Wednesday 26 April 2017

Sister Mary Episode 3

“Mary dear, don’t listen to him. He has to pay for what he did to you” the young lady with her broke in, messing up my pleas.

“send him back to his cell, will you” the officer quickly barked at the corporal who stared at us with confusion before dragging me out of the office.

I sat inside my cell, hopeless and extremely uncomfortable. I couldn’t breathe properly in the stinking cell nor even think clearly.
“what do i do know?, how did i get myself into this mess?” I wondered miserably. I thought of my job, thought of Chioma, thought about my life and the embarrassment awaiting me if Mary was to take the matter to court.
Tears fell from my eyes. I prayed for a miracle. I prayed for forgiveness. I just didn’t know what else to do.

Few hours later, i was dragged out of the cell and taken to the back of the police station where the officer handling my case was waiting for me. A stick of cigarette in his mouth.

“so are you now ready to cooperate?” he asked, studying me.

“i don’t understand sir. Is there a way you can help me?” i asked meekly.

“your case is a very interesting one. The evidence against you is pretty tight. Even a blind judge will convict you with it in few days. I hope you know it’s a murder case. Abortion is illegal in Nigeria” he summarized, sending my blood pressure very high with his words.

“I need help sir. Just make this case go away. I can’t start fighting a legal battle or anything. I just want everything to go away” i pleaded anxiously. He smiled with deep excitement. He finally had me where he wanted.

“tough man. You arn’t acting tough anymore. I see” he nodded.
“do you know why i brought you here?” he asked. I shook my head.

“because i want to help you. Anything we discuss here is unofficial. So can you provide a million Naira?” he asked quietly. I couldn’t believe my ears.

“one million Naira?, where on earth can i get such money?” i asked with disbelief.

“i don’t know. You have all day to think about it in your cell” he replied and walked away.

“where and how do i raise such money?” i wondered as i was led back to the cell. For unknown reasons, the officer instead of leading me through the back door, led me through the front where we had to pass through the reception desk, but i really paid no notice because i was busy thinking over my predicament. I only had four hundred and twenty five thousand naira in my bank account.

“you devil, did you actually do it? Gosh you are so disgusting” i suddenly heard Chioma’s voice scream {as i was led through the reception}. Looking up, i saw the visibly shaken girl with Jboy who tried so hard to compose himself.

I felt very bad. The little trust the poor girl had for me was gone.

As chioma ran out of the station, i threw a look at the officer who was leading me to the cell and pleaded to him.

“please i need just few minutes to talk to my friend” i begged. He hesitated a bit before shrugging in acceptance. Jboy quickly drew close, greeted the young policeman and faced me. His face coloured with emotion as he stared all over me.

“dear me!. Chioma told me of your detention early this morning. C’mon just look at you?” he cried with deep feelings.

“please try and calm chioma down for me. Tell her anything, fabricate any story. Just do your magic for me” i begged nervously.

“chioma isn’t a problem. Of course i’ll talk to her. But my major concern is getting you out of here. What do we do?” he asked seriously.

“you also have to talk to Mary. I can’t believe she went this far just to punish me. We could have settled things without involving the police. I just don’t know. But please find her.” i begged.
All my hopes were now on Jboy.He was the only person capable of helping me out.

“Chioma brought food for you. Let me get it” he murmured with concern.

“d–n! you are wasting time. I don’t need food. Just go find Mary, i don’t want to spend another night here” i shouted, surprising him with my outburst. He shrugged and drew back.

“very well then. I better be on my way” he said with a quick smile.

“chioma is with my phone. Get it from her. I stored Mary’s number with “MARY CHURCH” i added as he quickly left to perform the duty i sent him to do.

