Thursday 20 April 2017

Betrayal Episode 13

I opened the door for Mike who slowly entered my room, gasped with surprise as his eyes fell on Amara and Chike. He stared at Chike longer than necessary before forcing out a smile and shaking him {in greeting}. I nervously breathed deeply, while Amara’s face coloured up with tension. We were all uncomfortable.
To ease up tension, i walked up to Mike and held his waist. My action calmed him a great deal, but made Amara give me a weird look while Chike looked away, focusing his attention back on the book he was holding.
“how was work?” i asked him,
“stressful, i came running here as soon as we closed for the day” he replied with a calm smile.
“i have to get going, it’s getting late” Chike instantly announced, stood and nodded at Amara who dutifully stood and held him.
“i’m leaving with him dear, you know we came together” she smiled. I shrugged and nodded.
“i will get some Romance novels for you tomorrow” Chike added, giving Mike a nervous glance.
“i won’t be around tomorrow, i will be travelling home” i replied,
“okay by next week then, safe journey in advance” he laughed and left with Amara.
“hmmm you know this is how it all starts, i don’t want to see that guy ever in your room or with you anywhere” Mike said seriously, annoying me with his words. I broke free from him, went to my door and locked it.
“i really do care about you very well, you may not notice what is happening, but that guy is trying to force his way into your life” he lectured.
“enough please” i shouted angrily, “please learn how to check what you say, you are getting me angry” i warned and backed him.
He drew close to me, gently held my shoulders and caressed them softly. My hormones awoke, much to my dismay.
His touch melted my heart and weakened me. It really has been long i last had s-x. My nipp.les rose and grew hard, my head overflowed with cravings. Calmly he drew closer, resting his chest on my back. I felt his heartbeat.
“my heart, my queen” he moaned, turning me to face him. We stared at each other, i saw deep passion in his eyes. I was lost, i was captivated, my feelings ran wild. I wanted s-x, i wanted it hot and quick.
Bringing down his lips, he kissed me softly. My heart was with him, my body was his, but suddenly i felt something strange engulf me. I felt nauseous, i felt sick.
The fearful feelings i had when i got the news of Dad’s accident returned. It appeared as if the evil wind of misfortune was back in my room. I broke free from him and covered my face with my palms.
“what’s wrong my dear?” he asked,
“i’m scared, really really scared” i confessed. He smiled and hugged me reassuringly, murmuring sweet words of reassurance into my ears.
I loved him very much, i wanted to be with him for the rest of my life, but i felt something wasn’t just right, something i couldn’t fathom.
“i think it’s better we keep our feelings and body in check, at least till you sort out your relationship with Stella. Let’s give each other a little break please” i heard myself beg, but my words had a terrible effect on him. For a minute he couldn’t say anything.
“is it necessary dear?, i hope it’s not because of that guy who just left here that you are asking for us to give each other a break?” he asked seriously, upsetting me with his presumptuous question. I violently pushed him. I felt insulted and humiliated.
“perhaps to him i can have feelings for any guy who happened to show interest in me. “am i that cheap in his eyes?” i wondered with disgust.
“i’m very sorry, i’m just confused. This is so absurd” he protested,
“i have made my decision, you just have to take it with good faith” i replied.
“but why make such decision now? Why are you doing this?” he asked seriously. I breathed deeply and stared into his eyes.
“i really don’t understand the reason you are behaving the way you are. I only asked for us not to get sexually involved with each other till we sort our problems out. What’s so bad in asking for a break? It’s not as if i’m asking you not to visit me again” i murmured seriously,
“you asked for a break Cyndii. No matter how you twist your words, i still understand your intentions. I’m so hurt right now” he replied unhappyly,
“i’m sorry but i really can’t change my decision” i murmured. He shook his head, tapped his feet thrice on the floor and stormed out of my room without another word. His behaviour really was very rude, it shocked me a great deal. I fell on my bed and thought over my decision.
