Wednesday 26 April 2017

Sister Mary Episode 4

“I should be the one apologizing my love. I’m so sorry for everything” i murmured tenderly.

“i should have been more reasonable. I’m so ashamed” she cried softly.

“let’s go inside the house dear. We are creating a scene here” i suggested calmly. She drew away from me and grabbed my left hand. Together we went into her little apartment. A two room apartment which was moderately furnished. I couldn’t help but look around the house, taking mental note of everything. I felt it could be useful in future.

Her elder sister was in the sitting room as we walked in. I was very uncomfortable seeing her. There was something in her that always made me uneasy and it equally looked as if she was capable of reading my mind. I however noticed she wasn’t married, but wasn’t very sure anyway.

She smiled faintly as we walked into the room. I calmly greeted her.
“good evening” i politely greeted.

“you are welcome. I didn’t know you would come. I’m surprised” she said and laughed. Mary offered me a chair.
My phone soon rang, breaking the little tension in the room. It was Jboy calling.

“what’s up, where are you?” he asked as soon as i answered his call.

“At Mary’s, keeping my promise” i replied,

“ahhh, alright meet me at the joint when you are done. You know we have a lot to discuss and a drink of freedom to share” he said with a quick laugh.

“cool i’ll be there shortly” i answered and hung up.

“we have a nice soup, will you care to eat?” Mary asked curiously. I shook my head,

“no thanks i ate before coming” i answered.

“you know my sister is scared that our relationship won’t work out. She feels it’s all a lie” she said with a question look, her eyes all over me.

Just like her sister, she was a bit doubtful of my true feelings but i also was stunned that she could even think something serious would ever work out between us. Not after all that has happened.

Yes she was a bit doubtful but needed only few sweet words to be convinced. I had to lie. I had to use whatever means necessary to buy her over once again, in order to stay out of jail and get rid of her once and for all. It was a hard task but also the only way out.

I spent almost thirty minutes pouring out my love, plans and goals for her. Such decietful words they were but so convincing and touching. Her sister listened without saying a single word to me. I couldn’t help but imagine what she was thinking.

Mary was utterly convinced by my lies. As i stood to go she gave me a cute kiss.
“nothing is impossible in the eyes of God and no sin is beyond forgiveness if you atone. I have forgiven you, but you still have to confess your sins to God. You have to meet our pastor. I love you sweetheart” she said to me with love and true feelings. I swallowed hard, nodded and left without another word.

I was so shaken and filled with guilt as i left her apartment. I really wasn’t cut out for all those lies. Nervously i switched on my car engine and headed to the Joint to meet jboy. I couldn’t beg God to help me because i was already damned.

I slowly drove down to the joint. A very noisy outdoor drinking spot, popular for its spacious environment and weekend live band entertainment. Jboy and i always spent some evenings there.

“o boy, see how thin you have become” jboy joked as i sat opposite him. I laughed and shrugged,

“were you expecting me to add weight in the police cell?” i joked lively.
“anyway you know i have a lot on my shoulders right now. How do you suggest i get rid of Mary?” i asked seriously.

“when you finish the second bottle of beer. We can then begin that side of talk. I’m not in a hurry” he suggested with deep humour.

“oh c’mon i’m not drinking more than a bottle so let’s get talking” i urged, while he shrugged.

“alright if you insist. You know i have been thinking about Mary’s issue for some days now. As for my advice i suggest you play along with her at least for a month. By then we would be able to steal the test results. I mean the ones with her and the copies with the police. I bet there won’t be any copy at the the hospital or laboratory she took the tests. Though we also need to investigate before concluding. Once we have all the copies you can easily ditch her without fear. She can’t go for another test because nothing will be found and even if something is found she really will have a tough case putting it on you” he explained while i stared at him deep in thought.

“i guess it’s complicated huh. It’s a long shot but that’s all i got” he concluded.

“yeah we have no choice do we?” i murmured.
His plan really was complicated with many flaws but surprisingly i equally had the same kind of plan in my mind. Just like he said, it truly was a long shot but i had the feeling that it could be done. We only had to focus and avoid mistakes.

“i hope the visit you gave her this evening went well?” he asked curiously. I nodded and smiled.

