Monday 27 November 2017



The whole class became very quiet which I guessed everyone was waiting for me to talk but as stubborn as I was, I refused to talk. That was when I now had my eyes on Mrs Rose, she wore a a very beautiful red dress and black pencil heels to match but her make up, mehn!! The makeup made her look like my village masquerade and the thoughts of this made me laugh again. “Becky! Can you please tell us what you find so amusing?” Mrs Rose asked again, from her voice, one could deduce that she was feeling angry and irritated at the same time but I still didn’t give a damn so I stopped laughing and kept mute. “Becky!” She shouted while the whole class began to murmur amongst themselves. “Ma!” I faced her boldly. “Tell us why…” “Nothing ma!” I interrupted sharply. “Like seriously?”

By then I guess she was angry enough to take me to the principal. Just then, I heard David’s voice. “I caused it ma, I tickled her am sorry,” David apologised while I turned to look at him and he smiled. Mrs Rose sighed, “I thought as much but anyways for being so respectful and polite, I won’t punish either of you, now sit both of you!” She smiled
a bit which made her face more ugly and I chuckled. “Becky, you are still laughing?” She
asked, her eyes fixed on me. “No ma,” I said and quickly sat down. I felt grateful to David for saving my poor ass today but that wouldn’t make me be friendly to him coz I disliked all of them, both the teachers and students(male and female)…
The rest of the lectures went on smoothly with no drama and less laughter. Finally it was break period. Members of my class began their noise making. Some went outside to the canteen, some boys stayed back in class to woo girls like David while some left for the Library. I should have gone to the Library as usual but I just didn’t feel like it, I opened my
bag and brought out Comprehensive Biology, the one my mum gave me, to read coz we had biology after break. “Is that Biology text book?” Queen who was standing, ready to go out, sat back and asked as she reached out, collected the book from me and began to flip through the pages idly. I wanted to ask her if she was blind and didn’t see the name but
remembered how she helped me, so I decided to act friendly. “Yes, my mum owns it,” I smiled. “Wow! So her name is Gloria, my sister’s name,” she grinned and dropped the text book.
“It’s cool,” I concluded then we fell silent but David leaned forward and cleared his throat.
“Can I join you girls?” he asked and sat on top his desk in a way that his legs were behind me. “No!” I blurted out. “Why?” He and Queen asked in unison. I glared at both of them, hissed and stood up. Then carried my textbook, removed my lunch money from my school bag while they watched me in silence. After making sure my locker was locked, I quietly left the class…

I didn’t really know where to go coz I didn’t feel like going to the library. I glanced at my wristwatch and it read 12:15pm which meant we still had fifteen more minutes before break
over. I decided to go to the cafeteria just to while away time. As I walked along the path that was filled with students, some eating, some licking yogurts etc. Everything that happened in class flashed through my memory which brought another smile into my face, then I busted into laughter but held myself in check again as the students that stood in the path way stared at me amusingly. Just then I sighted the head boy in a group of three walking towards my direction. I hissed loudly and frowned to avoid any form of- you know- the norms…

I quickened my pace and began walking a bit faster but as I walked past them, I heard someone call “Student” but I didn’t care to turn back. Then a junior student ran up behind me and tapped me lightly which made me stop. “Those seniors are calling you,” the
junior student who was breathing heavily which was because he ran, said and pointed at the head boy and co.

“Okay,” I said and began walking back towards them. “I called you but you ignored me,” Eric, the head boy said. “You never called me,” I said looking down without any good reason. “I did, I called student,” he added with his hands in his trouser pockets. “Sorry, my name isn’t student,” I said as I now faced him boldly while clutching the textbook to my chest. “Is that the reason why you didn’t greet us as we passed?” the second guy asked. He was the games prefect. “So this is what this interrogation is all about. Greetings right?” I
questioned. “What insolence,” the third boy fumed. I laughed a bit and then frowned again. “Please don’t you ever stop me to ask silly questions ever again,” I hissed and walked past them but this time, I headed straight up, back to my class in anger…


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