I was home on time the next day to assist mum with all the chores she planned doing. She was very pleased to see me. Together we went to the farm, harvested cassava, peeled, washed and grinded the tubers.
“you are truly a wonderful daughter. I know many campus girls hate travelling home on weekends because of house chores. God bless you dear” she prayed as we prepared breadfruit {ukwa in igbo language} which was to be our night meal.
“Mike told me sometime ago that he loves eating breadfruit, he said it’s very expensive and hard to get in town” she said moments later. I nodded and kept quiet, strugging hard to keep myself from opening up to her.
I wanted to tell her my fears and problems, but just couldn’t. It’s true she knew about Mike’s child, but what she didn’t know was the kind of person the child’s mother was. I felt it was Mike’s responsiblity to open up to my parents, perhaps with his. I truly didn’t want to spoil things for him or make him look bad in front of anybody.
“i will keep out some for him. Tomorrow evening you will help me deliver the food to him, he really helped us on thursday” mum said minutes later, breaking my thoughts. I wanted to object but held myself.
By 5:45pm sunday evening, i arrived at Mike’s apartment with my bag and a flask containing the breadfruit mum prepared the previous day. I really didn’t call to inform him that i was coming, because i had a flat battery. I used up my battery the previous evening. So i really was extremely relieved to see his car parked beside the apartment, which suggested that he was around.
I had to first come over to his place from the bus stop instead of going to my lodge because it was more convenient for me. Stella answered my knock two minutes later.
I wasn’t shocked when She opened the door, but what shocked me was the words that came out from her mouth. She instantly closed the door behind her as soon as she saw me and faced me arrogantly like a hungry wolf.
“you again?, why are you so keen at destroying my happiness? You will get old waiting for my Mike to marry you. Do you think i will raise my daughter without her father huh? Moreover we are back together and nothing we set us apart again” she barked murderously, pushing me in the process. Perhaps if not for Mike’s timely intervention by showing up that moment, things could have gotten more ugly. But her words had the desired effect on me.
“Cyndii” Mike gasped as soon as he saw me. I breathed deeply and stared at him with a coloured face. Stella’s abusive words really hurt me alot, it was a miracle i still was able to stand on my feet.
“leave us alone” he ordered her. She eyed me for the last time and returned to the apartment. I drew close, gave him the food flask and heaved a sigh.
“it’s breadfruit, mum sent me to deliver it. You can keep the flask” i said coldly, turned and made to leave.
“stop please, you can’t just go like that” he begged nervously. I smiled bitterly, turned and gave him another look. He couldn’t even invite me into his apartment, what a shame.
“don’t worry i’m perfectly fine, i have to get going” i answered,
“but wait a minute, let me get my car keys and take you to your lodge” he offered.
“i said i’m alright” i insisted with a slightly raised tone.
My eyes were filled with tears as i made my way to my lodge. I couldn’t believe all that just happened. I couldn’t believe life could be so bitter. My experience that evening looked as if i took a glimpse at my future. I couldn’t believe i was caught up in such a mess. I couldn’t believe myself, my fate and everything around me.
“could Mike be lying to me?, is he just trying to take advantage of me?, is he truly in love with me? What if everything is just a mirage?” how do i know my destiny?” i wondered. I thought of Benjamin, i remembered Amara’s warning, i remembered how it all began.
“dear Lord show me the way” i prayed. It’s one thing to be in love and a dangerous thing to be in love with the wrong person. Mike really knew how to sweep me off my feet, but love alone can’t guarrantee a happy future especially in Africa.
Getting to my lodge, I rushed straight to Amara’s room without caring to stop at mine. My friend really was so shocked to see my swollen eyes. She quickly held me, and stared at me with curiousity.
“don’t tell me something happened at home?” she asked nervously,
“no no no, it’s Mike, i don’t understand what is happening anymore” i cried and poured out my heart to her. She quietly listened and hugged me.
