Thursday 20 April 2017

Betrayal Episode 5

Dave stared at his injured finger for a while before descending heavily on lynda, kicking, hitting and slapping her randomly with fury.

Lynda’s cry soon shook the whole lodge that fateful evening, making us freeze like statues as she recieved Dave’s blows all alone. I truly have never heard nor witnessed anyone cry with such pain and anguish before in my life, but instead of rendering any help, i just stood and watched as if i was watching a home video.

Perhaps it was because my strength failed me that moment or because i was too scared to jump into the fight, but then whatever it was that prevented me from intervening that moment equally turned me into a very heartless girl who just stood and watched a fellow girl as she got beaten in a fight which truly started because i happened to be in that very room that moment.

“Supposing Amara and i left things as they were, all these wouldn’t have happened but i guess it’s now too late to be regretting” i reasoned as i watched him beat up lynda.

Amara was still too stunned to intervene, as she sat speechless on the bed with both hands on her head.

After Dave’s revelation about her boyfriend that fateful evening, she just coloured up and kept to herself like an AIDS patient.

Finally i heaved a sigh of relief with a deep breathe as Dave’s two friends rushed up and dragged him out from Lynda, who just laid motionless from the terrifying blows she got from him. The poor girl really had given up with her struggles when her strength failed her, yet Dave really was very furious to care or even notice.

Supposing his two friends didn’t break him away from her that moment, i truly don’t know what could have happened, perhaps i might not even be writing this story by now because the memory would have killed me….

Dave and his friends finally left us alone in ‘pieces’ and i was then left with the huge task of reviving Lynda. Poor girl who was trampled upon, humilated and beaten all because of love.

People don’t believe me when i do say that most things about life is either cruel, comes from cruelty or ends with cruelty, but here again Lynda’s case is just but one out of a million cases, and even though i blamed her, i still understood her plight, because not every girl has the strength nor courage of letting go a guy with whom she shared a unique portion of her heart and body with….

With shaking hands, i lifted up her head and tried to revive her….

“Dave is a devil” Lynda cried as i helped her sit up,

“i will report him to school security and the police” i assured her,

“no don’t do that, it will only make matters worst, just let me handle it” she replied sadly, while i looked at her with pity before shaking my head sadly.

“Don’t worry about me just go to your room i want to be left alone” she added sorrowfully,

“why, you are yet to regain your strength, i’m not going anywhere” i replied with a heavy heart, but she calmly pushed me away from her side,

“cyndii please just go with your friend, trust me i’m okay” she assured with red eyes. I shrugged with resignation, stood up and dragged Amara with me as i quietly left her room.

My legs shook as i walked out from Lynda’s room that evening, while my heart wept as if i was the one who recieved the beating. Surely i was very downcast with a guilty feeling because i knew i caused the whole fight by being in her room that evening.

“do you believe that Chuks is a cultist?” Amara suddenly asked as we climbed the stairs leading to our floor, instantly dragging me away from my thoughts,

“i seriously don’t know dear, life itself is a mystery” i calmly replied.

Even though i was shocked when i heard Dave’s revelation on Chuk’s involvement in cultism, i wasn’t entirely surprised because i really never liked him for once but just tolerated him because of my friend, perhaps that was why i easily believed Dave’s revelation even though i clearly hid my feelings from her, because i really didn’t have the strength to take on another scene…

“i will confront him tonight” she muttered quietly,

“good but be diplomatic when doing that” i advised. She said no other word and left for her room….

I barely had settled in my room, when Benjamin’s knock shook and woke me from my thoughts,

“please dear i’ll like to be left alone” i pleaded when i opened my door. He stared at me with surprise but i looked away and avoided his gaze.

“hope you are okay?” he asked,

“yea but please let me be for now, i’ll come over to your room later” i pleaded. He stared at me for a while, shrugged and left without further questions, even though i knew his mind must be filled with questions that very moment.

Sometimes guys always mis-interprete or don’t understand when we beg to be left alone, most of them however do oblige us with doubts and suspicion in their mind.

Most times when we girls go through a painful experience which we prefer not to share with anyone, we do like keeping to ourselves and having a boyfriend around always spoils the whole thing because of their inquisitive nature. No matter how much we love a guy, there are still some secrets we do keep away from him…

I really couldn’t help but wonder what was in Benjamin’s mind that fateful evening, but my heart soon leapt when i heard someone knock on my door with {Dave’s usual pattern} which left me stunned, speechless and indecisive as i contemplated whether to answer {open} my door or not……..

