Thursday 20 April 2017

Betrayal Episode 7

“good night” Benjamin muttered, snatched his hand {from my grasp}, and turned his back on me,

“where are you going?” i asked stupidly,

“to my room offcourse” he replied coldly,

“spend the night here with me dear?” i begged,

“i don’t think it’s necessary, you never wanted me to get involved, so it’s better i stay away so that you can clean up your problems alone just like you wanted. You can notify me when you are done” he murmured and left my room.

“dear your behaviour is punishing me, don’t leave me here alone” i begged as he left.

I never knew Benjamin could ever get so annoyed with me in such manner, and It just looked as if my life was crashing in a terrifying manner.

I spent that night tossing on my bed and crying. I woke up the next day emotionally weak, pertubed and uneasy.

Amara showed up in my room by 7:55AM, I felt like murdering her, but had to control myself because i didn’t want to create a scene with someone so vulgar.

“why the drawn face huh?” she asked and sat beside me with concern. I sighed and looked the other way,

“snitch” i hissed quietly,

“hmmmm okay, now i understand the monkey face you are showing me. Offcourse i told Benjamin because you have no reason for hiding Mike’s disturbance from him. You won’t understand what i did for you, hahaha you can thank me later shaaa” she patted my back and laughed.

“this is no laughing matter, your big mouth just cost me my relationship” i murmured,

“abegi make i hear word jare” she replied and fell back on my bed,

“i’m very serious, Benjamin almost pounced on me yesterday” i complained bitterly. To my surprise, my dear friend laughed out loud.

“anyway i don’t blame you, i caused everything by revealing my problems to you” i added sadly. She sat up and stared at me seriously.

“baby don’t talk like that, Benjamin loves you very much, he just reacted as he should. Relax he will come back to make peace” she assured,

“what if he dosen’t?” i asked,

“then you go yourself and beg him, you have legs don’t you?” she replied and winked at me, “anyway i don’t think Benjamin can last a day without you” she concluded while i shrugged.

We argued and debated about Mike, Benjamin and how to settle my problems throughout that morning till 11:3AM when we heard a steady knock on my door which interrupted us.

Amara quickly answered my door and froze when she saw who was knocking. She slowly walked backwards like someone possessed by an evil power. My face instantly coloured. I gasped and swallowed hard when i saw Mike confidently walk into my room with a steady smile. But before i could recover from the shock, Amara quickly regained herself and pushed him feriociously with an energy i never have seen in her.

Her push took him by surprise, and sent him staggering backwards towards the open door. Amara pushed again and again until he was out of my room without much resistance. She quickly locked my door with great speed and rested her body on it as she gasped for breath.

I really was totally stunned, and surprised at the great stunt she pulled. I stared at her gratefully for some minutes and breathed deeply,

“God please give me the type of mind, strength and courage Amara has” i prayed….

“that guy really is something else, imagine the arrogance, the smile and the way he carried himself, God” Amara muttered and fell on my bed.

“do you think your action will stop him?” i asked with a smile,

“offcourse not, what i did was just a temporary measure, stopping him permanently is in your hands, just like you did Dave” she replied,
“but i think you should first apologize and sort out your differences with Benjamin, before having anything to do with that rascal, or else you will be adding more salt to your problems” she lectured, “imagine allowing him into you room and Benjamin shows up in the process” she added. A shiver ran through me as i imagined it all,

“you are right dear, i will settle with Benjamin this evening” i assured her.

Mike knocked on my door for hours and left when he realised nothing would make us open the door for him. Amara later left for her own room. I bathed, wore a sexy gown, sprayed perfume all over my body and went over to Benjamin’s room.

He allowed me into his room without saying anything. I smiled laid on his bed and stared at him. He sat on his rug and backed me, focusing his eyes on the tv screen, even though i knew his mind was somewhere else.

“i’m sorry” i quietly apologized and touched his right shoulder. He kept quiet and ignored me.

“you know me better dear and you know the last thing i will ever do is to cheat on you, not with my ex, not with anyone” i prayed,

“i don’t know you anymore” he muttered coldly. I breathed deeply, climbed down from the bed and sat beside him on the floor,

“dear look into my eyes and repeat that comment, i won’t disturb you again if you repeat it” i dared him calmly. He looked into my eyes momentarily before looking away. I smiled and heaved a sigh of relief,
“i still have much control over him” i acknowledged.

