Thursday 20 April 2017

Betrayal Episode 10

Mike showed up by 7:30am, beaming with smiles as he walked into our house.

“please don’t be too hard on him or to yourself my dear. Behave like a good girl which you are, okay!” “i will be expecting you next weekend” Mum adviced as she kissed me goodbye.

I finally left our house that fateful Saturday morning with Mike, who had a new aura of self confidence in him. Silently he drove to the capital, while my thoughts kept me company as i thought about school, my future, my life and even about Benjamin.

“who knows how he is?” i wondered with mixed feelings.

He silently drove without bringing up any conversation, till we got to my lodge{hostel}, an hour and half later.

“this place surely brings back memories” he murmured with a smile as he killed the car engine.

“surely it does” i responded before alighting. He dutifully helped me carry up my luggages and organize my room. Fifteen minutes later, we headed to his apartment which was just few kilometres away from my lodge. It really was the first time i was visiting his apartment, and even though he wasn’t a stranger to me, i still felt a bit nervous, which made him stare at me curiously, as soon as we arrived.

“my dear why do you look so intense?” he asked with a smile,

“because it’s the first time i’m visiting a place you rented with your money” i replied with a smile. He scratched his head and laughed.

“so my family house you visited months ago isn’t mine abi?” he joked. I smiled silently.

His three bedroom {+kitchen} apartment really was very simple and a bit scanty, perhaps because he was yet to save enough money for adequate furnishing. The chairs in the sitting room were plastic chairs, however a plasma screen television, sound system and some simple gadgets adorned it.

My heart skipped five beats when i got to his kitchen and saw lots of dirty dishes pilled up in a big basin, waiting to be washed. I had no choice than to get to work immediately, even though he weakly objected.

“i’m the happiest man in the world right now, you are so lovely, so beautiful, so enchanting, i will forever worship you” he kept singing, with hands in his trouser pocket as i did the dishes.

“when is she coming?” I asked after a while, interrupting his praises. He glanced at his watch and shrugged.

“she should be here by now, she promised to show up before 11am, now is past twelve” he replied.

“hope you didn’t trick me into coming to your house?” I asked suspiciously.

“of course not” he answered innocently.
At exactly 2pm his phone rang,

“she’s at the door” he said to me after answering the phone call, rushed to the entrance door and opened it. My eyes followed him expectantly, while my heart pounded very fast.

A young girl soon walked into the sitting room carrying a child with her. She froze as our eyes met, while my heart melted with pity.

She looked so young and beautiful, but was wrapped up in sadness.

“i’m so glad you came” Mike said to her with a quick smile. She nodded and stared at me suspiciously.

“meet my fiancee Cyndii” he introduced me to her, “Cyndii meet Stella the mother of my daughter” he said to me. I rose up polietly, reached out and made to carry her baby, but she drew back and stared at me murderously. Tears quickly formed in her eyes, while her lips shook.

“what? Jeez I can’t believe my ears, your what?” she asked Mike, who instantly looked away, placing his right hand on his head.

“you are his fiancee eeh?” she asked, facing me angrily,

“yea and i asked him to invite you so we could straighten things out” i murmured nervously,

“straighten what?? You must be mad if you think you can involve me in your little prank. He abandoned his responsibility for your sake and you are now here playing the saint. I’m not a fool sis. I’m not” she sobbed.

“calm down dear, i have your interest at heart, sit down let’s talk please” i begged.

“i can’t calm down, and i can’t stand this scene either. I’m leaving this moment, but i assure you that i will be back. Go ahead be his fiancee, enjoy yourself” she poured out with tears, before running out of the sitting room with her child. Her action and tears really touched my spirit, but i equally was a bit angry at her for not calming down and listening to me.

“you have now seen for yourself what i have been avoiding. I knew it wasn’t a good idea getting you to meet her. You see?” Mike murmured bitterly, while i looked up at him searchingly.

“now what do you think?” he asked,

“i don’t just know, but i’m having a very bad feeling right now” i replied calmly. He quickly drew close and held me.