“what is it again?” i coldly asked Dave when i finally opened my door. I never really planned to answer his knock that fateful evening, but i was forced to do so when it became obvious he wasn’t ready to give up knocking on my door.

Inorder to stop him from disturbing my neighbours whom i knew were already peeping from their respective door “keyholes” to ascertain where the persistent knock{ing} disturbing them was coming from, and Benjamin whom I also knew heard the noise, i really had no choice than to open my door and face the devil.

“what took you so long?” he asked with a smile, expertly avoiding the question i asked him.

“what is it that you want?” i coldly asked again, while my right hand strongly held my door knob, for easy closing of my door incase he tried anything si.ll.y.

“c’mon baby why the angry look?” he asked with a composed smile. I boiled inside as i stared at him with hatred,

“how can he appear, so calm, well composed and lively after all he just did?” i wondered angrily.

“anyway since you don’t want to talk to me, let me go ahead and say what brought me to your room” he added calmly.

“i came to apologize because of what happened this evening in Lynda’s room, and i truly did what i did just to prove to you that there is nothing going on between Lynda and i anymore even though i do regret hitting her so hard” he tried to explain, but his explanation and apology only got on my nerves and infuriated me more.

“you didn’t just hit the poor girl hard, you also tried to kill her, and never you say that you did such a stupid thing to prove your nonsense love to me, i never sent you on such errand, so just leave me alone please” i bravely barked at him. His eyes instantly lit up in anger for a while before dying down again.

“so i lost Lynda for nothing?” he asked,

“if you know what’s good for you better go and apologize to her and pray she forgives you” i answered bitterly.

“cyndii please don’t turn me into a wretch because you won’t like it” he muttered with a dirty smile, which really shook my poor legs and frightened me.

“are you threatening me??” i asked nervously. He just smiled and walked away, leaving me in great fear, suspence and wonder. Truly Dave knows how to leave a lasting impression on anyone he targets and as he walked away that fateful evening i was left in deep thought as i tried to figure out what he meant by being left a wretch….

I locked my door showered and rushed into Benjamin’s room, deeply shaken and scared to my bones.

All i needed that moment was his soothing words and caresses to calm my nerves, and a decent s-x to bring my broken spirit back to life….

“baby hope you are okay?” he asked as soon as i landed on his body. His voice instantly aroused and made my n—–s hard…

I trembled as he touched me and quivered as his inexperienced hands caressed me,

“baby hope you are alright?” he asked with concern,

“please continue” i replied shamelessly.

He shrugged and continued while i closed my eyes and enjoyed his gentle caresses.

Even though we hardly admit it, we girls also do enjoy lovemaking just like guys, but the only difference is that we don’t need it quite often like them, nor behave as if our life depends upon it.

His lips were soon on my erect n—–s, sucking them one after the other hungrily. The warmth of his lips shook me greatly forcing me to moan gently.

Benjamin was very gently as he s—-d, caressed and romanced me all over. Even though he was still not an expert, there really was some improvement with the way he touched me that fateful evening. He equally was so gentle with loving words of concern which left his lips as he worked on me that i almost urinated on my pant when i couldn’t bear it any longer.

Finally he wore a rubber and slowly lowered his manhood into my wet and welcoming pu.n.ny. I gasped for breathe as he buried the full length inside me. The fire it brought into my body was exactly what i needed that moment. I drew back my waist a little and recieved the whole length of his gift with pleasure.

I sang into his ear as he dug in and out of my honeypot. His tempo and breathe equally increased as he dug further. The look in his eyes were that of great pleasure, happiness and love, while i smiled in contentment with hands wrapped over his neck…

With a deep breathe and jerk, he cummed{came} moments later, i closed my eyes with satisfaction and held him strongly.

“Oh my Benjamin” i breathed to myself, before caressing his bare back for a while.

“thanks” i whispered into his ear, which made him stare at me with surprise. I knew he must be wondering that moment what drew such word from my lips or what has come over me.

However he said no word, but left moments later to dispose the used rubber. I equally got up afterwards and joined him in the bathroom where i freshened up, because i needed no second nor more rounds, neither did he ask for more, even though i knew he lacked the nerve to ask for more, so as not to upset me.

