Thursday 20 April 2017

Betrayal Episode 8

I really didn’t believe Benjamin could have the mind nor morale to invite Mike in such manner and i equally never dreamt i would ever find myself in such unpleasant position.

If i had the power, i would have disappeared that moment, but i lacked such powers and so had no choice than to sit it out.

So loudly my heart pounded, so nervously i shook inside and so weakly i awaited my fate. But to my astonishment, Mike just sat comfortably with a quiet smile on his face as he stared at us.
He looked very relaxed, calm and calculative.

“i had to lie and abandon my work just to get here due to the respect i have for you Cyndii and not because of the insultive tone and manner your so called boyfriend used in inviting me. Please i didn’t come here for a child’s play, so you guys better be serious” he said, breaking the silence between us.

My dear Benjamin instantly stood up, and stared at him with contempt and hatred.

“thanks for honouring my invitation. I invited you only for one simple reason which is to tell you in cyndii’s presence to back off and leave her alone. She’s now my girl and i will forever fight for her interest and defend her. We may not have this opportunity again” he explained seriously with fire in his eyes.

Mike simply scoffed, sighed and stood up.

“is that all?” he asked, “you really have tried, thanks for trying to be a man” he muttered with a sneer, bent by my side and pecked me, before i even realised his intention. I instantly stared at him with shock and disbelief.

Benjamin however was more than shocked. There was fire in his eyes as his fury rose.
The insultive calculative reply he got from Mike coupled with the provocative peck he saw him give me, totally outraged and disorganised him. Instantly turning him into a beast.

Without thinking he reached out, grabbed Mike by the collar, and jerked him violently.

His action tore Mike’s shirt, who instead of retaliating, smiled and shook his head.

“what’s the need in being so violent??” “incase you are not aware, better know this moment that i have much more claim over Cyndii than you ever will. I guess she’s yet to gist you about our dirty secrets. So my boy fighting over a woman will only send you to your grave pretty quick instead of helping you prove a point. Don’t ever dare touch me again, i’m not your mate. Cyndii is my wife whether you like it or not, it’s just a matter of time” he muttered, while Benjamin stared at him furiously.

“you are just a shoe cleaner my boy, so better learn” he added insultively, before trying to leave. But Benjamin couldn’t bear the insult any longer. He pushed him so violently that he landed on my bed and almost hit his head on the wall close by.

I clearly saw what Mike was successfully doing, he was purposely provoking Benjamin, but i couldn’t figure out what he planned to achieve with it.

Benjamin however, expecting a retaliatory move from him, quickly grabbed a small kitchen knife lying on my reading table, making me fetch my strength and jump out of my bed.

“Benjamin have you gone crazy or what? Drop that knife” i instantly barked, throwing myself at him, but unluckily he misunderstood my action and stared at me murderously

“jeez so cyndii you are now defending him, i have been the fool all along” he ranted with a raised hand which still held the kitchen knife.

I swallowed hard as i stared at him, totally disappointed. I never knew a gentle boy like him could ever turn into such an obnoxious fellow.

I sighed left my room and rushed to the general balcony, intending to clear my head there. Surprisingly Benjamin followed me, breathing heavily as if he ran after a moving car.

Mike also left that moment, even though i didn’t see him leave. My head really was fully heated up like a dynamite waiting to explode. I was totally upset with Benjamin.

“cyndii” he called out and grabbed me from behind. I instantly turned and faced him with anger.

“it’s over” i muttered coldly,

“what!” he gasped with disbelief.

“i’m dead serious, our relationship is officially over” i repeated,

“oh cyndii” he tried to protest, but i instantly freed myself from his grasp, rolled my eyes and moved to the other end of the balcony,

“please don’t ever cyndii me again, the decision has been made” i murmured coldly,

“no no no, i can’t take this, i can’t survive this, i’m sorry for going over the line, please forgive me” he apologised profusely, holding me again.

