Thursday 20 April 2017

Betrayal Episode 1

We sat beside each other as we watched a home video. My heart pounding rapidly as i waited for him to make the first move, but he simply sat beside me like a log of wood, focusing all his attention to the movie, which really got on my nerves….
“what is wrong with this boy?” i wondered unhappily.
That fateful day truly was the third time i was spending my evening with him, yet he failed to notice my moves, instead behaved like a priest, distancing himself from me as if i was an evil spirit.
Benjamin was an attractive wealthy male, who caught my fancy right from the first day i packed into the new lodge{hostel}. Unlike most guys, he kept to himself and behaved like a saint, winning my heart with his godly behaviour. But getting him to reciprocate my good gestures towards him was a very hard task.
His intense behaviour soon began irritating me, forcing me to make up my mind not to visit him again after that fateful tuesday evening. Because I had my pride to protect, which really was more important than my fondness for him.
He was in 300 level, while i was in my 2nd year in the university. My feelings for him were really strong and divine, but i couldn’t display my emotions the way i wanted, without appearing cheap and disgusting.
Finally by 8pm, the movie ended. I sighed and got up from his bed,
“good night” i said to him unhappily, but surprisinly, he held my hand strongly and looked up at me with fire in his eyes,
“please don’t go yet, there is something i wish to tell you” he pleaded. I gazed into his eyes and smiled,
“finally he is living up to expectation” i reasoned,
“please sit down” he begged humbly. I rolled my eyes and sat beside him,
“i know you do trust me alot, that’s why i’m the only guy you always visit, but i can’t help it anymore, i have tried holding back myself but can’t any longer, because it’s killing me silently. I have been dreaming and praying to have someone like you. Please will you grant my request and be my special friend??”, “I have been in love with you from the very first day i saw you” he pleaded nervously with shaking lips. I stared at him coldly even though i was very happy inside.
“i don’t think it will be possible, let’s just be friends” i replied and stood up. He tried to draw my hand, but i snatched it from his grasp,
“goodnight we will see tomorrow” i murmured, gave him one last look and left for my room.
I rushed to my room, hugged my teddy bear happily, and heaved a sigh of relief.
I was very much delighted.
“At last, hmmmm” I murmured happily, falling asleep and dreaming of good times.
By 6am the following morning, i heard a gentle knock on my door and when i got to the door, there stood Benjamin, hands in his trouser pocket, smiling at me.
“good morning” i greeted and yawned,
“i’m so sorry for disturbing you this early, it’s just that i was unable to sleep last night” he explained nervously.
I let him into my room, he settled on my chair and kept me company, while i brushed and freshened up…
“seriously i still find it hard to chat with you” he confessed, making me laugh,
“but i don’t think it is a good thing to be shy before a girl, moreover we do like guys who are manly” i advised jokingly. He smiled and stared at me.
“hope i didn’t put you off with my behaviour yesterday??” he asked curiously,
“i’m so sorry about it” he apologized with a drawn face. I breathed deeply, summoned courage, advanced towards him and sat on his laps, planting a kiss on his cheek which left him totally surprised,
“let’s forget about last night” i murmured, got up from his body and returned to my bed. He stared at me with a coloured face filled up with surprise..
“if he is smart he will figure out that my kiss is an invitation” i reasoned as i waited for his reaction.
I really forced myself to plant the kiss on his cheek in order for him to feel free with me.
Seriously i have never met a complete introvert like Benjamin, “perhaps he might still be a virgin” i reasoned.
I sat on my bed that beautiful morning with a calm smile, looking up at him our eyes met..
When a girl is attracted to a guy, anything could happen.
He opened his mouth to say something, but no voice came out. He swallowed hard in embarrassment and got up,
“are you going back to your room” i asked anxiously, he nodded,
“yea i didn’t warm my soup last night, let me go and check if it has spoilt” he managed to mutter before leaving. I looked away unhappily, even though i didn’t make it look so obvious that i was unhappy.
Benjamin really was the kind of guy most girls do dream of, because not only was he good looking and wealthy, he also was the quiet type. I knew he really loved me, but the problem was just his manner of approach. He was scared of making the first move, which was then left in my hands to encourage him decently, because i wanted him.
By 12noon i went over to my best friend’s room, where i collected three local movies, while she teased me,
“woman you prefer watching movies alone with that your hostel boyfriend who dosen’t talk to anyone abi?” she joked, I laughed,
“e concern you?” i asked and rolled my eyes. she sighed playfully..
Amara was my very good friend, and the only girl who really knew much about my lifestyle, but however, she had one problem. “she was a guy freak, who easily fell for guys”.
Though she already had suffered alot in their hands, she still kept on giving herself away so easily. She was living with her guy Chuks, who equally was the person who helped me secure my hostel accomodation. Notwithstanding she was a very nice girl with a soft nature, who sacrificed her happiness for others.
With three “C.D Plates” in my hand, i walked straight to Benjamin’s room. He happily let me in, devouring me with his eyes as i settled down.
I sat on the floor and watched the movies, hoping he would make advances once again.