I sat in my cell, anxious and prayerful. I couldn’t wait to leave the God forsaken place. All my hopes were on Jboy’s capabilities. I trusted him with all my heart.
Each time an officer came forward to open the cell, I would stand hopefully, thinking he came for me. But Slowly night crept in, shattering my hopes. I was left with no doubt that i would spend another night in the miserable cell. The revelation left me scared, alarmed and fearful. I thought over many things, I was very hungry. Mosquitoes were everywhere attacking my poor weak body. The smelling cell and weak noises from my cellmates couldn’t allow me think properly. Tears fell from my eyes as I remembered my job. I feared i could lose it if Mary’s issue wasn’t resolved fast. I thought over the senior officer’s demand. One f—–g million Naira.
“were do i get such money?” i wondered. I truly had a lot at stake.

Early the next morning, I was given the same special treatment as of the previous day. I was offered a cold bath and a new underwear.
Minutes later, i was taken to an empty room, close to the reception {office}. Jboy was there waiting for me. I heaved a high of relief and quickly sat next to him.

“it was hard negotiating with Mary. The witch was bent on making you hang because she felt she lost you when she lost the baby. I tried my best, even offered her big money but she refused” he said quietly, dashing my hopes.
“but there is only one solution” he slowly added, stopping as if he was afraid to continue.

“d–n you, spit it out” i urged nervously.

“MARRIAGE. I guess she will melt if you propose or give her a good marriage assurance. She want’s you or nothing.
MARRIAGE my dear friend. MARRIAGE” he slowly announced, while i choked.

“what? Marriage?” i asked with a shiver. Jboy nodded saying nothing.

“alright, cool i don’t mind nor care. Just do whatever necessary to get me out of here” i murmured with resignation.

“are you sure about it?” he asked curiously, standing up.

“just get me out of here” i answered with a frown.

“very well then. I have to go bring Mary. Just stay put, i’ll beg the officers to let you stay here and wait for me” he said, tapped my left shoulder and hurried out. I sighed as i watched him leave.
“how on earth will i marry that old witch. Hmmm well let me get out of here first” i reasoned with an evil smile.

It really was a long wait as i eagerly waited for jboy to return. Thanks to the food he brought for me. My energy returned, giving me a chance to reason very well.

It took him two hours to show up, two long hours it was. My eyes lightened up with relief as i saw him walk into the room with the lady i saw with Mary the previous day.

“where is Mary?” i anxiously asked Jboy who quickly shrugged, saying nothing.

“i’m Mary’s elder sister. I’m here on her behalf against my wish” The pretty old lady said coldly. I breathed deeply, giving her full attention.

“How could you?. Why do you guys with money think you can manipulate and defile every girl you see?. We might be poor but my sister is precious to me. Can you imagine the misery and agony you put her through with your murderous act?. She couldn’t believe her fears until she took three different tests which produced awful results. Everything is documented, we have given the police a copy, i guess you need yours” she poured out, fetching an envelope from her handbag.

“madam please calm down. I know i erred but she shouldn’t have involved the police. We are lovers, planning to get married” i pleaded solemnly, but my plea infuriated her more.

“shut up. Don’t just go there. If you guys are about getting married, why drug and kill the baby she’s carrying. A gift from God. A terrible sin in the eyes of God and Man, oh you will burn in hell” she shouted angrily, while Jboy cleverly held her hand, begging her to calm down.

“remember what we discussed with Mary earlier?. My friend is willing to proceed with the marriage formalities as soon as possible. Mary also agreed to drop the case because of it. Please let’s forget the past and do the right thing” Jboy pleaded.

“i don’t just know what came over Mary to give her consent to this rubbish marriage thing. Well let’s go meet the officer incharge of the case” she hissed, eyed me and left with Jboy who happily winked at me as they left.

I murmured quick prayers.
“at last. Thank you God” i breathed. I couldn’t wait to get out of my nightmare.

Jboy showed up moments later with a smile on his face.
“the case has been closed, but the A.S.P wants to see you” he said happily.

I breathed deeply, so happy and relieved. I quickly stood up and shook his hand.
“Thank’s for everything” i said with deep happiness. Mary’s sister showed up that moment with her usual cold look.