“i think it’s better we get married before Easter. Let’s move our wedding forward, i can start making the necessary arrangments instantly” he proposed nervously. I breathed deeply, raising my eyebrows.

“i think it’s better we shift it farther, perhaps move it to december” i said thoughtfully, while he gasped with disbelief, “or maybe till we settle issues with her” i added cautiously,

“what’s there to settle with her eeh?” he asked sadly.

“alot my dear, alot, because i don’t believe she will just sit calmly and watch us get married” i replied with a quick smile. He quietly sat on the floor, looking dejected and sad like a man who just lost a big fortune.

Even though i appeared calm and relaxed, i was equally far from being pleased with the direction i feared our relationship was heading.

I felt like visiting a fortune teller that moment.

I finally kept away my fears and prepared soup and stew for him. Mike however stayed with me in the kitchen, cracking silly jokes as i cooked.

At exactly 6pm, after i was done cooking and resting, i rose up to leave,

“I have to start going” I said to a surprised Mike, who quickly drew close and held me.

“why the rush? I thought you are spending the night here? Tomorrow is still sunday” he murmured pleadingly,

“i know but i just don’t want to spend the night here” i replied with a frown. But before he could insist, someone knocked on his door.

“who could it be?” he asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes,

“who are you asking eeh?” i asked him. He smiled, walked to the door and opened it.

I felt a funny sensation as soon as he got to his door which made me walk up to him. I got beside him and stared at the door way, there stood stella standing with her baby in her arms.

I froze with surprise and shock, while the girl stared at me coldly,

“i never knew you are still around” she said to me coldly. I breathed deeply, forcing out a smile.

“oh yea, i’m still here” i replied, grabbed Mike by the waist and rested my weight on him. She shifted her gaze to Mike who was yet to mutter any word.

“too bad because i have no where to spend the night and my little daughter is hungry” She added seriously. Mike instantly looked at me while i shrugged. I knew the unfortunate girl was out to make trouble, but i wasn’t in the mood to oblige her, moreover every decision was on Mike to make.

“won’t you guys let me in?” she asked curiously. I rolled my eyes, bit my lips and returned to my chair. She shoved Mike aside, and entered the sitting room, using her baby as a shield.

I stared at the young girl speechlessly, clueless on how to follow her up, while Mike walked up to her with a drawn face.

“i don’t know your plans, but you are not spending the night in this apartment” he said to her. But she simply scoffed and smiled.

“may God protect you from yourself, you are now decieving this young girl the way you decieved me. Anyway come and carry me out if you can, i’m ready for you” she dared him bravely. But unfortunately her eyes betrayed her with tears.

“stop being obnoxious and uncivil, it isn’t going to get you anywhere” i advised her with a frown.

“stay out of this, it’s none of your business” she fired back furiously,

“it’s my business dear, because i forced him to invite you” i replied. She scoffed, dropped her child on the floor and advanced towards me.

“you want to make it your business right? So shall it be” she threatened murderously, while i shook with fright. It was very obvious she was extremely angry and dangerous. Judging by how furious she was, i knew i was no match to her.

Mike instantly came forward, grabbed her from behind and dragged her towards the door. She shoved and resisted but Mike’s grip was stronger. With a last minute ferocious move, she levelled her two legs against the wall {as soon as Mike got her to the door}, using the wall as leverage to send him backwards.

Mike staggered backwards loosening his grip a little, which gave the angry girl an opportunity to bite his hands without mercy.

He screamed with surprise as he felt her bite, flunging her away from his body, before descending on her with two slaps, which brought out a loud scream from the fighting girl. But instead of backing out, she launched yet another attack, diving forward with intention of jerking him through the mid section. A very silly move which earned her a knock out punch from an angry Mike.

She fell backwards, grabbing her jaw as tears freely flowed down her eyes. Her little baby began crying that moment, moving my fragile heart and getting me more confused, as i contemplated on going for the child or not.

Mike advanced towards her again to render more finishing blows, but i sprang up and held him.