I gently kissed him, cutting off his tirade. For a brief instant, he resisted, then sighed,

“it wounds me when you act like this” i murmured,

“isn’t there something you need to tell me?” he asked curiously. I looked away and played the feminine stunt. Tears fell from my eyes and i began to cry.

He instantly clasped me to his chest, hugging and caressing me.

“ssh” he soothed, “it’s over, everything is alright”

I smiled in my mind. Searched his face as i probed for equivocation, but encountered none, which ultimately made me accept his pledge to be genuine.

He kissed me tenderly, then moved to center himself between my luxuriant thighs, his torso pressing me unto the rug from shoulders to toes.

My most sensitive areas were flattened to his, my bos.oms to his chest. My loins to his phallus. Like a lazy cat i stretched and grinned.

“problem solved” i breathed deeply and murmured to myself. My dearest Benjamin is the most gullible guy i have ever met, and it really was so because he loved me with all his heart.

“why are you smiling?” i soon heard him ask. But i didn’t reply because i was busy planning my next line of action, which was stopping Mike from disturbing me. I felt uneasy thinking about it as if i knew my downfall was approaching…

Benjamin’s caresses and love making was swift, gentle and divine. We so much enjoyed it and it appeared as if we just rediscovered each other after a very long wait.

“please my love don’t ever mistrust me again” i whispered pleadingly into his ear, minutes after the s-x. He swiftly turned and stared into my eyes with the cutiest smile ever,

“it won’t happen again dear” he promised and kissed my wet lips. I smiled gratefully, played with his left ear for a while before playfully pinching his jaw,

“i have another request to make my love” i carefully murmured. He held my left hand and nodded for me to continue,

“please allow me to handle Mike the way i deem fit” i begged humbly. His expression instantly changed, and he breathed deeply like someone in pain, as he scanned my face with his eyes like a detective.

“but baby i don’t think it’s wise” he tried to argue. I instantly placed a finger on his lips, deliberately stopping him from finishing his objection.

“please baby” i begged with my feminine charms which i instantly displayed. He looked away for some seconds, shrugged and faced me again.

“alright if that will make you happy and equally get him to leave you, who am i to object” he accepted with a dry smile, while my eyes instantly beemed with joy. I kissed him happily, every pore in my body smiled with excitement.

“thanks my love, you are the best, very understanding and considerate” i murmured happily, before lying on his body like a little child.

He just held me and smiled like someone who displeased himself for the sake of peace. He resumed his caresses which weakened me more. My eyes dropped seconds later, as sleep and exhaustion took over my body.

“do you think you can handle Mike on your own” Amara asked with concern the following morning, after listening to the narration i gave her on how i secured Benjamin’s love and trust again.

“yea i can, or don’t you trust me anymore?” i answered and stared at her suspiciously. Seriously her behaviour and loyalty seemed to change, since she learnt of Mike’s return.

“i do trust you dear” she flashed a quick smile, shrugged and expertly changed the topic.

I was about taking my usual sunday siesta when i heard gentle knocks on my door. I lazily got up from my bed, opened my door and gasped in surprise when my eyes fell on Mike smiling nervously. I felt weak on my knees, while my heart skipped a beat, i really don’t know why i always felt uneasy each time i happen to meet his gaze, “perhaps i really havn’t yet gotten over him the way i thought” i wondered as i stared coldly at him.

“cyndii all i need is just two minutes of your time, please don’t shut your door and grant me audience” he begged softly. I breathed deeply and allowed him into my room, very determined to end his chapter and disturbance that fateful afternoon.

How did i fare??

“thanks for letting me into your room” Mike murmured with a smile as he settled down on a small plastic chair.

“i know what i came to say may be a bit difficult and probably weird to you, but i really came with every bit of sincerity and honesty a guy could ever muster. Before i begin please let’s keep all our differences and things of the past aside and think only about the future” he fluently poured out. I scoffed, held my jaw and nodded for him to continue.

“i know i did a very terrible, unforgivable deed by abandoning you, i really do apologize for that and i know if you will ever bear to hear my side of the story, you really will understand why it happened. Anyway let me go straight to why i came here” he added nervously like a new bank executive who was making his first presentation. My heart pounded furiously as i listened to him.