“i guess you are happy huh?. You still have God’s wrath to face. I’m leaving” she said with a dry hiss and turned to leave. I gently approached her. A mark of remorse on my face.

“i’ll come over to see Mary as soon as i leave this place. I have to atone for my sins. Thank you for setting me free” i poured out like an innocent child. She eyed me, breathed deeply and left the room.

“good show bro. Now let’s go see the officer” Jboy said with a happy smile. I nodded and followed him to the A.s.p’s office. The level of my happiness that moment was clearly enormous.

“sit down gentlemen” A.s.p Tunde murmured seriously as we walked into his office. His mood dark and heavy. I couldn’t imagine what was wrong with him.

“i hope you are not thinking of leaving here today?” he asked me curiously. I stared back at him, unable to say anything. Jboy was equally as surprised as i was.

“it’s glad to know that you have finally convinced your girlfriend to drop the case. But remember i still have the test results and as an officer of the law i have every right to carry on with the case, even if Mary objects. The crime you commited wasn’t only against Mary but against the state. Abortion is illegal and often treated as a murder case. So my friend you know what you are up to” the annoying officer addressed us intelligently. I felt like exploding. I was extremely fed up.

“oh gracious me!. C’mon officer this is so unfair. Why are you doing this?” jboy shouted angrily. The officer merely scoffed and said nothing.

“you are not a foreigner. You know how we close cases in Nigeria. Enough of the grammer” he said with his eyes on me. Jboy quietly sat down as he realised were the officer was going.

“ok sir please help us” i pleaded desperately.

“i once asked for a million, but as it is now just get me two hundred thousand” he said, his greedy eyes still on me. I instantly knelt down, surprising him with my action.

“i’m diabetic sir. I won’t survive another night in here. Last night i merely survived a crisis. I badly need to see my doctor. Please ask for something reasonable” i begged without shame while Jboy speechlessly gasped at me.
The officer thought for a while before shrugging.
“alright get me a hundred thousand. A bank is across the street. I hope you have an ATM?” he demanded, throwing a look at Jboy who quickly sprang up.
An hour later, i was in Jboy’s car heading back to my apartment,
finally free, but not entirely free. I still had Mary to deal with. I had chioma to win back.

Minutes later, we arrived at my apartment where i happily drank a glass of cold water before settling down on a sofa.

“we have a lot to discuss and plan but that should be later. Just rest and get your spirit back while i rush to the office. You know i have been away all day” Jboy politely said with a smile. I thanked him once again. He saluted and left without another word.

I went into my bedroom, threw myself on the bed and thought over my next line of action. I really had a lot to plan and do. I couldn’t figure out where to start.
I very much needed to settle things with Chioma. I couldn’t afford losing her, but Mary somehow was more of a priority. I already promised to visit her. A promise i made under duress or perhaps with remorse. I bit my lips deep in thought.
One hour later, i took a cold bath, dressed, warmed my car and drove out. I first headed to the bank, withdrew hundred thousand Naira before heading to a small restaurant where i had a quick meal.

“should i visit Mary like i promised or should i forget about it all?” i wondered as i ate. My life suddenly seemed confused. I knew i had to wisely get rid of the silly witch. “But through what means?”. I asked myself over and over.

Precisely by 6:15pm, I pulled up in front of Mary’s compound, alighted from my car and dialled her number.
“i’m at the gate” i said as soon as she answered,

“i’m coming out” she replied a bit coldly. I hung up and waited for her.
There i was, visiting a lady who almost ruined me, smiling as if all was well while deep down i felt like strangling her.

She showed up seconds later, unsure of herself as she approached me. I breathed deeply, forced out a smile and spread my hands for an embrace. My action surprised her. She stopped for a second, stared at me before falling into my arms.
“i’m so sorry” she cried.

Oh i felt like squeezing life out of her that very moment.

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