“i will have none of this Mike, what has gotten into you?” i asked nervously,

“i’m merely defending myself from this witch, don’t you see she could have easily taken me out?” he answered angrily.

“you laid your hands on me Micheal? You guys don’t know me yet, i will be back shortly” The angry girl threatened and left the house, leaving her baby behind.

A cold shiver instantly ran down my spine.

“what’s she up to?” i wondered fearfully. I knew Mike also asked himself the same question.

“what do we do dear, what do we do?” i nervously asked as i picked up the crying child.

“i don’t know my dear, i guess we have to wait for her to come for the child, hope you ain’t planning on leaving me here alone?” he asked fearfully.

“of course not, how do you think i will leave this child with you” i answered. He heaved a sigh of relief.

Anxiously we waited for Stella to show up, the clock soon struck 7:00pm, but she was yet to return. 8:00pm i got very worried and anxious,

“what if she isn’t coming for her baby?” i asked Mike who simply shrugged with confusion.

“there is no way she could have left for the village by that hour, i have a feeling she’s at her brother’s apartment. Her elder brother is a police A.S.P, a graduate in police uniform” he explained lightly. I simply stared at him, extremely shaken and confused.

“i think i still remember the house address the brother once gave me when i was settling her case with the family, i will return the child first thing tomorrow” he added with a blank expression.

“seriously Mike, how did you get yourself involved with such obnoxious girl eeh?” i asked curiously. He silently scratched his head and shrugged.

“it’s a long story my dear. A very terrible mistake which is slowly eating me up like cancer” he muttered weakly, collasped on a chair and sighed. My stomach growled and bit, i was very hungry but had no appetite whatsoever to eat. I knew Mike equally felt the same way.

Exactly 8:38pm, we heard gentle knocks on the entrance door. Mike breathed deeply, stood up and opened his door. I instantly gasped as i saw him leap backwards, while two uniformed policemen jumped into the room, grabbing his trouser {by the waist}, another guy on mufti gently walked in with Stella by his side.

“there she is” i heard Stella say, pointing at me, “she’s the lady that orchestrated the whole plan to steal my child” she said to the policemen. My heart instantly skipped five beats, i felt like disappearing that moment.

“what’s happening, how dare you guys barge into my house to intimidate me, i know my rights” Mike yelled.

“then you have to start calling your lawyers, because you are in for a very big case”, “Assault and battery, attempted murder and child theft, my friend you ain’t getting easily away this time. You can’t humiliate my younger sister and get away with it whatever be her fault” The guy on mulfi barked angrily, while the two policemen, dragged us into a waiting police Van.

My first visit to Mike’s apartment was a big disaster, it earned me a night at the police station.

Mike was thrown into the cell as soon as we arrived at the police station, while i was left to cool off at the counter{behind the reception desk}.

“i just don’t want to punish you further because just like my sister, you are equally an unfortunate victim in this whole mess, if not i would have thrown you into one of the cells as well” Stella’s brother said to me. I nodded gratefully and thanked him.
“yes sir, thank you sir” i murmured nervously.

My thoughts kept me company all through the night as i wondered what Mike’s fate would be. By the look of things, i saw that Stella and her brother were very ready for a tough battle. Mosquitoes however never allowed me to think properly, i kept slapping myself as i battled them all through that restless night. I was in a very terrible state the following morning, which luckily arrived very fast.

Fortunately for us, stella’s brother arrived the station very early, and sent for us. I hastily walked into his office, while Mike was dragged in minutes later. He looked tired, scared and nervous, but fortunately his body wasn’t in anyway tampered with.

“you know before i joined the police force, i used to be a very bad player?. I did everything unthinkable just to get down with a girl, but i never for once laid my hands on any girl nor got any pregnant. You know why?, Because i used my head” he lectured Mike with a smile, “i’m so sorry mister, but you went too far with my sister this time around, and i’m going to deal with you to the extent you end up losing your job. You know banks hate getting involved in scandals huh?” He asked Mike, who instantly frowned and looked away.