“baby i really came to finish the dream we started together years ago. Remember our plans, hopes and dreams we shared, drawings and promises we made to each other as we mapped our life years ago? I have returned with the noble intention of finishing it. Let’s forget the past and forge ahead please. I now work with Fidelity bank, just like i told you i will when i graduate, please don’t let personal feelings and anger cloud your judgement. My parents are waiting for you, my heart is very eager to unite with yours and my soul could only be at rest with you by my side, cyndii dear let’s finish this dream together” he pleaded passionately.

“stop!!!” i snapped, cutting off his speech midway. I truly couldn’t believe his words were having terrible effects on me. I really was hypnotized.

“what’s wrong with me, why am i even listening to all this thrash” i wondered, terribly alarmed at the apparent change in me. I instantly trembled when i felt his touch as he expertly reached out, held my fingers and knelt by my side, when he noticed how shaken i was.

“i see confusion in your eyes. But please think this through, remember how we started and remember that i do know you very well. I went to conquer the world, now i’m back with the spoils which i lay at your feet, please listen to the silent whispers in your heart” he murmured like a devil, confusing me more.

I was lost, confused and alarmed. My heart yearned for another thing, while my body demanded for another. Sure he really was my first love, but isn’t old memories supposed to fade with time?.

“i’ll be back for your reply Cyndii” he whispered and kissed me before i could even breathe twice nor say anything. His kiss so bitter but very strong shook my hormones so terrible that i gasped for air.

Before i could get myself to look up at him, he was gone.

“lord help me” i prayed. I knew i finally have gotten a very terrible secret to hide from everyone.

“not even Amara will hear of this” i concluded to myself, “how shameful it will be if she finds out” i reasoned as i wondered how to overcome the terrible effect Mike’s disturbance was having on me.

What should i have done??

I really couldn’t sleep that sunday, the next day nor the day after, as my body, soul and spirit revolted. They clashed and fought each other for supremacy over the control of my heart. I was terribly lost, dejected and confused. I really couldn’t believe i was thinking over Mike’s request, nor considering seeing him again.

“am i still in love with him?, why am i having all these confusions in my head??, what of Benjamin?? Ain’t i supposed to think only of him, am i mentally sick or what??” i kept asking myself as i searched my mind for hidden answers.

“am i even in love with Benjamin, or am i just using the poor boy to satisfy myself? Chie i don die” i do end up crying with guilt, disbelief and remorse.

I had no one to share my problems with, and Amara who could have helped, really proved to be on Benjamin’s side, so i feared she might report everything to him, if i should open up to her.

The week slowly crept by without Mike showing up nor disturbing me. I tried my best to make good use of my time, concentrated on my studies and returned Benjamin’s love. It really helped me get back some of my confidence, but at night it really was a terrible story. Mike’s image kept appearing in my head.

As a girl i carried my secrets without revealing nothing to anyone. If Benjamin noticed the change in me, he never showed it nor asked any probing questions. I equally avoided Amara to the extent i only saw her thrice that week.


I was on my way to my hair dresser’s salon when i ran into Mike at the {hostel} gate.

“why are you here?” i asked coldly. He just smiled and stared at me all over.

“i came to see you my dear, good morning” he murmured. I sighed, pushed him out of my way and walked towards my destination. He instantly ran and held my right hand strongly.

“where are you going? I can drop you” he offered and pointed to an ash {coloured} Nissan Primera car.

“you wan show me sey you don buy old model car abi??” I scoffed, gave him an askance look and tried to continue with my journey, but he still held me strongly and stared into my eyes pleadingly.

“please it won’t do you any harm, moreover we can discuss as i drive you to where ever you are going” he pleaded. I breathed deeply, looked around, saw no familar face within the premises, and nodded,

“alright, but i will never enter your car ever again” i muttered,

“no wahala, thanks dear” he accepted happily, rushed to his car, opened the passenger’s door, helped me in, sat on the driver’s seat, switched on his car engine, backed out the car and stared at me searchingly.

“you can drive to Dora’s salon, i want to *re-touch* my hair” i commanded. He smiled, floored the accelerator and drove towards Dora’s salon.

“i never knew you still patronize her, i thought you always complained that she cuts your hair each time she touches it??” he asked. I looked away and smiled to myself.