“i know we both are going to suffer over this, but it’s best for us, focus your heart on your upcoming degree exams, Perhaps things will get better for us before you are done with it” i said coldly.

“is it a crime to defend and fight over what is rightfully mine?” he asked anxiously

“yea it’s a crime to fight over destiny, whatever is written for us can never be changed, even if you fight a thousand times” i replied and ran back to my room.

I had no peace for the rest of that week, because my dear Benjamin wouldn’t let me be. He truly was extremely hurt by my decision, he kept begging and disturbing me as if my decision would kill him, but i never yielded to his pleas nor listened to Amara who pleaded on his behalf. It was as if my heart was on lockdown. I felt nothing and had no regret over anything.

I must confess his mistake really seemed to be the perfect opportunity that came at the right time, and i equally knew i simply was overreacting.

However his mum surprised me with a phone-call on thursday inviting me over to their family house during the weekend which i found hard to decline, because the good old lady really had been very kind to me. But as i prepared my mind and myself on friday, rehearsing how to behave at her house, i got another strange phone call from Mike’s mother seeking to have a little ‘face to face’ chat with me, else she would come calling at my lodge.

Yea i also accepted her invitation and got the directions to her house, because i preferred visiting her instead of her showing up at my lodge. But i equally couldn’t help wondering how she got my phone number.

In such a short period, i became a hot dazzling ‘must-get’ princess lolz….

And how really did it play out???..


“do you still love my son?” Benjamin’s mum asked seriously, scanning my face with her eyes. I breathed deeply and nodded,

“yes i still do mum” i murmured. But my reply had no effect on her nor stopped her curious eyes from running through me.
I arrived Benjamin’s house quite on time that fateful day to assist the mum in preparing lunch. Something i did out of obligation and respect i had for the family.

However Benjamin travelled home the previous day, expecting me to travel with him like we used to whenever i was visiting his famiy, but i declined his request leaving him totally surprised and scared. he feared i would embarrass him by not honouring his mum’s invitation, thus the happiness and relief on his face when i eventually showed up that fateful day.

His mum however was a bit cold and reserved as she welcomed me. I knew as a woman she really was very disappointed by my behaviour, but perhaps was forced to invite me because of her son whom she had to set aside her personal feelings to please.

“are you really sure about that?” she asked. I breathed deeply, smiling nervously.

I really was glad she sent her son away before questioning me, something only wise mothers with good experience would do. I equally felt she wasn’t listening nor paying serious attention to my replies, but was intently examining my facial expression with each reply i gave, as if she was a mind reader.

“if you are still in love with him as you claim, why break up with him?” she queried. I shrugged, calmed my excitement before pouring out my own version of the story.

“your story is similar to what he told me, you both made mistakes so i see no sense in your decision. My son is seriously hurting and i can’t stand it any longer. But I have ordered him never to beg you again because relationships are not built with pity but with good understanding, so tell me, how long are you willing to put him on hold and what’s your plan for the other boy?” she asked inquisitively.

“mum whatever will be will be, i promise to work out things with your son but i need a little more time to sort myself out. I still love him” i replied, calmly avoiding saying anything about Mike. She shrugged and smiled weakly.

I instantly knew she wasn’t convinced with my reply, nor did i need anyone to tell me i had failed her test. She really read through me so easily. A strange gifted woman she was.

She asked no other prying questions as i spent the rest of the afternoon with them before rushing back to my lodge amidst Benjamin’s pleas. I knew the way i left without spending a single night with them like i used to, further added weight to her suspicions.

“Polluting Benjamin’s mind would be her next line of action” i reasoned.

I really was unable to sleep that fateful night as i pondered over the whole affair. By 12pm the next day, i was already on my way to Mike’s family house with weird feelings in my heart.

“Whatever is written can never be changed”

2pm Mike’s family house.

Mike, his mum and i sat at the dinning table, eating the sunday rice before us. I was very nervous as i ate my own share of the meal, and couldn’t help praying for the lunch to end quickly.

