Thursday 20 April 2017

Betrayal Episode 4

I instantly broke free from Dave when i saw Benjamin enter my room. My heart furiously pounded while my legs shook, as he sat on my bed with a blank expression……

Dave just stood with a smile on his face as he stared at benjamin who just pretended as if he didn’t notice his presence,

“my guy how far nah” i heard Dave say, as he drew close to him with an extended right hand, which he unhappily shook with a dry smile on his face. I felt like disappearing like a ghost as i watched them with frightened eyes……..

“baby i have to get going, we will continue our discussion later, okay!” Dave said with a smile before leaving my room, while all i did was just to stare at him silently, because i really was extremely confused that moment…….

“here are the movies you asked me to buy” Benjamin said coldly, as he stood up with a nylon bag, immediately after Dave left, while i drew closer to him and stared into his eyes, but he instantly looked away…….

He dropped the small nylon bag, which instantly opened as soon as it landed on my bed, revealing a plate of ice cream, a well wrapped cake and two Dvd plates, which i eyed hungrily as soon as i saw them…….

“i’m going to my room, do have a nice evening” he added with a cold tone, which sent shivers down my spine. I instantly reached for his right hand, which i held tightly with shaking hands.

“why are you leaving so soon, and why is your voice so cold?” i asked, even though i knew the reason he was angry, but naturally as a girl i pretended not to know, moreover i equally owed him no explanation, because i wasn’t yet officially his girlfriend…….

“please i’m very tired, we will talk later” he replied, without even looking at me, while i bit my lips as i cursed Dave in my mind,

“what you saw earlier, dosen’t mean anything, he just forced himself on me” i tried to explain, which i really did with a whole lot of courage, because i hate explaining my actions to anyone, and i equally had to do it, because i very much cared about him, but my explanation only made him more angry, and his eyes furiously burned as he looked up at me in a way i never had seen him look.

“let me go, you girls are all the same” he muttered, snatched his hand from my grip and left my room, while his last words smote my heart like a double edged sword…..

Oh how it pains to be wrongfully accused or suspected……

I battled with my pride as i watched him leave. Truly I felt like following him to his room that moment and continue with my explanation, but i held myself,
“let him be for now, don’t go after him, you are a girl for Christ’s sake” my mind advised me…….
I locked my door and laid on my bed, while my thoughts kept me company as i wondered and reasoned how Benjamin must have felt when he saw Dave and i hugging.
“but it was just a friendly hug nau” i reassured myself and sighed……
I really was confused on how to approach Benjamin or apologize to him without appearing cheap, because there really was nothing i hate more, than a girl begging a guy over anything,
“hmmm i did that as a little naive girl, i don’t think i will stoop so low for that c.rap again” i muttered to myself, even though my mind wasn’t strong as i sounded……
Two hours later, i left my room and knocked on his door, which opened a minute later, but it wasn’t Benjamin who opened the door, but one of Dave’s friend who also was our neighbour…….
I gasped in surprise when i saw him, because i knew he wasn’t friendly or close with Benjamin, but i kept my thoughts to myself, as i forced out a smile and entered into the room…..
I panicked and shook in fear when i equally saw Dave sitting on a plastic chair with a smile on his face, while Benjamin sat on his rug and faced his television. I smelt danger immediately, even though everything appeared normal inside the room….
“hahaha your friend is already here, we have to get going” Dave said with a smile as he nodded to his friend, who was at the door, stood up and shook hands with Benjamin.
“don’t look at me that way nah, i just came to see Ben and also make him my friend, you know he hardly talks to people” he explained as he drew close and touched my left cheek, before leaving the room with his friend…….
“hope everything is okay?” i asked Benjamin with concern, immediately we were alone, but he said nothing to me,
“talk to me nau” i anxiously pleaded as i held his left hand……
“everything is fine” he said with a dry smile, while i shook my head,
“your voice dosen’t sound alright, tell me what did he say to you?” i asked, but he just smiled again and stared at me,
“it’s just boy’s talk and nothing you should know” he replied coldly, before facing his t.v again, while i bit my lips, stormed out from his room, and marched towards Dave’s room angrily…..
Seriously i never knew i had such courage to march towards Dave’s room that evening unaided. I soon got to his door and knocked furiously. But i was caught off guard when a pretty slim girl opened the door and stared at me in surprise…….
“eemm is Dave inside?” i managed to ask, but the girl just kept quiet and looked me over. Luckily Dave soon appeared with a smile behind the girl,
“i knew you will show up hehehehe, lynda make way for our visitor to enter nah” i heard him say…….