Selfish or not, i only came to his room that night to satisfy the craving in my heart, the itch between my legs and to fill my soul with his warmth which i achieved. Moreover he never complained, and that’s one thing i greatly love about him,

“He hardly complains”….

I barely had returned to my room the following morning, when Amara knocked and entered with a very sad and tired look. She really looked that moment like a night worker who worked without rest all through the night.

She wearily fell on my bed with a sigh. I sat beside her, with both hands on my waist and stared curiously at her with surprise.

“it’s over between Chuks and i” she muttered, while i gasped in shock,

“what did you just say?” i heard myself ask

“my relationship with Chuks is over” she announced again, i just breathed deeply and kept quiet for few seconds.

“how? What exactly happened?” i calmly asked,

“i confronted him last night about his ties with a cult group, he tried denying it but when i continued with my questions, he barked at me almost hitting me in the process. I gave him a condition to tell me the truth or kiss our affair goodbye, yet he ignored me till this morning when i left the room” she explained unhappily, while I smiled and held her left hand.

Even though i really never supported her relationship with that boy, i knew my friend really do love him, and so i had to be cautious and neutral when advising her.

I looked at my wall clock which read 7:30AM, bit my lips and stared at my friend. I planned going to school that fateful day but with the look of things i knew i might skip lectures again.

“girlfriend are you very sure about your decision?, you are already into him which is a fact you can’t deny” i asked with a smile, but she kept quiet and pretended as if she didn’t hear my words.

Someone knocked on my door seconds later, which made me move my attention to my door. I waited extra two minutes before finally opening my door, where a nervous looking Chuks greeted me with a forced smile.

“is Amara with you?” he calmly asked with a searching look. At first I truly was at lost on what to reply him, but when i finally made up my mind to deny ever seeing her that morning, Amara appeared behind me and shouted at him.

“what are you doing here, leave me alone” she barked before shutting the door on his face. Instead of leaving, he surprised us by knocking again for almost an hour, and it really appeared as if he wasn’t ready to leave my door alone until it was opened.

I really was uncomfortable and a bit sad, because I already have missed lectures for that day and still trapped in my room all because i was standing by my friend.

“i think you should have a little chat with him, you never can tell what he wants to say to you” i finally whispered to Amara when i couldn’t endure his knock anymore. She tried to argue, but i gave her no chance, stood up and opened my door for Chuks who quickly rushed to her side.

I never believed nor dreamt that someone like Chuks could ever do such a thing for a girl,

“is that what true love really means or is he just trying to defend his pride??” was the question i keeping asking myself as i left them alone in my room to fetch a bucket of water downstairs…….

I ran into Lynda when i finally got downstairs. I smiled polietly and stopped by her side. She was well dressed up that fateful morning, with a big pink handbag slung on her right shoulder. The events of the previous evening instantly came racing into my mind and i glanced at her injured beauty with a heart filled with pain.

“hi dear are you going to school?” i asked with a look of surprise, because after what happened the previous day i never knew she even had the strength to dress up for an outing.

“no i’m going over to a friend’s house, i’ll stay there till i recover” she explained with a weak smile. I truly was touched.

“that’s a nice idea dear, i’ll keep praying for you” i muttered with a friendly pat on her left shoulder. She nodded with a smile and left without another word. I really felt like crying that moment, but i held myself and walked to the water-pump, which unfortunately wasn’t working that morning. With a deep sigh i went to the extreme end of the backyard where the second water pump was located and equally where Dave and his friends do stay most of the time, smoking and doing some weight-lifting exercises, making that corner of our lodge highly avoided by students, but i had no choice than to go there, since i badly needed water…

I slowly went there with a fast beating heart, and just like i feared Dave and two guys sat beside the water-pump discussing seriously. I muttered some greetings which they ignored before quietly fetching water from the Tap.

“i will be in your room later” i heard Dave mutter with a serious look as i carried the heavy bucket of water i fetched. I said nothing to him, though i managed to force out a smile, which i knew he interpreted wrongly.

I slowly returned to my room with my thoughts focused on how to end his disturbance. Nothing so far has been able to stop him and with Lynda finally out of the way, i knew i was in for a bigger trouble, and it just looked as if i jumped out from a burning pot only to land on the fire underneath.

“oh Lord please don’t let this fire burn Benjamin as-well” i prayed as i stepped into my room.