“no one is above mistake dear, the most important thing is realising your mistakes on time. I warned you earlier but you choosed to follow your heart. This is Africa, and folks reason differently down here. You can’t swim against the tide, you just can’t.” she murmured.
For the first time, my eyes opened to reality and my thoughts ran wildly. I didn’t know what to believe.
I was in love with Mike but i had no choice than to seek for a way to suppress my feelings.
“you can’t guess what happened to me on my way back from church early today?” Amara said with a smile, breaking me away from my thoughts. she knew i was very depressed and really was finding a way to cheer me up.
“what happened?” i asked unseriously.
‘A boy walked up to me,
“hello dear how was church service?”, he asked.
“Fine oo”, i replied with a straight face.
“I have been admiring you for a while. I do come out to my balcony each morning as you leave for lectures just to catch a glimpse of you”. He said to me. My dear, i almost busted in laughter oo, see toasting nau. Amara narrated, clapped and laughed. I smiled and listened attentively, curious to know the end of her story.
“Which level You dey?” the silly boy asked me,
“i still dey my first year” i lied. You needed to see how he licked his lips my sister. His next comment almost made me slap him. “I’m in 200 level, Microbiology, hope we can be friends?, i will be happy to have your phone number?” he asked me. Chie i bit my lips and eyed him. Imagine 200 level boy toasting me on a sunday, i don suffer. she shook her head, while i continued my laugher.
‘I was still controlling my anger when he held my right hand as if we were mates, trust me. I slapped s–t out of that hand, imagine small boy toasting his aunty” she sighed, feigning anger. I laughed heartily,
“free the boy jare, it’s a free world” i joked.
“So you can still laugh like this?” she smiled and shook her head.
I left her room, two hours later, smiling and a bit relieved. I really was glad to have gone there. I slept without thinking of Mike.
Early the next day, Amara came over to my room fully dressed and ready for lectures. I hurriedly prepared and together we left for school.
“are you still worried about Mike?” she asked after a while. I sighed and said nothing.
“my dear this is the right time to move on with your life. Your destiny isn’t with him, I think you should grab the second chance life is granting you with Chike, moreover he is better and more trustworthy than Mike. Please don’t blow away this opportunity, it may not come again. Chike will soon be travelling” Amara pleaded seriously.
“but i feel nothing for him, seriously i like him as a friend and nothing more” i protested,
“don’t talk like that dear. You feel nothing for him because you havn’t opened up your heart or given it the opportunity. Think about it, you can get many Mikes out there but you can’t get a rich, intelligent unhooked young guy like Chike easily. He will be picking us after lectures, please don’t act coy with him again. I beg of you” she begged seriously. I breathed deeply as i weighed her advice.
“Is she right? Can i get to forget Mike with Chike?” how do i open my heart?” i wondered deeply. I was unable to concentrate on my lectures that fateful monday. Just like she told me, Chike showed up by 2pm to pick us. I felt nervous as i entered his car.
“Lord help me” I prayed.
Chike took us to an exquisite restaurant at the other end of the town. The food they served was really well cooked and delicious. The scenery super cool and lively, unlike other noisy crowded restaurants i have been to.
“i really was wondering the reason you drove a great distance just for ordinary lunch, but now i clearly see the reason. I love this place” Amara giggled as we ate the fried rice we ordered. Chike laughed and glanced at me.
“yea i love the environment and everything around here. The food is grade A but expensive, Perhaps that’s the reason few people come around” he replied.
“don’t talk like that cousin, i’m very sure they make lots of profit” Amara argued. He shrugged, sipped his drink and winked at me.
“hope you like the rice?, i don’t really understand what you girls see in rice” he smiled.
“the food is awesome, thank you” i murmured polietly, dropping my eyes nervously.
“i forgot to show you the novels i brought for you. They are in the car” he said to me.
“wow i can’t wait to see them” i smiled.
“you know Cyndii, i came back home from London mostly to see my family and search for a girl i could relate with, hopefully get married if things work out well. But luck really wasn’t on my side till i met you. I met many girls, but they lacked one thing or the other. Finally i am stuck with your shadow and I know you crossed my path for a reason, though i’m yet to figure it all out” he said calmly. My hands shook as i listened to him.