“I already have mapped out my plans, first i will call the press and some popular bloggers i know, give them the story i prepared about you with the caption, “BANKER COOLING OFF IN POLICE CELL AFTER TRYING TO KILL GIRLFRIEND”, OR “BANKER TRIES TO KILL AN INNOCENT EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL IN HIS APARTMENT” or better still, “BANKER TRIES TO KILL BABY MAMA FOR ANOTHER” he tilted his head sideways and poured out evily, while i gasped.

“what do you think will become of your job after such news is made public, or what do you think the state prosecutor will do after learning of such case?” He asked with a mischievous smile. The look on Mike’s face was terrible, it was very obvious he was extremely scared. He looked like someone who just saw a ghost.

“i have evidence, plus pictures of my sister’s battered face and doctor’s report” he continued.

“please what is it you want?” Mike nervously asked, interrupting him. The young police officer simply licked his lips and smiled.

“hmmmm what do i want?” Stella’s brother repeated and scoffed.
“you used my sister, got her pregnant, made her unmarriageable, abandoned and broke her heart, I kept quiet and never for a day challenged you.” “when my parents managed to fetch you for talks, you showed up, claimed responsibility and disappeared like a ghost, i still never bothered you”, “I took care of my sister without complaining, but i guess because of our soft nature and the way we handled everything, you thought you could do as you like, thereby further insulting my family by inviting the innocent girl to your house, so as to beat her up and snatch her baby” he poured out calmly, while Mike nervously watched him like a rat watching a friendly cat.

“what do you expect me to ask for eeh?” he asked Mike, who simply shrugged silently.

“I can’t force you to marry my sister, neither can i allow you to walk away from your responsibility over her and the little girl” he added seriously.

“but this isn’t a case settled in the police station, can’t we do it elsewhere, like in your house or village?” Mike asked pleadingly,

“oh yes, but i don’t trust you, moreover my sister is the person pressing charges and i fear you might spend more time here with us” he replied with an evil smile.

“oh goodness me! i beg of you, don’t do this to me, i can’t afford to skip work even for a day, please” Mike begged nervously, while i nodded in support.

“alright, but there is still one more thing you have to do, if i’m to allow you guys to leave” the young officer added and licked his lips.

“you have to sign some papers, it’s just like an undertaking which you have to accept, before i let you have your freedom” he added as he brought out two envelopes, which he placed before Mike.

“all you have to do is just to sign both of them, you go with one copy, i keep the second copy for myself” he explained as Mike went through the papers.

“you don’t expect me to sign this cra.p do you?” i soon heard Mike ask with a raised tone.
“how do you expect me to suspend my upcoming wedding, till i settle issues with your sister?” he asked angrily.

“oooh so the wedding rumours are true??,” “yes sir, my request is very resonable, because that’s what any sane man will do. For the sake of my family’s pride and for the sake of tradition, you have every reason to sit down and settle with us, before rushing into another marriage, moreover which church will wed you when you are yet to resolve your problems eeh?, my friend you better sign the two papers, because it’s that or nothing” the young officer sprang up and barked loudly, hitting the table with his fist. My heart skipped a hundred times over.

It just looked as if someone was blowing an air of misfortune towards my happiness.

“I hope my girl is free to leave?” Mike asked quietly with his eyes on me. The young officer calmed himself, sat on his chair and breathed deeply as he stared at me.

“She’s free to leave, i have nothing against her for the moment, but i will be forced to involve her if we are unable to reach an agreement” he replied. Mike instantly smiled at me,

“hope you heard him baby?, you are free to go outside and wait for me” he said while i blushed and shook my head.

“don’t worry about me, i think it’s better i sit here and listen to everything” I replied with a calm smile. He shook his head and stared into my eyes.

“I insist dear, please go outside and wait for me, please i beg of you” he pleaded seriously. I breathed deeply, stood up and left the officer’s office without another word. I really wasn’t happy that he asked me to leave, because i was keenly following the whole drama like a soap opera. Perhaps he did it to protect me, or did it to hide something from me.