“so he still do remember how i complained about Dora during the days we were together, years ago” i reasoned with disbelief.

We soon arrived at the hair dressing salon. He parked his car on a good spot, killed the engine and stared at me.

“i will wait for you” he murmured,

“no don’t bother, thanks” i replied a bit coldly,

“i insist dear” he strongly added. I breathed deeply, shrugged and got out from his car.

“why do i always end up playing this dirty game with him, how will all these end?” i wondered as i walked into the salon.

He sat in his car and waited for me, while i sat in the salon and kept praying to Mother Mary to help, guide and protect me from the dangerous path i was walking into…

A woman’s life is very complicated and uncertain, but male folks never seem to understand or notice…

“Mike we can never be together again, all i can offer you this moment is only friendship, how many times do you want me to repeat this, please stop wasting your time with me and search for another” i pleaded quietly as we headed back to my lodge after i was done fixing my hair.

He frowned slightly, stared at me for a while and drove on silently.

Thinking over everything as i fixed my hair, i came to the conclusion that perhaps i wasn’t destined to be with him, because i really didn’t see any good reason why he even abandoned me in the first place. Yet i also couldn’t deny that i wasn’t feeling something for him, even though it wasn’t strong enough to make me risk my relationship with Benjamin.

Mike drove on silently until we got to my lodge. He killed the car engine and stared at me pointedly,

“at-least can i have your phone number please” he begged,

“no mike i can’t, i really do need to forget everything about you and so do you” i confessed. He swallowed hard, drew a bit closer and held my left hand softly.

“why are you resisting me so strongly?” he asked quietly.

“you are not giving me fair hearing, please allow me to explain why i kept away from you” he begged.

“no explanation can justify what you did, please i beg of you, stop disturbing me” i pleaded, snatched my hand from his grasp and ran out of his car. He quickly followed me, but unluckily for me, i ran into Benjamin who was standing beside the hostel gate with an empty galon in his hand.

I panicked and gasped, while Mike equally stopped, stared at us for a while, turned back, entered his car and drove off as if he understood.

Benjamin silently stared at me with surprise. I really was at lost on what to say or how to explain myself, because he clearly saw both of us even before we did see him, and i knew there is no way he wouldn’t put the whole scene together.

I quickly ran to my room without saying anything to him, expecting him to run after me, but he didn’t, instead went ahead with his own business.
I rushed and prepared beans for lunch as i waited for him to show up, perhaps to demand for an explanation. But he didn’t, which further surprised and alarmed me.


With a fast beating heart, i dutifully carried two plates of beans to Benjamin’s room.

Since he failed to show up and have his lunch in mine, i had no choice than to take the food to his room.

He allowed me into his room with a sneer on his face, while i smiled nervously as i dropped the two plates on the rug.

“can you explain the scene i just witnessed hours ago?” he instantly asked coldly. I swallowed hard and stared at him, clueless on how to explain the scene Mike and i created. I remorsefully looked down and said nothing.

Surprisingly, he advanced and pushed me violently. I fell and somersaulted on his bed, while his fist closed in on me before i could even recover from the shock his violent push gave me. I held my breathe and closed my eyes.

Benjamin isn’t a violent person, I guess it was all my fault. Yet i felt very bitter and blamed him for concluding without proper investigation.

I closed my eyes as i nervously waited for his fist to land on me. But after waiting for some seconds, i opened my eyes and saw him staring at me with hatred and rage.

I instantly turned and attempted to run back to my room. He grabbed my hand and violently tossed me back on his bed.

“what has come over you, control yourself jor, things are really not as they seem” i murmured as i struggled with him, trying to defend myself. He just scoffed, shook his head and bit his lips.

“i know what i saw cyndii, or were my eyes lying when i saw you alight from that guy’s car, or was i dreaming, abeg tell me?” he shouted angrily,

“i have been a fool to believe your c–k and bull story about ending things with him your own way, i guess you were doing it perfectly this afternoon or do you want to tell me the guy i saw isn’t your ex, eeh??” he barked

“let me be jor, i see you havn’t learnt to trust me after all i sacrificed in this relationship” i shouted back, sat up and dared him.

“trust is a silly word you girls use to decieve us, Cyndii i don’t trust you anymore” he said coldly and bluntly. I felt insulted, dirty and wounded. I never knew a day would come when Benjamin will talk back at me more or less insult and humiliate me in such manner.