“i didn’t come for a friendly visit, please leave Benjamin and i alone, we didn’t do anything to you” i barked at him furiously, while his smile quickly died away, as my words hit him like a disfigured 504 salon car…….
Lynda equally stared at me with confusion in her eyes, while Dave quickly controlled his surprise and forced out a smile again,
“come inside lets discuss, i don’t understand your outburst” he said to me, but i just eyed him furiously and walked away fearlessly……..
‘imagine the i.d.i-t even have a girl in his room, tomorrow he will claim that she is his sister mtcheeeew” i said with a long sigh as i walked towards Benjamin’s room…….
“where did you go?” he anxiously asked, as soon as i entered his room,
“i went to give that si.lly Dave a piece of my mind” i replied, while his face coloured immediately……
“are you crazy? What did you just do?” he asked with a slightly raised tone, while my eyes equally sparkled with anger as i stared at him….
“you asked whether i’m crazy right? No wahala i brought all these problems and insults upon myself” i said angrily, stood up and left his room,
“no wait i never meant to insult you” i heard him plead, as he rushed up and held my left hand, but i snatched it from him and walked into my room……..
He knocked on my door for hours, called my phone countless times, and even sent me lots of text messages that evening, which i all ignored, because i really wanted to punish him a little, though i must confess i enjoyed every bit of it……..
I equally heard Dave’s ‘pattern of knocking’ on my door later in the night, i equally ignored it and slept away…….
Early the next day, i went downstairs with my bucket to fetch water, because i earlier planned to travel home that fateful day.
“hello” i heard a feminine voice greet, as i was filling my bucket with tap water, i turned instantly with a smile, and there stood the same girl i saw in Dave’s room the previous day staring at me……
“what’s up dear” i replied polietly,
“do you recognize me?” she asked,
“offcourse i do, were you not the girl i saw in Dave’s room yesterday?” i replied and asked,
“yea i’m the girl, i’m so sorry for being a little rude to you yesterday” she apologized, while i laughed,
“were you rude to me? Hmmm i didn’t even notice it, anyway it’s cool my name is Cyndii” i said to her,
“thanks dear mine is Lynda” she replied,
“yea i know” i said with a smile as i carried my bucket, while she blushed…….
“please there is something i wish to sit down and discuss with you” she humbly pleaded. I stared at her in surprise and breathed deeply,
“i’m travelling today, but i’ll be back by tomorrow afternoon, will tomorrow evening be okay for you?” i asked,
“yea it will, i will come over to your room” she replied with glittering eyes, which made her look even more beautiful.
“do you know my room?” i asked with surprise,
“offcourse i do” she replied with a smile,
“okay till then” i said as i nodded in agreement, before walking away with my bucket of water, while my thoughts kept me company, as i wondered what she really wanted to discuss with me……..