“i’m really delighted you honoured my invitation, you can’t imagine how pleased i’m” Mike’s mum said to me sweetly, while I blushed and said nothing.

“we really do have a lot to talk after the meal, so relax and enjoy our hospitality” she added quietly. I nodded with a calm smile.
My heart really pounded furiously as i stepped into Mike’s family house that fateful sunday. Guilt and fear totally consuming me without warning. I would have turned and ran back that moment, if not for Mike’s mum who came out of the house, saw me and came forward happily. The joy in her eyes as she came running totally buried my guilt and fear.

“daughter inlaw” she greeted as she hugged me.
Mike hardly touched his food that afternoon as he kept staring and pleading with his eyes, but i pretended not to notice, even though i very much understood his plight.
A heavy rain however started immediately after lunch. Lightening and thunder striking like madness.

“don’t worry dear, the rain will stop before 4pm” his mum assured me with a smile as she led me to a sofa, while Mike excused himself to attend to some areas of the building which was leaking under the heavy rain, leaving his mum all alone with me.

“i know all about your story with my son. Trust me if i was in your shoes, i would have poured hot water twice on him before allowing him to explain himself. I really don’t blame all you are doing to him, but i swear by my honour, my son is really suffering over this issue” she softly said, held my hand and stared into my eyes.

“no matter how hard we try to fight or pretend, the truth is that the memory of our first love affair will always remain buried in our heart. Our first love Is the root by which other relationships stand and just like a house will never stand without a foundation, our life will be meaningless without the story of how it all started. Our first relationship really shapes and dictates the direction of future relationships. Without it, i doubt if we will ever have the wisdom nor experience to control our heart. I do know your heart is beating furiously as i speak to you and i equally know there is doubt, confusion and uncertainty in it. This is where an elder like me comes in, i will never wish you bad nor decieve you, because any agreement we arrive at will equally affect my son either positively or negatively” she lectured. I shook nervously as i listened.

“what do you feel whenever you look at him?” she asked searchingly. I swallowed hard and shook my head

“I don’t just know ma, i can’t describe what i do feel, because it’s a mixture of hatred, compassion, fear, anger and happiness” i confessed. She breathed deeply with a smile.

“you still love him my daughter, please don’t fight it any longer” she pleaded with wet eyes.

I knew she was very right, but i instantly remembered Benjamin. A boy who showed me care and love when i needed it.

“i really can’t go back to your son because i’m already with another person” i sobbed. The good old lady closed her eyes, breathed deeply and drew me to her chest

“i really do understand dear, because my sister experienced the same thing when we were teenagers” she murmured with a broken voice. I instantly raised my face and stared at her.

“yes my dear, i speak with experience, the best you can do for yourself is to follow your heart, allow it to be the Judge. Marriage is not something built on pity nor sympathy, but something built on solid love. Please dear let my words not look as if I’m rushing you. There is still enough time for you to think over everything. I have your phone number, so reaching you won’t be a problem, but just know that if you should accept my son, we will quickly arrange the marriage ceremony in no time” she concluded with a smile, leaving me totally lost and confused.
The heavy rain finally stopped around 6:15PM messing up the road and making it very un-motorable. I was stranded.

“our road wasn’t this bad last raining season. It’s as a result of the red soil poured on it by the contractors handling the construction” Mike explained as we stood outside minutes later.

I had insisted on leaving after the rain stopped, declining his mother’s pleas for me to sleep over, but looking at the road i knew i wasn’t going anywhere that fateful sunday evening.


HIs mum gave me an old lovely pink night wear which i really didn’t know where she got from. I thanked her, took my night bath and relaxed in the guest room.
I was swiftly carried away by my thoughts as soon as i laid down, that i never noticed when Mike came into the room, nor when he sat on the bed.

“hey cyndii” he greeted. I instantly sat up and stared at him suspiciously. His smile calm but intense.

