Monday 1 January 2018

The VICTORY Proclamations of 2018 from Psalm 18.

I will love you O Lord my strength. For You are my Rock and my Fortress,  my God,  my Strength,  in whom I trust, my Shield and the Horn of my salvation,  my Strong Tower. 

When the pangs of death surround me, the floods of ungodliness, the sorrows of shoel, the snares of death and distress, LORD, on my behalf, ride upon the cherub. Fly on wings of the wind. Thunder from heaven, utter Your voice with hailstones and coals of fire. Send out arrows, scatter my foes. Release Your lightening in abundance, vanquish them. 

LORD, take me and draw me out of many waters. Deliver me from my strong enemies, those who hate me. Be my support. Bring me out into the broad place. Deliver me because You delight in me. Reward me according to my righteousness. Help me to keep the way of the LORD, and not to, wickedly, depart from my GOD. 

Be merciful to me O LORD. Present me blameless and pure before You. Deliver me from the devious and the shrewd. Save me as I humble myself. Light my lamp to enlighten my darkness. Help me to run against a troop. Empower me to leap over a wall. Cause me to trust in the proven WORD of the LORD, who is perfect. 

Arm me with strength. Make my way perfect. Make my feet like hinds feet. Set me on my high places. Teach my hands to make war,  so my arms can bend a bow of bronze. Give me the shield of Your salvation. Let your right hand hold me up. Let Your gentleness make me great. Enlarge my path under me, so my feet does not slip. 

LORD, arm me with strength for battle. Subdue under me those who rise up against me. Give me the necks of my enemies. Destroy the plans of those who hate me. Deliver me from the strivings of the people. Make me the head of the nation. Make people I have not known to obey and serve me. Deliver me from the violent man and cause me and my descendants to sing praises to Your Name forevermore!

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