Monday 22 January 2018

Just A Taste Episode 18

I had shut my eyes and imagine I was still asleep. Maybe I was in dream world.
“Open your eyes Nadia. It’s me”
He requested as he made an attempt to touch my hands.
I opened my eyes again. God it was Wilson!
“Wilson? Wilson?!”
I realised now that this was indeed a reality.
“Bring your voice down Nadia”
He tried to calm me down but I wasn’t ready to listen
“Wilson? How did you..? 
Wait how did I get here? You kidnapped me?”
He attempted to touch me but the flames burning in my whole system wouldn’t let him.
“Don’t you dare!”
I was restraining myself from hitting him so hard. I couldn’t believe myself.. This is the same guy I swore I would die for. Now I felt like slitting his throat.
“Nadia will you calm down for a minute and listen.?”
I was making things difficult for him. So I tried to temporarily pretend to be calm so he can explain how the hell I got there.

DANIEL: My mum had called me up.  She didn’t reveal her reasons but it sounded urgent. I received the text to my phone the moment I got back to my room. You won’t believe I had to write a letter of permission. The authorities were delaying my letter. Mum called immediately when I relayed my plight to her, and the head manager had to escort me to the gate, still pleading for mercy. I wondered what my mum told him.
I got to lekki at about 5pm in the evening.
“Good evening sir, good evening sir”
Oh trust me, I have missed all these glory. I smiled as I waved at everyone who bowed to greet their heir to the throne.
I got to her spacious office. She was seated as usual, going thru those massive files. I always wondered what she finds so special in them.
She beamed with smiles as she let down her Googles to take a better look.
“You’ve grown big my boy”
She stood up to hug me. I was way taller so I had to bend to reach her.
She inhaled deep and hugged me tight. It was obvious she had missed me. I missed her too though.
After much gist she digressed to the main reason she called.
“I want you to cook something for me. I want to be certain you are not wasting my money there. If you can’t cook anything. I’ll pull you out immediately”
At first, the word pull you out sounded nice. Its what I have desire from the start.
But then, just as my smiles brimmed to the fullest, I remembered Nadia.
“What? Cook?”
I began to think of the damage now.

“I had to make arrangements with Brenda to bring you here. I have been searching for you”
This was getting deep. How the he get to know Brenda? 
“You know Brenda? When? How?”
He didn’t answer my questions.
“That’s not the point, the point is, you are biting more than you can chew. I got the news that you are becoming a great cook. I must confess I underestimated you. But Nadia, getting involved with Serena is the most foolish step you took. She is evil and can’t be trusted”
I watched his mouth as they confessed what I least expected.
“Who are you?”
I had to question. Is this Wilson? How did he know all of that? Has he been spying on me?
“Nadia are you listening to me at all? That’s not an issue anyway. You are going back home”
Ok, I had been so calm to get all his intentions revealed. But his last words brought the tamed fire back.
“I’m what? Are you for real? Like are you OK? I think you are running mad. Like seriously mad! You kidnapped me, which I am supposed to get you arrested for. And now you are ranting here, threatening to send me home? As what? My new God? Who do you think you are?”
He covered the distance between us and grabbed my hand
“Your husband!”
My what? 
I pushed him with the last strength I had.
“Ex husband! You bastard”
I said and hurried to the door.
Two hefty men stood outside. Trust me, I hit one of them in between his legs. You know what that means. And scathed away trying to find my way. The place was a city of its own.
It was a food plaza, bigger than anything I have ever seen in my life.
I could hear footsteps and deep baritones calling out my name. They were after me. I ran to a segment with the inscription.
“Kayode’s kitchen”
Wait, could it be that I am in *Kayode’s kitchen?* The biggest food plaza in Africa?. How come? And what is Wilson doing here? With an office of his own.?
I ran into the kitchen. It was like a factory with hundreds of cook who hardly paid attention to me. They were all busy with one food or the other. It was well air conditioned and I was beginning to feel at home when I remembered I was being chased.
I ran forward into a room I found open. It was another kitchen. Smaller than the other one. But all the equipment and facilities was intact. It was clear that no one used the kitchen. It would be a perfect place to hide.
Gladly it was when I heard the security pass by.
I was about to hurry out when the door opened. Someone came in. I was careful when I took a peek to see.
You wouldn’t believe it! It was Daniel!

Just A Taste Continues

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