“oh yea it went very well. She’s just so gullible. I only fear her sister, she’s too uptight and suspicious”
I answered.

“yea that one. Hmmmm she hates you and it’s very obvious. I bet it could be jealousy. Mary is her younger sister you know?. But how come she isn’t married. That lady could be older than your mum” he joked.

“i don’t know but to me it’s kind of strange that two beautiful ladies like them are struggling to find a husband” i murmured seriously. Jboy breathed deeply, saying nothing.

The next day i reported to work very early. I knew i had a lot to deal with and a lot of questions to answer, moreover i couldn’t imagine the type of rumour already going round about my detention. That really was why i showed up at work before everyone else in order to settle down and makeup a story.

Chioma equally was another reason i reported early for work that very day. I was yet to talk to her after she unceremoniously left me at the police station. I desperately wanted to talk to her but was too ashamed to meet her. She was the only girl i cared for but i just couldn’t bring myself to look her in the eye.

Minutes later i heard Chioma’s voice in the hallway. I breathed deeply, waited for some minutes before going over to her office. An office she shared with an elderly Bini woman.

Luckily she was alone when i walked in, scribbling something down in a notebook her back turned towards me. I slowly drew close and coughed. She quickly turned and faced me with a slightly drawn face.

“my love” i breathed with deep passion wrapped with love. I trembled as i stared at her, my lips quivering with profound uneasiness.
She wasn’t just an ordinary lady to me. I was so much in love with her.

Her eyes melted as she stared at me. Her slightly drawn face slowly eased up, colouring deeply.
“you jerk” she cursed, breathing deeply as if she was struggling to breathe. I drew close and tried to hold her but she quickly backed away.

“it was just a little misunderstanding. The case has been closed” i tried to explain nervously.

“but did you commit the crime, did you do it?” She asked seriously. I couldn’t answer.

Chioma was just a simple decent girl who never believed in hurting people. The trust she had in me was already gone but i felt admitting my crime to her will kill the remaining respect she had for me. Moreover it wasn’t just an ordinary crime. It was an abominable thing that i did. An abortion, a forcefully induced one.
“How could i admit it and still have her back?” i wondered.

“i want nothing but the truth. I need to hear the whole story. I can’t believe i have been blind all along” she said, breaking my spirit more.

“can’t we forget about this and move on?. You know how serious our relationship is. We have our plans or have you forgotten?” i pleaded with utter despair. She shook her head and blocked her ears with her hands.

“i don’t care. I’m not desperate to get married. I’m still young for this shi.t. I’m not the kind of girl who will step on another lady’s toe just to get married. I see you arn’t willing to tell me anything so just forget about us” she screamed and ran out of the office leaving me all alone.

I wanted her badly, but i couldn’t get myself to tell her the truth. Confessing my atrocity was one thing and revealing my plans to her another. I couldn’t do one without revealing the other and She wasn’t just the kind of girl i could divulge my plans to. She was way too decent to understand.

I returned to my apartment by 5:15pm after a very busy day at the office, disjointed and sad.
“Chioma really isn’t being reasonable with me. Can’t she just understand my plight?” i wondered unhappily.

Five minutes later my door bell rang, bringing me out of my thoughts with its sharp noise. I couldn’t help but wonder who it was.

“good evening” Mary greeted with a smile as i opened the door. She had a black nylon bag in her right hand, which i curiously stared at.

“i guess you are just coming back from work. Your tie is still on you. I came to make soup for my dear husband. I figured you have nothing here” she said sweetly. I shrugged with a forced smile.

“yea come in dear.” i murmured politely as i made way for her to enter. She gracefully walked into my apartment and headed straight to the kitchen.

I truly hated seeing her. Her presence simply disgusts me, but i had no choice than to play along. I just couldn’t wait to get rid of her.

Surprisingly she stayed back after preparing a Vegetable soup for me. I had expected her to leave after making the soup but she gave a flimsy excuse.
“darling i hope i can stay the night with you. I want to sleep in your arms. I’ll leave tomorrow morning” she kind of asked as we ate together.

“but you know unmarried couples arn’t supposed to be sleeping together?” i asked, trying to use religion to deny her request.

