Wednesday 15 November 2017


Episode 10

Isabella went to the bathroom as usual, she stared at herself in the mirror before she gradually undressed still admiring her beautiful body. When she slightly turned she noticed a mark at her back so she became more enthusiastic. “What’s this?” she murmured and turned properly. She could see the mark clearly. After wondering what it was for some moment, she began to bath.
Cassandra woke up wondering about two things: Francisco and Hector’s stone. Where are they? If they are taken by the love hunters, how can they be found? She exhaled deeply.
“Morning, Cassandra!” Amaya came in wearing a short skirt with a white singlet which exposed the down part of her stomach. “Come and have your breakfast” she added.
Cassandra smiled then stood up. She meet her mother already in the dining room and joined them for breakfast-bread and tea.
“How was your night my child?” Mrs Jonas broke the silence.
“It was fine, mother” Cassandra replied with a weak smile then glanced at Amaya. “You look happy this morning”
“Shouldn’t i?” Amaya asked.
“You should” suddenly, Cassandra’s phone ran then she quickly picked it up. “Who is this?”
“Is me, Isabella”
Hearing that, Cassandra stood up from her seat sharply. “Isabella?”
“Please, come..”
“What is the problem?”
“I have a strange mark”
Cassandra glanced at her mother and Amaya who were already staring at her with tea-cups in their hands. “Remain calm, I’m on my way now” she dropped the call and rushed into her room. Before Amaya could meet her there, she came out wearing something tight then grab her car key.
“Where are you going to?” Amaya asked.
“Remain indoor, I’ll be back” Cassandra began to move towards the door but turned to looked at her mother who was already staring at her still with the tea-cup in her two hands. “Go my child” she said before Cassandra clutched the door knob. Immediately she opened it, she startled seeing a crowd of newscasters and journalists with their recorders. Sounds and light from cameras were heard all over the place. Amaya and Mrs Jonas drew closer.
“Cassandra the great, is it true that the love hunters are back?” one of the journalists asked.
“What can you say about the people disappearing in the city?” another asked.
“Does it have anything to do with your book?” another person asked.
“We thought the curse of the love hunters has been broken. Why is it back again?” a female journalist asked.
Cassandra was surprise and speechless looking at the crowd. “Please, i know nothing and i have nothing to say for now” she spoke up making everywhere quiet. “Excuse me i have to see someone now” she struggle to reach her car while they followed her asking her questions until she drove off. On her way, she could see people crying and shouting at different streets and buildings then she shook her head negatively and brought out her ringing phone-Lawson was calling.
“Cassandra, what is going on?”
“I don’t know, but call others and meet me at home in the next 45min”
“Alright” the line went dead.
Jackson wore a jean trouser with a jacket. On his feet were white canvas. He walked briskly to Geto’s house and knocked continuously before Geto opened. Inside the house were local materials and just a television. He lives with only his grandmother who wasn’t at home.
“Xup bro” Jackson shook hands with him and looked through the window.
“What’s going on? U look scared” Geto asked.
“Aren’t you aware?”
“Of what?”
“That the love hunters are back”
“I’m really scared”
“Coz I’m in love with Amaya”
“Jesse” Geto said staring at Jackson.
“Yes, I’m inlove with her too” both stared at each other.
The governor, Jesse’s father stood in an open room with other men in black watching national television on what has befallen the city. Securities could be seen at all angles with their guns.
“Put me through with DPO Cane” the governor commanded his P.A. Immediately, DPO Cane was connected then the governor adjusted to the window with the phone. “DPO, what’s going on?”
“Your excellence not quite sure but there is a rumour that the love hunters are back”
“Love hunters? I thought the curse has been broken?”
“Yes, sir”
“Take ur men with you and get Cassandra here immediately!”
“Okay, your excellency” the phone went dead.
The city became hot with people scared and lamenting at every angle. Nobody knows when to die or where to run to. A Nigerian living in the city ran out from his apartment wearing only a singlet and a trouser which he supported with his hand. He looked into the sky and said, “God, why did i leave my father land to a place where human beings are hunted instead of animals? Chai..!! I cannot stay in this city. I’m going back to my father land” he adjusted his falling trouser up. As he turned in a hurry looking scared, his girlfriend came. “My love” the girl call but he ran into the house and locked the door.
“Who is your love?!” he shouted from inside…
To Be Continued…………..  . .

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