“i will be heading straight to town as early as 5AM tomorrow because of my work, hope you can wake up by that time? So i could drop you at your lodge, before going for my own business, though it all depends on our road. let’s just pray the road gets a bit dry before dawn” he said calmly, but before i could reply, a heavy thunder went through instantly jolting us. Rain started dropping on the roof once again.

“oops” he exclaimed, while i smiled, even though i had no reason to do so.

Before i knew what was happening, his lips were on mine, hungrily devouring what they had waited so long to taste. I unknowingly surrendered completely to the torrent of my own voracious longing, arching my back in ecstastic submission, and thrusting my brea.sts against the muscular wall of his chest. I loved the exquisite agony as my peaked nip.ples rubbed against the layers of thin fabric that separated our flesh.

But i soon got hold of myself and In the dim light of the room, tore his mouth away from mine just as a spectacular flash of lightning illuminated his face. His expression was tortured, haunted and lost.

“we shouldn’t be doing this, i’m sorry” i murmured, but he only muttered three words before his mouth crashed down onto mine once again.

“i want you” he breathed.

He kissed me intently, shrugging off his top in the process, before expertly tugging down my night wear over my knees. He broke the kiss and drank in the sight of my slender body, the delicate ridges of my ribs and the gorgeous heaviness of my exceptional br.easts.

In a swift movement, he bent and brushed his lips against one hard thrusting ni.pp.le, parted his lips to take the deep pink bud into his mouth.

A sharp shock of ecstasy quivered through me.
—- “Oh i had forgotten how good he was with love making”.
A high, keening sound of longing echoed through me, making him raise his head and look into my eyes.

Under the dim light, his face was calm, mask-like and inscrutable. With swift savage movements he stripped off the remainder of his own clothes and reached out to grasp my hips.

I was so wet, almost deranged with the strength of his need, and totally lost in desire. He ran his thumbs softly along my swollen, secret folds, loving my eager sweetness. I knew in few seconds i would be totally lost, doing something i might end up regretting for the rest of my life, but the intense need in me overwhelmed and left me with a naked vulnerability that made adrenalin surge within us.

In one swift movement, he entered me without a cön.dom.

I tensed and gasped, while he expertly gathered me into his arms and with infinite tenderness cradled and began rocking me gently but fast.

Our eyes met and locked. His were filled with an emotion i couldn’t read but wanted desperately to understand. He soon wrenched his gaze from mine, buried his face in my neck, breathing me in and tasting the delicious dampness of my flesh. The sensation of his lips on the sensitised skin of my shoulder added a spark to the smouldering heat between my thighs.

I soon felt him stiffen, pumping his seed into me with an earth shattering c—-x.
Minutes Later

We silently laid beside each other, totally exhaused and weak, his head resting lightly against the silken pillow of my brea.sts while one hand softly caressed the hollow of my waist.

Finally the sense of deep peace that overtook us during our lovemaking quickly began ebbing away. The implications of what had happened hit home and slapped me intensely.

A tide of guilt and self loathing swept throuh me.

“i have betrayed Benjamin” i sobbed.

“don’t cry my love, i know you do believe in destiny. This was destined to happen and nothing would have stopped it from happening” Mike whispered to me, but i really was inconsolable because i knew what i did was beyond pardon.

“how do i face Benjamin after this? How do i stand in his presence, what will be his reaction when he finds out” i wondered sorrowfully.

“baby stop crying, the deed has already been done, it’s now left for us to mend the rest” he pleaded,

“and how do you suggest we do that?” i asked with tears.

“i’m very serious about marrying you, all i need is just your consent, leave the rest for me, it will be history in no time” he begged passionately.

“i can handle myself. I perfectly knew what i was doing when we made love”I said to myself like a lost soul.

“oh cyndii stop talking nonsense” he consoled and kissed my hair, “we are in this together, count on me for anything” he spoke calmly, making me stare into his eyes. I saw sincerity, fear and uncertainty in them.