“Amara told me your story, a very interesting one you have got dear” he smiled, making me more nervous and uncomfortable. I kept mute, because i really didn’t know what to say.
“i know i shouldn’t get involved in your problems, but i sincerely do like you. If by any chance you feel like giving your heart another trial. Hmmmm” he breathed deeply and threw a glance at Amara.
“i can make use of the promotion. Don’t hesitate to upgrade our friendship” he seriously joked. I stared at him and smiled.
I was begining to like him more, and due to the surge in interest, many questions instantly popped up in my mind, but i couldn’t get myself to ask him, which made me reserve it for Amara.
“perhaps she is right after all. I could learn to love him if only i give my heart the chance”
“But is falling in and out of love healthy and appropriate for a lady?” i wondered sadly.
“i do enjoy every moment i spend with you girls. How will tomorrow be like?” Chike asked as we prepared to leave the food joint. I smiled and stared at Amara who laughed and shrugged.
“me too, who dosen’t like free things” she joked,
“you are crazy” i laughed.
Chike really presented himself as a nice guy. He truly was a likeable guy, but i still had some reservations about him. I knew for a fact that guys could do anything to get under a lady’s skirt, moreover he wasn’t based in the country {Nigeria} and could be living a double life.
“Knowing if a guy truly has genuine affection for you” is seriously one of the hardest challenges we girls do face. No amount of ebooks nor guides can solve the mystery behind play boys, their charms and tricks. They always say the nicest things, do the best deeds, and are the most romantic, {but deep down their hearts are as black as charcoal}.
I really saw no flaws in Chike. His behaviour so far was perfect, his manners splendid, his words charming and his looks breathtaking. Amara’s overwhelming support and approval of him also had great effect on my judgement. I was slowly growing fond of him, something i really couldn’t stop. Perhaps it was due to the bond he created so fast with me, using my friend as a link and due to sense of belonging i felt around him coupled with the problems i was having with Mike. All these not withstanding, it really would be unladylike to fall so easily for him.
Yea i liked him a great deal, but my heart was still with Mike, even though i had gotten back a large chunk of it from him.
Most of us fall the victim of jumping from one guy to another, getting used, dumped and spat on, as we search for the one true love. Sometimes i find it hard to believe if there is ever something like one true love. Nothing is perfect, likewise love, and i think the best approach is to manage the one we already have. It could grow or it could die. It all depends on destiny.
I truly would have gladly sacrified everything for Mike, if not for the little girl that stood between us. Stella of course was a bad schemer, but she wouldn’t have totally spoilt my mind if not for her little daughter she used as a shield.
I knew Mike truly wasn’t happy with her, but i also couldn’t swear for him either. He might loath her in the day, but at night could still have relations with her. It is in guys nature to put behind their shame and commitments when h—y.
“do you like the novels?” Chike asked as he drove us back to our lodge. I nodded and smiled, glancing through them.
“of course, i can’t wait to read them” i replied happily. He smiled and drove on quietly, until we got to our lodge.
“i will check up on you girls again tomorrow. Do take care” he smiled to us as we alighted from his car.
We polietly stood and watched him reverse his car and zoom off.
“isn’t it Mike’s car i see coming?” Amara asked seconds later. I looked up and nodded.
“i detest that obnoxious boy. It’s time you totally break up with him before it gets too late” she said seriously. I breathed deeply and stood my ground.
Mike gently parked his car, alighted and came towards us. The first place his eyes fell were on the “take away” bags we held.
“where are you girls coming from?” he curiously asked with a smile,
“my cousin took us out. You can’t imagine the special treat he gave us” Amara giggled, annoying him with her reply. The smile on his face instantly disappeared, he stared at me for some seconds before facing Amara.
