Wednesday 15 November 2017


Episode 16
Nelikita was enjoying the whole drama thereby folding her hands and smiling seriously while others watched silently to know the outcome of the unexpected drama. There were seven in number and in circle, strong and bold. Two girls, five boys excluding Ruth, Amaya, Jackson and Mrs Jonas.
“This is becoming serious!” Grace looked worried when Hector was still quiet refusing to answer the question. “Why can’t somebody tell me how the stone got lost?” she added.
“Ask him again!” Nelikita suggested before Grace turned to Hector again saying, “I know you can do anything to protect the stone, so how come you lost it?”
“I was attacked” Hector began.
“Lair!” Nelikita interfered angrily.
“Shut up now!” Hector shouted at her looking very serious. Seeing the seriousness, Cassandra stood up.
“I’m not gonna shut up until you change!” Nelikita shouted back.
“Change?” Grace said with a low voice thinking critically. “What change?”
“Alright, i admit it!” Hector began. “I took a girl home..”
“A prostitute!” Nelikita interrupted angrily again. Then Amaya and Jackson looked at each other.
“Fine, a prostitute!” Hector continued. “I never knew she was deadly. Before i could come out from the bathroom, she had already gone with my stone!” he paused looking at Grace.
“I see.. you came out from the bathroom after doing what?” Grace asked without smiling staring at Hector too.
“Hum.. after doing what one suppose to do with a prostitute” Hector’s voice totally came down in the silence.
“Hmm.. i see” Grace smiled bitterly and brought out her gun pointing it at Hector ready to pull the trigger. “What a heck do you take me for, Hector?!” she asked.
Everybody became scared.
“Put the gun down, Grace” Cassandra commanded.
“Grace, you have to put the gun down” Daniel also said moving forward to her, even Lawson.
“No one should dare come close to me!” Grace shouted then both stopped.
“Honey, calm down” Hector pleaded with his two hands up.
“Shut up! Who de fuck is your honey?!” Grace exclaimed bitterly feeling her eyes wet with tears. “This is the second fucking time you cheat on me, Hector. What a heck do you take me for? Huu!” she sniffed in in tears.
“I’m sorry” Hector moved forward.
“Don’t dare come close to me!” Grace pulled the trigger positioning the gun upward. Everybody startled.
“Jesus!” Mrs Jonas shouted.
“You are a beast, Hector!” Grace was still lamenting in tears. Suddenly, she felt a soft hand on her shoulder- that was Mrs Jonas.
“Please, my child, put the gun down and forgive him” Mrs Jonas slowly collected the gun from her. Meanwhile, Grace was still looking at Hector angrily with tears in her eyes. She averted her eyes from him and walked out angrily from the building.
“Grace! Grace!” Hector pursued her but saw her driving away. He returned back to the house just to see everybody quiet looking at him. “Now what?” he looked at his sister, Nelikita. “Meet me at home” he concluded and sped off.
Just then, the police arrived then every stared at the door.
“Who are they looking for?” Kelly asked.
“Oh yes, we are looking for Cassandra” DPO Cane bagged in. He was six fit tall with a big stomach. He had a huge body and black body complexion.
“What for, DPO?” Daniel approached forward.
“I can’t believe you are the one asking this question, Mr Dan. Cassandra here is needed by the governor for interrogation”
“She’s going nowhere with you!”
“Hey, is okay” Cassandra told Daniel then looked at the DPO. “Let’s proceed” she said. Two policemen with heavy guns wanted to hold her but she rebuked them saying, “Don’t you dare touch me!” all watched as Cassandra was taken away.
As the only child, Jesse was all alone in the house with Geto and her grandmother. Guards were also around at every corner of the building monitoring any unusual movement. Jesse made Geto and his grandma relaxed at the dining table. One can see her pouring a hot water inside a tea cup.
“Are you not afraid?” Geto asked her.
“Of what?”
“Of the curse of the deadly mark”
Jesse positioned two cups of tea before them and sat down with hers. “I’m not scared!” she replied.
“Maybe that’s because you aren’t inlove”
“Are you?” Jesse asked staring at Geto but he never said a word.
“Thank you for the rescue” Geto changed the topic and took the tea. “But what were you doing there? You were not suppose to come outside”
“I came out for the purpose of which i have fulfilled” Jesse replied.
“You mean you purposely came because of me?” Geto asked and Jesse nodded her head positively. Then both became speechless staring at each other.
“How can the curse be broken for the second time?” Jesse broke the silence.
“I don’t know i guess with Cassandra’s book again” Geto replied.
“Who knows if it won’t come back for the third time”
“A blood is needed for that” Geto’s grandma replied then then they became surprise staring at her.
“Blood? How do you know, grandma?” Geto asked…
To Be Continued ……………..

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