I knew, my behaviour appeared desperate, but i did what i did because i had to.
I just sat and waited with a pounding heart.
I was watching the last movie when I noticed him sit beside me on the floor, with two bottles of coke and a packet of crackers biscuit, which made me smile to myself, as I focused all my attention on the movie which was showing on his television……
“Cyndii here is cola oo” he managed to joke while i smiled, and looked at him in appreciation. We ate the biscuit and drank the coke in silence, as i returned my focus back to the movie once again, even though i could feel his gaze on my body…..
He later held my hand gently, which really made me look at him with surprise, and he appealed to me with his eyes.
“Please accept me into your life, i’m not a bad person, i promise and swear to keep your dignity and respect intact, i truly love you” he begged.
“Really?” i asked, while he held my hand strongly
“I swear” he answered. I rolled my eyes and said nothing.
“Please answer me” he pleaded desperately.
Seriously seeing him beg me, really gladdened my heart, but i just pretended as if he was disturbing my peace.
“What do you want me to say again nah?” i asked, while he drew his face closer to mine.
“Please just say yes” he whispered. I looked into his eyes and saw love, desire and honesty in it, while his lips looked so fresh and soft that i felt like kissing him, but i controlled myself and looked away.
“Just give me time, i will think about it”. I replied but surprisingly and out of nowhere, he drew my face to his, and kissed my lips tenderly, while i closed my eyes as i felt the warm taste of his lips……
But I soon got myself and gently pushed away his face, while he looked at me gratefully, and with shinning eyes.
“I have never felt this way before thank you” he said, while i looked away and closed my eyes briefly, cos i equally felt something strong when we kissed, which i have never felt for any guy before, not even for my ex…..
I was unable to concentrate on the remaining part of the movie i was watching after i broke his kiss, cos all my thoughts were now on him, and even though i was the one who broke his kiss, i still wanted him to kiss me so badly, but then i had to control myself, cos i’m nothing but a humble girl who has her pride and dignity to protect, and so i stood up minutes later, while he stared at me with his innocent face which always make me lose focus……..
“Let me go and sleep, i’m so tired” i said to him with a smile, while he equally stood up as well and held my hand.
“Will you come once you are through with your sleep?” he asked with a pleading face, while i looked down.
“I will try” i replied, but instead of letting me go, he drew closer to me, raised up my face with his palms and kissed me again, while my soul melted and i didn’t know when i kissed him back briefly before pushing him away. I immediately fled his room without looking back….
As i lay on my bed that evening, i battled with my thoughts and emotions, as i prayed for him to be real, cos i really do not want to repeat the mistake i made with my Ex, who had equally looked so honest when i first met him, and so in love, i was with him then, that i freely gave him my virginity…….
Tears fell off my eyes as i remembered how he took my most precious asset, and i swallowed hard as i bit my lips. I knew i could never get over that trauma, cos i knew the pain i passed through that fateful night. I thought he really loved me, just because he looked decent and said those words i wished to hear, I guess that’s one problem every girl faces, cos we never really can tell or know the guy who really loves us. Moreover, they all appear good and decent at first sight, that you won’t really see the wolf in him, and woe betides you if you also do have feelings for him which will then blind you from his faults and before you know what had hit you, it’s already too late………
My thoughts really drew much tears from my eyes that evening, and before i knew what was happening, i was already crying deeply, as my mind played back on how i lost my virginity to Mike……..
It’s really something that touched my soul, spirit and body, but i didn’t know it was just a game to him. Only God will judge us all and here is the story of how i lost my treasure…….
I still vividly remember that fateful night as if it was yesterday. The day i thought i was doing the right thing for the guy i loved and adored….
That fateful day was febuary 14th of my first year in the university, and i was a simple naive virgin who knew not that a guy could go any length just to take a woman’s most cherished treasure…….
Mike and i have dated for months prior to that particular day, and even though i felt strongly for him, i never allowed him to go beyond kissing me, and he never bothered to go further, cos according to him, he valued me more than satisfying his urge, which i really fell for, coupled with his humble nature and behaviour, without knowing that i was digging my own pit……..
On that fateful valentines day, he took me shopping, where he bought few clothes which he could afford for me, before treating me to a delicious meal in ‘Crunchies’, which was one of the best fastfood available in our vicinity that year…. We really spent much time there, eating, joking and taking pictures. I must confess he really spent a lot on me, that fateful day, which really swept me off my feet and i equally decided to surprise him with a gift of my virginity cos i thought he deserved it………
When we got back to his hostel later in the evening, i kissed him gratefully while he held me tenderly.
“Hope you are happy?” he asked, after few minutes of passionate kissing and i smiled happily.
“Yea baby i’m so so happy” i replied him.
Mike really is a very tall and heavily built guy who was in his finals that year…….
He carried me up, kissed me again for a while, before gently laying me on his bed, and we stared at each other, while my eyes melted as his heavy gaze went all through my body which sent shivers down my spine……
I pulled off my top, while he stared at my bosoms with surprise, and his face coloured up as he swallowed hard.
“I’m all yours tonight, but please be gentle” i said to him, while he gave me a weird look.