“what did you just say?” i asked angrily,

“your recent behaviours arn’t in anyway decent, i don’t trust you my dear, read my lips” he shouted disrespectfully. I drew forward, slapped him and jumped out of his bed.

“since you no longer trust me, better keep away from me” i barked angrily,

“i guess you have gotten the opportunity you are waiting for huh? You are now free to run into his arms” he taunted. I stared at him with tears in my eyes.

“i have my pride and dignity, i will never be insulted nor humiliated by anyone not even by you, don’t come back begging” i threatened and left his room.

I hated myself as i cried and ran to my room that moment, but it was the only thing i could do,

“how do i redeem myself, why is Benjamin behaving this way, how do i atone for my sins, is it my fault that i still feel something for Mike, didn’t i do the right thing by refusing his advances, why am i punished this way? GOD why??” i cried…


Amara walked into my room with a calm smile on her face. I really wasn’t happy seeing her that evening but i couldn’t deny her access into my room because she was like a sister to me even though i felt she no longer was watching my back.

“i’m just coming from Benjamin’s room” she muttered as she sat on my bed. I carried my teddy bear, played with it and ignored her comment.

“i don’t understand you anymore, you are very obnoxious these days” she added. I scoffed and rolled my eyes,

“oh please” i murmured, while she stared at me and shook her head,

“i can’t believe you are allowing Mike to spoil the sweet relationship you enjoy with Benjamin, think my dear, think” she cautioned as if she was my mother. I dropped my teddy bear and looked up at her seriously.

“did Benjamin tell you how he humiliated and almost hit me hours ago, simply because he saw Mike arguing with me. Would i be arguing with mike if i was giving him the green light eeh? Abeg leave me jor, infact i’m tired of this relationship, i want to be left alone” i poured out bitterly, while she listened to my outburst attentively with both hands on her jaw. Her face coloured with disbelief and surprise.

“i can’t believe all i’m hearing, Cyndii i really do think you are under a strong influence, come on get a hold of yourself and put yourself in his shoes, wouldn’t you have assumed the worst?” she asked as she drew near and held my left hand.

“seriously dear i don’t want to talk about this anymore, i want to forget about everything, only God knows my destiny, nothing i do can change it” i murmured seriously with pain in my heart. She shrugged and stood up in resignation.

“good night dear friend, let me go and sleep jare” she murmured and left silently.


I sang God’s praises as i prepared for 8am sunday mass. I woke up that morning very refreshed, bright, happy and in high spirit without actually knowing the reason.

I soon heard gentle knocks on my door as i arranged my hair. I quietly opened my door and held my breathe when i saw Benjamin standing on my door-way and staring hopefully at me. I really wasn’t expecting him but i equally wasn’t surprised to see him. I knew he’d come to beg sooner or later.

I forced out a smile and made way for him to enter my room.

“happy sunday” i polietly greeted.

“there isn’t anything happy about this sunday, anyway i came to apologize, i’m sorry for what happened yesterday, please forgive me” he atoned without looking at me, as if he was ashamed of what he was doing, which made me ignore him and continue with ‘my church preparation’.

“baby please let’s not allow that guy or anything to come between us. I know i over-reacted yesterday and i do apologize for it” he added solemnly.

I turned, faced him, drew closer and held his hands,

“you said many hurtful things yesterday which got me thinking about our relationship, anyway i only have one question” i quietly murmured as i searched his face curiously,

“what is it my love?” he asked quietly. I breathed deeply and continued

“i know you hardly lie to me because i havn’t given you any reason to do such, now look me in the eyes and tell me you do trust me” i prayed. But my request as simple as it was, really drew out a little frown from his face. He instantly looked down and murmured something inaudible.

“speak up dear and please look at me” i pleaded hopefully.

“baby i can’t lie over such trifle request, please let’s settle our differences first. We can talk about this subject later” he answered quietly while my face instantly fell.

“there is no relationship without love, no love without trust, i can’t continue with this till you start to trust me again. I suggest you go back and build your trust” i requested calmly with a little confidence and air.

“what!” he exclaimed loudly in disbelief and total shock. The fire in his eyes sparkled like a burning dry bush. I instantly backed away in order not to get burnt by his fury.