“all i want is for you to be the mother of my children, i have passed the stage of lying for s-x, i say this with all sincerity, open your soul to me baby. I need not only your body, but your soul and spirit as well, please make me yours” he begged.

“Mike please let me be, i’m still very troubled and confused” i sobbed.

“why is it so difficult for you to accept me my dear why?” he asked eagerly,

“because i owe Benjamin alot, he was by my side when you abandoned me, filled my spirit when i was weak, and defended me when you weren’t there” i poured out. He instantly blushed,

“i may not be very much in love with him like i used to, but i’ll still be loyal to him till he sets me free” i added, while he stared at me with a coloured face.

“what nonsense are you saying?” he asked curiously with trembling lips,

“i’ll be very honest with him, i’ll confess everything that happened tonight once i go back to my lodge tomorrow. If he breaks up with me over it, so be it, you can then have your chance” i promised, leaving him in a terrible shock.

“are you out of your mind or what, surely he will end things with you but i don’t think he will let you go without first breaking your head, the fury of a cheated guy is very enormous my dear, are you trying to kill yourself?, cyndii what has come over you?” he asked anxiously. I smiled painfully and shook my head.

“that’s the only atonement i can offer, if he kills me over it then you know we weren’t destined to be together. Whatever will be will be, my life is already messed up, i have no reason to fear anymore” i murmured. He quietly stood up with a very terrible sick look and shrugged.

“alright let’s see how it plays out, but my dear i think you are not okay, your grief has affected you badly” he murmured sadly.

“whatever is written can never be changed, if something happens to me, then know it was destined to happen” i replied with a weak smile. He nervously dressed up and left without another word. So very shaken he was as he left the room that fateful night.

“MY God hope i’m sane?” i prayed as i waited for Monday…..

Mike dropped me in front of my lodge. I thanked him, opened the front passenger’s door and tried to alight, but he quickly grabbed my left hand and stared at me.

“please cyndii i beg you, don’t do anything silly” he pleaded. I smiled and shook my head,

“as for my confession, i will go ahead with it. Don’t you worry about me Mike, i can perfectly take good care of myself” i assured him before alighting.

Walking into my room, i rehearsed all i planned to tell Benjamin. It really wasn’t easy making up my mind for such deed, but like i told Mike, ‘nothing would stop me from going ahead with it’.

Just like fate would have it, i ran into Benjamin at the staircase, he was going downstairs to fetch water but instantly froze when he saw me. There was suspicion and relief in his eyes as they fell on me, while i nervously returned his look and greeted him.

“cyndii where are you coming from?? I know you arn’t coming from your house?” he asked inquisitively.

“of course i’m not coming from home” i replied quietly, left him and climbed the stairs. He quickly followed me, abandoning the water he was on his way to get.

“so where went you?” he asked when we got to my room.

“do you really want to know?” i asked calmly as i sat on my bed. He stood beside me, scanning me intently with his eyes.

“do i still owe you any explanation concerning my movements? Isn’t our relationship officially over?” i asked with a dirty smile. He scoffed and bit his lips

“i see you are trying very much to harden your heart, no problem but i still insist to know” he muttered.

“alright since you insist, i spent my sunday at Mike’s family house and i’m just coming from there” i opened up coldly. His face instantly coloured. There was shock, pain, disbelief and sadness in his eyes as he stared at me.

“no it’s not true” he murmured with a broken voice, sat on my bed and covered his face with his palms. He never cried out but i knew he weeped in his heart.

I stared at him clueless on what next to say nor how to behave towards him. He sat with his face covered for about fifteen minutes before composing himself and drawing close to me once again.

“did he, did he touch, touch you?” he nervously asked. I was instantly torn between telling him the truth or lying to him. My confusion left me silent which equally confirmed his fear.

“choi cyndii, why, why nau??” he asked murderously with unshed tears melting his eyes. I was unable to stand his voice nor gaze any longer. I quietly stood up and backed him.