“why are you so keen in destroying my relationship with your friend. I know you never liked me, but arn’t you taking the hatred too far by what you are doing?” he asked her angrily. Amara drew back with surprise, shrugged and scoffed.
“i don’t understand, please be more specific” she replied and rolled her eyes. I breathed deeply and stepped forward, standing between them.
“it’s okay, please let’s go inside, we can’t be discussing such subject on the road” i pleaded to Mike,
“it’s late already, i have to get going, moreover i’m boiling inside. Don’t let your friend decieve you” he replied bitterly, turned, entered his car and drove off.
I breathed deeply and closed my eyes,
“Lord i’m in your hands” i prayed.
“he is now accusing me of influencing you. I just wish it’s true” Amara hissed angrily. I shook my head and said nothing.
As days went by, my relationship with Mike continued to deteriorate, he kept making promises he couldn’t keep and kept giving one silly excuse after another concerning Stella’s continued stay in his apartment. I had no choice than to watch him carefully, and i felt no regret over the decision i made. I just couldn’t allow myself to be having relations with a guy who was living with another girl no matter the circumstance. To me Mike was just like a married man, and i feared with time he could get very close to his little daughter and perhaps with Stella, if all he told me concerning his battles with her actually were true.
My parents thought all was fine between us because I kept everything away from them, something i shouldn’t have done, but i still did out of love. Mike on the other hand felt i was slipping away from him because of Chike, he thought i really was having something strong with him. He thought i was lying and decieving him, without believing that Chike was only a friend to me.
Fate has a way of playing tricks on us and life itself is full of mysteries. Personally i felt Mike wasn’t really being honest with me concerning Stella’s continued presence in his apartment, while he felt i was slipping away from him because of Chike. The trust in our relationship was broken, and we all know that relationships are very much built on trust. I feared it was just a matter of time before things finally falls apart.
“will my fears eventually come true??”
I travelled home one saturday morning{weeks later} to see Mike in our house. Of course i really was extremely surprised to see him there, because he never told me he was coming, even though we spoke over the phone the previous night.
He was sitting with my parents in the living room when i came in. The look on their faces were grim and serious. I greeted everyone and ran into my room.
Mum joined me minutes later.
“what is this i hear?” she asked, sitting on my bed. I breathed deeply and faced her.
“what is it you hear?” i asked curiously, my thoughts running wild.
“Mike is telling us how much you have changed. He is complaining you no longer respect him nor show any atom of care towards him” she explained, keenly observing my reaction.
“oh mum, is that what he came so early to report?” i asked, shaking my head.
“don’t you deem it serious?. My God he is your fiancee and he has every right to report any bad character you exhibit. You should know better than that” she scolded,
“anyway you presence is required in the sitting room. Please be poliet and don’t upset your dad. You know after all that boy did for us at the hospital, he developed a very soft spot for him” she advised. I smiled and shrugged.
“i guess i shouldn’t tell dad that my innocent fiancee is living with a woman in his apartment” i murmured. Mum gasped and eyed me suspiciously,
“don’t be slanderous. I know you just made that up?” she asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
“mum do you think i’m capable of such huh?, Mike is currently living with his daughter’s mum. What do you expect of me?, give him a pat on the back?, no no no, i can’t do that. The sea fights with the wind yet the ship is the one that sinks” i replied. Mum breathed deeply, stood up and dragged me to the sitting room without another word.
Tempers went high, after i revealed the cause of my problem with Mike. Dad was extremely shocked, while Mike nervously tried to play down the whole story.
“i’m still having talks with the girl’s parents. My issues with her will soon be resolved, my greatest fear is that i could lose Cyndii before that happens, because with the way she’s behaving i’m really really scared” he nervously explained, putting my parents in a very difficult situation.
They all loved him just like i did, but time truly waits for no one, most especially in Africa.
The question on my parents lips then were, “how soon will the problems with Stella be resolved?”
A very small but difficult question, which he couldn’t convincingly answer.
However mum saw through me, she knew there was something else lurking in my fragile heart. She knew something was seriously amiss. The curiousity in her eyes revealed her fears.