Perhaps it was my thoughts that blinded me or my fears that clouded my sight and prevented me from seeing Amara and chuks engaged in a scuffle. But It was to late to avert disaster as chuks falling body crashed on me without warning. My head smashed on the wall, while his elbow broke my lips. My bucket instantly fell, watering my room in the process. Amara screamed in panic…..

Chuks quickly composed himself, helped me to my feet and muttered some quick apologies. He really was very embarrassed, and avoided meeting my gaze out of shame.

Amara quickly overcame her shock, rushed to my balcony, grabbed a clean piece of rag and started scrubbing my room with it. Chuks joined her moments later, when he saw that i was alright, while i quickly carried my books which were neatly arranged on the floor and spread them out on my balcony to dry.

Truly the whole scene came as a shock and surprise to me, but it really was an accident so i blamed no one. Surprisingly Chuks and Amara worked harmoniously together like newly married couples as they scrubbed my room, their quarrels forgotten as if it never happened. I smiled in appreciation as i watched them, even though i still felt a little pain on my head.

“chuks really is a nice guy” i finally admitted to myself, because he displayed some attributes which i never knew was in him. “Sometimes casually reading a person dosen’t really tell us all we need to know, and most times we end up forming a very bad opinion about such person due to our casual observation” i reasoned with a sigh.

I quickly fried plantain which we all ate together minutes later, and i almost bursted into laughter as i watched chuks trying so hard to make Amara smile.

“please help me plead to your friend, she dosen’t understand how much i love her” he finally pleaded to me. I blushed and stared at Amara without knowing what to tell her,

“don’t give me that look cyndii, he should first tell me if he truly belongs to a cult group or not, if he really wants me” she fired back. I stared at Chuks with a shrug. He instantly looked down as if he was given a very difficult condition.

“will the truth change anything?” he asked seconds later,

“i don’t know” she replied haughtily,

“yes i do belong to a cult group” he muttered with a deep breathe.

A huge terrifying silence fell in my room as his confession registered into our head….

For the first time, i wished he had lied…

“no it’s a lie” Amara screamed with a loud voice, while Chuks humbly knelt by her side like a condemned servant.

I really was very shocked and stunned with his confession, because even though he did the right thing by saying the truth, it looked that moment as if he just poured water over a raging petrol fire.

I was very much at loss on what to do, and in a vegetable state i was as i watched the whole drama keenly. Amara just looked like someone who smoked a pot of weed judging by the way her eyes blazed that moment.

I don’t doubt some folks who always argue that sometimes a sweet well told lie is hundred times better than a bitter truth. The tensed up situation that morning was enough to seal my belief.

“baby it really dosen’t change who i’m, please don’t let it come between our love” i heard chuks beg, but his effort only earned him a dirty slap which sound echoed in my room, leaving a huge lump in my throat.

“so you took me for granted all these while? So i have been sleeping with a devil” she barked like an angry wolf, while chuks gently rubbed his left chin {where the hot slap landed}. Surely that slap really was so hot and terrifying. Only the force by which it was delivered and the sound which erupted from it was enough to deafen his ear for months. Yet he still knelt humbly as if the slap was nothing but a friendly pat.

“oh what a man”

“leave this room right now?” my friend barked, pushing him backwards in a violent manner. I instantly jumped up in his defence,

“girl you are taking this too far, chill nau” i begged with a slightly raised tone, which made her stare at me with a surprised look.

I wasn’t blind not to notice that my friend was using her annoyance to abuse her boyfriend, who probably thought he was doing the right thing by calmly recieving the whole tantrum thrown at him. I knew Amara clearly wasn’t with her mind and was extremely blinded with fury, which left me with no other choice than to intervene.

Sometimes we girls do over react unnecessarily, and we equally do abnormal or unacceptable things when provoked, but they are always overlooked because of our se.x which sometimes isn’t far considering the equality of rights.

“so you are now defending him abi??, how am i sure you two arn’t into this together” Amara accused with an angry scowl,

“oh Christ” i exclaimed….

“chuks please can you leave us alone” i calmly asked Chuks who looked at me curiously,

“don’t worry you will hear from us this evening” i assured him with a faint smile. He shrugged, stood up and left without another word.

I instantly faced Amara furiously with hands on my waist after chuks had left.