“i don’t deserve you Benjamin, i really do care about you, but i don’t understand my flesh anymore nor the cravings in my heart. Please free yourself from this torment and permit me to get another girl for you” i prayed with a fast pounding heart. But all he did was just to shed his tears which he very much struggled to hold, silently on my bed. I was very touched and would have cried beside him if not that i wanted him to let me out of his life.

Patiently i waited for him to come around. I knew only one thing could happen that moment. Either he ends it like a man or ends up humiliating me. No matter which he chooses, i knew nothing would make him want to continue with me.

Only a woman has the ability to send a great man to his grave without lifting a finger.

“but what really took you to his house?” Benjamin asked minutes later, after cleaning his eyes.

“his mum invited me for a little chat, but when i got there a heavy rain broke out and i was forced to spend the night with them” i answered calmly. He swallowed hard with pain, his eyes soaked once again with tears.

I really was uncomfortable watching him cry, i never knew guys do cry for love nor cry in such undignifying manner. Yes i was very touched, but his tears only drew out pity from me. Nothing more, nothing less.
I knew he was very hurt and disappointed, but all i eagerly waited was for him to cut the last rope loosely binding us.

“what do i do now?” he murmured unhappily,

“it’s very obvious i do not deserve you, please purge me from you heart and permit me to find a suitable girl for you” i begged calmly. He breathed deeply and covered his face again.

“seriously cyndii i don’t know why all these are happening, we have a great relationship going between us, and now you are breaking my heart and making me the laughing stock of everyone. I hate to love you” he poured out bitterly, while i closed my eyes as his furious words registered in me.

“i gave you everything you wanted and you are now paying me back with this unjust behaviour, it’s very unfair” he cried and stood up.

I anxiously stared at him with my hopes up. I was very sure he was about leaving my life for good. My eyes melted as i watched him walk to the door. Truly he never deserved such treatment.

He silently stood beside my door with his left hand on the door knob for some minutes, before turning to face me once again. He stared intensely at me for a while before advancing towards me with an unhappy look.

“i can’t walk out from your life because of this single mistake cyndii, we have been together for a long while and you havn’t given me cause to complain till Mike showed up. I still do love you, let’s just forget everything and start afresh. I know you are acting the way you do because you are very confused, however i do appreciate your honesty, not every girl will confess such a horrible deed. I do prefer the devil i know than the saint i don’t know. I still do love you, let’s start all over again and put all that has happened these past few weeks behind us” he calmly said with a broken voice and eyes filled with tears, as he squatted by my side. I was deeply stunned, shocked, surprised and moved.

I never expected such response from him. It truly left me a bit relieved, disappointed and happy. Infact my confusion reached its peak that moment.

“no” i cried,

“yes Cyndii” he murmured, holding my face with both hands as he stared into my eyes,

“you owe me this chance and a whole lot, so let’s give it another trial at least till i finish my degree exams and if things dosen’t still improve between us, you can then leave for good” he added seriously, while i swallowed hard with a deeply coloured face.

There was fear, uncertainty and disbelief in my eyes as i silently stared back at him. I lost my voice that moment because his decision totally disoriented me, though in all honesty i owed him that benefit.

“seriously, what do i do now?” i wondered helplessly.
“Benjamin won’t let me go and there stood Mike behind, breathing down my neck with fire and passion. I truly felt very committed to Benjamin but my body yearned for Mike, leaving my spirit utterly confused and my soul lost.

I really wasn’t a girl who could afford dating two guys at the same time, something i do detest with passion, but i now found myself heading towards that dangerous path.


I was lying on my bed, reading a romance novel to calm my nerves when my phone rang. I dropped my novel and glanced at my phone, it was Mike calling,

“hi i’m in front of your lodge, can you be able to come out?, the gateman won’t let me in” he asked calmly,

“okay, i’m coming” i replied and hung up.