“Tell me the truth, are you truly seeing someone else?, have you fallen in love with another man?” she finally asked when we were alone in her room. Her eyes keenly reading me.
“To find something you cannot see, concentrate on what you can see.”
2pm, Monday {two days later}
“my dear i think it’s time you finally end everything with Mike. That guy is something else, he wants two women at the same time. You can choose to ignore my advice until it becomes too late. You are slowing using up your luck, mark my words” Amara seriously said after i narrated all that transpired between Mike, my parents and i over the weekend. I breathed deeply and stared at her, saying nothing.
“i know you won’t say anything to what i just said, anyway it’s your life and decision to make. I’m off to Calabar, see you tomorrow dear” she smiled, stood up and left. I quietly locked the door, fell on my bed and fetched a novel.
I was about boiling some eggs two hours later, when i heard someone knock on my door.
“who could it be?” i wondered as i opened the door. It really was no other person than Chike.
I wasn’t expecting him, hence my surprise when i saw him at the door. My thoughts ran wildly. Amara’s advice came crashing into my head.
“hullo, may i come in?” he asked polietly,
“of course” i smiled, stepping aside for him to enter. He quietly walked into my room, turned and stared at me with a smile.
“i’ll be leaving the country next monday, i got an urgent call this morning from the hospital i’m working with. I have no choice than to cut short my vacation” he said to me. I gasped and held my waist, feeling very sad.
My expression totally surprised him. He drew close and held my left hand, while i looked up into his eyes, which instantly coloured and lit up like a candle-light.
His face was lovely and inviting, my head confused and spinning.
Then it happened.
His lips came down, crushing mine. A short but hot kiss which engulfed me with a very strange sensation. I instantly became so tense, fragile and vulnerable. I tried to move my face but he calmly drew it up, making me stare into his eyes once again.
“The fear of a ‘NO’ is accountable for so many a ‘YES’ that never was” he murmured. My eyes dimmed.
“I want you, i can’t hold my feelings anymore, i want us to be one. Please say ‘YES’ to me, please give me the chance to prove my worth” he begged. I tried to say something but my lips shook, preventing me. I tried to look away, but couldn’t. My eyes melted as i stared at him.
“okay, yes” i finally murmured. He instantly closed his eyes and heaved a sigh of relief.
“Thank you dearest, thank you” he breathed happily.
“dear Lord, i hope this isn’t another mistake” i prayed, closing my eyes.
I said yes to him, but was conscious of nothing. I truly admired, respected and felt safe with him, but i still was steps away from loving him. It really was a very difficult decision. I couldn’t continue decieving myself with Mike.
“It’s time to control my destiny” i reasoned.
No one can swim against the tide. Life they say is full of mysteries.
I never knew growing up, falling in love and getting married could be a very difficult accomplishment.
My life story isn’t any different from thousands of girls out there. In search of love i was used, decieved, dumped and lied to. In search of love i played tricks and disappointed many. From mike i found myself with Benjamin, then back to Mike until Chike came along.
Was i a cheap girl??, i very much doubt.
My parents had no choice than to suspend marriage talks with Mike’s family. That was all they could do instead of cancelling everything, because they never came to terms that i had broken up with Mike, especially my dad. They believed our problem was simply a misunderstanding, a minor issue which will sort itself out with time.
As for myself i found it hard to stop loving him, even though i accepted Chike who travelled out of the country days later.
Mike however still tried all he could to gain back my confidence, but unfortunately i never made it easy for him and we never agreed on a single thing. To me his daughter mattered a lot to him, and i couldn’t come to terms with it. Not with obnoxious Stella by the side.
So dear friends, that was how my life went on, until i graduated seven months later. By March the following year. I headed to Bayelsa state for my NYSC programme.
The next chapter of my life, began in Kiama camp.
****Thanks for reading Betrayal***

1 comment:

KEX said...

your comments, observation and reaction is anticipated