As i angrily left the police building, i ran into stella at the entrance {door way}. She smiled as soon as she saw me and stopped,

“HI friend good morning!” she greeted. I felt like ignoring her, but my anger overcame me. I stopped and stared at her furiously.

“what’s good about the morning?” I asked angrily,

“oh alot dear, today’s sunday don’t you know?, Oh how would you remember since you spent your night in a good hotel huh” she replied with a smile.

“whatever you are planning, just know that bad things dosen’t last, you will be judged for your actions, better know that” i preached and made to leave, but she strongly held my right hand, which surprised and stopped me.

“where is your child p—–t? You want to fight me again huh?” I asked with burning eyes. She scoffed and shrugged.

“come on babe cool off, we should be friends instead of enemies” she said with a changed tone,

“I don’t have your time, so please get behind me” i yelled and turned to leave.

“whether you like it or not, you will be seeing more of my presence and i advise you leave that obnoxious Mike and make something good out of your life now you still have the time, because i will make his life miserable and burn who ever stands on my way. I think i have given you fair warning /mi/ lady. Mike spoiled my life and i won’t stop until i spoil his” she threatened seriously. I froze for a while, meditated over her words and walked away silently.

A new fear erupted in my heart. I had no doubt she was serious with her threats.

“can i stand her? what else is she planning?, is there something i’m yet to find out about Mike?” i wondered fearfully, my legs shook while my heart pounded furiously.

I calmly left the police station and waited for Mike in a shop close by. I anxiously waited for forty five minutes, but he failed to show up.
Nervously i returned to the station, with my heart pounding furiously, fear engulfing me immensely. But luckily i met him at the entrance door, the spot i earlier had a little confrontation with Stella. I heaved a sigh of relief as i stared into his eyes.

Stella’s brother was standing by his side, they stared at me for a while without saying anything.

“you are free to go, but do know that my eyes are on you” He finally said to Mike as they shook hands,

“no problem” Mike murmured, held my hand and made to walk away with me.

“can i have a word with you please” I heard Stella’s brother ask with his eyes on me. I stared at him nervously, breathed deeply and shrugged.

“okay” i muttered and walked towards him, while Mike watched suspiciously,

“you have seen nothing of what we call life’; your boyfriend is false in heart, in mind, in soul; he has a false flattering tongue, false lips, false principles, you better be careful” he advised seriously, surprising me with his bluntness.

“you better watch your tongue mister” Mike instantly barked, reached out and dragged me away,

“don’t mind the idio.t” he nervously said to me as we left the police station.
We said nothing to each other until we arrived at his apartment minutes later.

“so how did you finally settle with them?, did you sign the papers?” I asked curiously. He breathed deeply, and shook his head,

“please i rather not talk about it. Please” i heard him say,

“but i have every right to know, don’t I?” i asked,

“please let me be, i’m very hungry” he murmured with an angry tone.

Without another word, i dutifully prepared and served breakfast, which he ate hungrily. My thoughts kept wandering to and fro as i watched him eat. I wasn’t as hungry as he was, because my heavy mind blocked my apetite.

“i’m still eager to know how you settled with him?” I anxiously asked, hiding my anxiety with a calm smile,

“i’m telling you no story, so please bother me no more. I have enough problems already” he replied coldly. I stared at him angrily, stood up and bit my lips.

“I think you are hiding something nasty from me, it’s better you open up now or?” I threatened with a raised voice.

“or what?, Cyndii give me some space please, i’m choking” he replied defiantly, getting me extremely annoyed with his comment.

“fine, I’m leaving, you know where to find me, bye” I shouted at him, grabbed my bag and ran out of his apartment. I was extremely angry and downcasted, i felt very bad because he treated me like an insignificant child. I understood his problems were telling on him, but to be treated in such undignifying manner was something i couldn’t stand. He equally never cared to run after me nor call me back.
I was almost in tears when i got back to my lodge minutes later.

Fate however added salt to my wound, by making me run into Benjamin as i ran up the stairs with tears in my eyes.

To be continued…

Read episode 9

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