I really couldn’t relax when i finally travelled home that fateful day, as i kept on wondering what Lynda wanted to discuss with me, but then i really had no clue nor choice, than to have patience till the next evening when we scheduled to meet…….
“i don’t understand you anymore, are you still angry with me?” i heard Benjamin ask, when i finally answered his phone call later in the evening. Truly i equally was so glad to hear his voice, because even though i really was angry with him, for the tone and words he used on me the previous day, i equally knew i also was at fault…..
“let’s just forget about it, it’s all in the past” i replied calmly,
“thank God you know, anyway where are you?” he asked,
“i travelled home but i will be back tomorrow” i replied,
“my God! See your way nah, you just travelled without informing me?” he accused bitterly,
“i’m sorry, though you caused it” i muttered quietly…….
I returned the next day, with a heavy pocket, and lots of foodstuffs which gladened my heart and made me very happy,
“GOD bless you mummy” i sang to myself…….
2pm, After i had kept all my foodstuffs in their locations, i freshened up and headed to Benjamin’s room, dressed in my black sleeveless top and a bum short, which really brought out my real shape. I was all out for seduction even though i had no intention of having s-x with him……
With a bowl of oranges, guava and English pear on my left hand, i knocked on his door, which opened seconds later,
“oh goodness me!” he exclaimed immediately his eyes fell on me. I smiled seductively and cat-walked into his room,
“did you miss me?” i asked with a smile,
“offcourse i missed you” he replied instantly as he stared at me with open mouth, like a dog watching his master eat……..
I sat on a plastic chair, beside his reading table and crossed my legs, while his eyes glittered hungrily as it fell on my laps,
“here are the fruits i brought for you, hope you know how to peel oranges?” i asked with a smile, as i stood up seconds later,
“no i don’t know how to peel them” he replied jokingly, drew close and held my waist, which really sent a direct signal to my bosoms……
“i will peel them for you later in the evening, i want to go and prepare soup with the ingredients my mum gave me, before they get spoilt” i explained, while he breathed deeply,
“okay then lets go together” he said with a smile,
“no don’t bother i’m expecting a friend” i replied. He bit his lips and stared at me suspiciously, but luckily for him, he didn’t ask any stupid question which could have brought another problem between us……..
“okay then i guess i’ll have to wait here for the soup” he said with a forced smile,
“i never said i was bringing any for you” i joked, touched his jaw and left without another word……..
I really do love to cook, and it really is one of the qualities i inherited from my mum, who never gets tired of cooking even when her children is around.
I was soon done with the soup minutes later, and as i was about bringing it down from my stove, i heard gentle knocks on my door……
“hey dear, hope i came at the right time?” lynda asked sweetly, when i opened my door a minute later,
“yea dear, infact you came at the right time, i just finished cooking a pot of soup” i replied polietly,
“hmmm really!, i thought you just returned?” she asked, while i just smiled and shrugged,
“kpom kpom kpommm kpom kpom kpom kpom!” Dave’s pattern of knocking soon sounded on my door, moments later as we were about settling down for discussion,
“who could be knocking this way?” i heard lynda ask,
“i think it’s Dave” i answered with a smile as i watched her face, while she instantly gasped in fear…….
“please i don’t want him to know that i’m here” Lynda held my left hand and pleaded with frightened eyes, while i looked at her in surprise as i equally searched her face,
“i will explain later but please don’t let him come into your room” she added fearly,
“don’t worry dear, i won’t” i assured her with a smile…….
I finally opened my door half- way with a fast beating heart, and blocked the entrance with my body as i stared at Dave, who just smiled sweetly at me like an innocent child,
“hey dear how you dey?” he asked,
“i’m fine and busy with my assignments” i replied,
“can i come in? I promise not to disturb you, i’m very bored and lonely in my room” he asked with a smile, while i shook my head,
“please come some other time, i really want to be alone” i answered with a serious look. He smiled, shrugged and gave me a cold look which really frightened me,
“okay i will come later in the evening” he said before walking away, while i breathed deeply,
“what is wrong with this boy?” i asked myself…….
“has he gone?” lynda inquired curiously as soon as i locked my door, while i smiled and advanced towards her,
“yea dear he has gone back to where he came from” i replied with a smile, while She breathed deeply,
“thank God” i heard her mutter…….
“so dear i’m very eager to hear what you came to discuss with me” i said curiously as i sat beside her, but she just looked away as if she wasn’t sure of herself any more.
“i have the feeling Dave knows i’m here” i heard her mutter with a lost voice. i drew closer and rested my right hand on her left shoulder,
“what is really going on and why are you so scared of him?” i asked,
“i don’t think it’s important anymore i have to get going” she said and stood up suddenly, while i held her left hand strongly, and pleaded with her,
“please open up to me, i promise to keep our discussion secret” i pleaded desperately, even though i really didn’t know what pushed me to do so……
She stared at me silently for a while, before sitting on my bed again,
“i couldn’t help but notice how attached and obsessed Dave have become over you, do you have feelings for him?” she asked as she looked into my eyes, while i instantly was thrown into shock, confusion and surprise, because i really didn’t know the motive behind her question, whether she asked it as a girlfriend, sister, solicitor or a jealous stalker, but before i could get my composure back, her phone rang……