“i’m off to church” i said quietly as i backed away from him. He quickly held me strongly, hit his head twice with his left hand and bit his lips as he struggled with himself.

“you brought happiness into my life, now you are taking it away” he accused,

“is that what lovers do to each other eeh?” “why are you doing this to me, why are you behaving like a fusspot? are you now doubting my love? Please don’t turn me into a bitter person” he prayed sorrowfully.

I instantly felt guilty, terrible and remorseful. I snatched my hand from his grasp and sat on my bed, covering my face with my palms.

“you know sometimes our faith is tested with tempting issues, please don’t let our relationship crumble over this little problem. I could have walked away, cried my heart out and forgotten about you but i didn’t. I easily could have waited for you to apologize, but instead i buried my pride and did the opposite. My dear what more prove do you seek concerning my love” he poured out solemnly while my heart and eyes melted.

He knelt by my side and slowly placed his head on mine, breathing heavily as he waited for me to say something.

“alright i have heard you. Let’s continue like we used to. We both had a terrible dream yesterday that’s all, let’s forget about it” i murmured and held him tightly.

He said nothing, his happiness overwhelming him. He was a boy so much in love with me, with a kind of passion which could make any guy st.upid.
Anyway i was very glad to still have him under my control.
Days passed by without Mike showing up nor disturbing my life. I knew perhaps he kept away because he had a very demanding Job.

Benjamin and i used the opportunity to work on our relationship even though i denied him se.x for the rest of that week. However he never did complain, and in return never left my sight even for a moment.

He was always by my side as if he was my shadow. I felt he still was very suspicious and doubtful about my loyalty, but i pretended not to notice. But what happened on monday, a week later was something i wouldn’t forget in a hurry. It was the day my past and present met and fought for supremacy.

A day Benjamin and Mike confronted each other in my room.

The earth shook, my head ached and my heart bled.

Oh what a terribly day it was!


“A young man came here yesterday with his mum asking for your hand in marriage. He looked very serious and asked some prying questions like our culture demands” mum said to me after evening meal.

“A young man?” i asked with surprise.

“yea he called himself Mike, a very good friend of yours” mum added. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“so what did you and dad say to him?” i asked inquisitively.

“we answered some of his questions and promised to get back at him after hearing your opinion. He then left his phone number and promised to visit within two weeks. He behaved nicely, but dear every decision is yours to make, moreover we ain’t in a hurry to get you married. By the way do you actually know the young man??” mum explained and asked with a sweet smile.

“yea i do know him, but i still have more years ahead before thinking of marriage” i replied hotly.

“calm down dear, like i earlier said we your parents arn’t desperate to get you married. Your dad will call and notify him” she assured me. I smiled happily,

“thanks mum” i murmured and hugged her. But i really was no fool not to notice that she really liked him. The way her eyes beemed as she described him, displayed her mind like a chalk-board.

“don’t worry i know you will like Benjamin much more” i assured her in my mind.

I travelled back to school on sunday with Mike’s issue weighing heavily on my mind. Mike really came back fully prepared for me. His actions showed it all. But i had an obligation towards Benjamin which i wasn’t ready to betray even if i wasn’t feeling strongly for him the way i used to.

Just like my mum promised, Dad called and informed Mike of my decision earlier that sunday before i left the house, but the smile on his face after the phone call weakened me.

“the young man said he is willing to wait forever can you imagine?” dad announced with a shrug, making my heart skip a beat.

I however told Benjamin everything that happened at home without mincing words when we were together later in the evening. He just kept quiet for a while, shook his head sadly and bit his lips.

“that sneaky fool” he cursed. I rolled my eyes, held his left hand and smiled at him reassuringly,

“don’t let it bother you dear, i’m already handling the situation” i said sweetly, but he simply scoffed, made to say something, controlled himself and breathed deeply as he stared at me.

“can i have his phone number and please don’t say know” he murmured a bit coldly. I shrugged took his phone and entered Mike’s phone number in it.

“I don’t know if he still uses it. It’s the phone number he used as a student” i explained.

With a dry smile he took his phone, left the room and returned five mintues later with a weird look.

“‘your Mike’ is coming here by 11am tomorrow” he said quietly. My heart instantly jumped, but i quickly composed myself wondering what he was up to.

11:30am the next day. I sat between Benjamin and Mike in my room with a heavily coloured face.

To be continued…

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