“what was that outburst all about??, what is even wrong with you, what has gotten over you eeh??” i asked angrily, but she just kept quiet and bit her lips,

“please you should learn how to control your anger, you are a girl, i won’t involve myself in your problems again, for all i care you can go pour kerosine on him and strike a match-stick mtcheew” i barked before lying down on my bed.

I really was very bitter and angry over her annoying comment, which made me pour out my whole mind to her without reservation, even though i later regretted it especially when i noticed the apology in her eyes. She truly was in a sorry state but such misguided comments are what i really can never tolerate.

“i’m sorry” i heard her apologize moments later. An apology which i knew took out much effort from her,

” sorry” is a word which really has the capability of stopping fights, quarrells, disputes and even wars, but it’s also a very simple word which is very hard to say, considering our pride, because it means you accept being at fault.

“cm’on nah stop vexing, you know i wasn’t myself when i made that comment eeh” she pleaded and tickled me. I smiled sat up and faced her.

“it’s okay lets forget about it” i muttered with a smile, which made her hug me gratefully. Truly Amara really isn’t the quarrelsome type and that also made our friendship very strong as if we were sisters.

“what do you think i should do about Chuks?” i soon heard her ask,

“it all depends on you and how you still feel about him” i replied,

“i still do love him even though i hate to admit it, and i don’t know the reason i’m still feeling this way, you know how much i hate cultism and cultists” she poured out with a coloured face,

“my dear love is a very strong feeling which can’t be easily erased, moreover i just noticed he is a nice guy, so maybe its your destiny to change and led him towards the right path, i can only advice you to be careful and hold back a little portion of your heart” i advised,

“don’t you” she tried to argue, but i instantly placed a finger on her lips,

“ssshhh, i know you didn’t sleep last night, so lie down, sleep and think it over” i advised like a nursery school teacher. She shrugged and obeyed without another word.

I smiled, laid beside her, took a novel {the billionaire’s captive bride} from my travelling bag, began reading it, and soon found myself in fantasy land. A land of bright hopes where good dreams come true.

“i’m going back to him” My dear friend said to me, when she finally woke up around 4pm,

“that’s cool dear” i replied happily,

“but please you will follow me to his room” she begged, i shrugged and accepted.

An hour later after freshening up, we walked to Chuks room together and knocked calmly on his door.

He opened his door seconds later, breathed deeply with hopeful eyes when he saw us, while Amara winked at me before hugging him passionately. A very surprised chuks held her tightly and thanked me with his eyes.

I instantly turned and left for my room with tears of joy, satisfaction and relief in my eyes……

My heart jumped when i saw Dave standing beside my door. I instantly felt like turning and going back to chuk’s room, but i couldn’t. His right hand was on my door which showed he probably must have been knocking on it for long. I frowned and walked up to him,

“what do you want?” i asked coldly, he scoffed and fed his eyes on me for a while,

“hmmm what a question, offcourse i want you dear” he replied with bright eyes which got me more annoyed. Just that moment Benjamin came out from his room, stood beside his door and beckoned on me to come. He probably must have heard the conversation going on between Dave and i from his room {which made him to show up that moment}, but his action provoked Dave whose beaming eyes instantly burned furiously. He grabbed my right hand roughly and stared at me murderously,

“you ain’t going anywhere, he should come here and tell you whatever he wants to say” he muttered, while i stared at him with confusion written all over my face.

Benjamin saw his action as a challenge and walked up to him bravely. I felt like fainting that moment because i knew what was about to happen wouldn’t in any way be pleasant.

“guy abeg free my girl, i won’t beg you again” Benjamin warned courageously,

“your girl eeh? So you no longer have fear or respect in you??” Dave asked with a dirty smile.

“Benjamin please let me handle this” i begged, but he ignored me and faced him defiantly.

Dave calmly freed my hand and held Benjamin’s shirt by the collar,

“what do you think you can do to me stinking jew?” he asked before slapping him. I panicked and instantly threw myself on Benjamin who was already in the process of returning the slap, because he really was no fighter or match for Dave who might end up calling for backup.

Instead of calming down, when he saw me hold Benjamin, he pulled a belt from his trouser and flung wildly without caring whether it will land on me or not.

Perhaps he did it intentionally for me to know i wasn’t save with Benjamin or maybe as punishment for rejecting him.

The belt soon landed on my back with full force, sending a horrifying message of pain all across my body. Yet i still held Benjamin strongly and screamed for help…..

To be continued…


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