Wednesday 15 November 2017


Episode 27
Hector remembered his sister immediately the book hunters decomposed and disappeared, so he sped off to their house but couldn’t find anybody. “Nelly!” he shouted as he opened her room. “Nelikita!” He came out to the sittingroom and placed his two hands on the waist wondering where his sister is. Just then, his phone rang from his room, so he quickly opened it and picked the call.
“Hector, where have you been?!” Kelly shouted on the phone. “I have been calling you but no response!”
“I’m sorry, man, i left my phone behind” Hector apologised. “Have you seen Nelly?”
“She’s right here with me at the federal hospital”
“Hospital?!” Hector sped off immediately.
Kelly was still with his phone on his ear trying to reply “Yes” when Hector arrived, then he brought down the phone and said, “Yes, at the hospital”
“What happened to her?” Hector moved closer to the bed where Nelikita laid unconsciously.
“She was attacked by two hunters” Kelly replied standing close to the bed too.
Hector gently grabbed his sister’s hand. “I’m sorry for not being there to protect you. Please, forgive me” he kissed her hand bitterly but never shed tears.
Lawson and Grace drove with a high speed going to Cassandra’s resident at the same time in their different cars. Grace was leading the race while Lawson was behind her. The more Lawson wanted to overtake her, the more Grace added more gears.
“Oh, she wonna prove stubborn” Lawson murmured with a smile on his face and added another gear then the car ran like never before. To Grace’s surprise, he passed her and shouted, “Woh, baby!” he laughed.
Grace never gave up, she smiled and pursued him but never overtook him-she stayed within a very close range until they got to Cassandra’s. Both of them came out from their cars at the same time and opened the door at the same time too. “Is Cassandra back?” they also asked at the same time.
“Hey, easy!” Daniel stood up. “She’s not yet back” he added. Just then, Ruth hugged her husband who reciprocated instantaneously.
“Is over now, baby” Lawson said.
“Is over?” Daniel questioned.
“Not really” Grace responded. “Only the book hunters vanished” she added.
“I guess Cassandra is at work” Daniel concluded.
Serah, Emeka’s girlfriend opened his door and found Emeka lying on the cushion shivering. It was really obvious that he was dying gradually. “Emy!” she rushed him. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked but Emylight couldn’t respond. So She looked at his body and saw the deadly mark. “Oh my God! You finally got the mark after claiming that you don’t love me. And is obviously killing you”
“The lo.. the lo.. the love hunters are.. are senseless” Emylight stammered. “Please, call my parents and tell them that the love hunters have hunted me”
“No, you aren’t going to die” Serah consoled him.
Back to the dark bush, it was remaining only Cassandra on the shaking ground while Jackson and others were on their way to the car. Cassandra stood firmly without fear. She tried as much as possible not to be angry again. She raised the book up in the air and the earthquake stopped. Just before she brought down the book, it opened by itself and a red light shone from it. She began to speak in Kalish again thereby invoking the spirit of the ones who laid the curse-the love hunters. As she spoke, the ground began to open and two people in a black garment, a boy and a girl came out of it. Then the red light from the book shone the more. The book left Cassandra’s hand and hung in the air while Cassandra moved boldly to the two dead looking people. Their face could be seen gushing out with fresh blood but looking rough. Cassandra wondered why but didn’t care. She unveiled the black garment from them and stained her hand with their blood. She returned back to the book then made a counselation image on it with the blood and said, “I break you, the curse of the deadly mark to go and never return!” Just then, the two people returned back to the ground and the red light from the book began to change to white. Cassandra closed it breathing heavily and took on her heels..
Back to the resident of Emylight, Serah watched as the deadly mark disappeared from Emeka’s body. Even Emeka began to feel strong, so he sat up.
“Emy, the mark is gone!” Serah shouted.
“Yes, i can feel!” Emeka responded happily. He jumped up and shook his body vigorously as a way to confirm it very wel. “I’m free!” he shouted. Serah stood up to hug him and also rejoice with him but Emeka stretched his hand in a way that explains: WAIT!
“Emy, what is it?” Serah asked.
“You want to start so that the love hunters will come back again, abi” Emylight began to pack his things.
“What are you talking about? And what are you doing?”
“I’m packing my things” Emylight replied without looking at her.
“Packing your things? To where?”
“Back to Nigeria where there is no love hunters” Emy concluded..
To Be Continued………………………..

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