Minutes later

I calmly walked to his car, opened the front passenger’s door, entered and sat beside him.

“how far?” he asked hopefully,

“fine sha” i replied calmly,

“so how did it go?” he curiously asked, while i breathed deeply.

“i confessed to him like i promised, but instead of breaking up or getting angry, he simply forgave me and begged for us to continue with the relationship” i explained,

“holy Moses!” Mike exclaimed, snapping his fingers in disbelief.

“i seriously don’t know what to do and you already know the condition i gave you last night” i added calmly.

He strongly held my left hand forcing me to stare into his eyes.

“i’m really way too big to be fighting for your love with an undergraduate, but i equally can’t deny what we had last night was very real and romantic. For that reason i will fight to the end just to have you, and nothing will stop me either” he murmured seriously, making me gasp.

The evening breeze blew on us as we stared at each other silently.

How do i redeem myself?
How do i untangle myself from this rope?? Or should i hang myself with it?? I wondered deeply.

i really can’t believe he forgave you” he murmured, breaking the silence between us,

“yea because he loves me alot” i replied proudly, “i know you won’t if you were in his shoes” i accused. He simply smiled and said nothing.

“i have to get going, it’s already getting very late, i shouldn’t be out of my room by this hour” i said and made to leave, but he still held me strongly, preventing me from leaving.

“so what happens to us?” he asked curiously,

“Mike abeg there is no us, i thought you promised to wait eternity for me nau? Just keep waiting even if it means waiting till next life” i said a bit coldly. My reply made him loosen his grip. I instantly snatched my hand.

“don’t let your confusion ruin your life” he murmured coldly and looked away. I eyed him silently before trying once again to leave his car.

“cyndii wait” he commanded calmly. I obeyed and stopped.

“i really can’t believe you went back to him after what happened last night between us, so you will continue sleeping with him as if nothing happened abi?” he asked,

“please don’t insult me” i coldly replied and tried to alight from his car, but he quickly drew forward and grabbed my left hand once again.

“what if at the end it didn’t work out between you guys? Can you live with the memory that you had the opportunity to set things right and you didn’t??” he asked, while i kept quiet, thinking over his words.

“i know you do love me, i know i still have the treasure i took away from you the very first time we had fun. Your Ben knows that, he equally knows you don’t love him as much as you love me. He equally knows he’s fighting a lost battle, and i think he is habouring something which you are too blind to notice. What will you do if he finally abandons you at a point where there is no turning back?” he asked. I silently shook nervously,

“please Mike stop talking rubbish, you are hurting my feelings” i murmured with quivering lips.

“i tell you the truth my dear, for now you may seem like the perfect choice to him because he hasn’t yet explored other possibilities, he is yet to explore the world my dear. Do you think he will ever forget the confession you made to him today?? I tell you, he will never forget nor push it away from his mind. He simply begged you because he had no choice, because he had his dignity to protect. You can doubt me, but i swear you will remember this moment in few years coming. I’m a guy and i just told you how we guys reason. Guys groom love, we don’t fall for love, but we can fall for lust. We fight most times just to protect our pride and not because we are in love” he poured out while i coloured and shook immensely. His words were hurting me, but i couldn’t find the strength to run away, my ears eagerly listened.

I have explored the world and returned because i discovered how unique you are, can you swear he will return when he graduates and stays away from you for sometime, with the memory of your exploits buried in his head?? He asked.

“I can’t lie to you my dear, i know we both love each other, but do forget the silly remark i made about waiting eternity for you. I can only hopefully wait two more weeks for you to think over all i said and decide if to continue with him or start all over with me. That’s all i can say for now my dear, so please don’t hurt our future. He concluded and prayed.

I breathed deeply, summoned up my strength, and ran out of his car without even saying good night to him.

“I now have only two weeks to make the final decision and choose between the guy i love and the guy i owe my happiness, which way??” i wondered tearfully as i ran to my room that fateful evening…

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