“whatever i’m staying the night” she concluded with a strong smile which somehow got me worried. Her action sort of told me that she already had something planned out and perhaps could be a bit difficult for me to dictate the way to run our relationship.
“i have to be very careful and watchful” i adviced myself.

Immediately after the meal, i left her in the sitting room and went straight to bed. I wasn’t happy she was around, what if Chioma decides to show up at this moment?” i fearfully reasoned before falling asleep.

By the early hours of the next day, i woke up to see Mary hungrily su.cking my d–k as if her life depended on it. I was shocked and quickly defensive.

“oh not again” i hissed to myself, fearfully pushing her away a bit roughly. She instantly stared at me with offended eyes. As if she suddenly realised that i was merely tolerating her.

“c’mon dear, let’s just sleep” i murmured cautiously as i quickly tried to get control of my pe.nis.

“but you are almost aroused. What could be the problem?. I’m just trying to please you” she asked curiously, her unclad bosoms dangling freely with an inviting look. I swallowed hard and looked away.

“please my dear let’s forget about se.x for now. I’m yet to get myself you know what i mean” i explained nervously and backed her.

“it’s obvious you don’t want me. I brought out my time to satisfy you and you are turning me down. Can you swear you don’t feel like fuc.king huh?. I’m not a kid, you just don’t want to do it with me” she rattled on and on while i kept quiet and pretended to be asleep.
She was very right, i badly felt like having s-x that moment but i couldn’t get myself to do it with her. She simply wasn’t for me.

I couldn’t sleep after that seductive encounter. I just kept quiet, closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep till 5am when my phone alarm rang.

Mary finally left that morning without creating any new scene, though i apologized to her over and over before she left. But seriously i felt she clearly understood the situation of things because no matter my apologies and lies, she was matured enough to figure out that perhaps i was being nice to her out of pressure. I felt she knew all that but simply preferred living with the hope that we were perfect for each other. Anyway the heart of a woman is very complex and so i really couldn’t pin-point the exact thing in her mind.

I left for work later in the morning still feeling horn.y. Even though i had a lot of work to cover, i still couldn’t concentrate because my body needed s-x. I cursed the silly witch over and over for waking up the monster in me.

Chioma didn’t report for work that fateful day, which got me a bit worried. I tried calling her but she rejected my calls, spoiling my mood heavily.
By 1:39pm, i left my office and headed to her apartment, very determined to resolve issues with her once and for all.

I soon got to the place she lived. A beautiful bungalow few kilometers away from our office. I was very nervous as i made my way to her apartment, rang the door bell and waited impatiently.
A minute later she opened the door and stared at me with surprise. She prevented me from going inside, instead came out and shut the door behind her.

“why are you here?” she asked rudely,

“i came for us to talk” i stammered,

“there is nothing to talk. You have lost your chance with me, so please respect yourself and leave. I have a visitor” she said coldly, shocking me with her words. I instantly became threatened and jealous when i heard her mention she was with someone.

“who are you with?” i asked curiously. She simply scoffed, eyed me, turned and returned to her apartment, quickly shutting the door and giving me no chance to force my way in.

My heart felt like exploding, i couldn’t believe it was all happening. I headed to my car almost in tears.
“could she be cheating on me?” I wondered miserably. I regretted knowing her, regretted going over to her apartment, regretted loving her. I felt like drowning myself with alcohol. I felt like going to a place far away. I just couldn’t take it anymore.

My phone rang that moment, bringing me back to reality. I checked the screen and saw the name “ANITA”.
Breathing deeply, i answered the call.

Anita was a federal polytechnic student located downtown. She was one of the girls i knew before Mary and Chioma came into my life. She was very beautiful, tall and slim. But the only problem i had with her was the way she demanded for things. She was way too demanding and i really was tired of making promises i couldn’t fulfill. As i answered her call, i knew she was calling for no other thing but money, but as things stood, i sure needed someone like her to calm my nerves.

“you really have forgotten me, it isn’t fair ooo. Simply because i asked for a new phone. It has been more than a month we last spoke to each other. I’m coming to your house this evening should i come?” she asked.

“yes” i muttered.

To be continued

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