her house, keep her company and make some sweet promises” he advised as if it was all easy. I shrugged and shut my mouth. It was my cross to carry and so had to carry it all alone.

I drove over to Mary’s house minutes later, but couldn’t get myself to go inside the apartment. My conscience wouldn’t allow, and kept flogging me without pity.
I sat in my car for hours without moving an inch. All i did was just to stare at the old compound, afraid and nervous.

By 7:45pm, I returned to my apartment, prepared dinner and ate hungrily, washing everything down with two bottles of cold beer. I felt a little bit relaxed after. By 10pm i went to bed.

I left for work very early the next day, pushing aside Mary’s image and everything about her. It was something that i did with a whole lot of effort. I couldn’t let my conscience to continue flogging me.
I left office with Chioma and headed to my house. She earlier had insisted on going home with me, and i had no choice than to do her bidding.

I slowly parked my car in front of my apartment, alighted with Chioma who innocently linked her third right finger with mine as we headed to the hallway leading to my flat.

“i don’t just know why i feel so happy” she murmured excitedly, while i drew back cautiously as my sensitive eyes spotted three men who were heading towards us. I quickly sensed danger, but calmed down, appearing cool.
One of them waved, urging us to stop. I obeyed fearfully. Chioma equally stopped, her eyes fixed on me.

“are you Mr. Ken?” the man who waved at us asked as they drew close. I nodded faintly.

“you are under arrest sir” he said polietly. The two men with him quickly closed in on me.

Before i could get myself to say something, I was dragged and thrown into a waiting police van, while Chioma pleaded to them to let me be.

It was very sickening finding myself in such terrible, bitter situation. My guilty conscience never allowed me say something reasonable. Chioma was the person who did all the talking, begging and screaming at the officers to let me be.

“for God’s sake, leave the poor man alone. I beg of you. He is a respectable gentleman. He can come to your station on his own” she pleaded as they threw me at the back of their van.

“do you wish to go with us?. That’s the only way we can help. We are simply carrying out orders” one of them said to her. She looked at me, breathed deeply with tears melting her eyes, climbed into the back of the van and joined me. I couldn’t believe my eyes, i never knew she loved me that much.

“you shouldn’t have” i managed to murmur.

“don’t worry dear. I know you are a very innocent person. If i don’t stick with you at this moment, then where is the love. I’m your woman and it will always remain so” she said confidently. I closed my eyes and prayed for the terrible nightmare to go away.
“what if Mary is behind this outrageous police arrest?. How do i now keep things away from Chioma” i wondered miserably.

We got to the almost empty police station at exactly 6:20pm. The lady corporal on desk quickly grabbed my I.D card which one of the officers who arrested me threw at her. She wrote down my name and some other details from it, while an ugly looking officer rudely undressed me. This time i weakly fought and resisted the cold treatment. Chioma screamed with anger.

“what the hell is going on?. I swear i will bring down this station with a team of lawyers tomorrow. This is insanity and abuse of my friend’s human rights” she barked at the police woman as i tried my possible best to avoid being undressed.

“you can do whatever you want madam. We are only carrying out instructions” she replied Chioma, quickly taking record of my belongings which were handed over to her.

Before i could argue once again, i found myself inside a poorly lit cell. Holding the iron bar, backing and ignoring the seven guys inside, i shouted at the top of my voice begging to be released. My behaviour seemed to have irritated my cellmates, because few seconds later, I felt a terrible thud at the back of my head which sent me turning to face my new enemies.

By the look on their faces i knew they were delighted and amused, ready to have fun with me. I knew a great beating awaited me, but wasn’t ready to yield without a fight.

“what’s your own?” I angrily barked at the guy who punched me, closing my fists as i bravely faced him.

He breathed angrily, charging at me. I stood my ground, displaying no fear. His right fist soon caught my jaw, sending me backwards. I lost balance and staggered, my jaw furiously burning.

He threw out another punch which i managed to dodge before launching at him from the mid-section. I was no boxer nor fighter, and truly had no chance with him, if not for my instinct which pushed me into diving at him with a quick reflex.

Together we fell on the other cellmates who were enjoying the show. Surprisingly they all joined in the fight, kicking, punching and spitting at me, while i struggled like a wild animal to get up. Yea i was turned into an animal. A very wild one. So pathetic fighting with low-lives. A high class graduate like me.

The uproar the fight generated quickly drew the attention of the cops on duty, who earlier had ignored the noise. Two cops showed up, shouting and cursing. Seconds later, the fight was over. I was simply a mess, battered and dirty. I can’t recollect if i actually slept that night.

Very early the next day. I was called out of the cell by a tall fulani corporal and dragged to a very small bush at the back of the police station where a half bucket of water and a new set of underwear was waiting for me. I was surprised.

“your woman brought it this morning and paid us to treat you fine. She dropped a message” he said, giving me a piece of paper.
“hurry you have five minutes. Oga is waiting for you” he said and moved back to give me a little privacy. I quickly opened the folded paper, reading the note from Chioma.

“they said you nearly killed a girl but i don’t believe them. I gave them money to treat you well. I have to inform our colleagues at the office this morning. I Love you” she wrote.
I fought hard to hid my tears as i read the note over and over. .

Fifteen minutes later,
A.S.P Tunde’s office

The middle aged officer was busy with a file as i was brought into his office. He quickly dropped the file he was reading, stared at me for some seconds, drew back on his chair and folded his hands.

“MR Ken you are in real deep trouble. I hope you know you arn’t getting out of this place in a long time?” he slowly asked. Picking his words like a high court judge delivering a verdict. I instantly knew i was dead meat.

I couldn’t talk. I simply stared at him like a zombie. So many things were going through my mind that moment. I just was overwhelmed by the situation i found myself.

“I hope you are ready to tell me the whole truth. Tell me about the girl you drugged to remove her pregnancy. Start from the very begining. You have an interesting case” The officer demanded with a calm smile on his face. I stared at him murderously.
“how could he be having so much fun over my dilemna?” i wondered miserably. I felt like smacking him but could do nothing than to swallow my anger speechlessly. Surprisingly my silence quickly provoked him.

“I don’t have all day boy. We already have enough evidence to nail you. I only wanted to hear your side of the story but it seems my good intention is being rebuffed. Your silence is a big insult to my uniform” he suddenly barked, hitting his table with his right fist. I panicked and drew back. I just couldn’t take control of the situation.

“you better start preparing yourself. I’ll personally make sure you hang. Vagabond. You will be heading to court in few hours” he threatened vehemently. My mind flew.

“oga it hasn’t come to that. I’m just confused over everything. I’m yet to get myself nor understand my crime. Your boys hijacked me from my home yesterday evening without any explanation” i begged quietly, but the officer wasn’t moved. All he did was to ask the corporal to take me away, but just that moment a female sergent brought Mary and another young Lady into the room, giving me another chance to plead my case. This time to Mary.

“Mary! Dear me, what are you doing to me?” I cried passionately.
She was my only hope. Yea she was behind my detention but I also was intelligent enough to know she had the power to stop the police from taking the case further. There wasn’t any need lying nor pretending anymore. All i wanted was just to be set free. Only a night at the police cell was an experience more deadly than hell. I couldn’t imgaine surviving another night in there.

“Mary i Beg of you, let’s settle this at home” I cried hopefully.
But Unfortunately the look on her face was like that of a vampire, keen on sucking blood.

To be continued.

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