“Hope you are sure about this?” he asked, i drew down his face and kissed him.
“Yea as long as you promise to keep your word that you will never abandon me” i replied, while he smiled deeply,
“I swear with my life baby, i will never leave you as long as i’m alive” he swore.
“Then i’m all yours sweet heart” i said with a wink, while he smiled, and gently pulled off my bra…..
His hot lips were soon on my bosoms, which he s—-d so hard and well, that i was immediately carried away by sweet pleasure……..
I closed my eyes, as he worked on me, and it just felt as if we were the only people in the world.  My trouser was soon on the floor, my panties followed minutes later and before i could even breathe twice, his fingers were already on my k—y region, teasing and pleasuring me, while i moaned and held him. He was stronger and well experienced than I and before i could beg him to take it easy, i felt a sharp pain in my k—y…..
I gasped, opened my eyes and tried to push him away but he was stronger, well positioned, and balanced……
All i could then do, was just to watch him as he t—-t into my k—y with his joystick again and again and again.
He t—-t in again and again, while i dug my fingers on his chest as i endured the pain silently, cos i saw he was enjoying it and so in order to make him happy i let him have his way. He really was so gentle that night as he expertly opened and penetrated deep inside my honeypot with his joystick and the smile on his face said it all as he moved his waist to and fro……
He tenderly kissed me, as he fondled and caressed my innocent looking bosoms and i didn’t know how i felt that moment cos it was a mixture of pain and pleasure. He slowly increased the tempo of his t—-t, which also left me gasping for breath as his joystick penetrated and opened my k—y more and more.
“Please stop it’s okay” i finally pleaded as i strongly held him, while he gazed into my eyes and jerked as if something had pushed him from behind, before lying on top of me. I closed my eyes as i breathed deeply and gently pushed him away.
“I’m so sorry for hurting you” he apologised as he felt my face with his palms, while i unsuccessfully tried to fight back tears which finally dripped out of my eyes. Why was i crying? I knew not, cos i gave him my body willingly and not under duress, but i guess the feeling of losing my most cherished treasure made my cry…….
He was very caring and comforting as he tried to appease me that night. He boiled hot water for me, assisted me as i took my bath, helped me dress up, made tea for me and even held me all through the night. Truthfully he really was very romantic, which equally increased the love i had for him.
Oh he simply was an angel that night and i was deceived into believing it was all real, hmmmm who knew how he must have laughed in his mind that night!
As the whole event played back in my head, i clutched my teddy bear and cried. Even though i had gotten over our break up, i still haven’t gotten over the feeling of losing my virginity to him. How could i have known that it was just a game to him, cos he really captured my heart, stole my body and swept me off my feet with his charms…..
“Dear lord i’m now in love again please guide me” i prayed even though in my mind i knew my prayer lacked merit.
Mike really was a devil in disguise and after the night i gave him my virginity, he changed from Mike who respected my body, to Mike who loves nothing but s-x, and it was as if his eyes opened after our first sexual act, and from that moment his attitude towards me changed.
S-x then became all he knew and he started demanding for it almost everyday which really shocked me, for i had thought after our first time, that he will let me decide whenever i wanted a new round. Alas, i was wrong and it just seemed as if our first act turned him into a s-x addict overnight and most times i had no option than to oblige him, just to make him happy even though i never liked what i did.
However he never did stop caring nor spoiling me with gifts, but then every good deed or affection he showered on me, often ended up with him demanding for s-x. He virtually owned my body that period and i really couldn’t bring myself to disobey him even though sometimes i did try to stop him from having his way with me. This would leave him gloomy for the rest of the day and I will finally give in to his demand just to make him happy.
I wasn’t really happy with the way things were going between us, cos i knew too much s-x isn’t good for a young girl.
“What if something happens and he dumps me” i often did ask myself that period, but just the thought of it would send shivers down my spine, and i would end up saying
He was equally my neighbour that period, which really made the closeness irresistible and there really wasn’t a way i could avoid him.
Amara, my best friend, was also not helpful when i finally confided in her, but i really didn’t blame her, cos she equally wasn’t experienced even though she behaved like a big girl…….
“Is he cheating on you?” she had asked me.
“No” i replied.
“Is he stingy?”
“Does he hide anything from you?”
“So what’s hard in rewarding him with your body, it’s not as if you are losing anything, moreover you aren’t a virgin anymore, and even if you stop having s-x from now till you die, you still won’t be a virgin again, free yourself and enjoy it jor” she had advised, while i stared at her and said nothing..
But then the more i gave Mike my body, the bolder he became in demanding for more and it just looked as if he was trying to have it all before graduating, which really astonished me. I knew i would still be there for him no matter where he went, but i guess he didn’t trust me and i never knew he had other plans in his mind as he turned me into a s-x machine, which he used to display his talent as if i was a w—e.
It soon got to a stage where he demanded for mouth action which i rejected, cos i really couldn’t bring myself to do it that period, and surprisingly it led to our first fight.
As these memories flashed back in my mind, my body shook as i cried deeply.
To be continued….

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