Her face coloured as she stared at her ringing phone for a while before standing up again,
“i better start going, we will talk some other time” she muttered as she walked towards my door, while i stared at her in silence, because i really was very stunned, extremely surprised and confused…..
She left my room without another word, while i stood up, walked to my closed door, locked it and returned to my bed, where i lay with my thoughts before falling asleep due to fatigue…….
I jolted from my bed around 7:30pm that evening, prepared my night meal, freshened up, and left for Benjamin’s room. I walked into his room with a tray of Garri and soup, while he stared at me happily, when he opened his door…..
“i thought you weren’t coming again” he confessed, which equally made me smile.
“i was carried away by sleep oo” i explained with a yawn,
“and where did it drop you?” he asked as he brought a bowl of water,
“it dropped me on your head” i joked. He laughed and washed his hands……
We ate silently that fateful evening because we were very hungry, and he also never asked about the friend whom i told him i was expecting earlier in the day, which really earned him a great deal of my respect, even though i knew i wouldn’t have been able to hold myself from asking, if i was in his shoes……
We were soon done with the meal, which finished quickly, and he then sat by my side and waited upon me as i peeled oranges for him,
“you really don’t know how much you have changed my life and the kind of influence you now have over me” he muttered moments later, while i blushed.
“seriously dear, you have redefined my life, and i do owe you alot for that. I know i’m not romantic, but i’m trying my best to learn, i promise to do everything within my power to make you happy, i love you so much” he poured out to me, while my hands shook slightly…
He reached for the orange i held with my left hand, took it from my grasp, knelt by my side and kissed my lips…..
I trembled under the hotness of his lone kiss and it was as if a thousand volts of love had hit me. He drew up my face and stared into my eyes,
“oh baby i wish you could feel how my heart is beating for you” he muttered,
“i wish you could feel how i’m trembling inside because of you” i said to myself……
He brought down his lips and kissed me again, this time more strongly than the first kiss. I closed my eyes, and moaned softly for him, which really got him excited……
He grasped my two bosoms and squeezed them softly, while my heart, body, and soul opened up for him…….
“Oooooh it really has been quite long i felt a rod slide into me”, i muttered to myself, as i allowed him caress me..
His touches and caresses this time around was better than his first attempt, and with the way he was going about it that evening, i knew it was just a matter of time before he disvirgins himself…….
_His lips were soon on my exposed bosoms, which he hungrily s—-d and squeezed, while i moaned happily with a raised chest. He really was extremely excited…….
I enjoyed his caresses that evening because i truly was in heat, moreover i also was very much in love with him, that i equally was very eager to feel his innocent manhood inside me. He soon stopped and stared into my eyes for some seconds, while my eyes melted as i returned his look,
“baby please i want you to make this night special for me” he begged like a child before kissing me again. I held his face softly and returned his kiss while he gently reached down and opened my ‘bum short’. Then he did something which greatly surprised me…….
He slipped in a finger into my knicker and gently dipped it into my honey pot, which instantly sent waves of current into my head, because it really had been quite long i felt a “manly touch” in that spot…….
“you just earned yourself a prize” i muttered to myself as i stared at him seductively, opened his shirt and caressed him gently. But it got him disoriented and i had no choice than to continue, by pushing him down from my body and climbing on him…….
My lips were soon on his n—–s which i s—-d and bit, while he strongly held my head as if his life hanged on it. I really didn’t feel shy nor ashamed as i worked on him with the knowledge and experience i gained from Mike because i really needed it as much as he did, moreover his response and excitement urged me on……..
Finally i pulled down his knicker and reached for his joystick, which already was fully enlarged with desire and excitement. I hesitated briefly as i stared at it with a smile while he pleaded to me with his eyes not to change my mind…….
“Do you have any co*dom?” i asked. He nodded like a child and reached under his bed where he brought out a packet,
“hmmm nawaoo” i exclaimed with a smile,
“baby it’s just that” he tried to explain, but i instantly placed a finger on his lips,
“just put it on jare” i rolled my eyes and muttered…..
I really had a good laugh in my mind, as i watched him fiddle with it for almost a minute before he was able to put it on his thing, and with a happy smile, i pulled down my ‘bum short’, took off my pant and slowly lowered my honeypot over his manhood…..
You really needed to see his face as soon as i did that……

I finally took him to wonderland as i guided and showed him the road to extreme pleasure. The joy in his face and the sparkle in his eyes were enough to tell me that i have caged him with my honey spell. We did two rounds that fateful day before lying beside each other in deep satisfaction. Yea we really both needed the s-x so badly.

Our love affair grew stronger from that day, and we could have dated happily ever after if not for Dave who often showed up to spoil things, he still continued wooing me and nothing i did to stop him seemed to have any effect on him, instead it appeared to make him more desperate than ever, which truly alarmed me, that i had no choice than to seek Amara’s advice and help who then suggested that we team up with Lynda before confronting him.

Against Benjamin’s approval i accepted Amara’s suggestion and tried to reach an agreement with Lynda, but my first attempt failed when Dave mysteriously showed up and spoiled the whole thing by expressing his feelings to me in Lynda’s presence, which suddenly made her more jealous and suspicious that i had to flea from her room that fateful evening.

I truly was very hurt and beaten by Dave’s unexpected cunny move that i utterly decided to give up, but no Amara wouldn’t accept defeat and urged me to go back and explain things to Lynda, which i did with her by my side.

When we were about gaining Lynda’s confidence again, Dave appeared as usual from no where to spoil things again for us, even though he came this time with two other bad boys who blocked and locked us inside lynda’s room. Only God knew his plan that fateful day.

A bitter argument instantly ensued between Dave and Lynda which soon resulted to Dave rendering her a sharp slap. A visibly provoked and angry Amara instantly jumped up to Lynda’s defence and dared Dave.

In the confrontation and exchange of words that followed, Dave finally revealed to Amara that he wasn’t going to touch her merely because her boyfriend is a member of his gang, which instantly stunned and left Amara speechless.

I had to intervene by calling him a liar, but before he could reply my comment, Lynda plunged at him with a kitchen knife, though he luckily saw her on time, side stepped and tried to grab the knife, but he miscalculated, and screamed as the blunt blade cut his left finger.

We all gasped…..

To be continued…

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