Wednesday 15 November 2017


Episode 7

Cassandra handled the starring wheel once again while Amaya sat beside her thinking, smiling and falling in love with Jackson. But something bothered her; she hasn’t heard Cassandra said anything since she entered the car, so she looked at her and said, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes dear” Cassandra replied.
“But you look worried”
“Is nothing” Cassandra became quiet again while Amaya spaced out through the window.
“I saw you smiling” Cassandra changed the topic then Amaya began to smile again. “I guess you had fun there” she added.
“Yes, i did, i was taught how to swim” Amaya replied.
“By who?”
Cassandra stared at her then gave a weak smile. “Jackson? The guy i saw you with when i came?”
“I guess he’s also the cause of your smile” Amaya became quiet while Cassandra continued. “You know what.. i taught someone i love how to swim one faithful night after a dramatic incident at his apartment caused by a rat..”
“Are you scared of rats?” Amaya interrupted.
“Oh yes, very well. So i took him out to a swimming pool and taught him how to swim. It was so romantic” Cassandra smiled.
“So, what are you insinuating?” Amaya stared at her.
“What I’m insinuating is that, the guy, Jackson, who taught you how to swim may have the same feelings i had”
“What feelings?”
“Feelings of love” Cassandra replied then Amaya began to remember how romantic Jackson was at the pool. She became surprise. “Do you love him?” Cassandra asked but Amaya didn’t notice it coz she was deep in thought of Jackson. “Amaya!” Cassandra tapped her before she realised herself.
“What did you say?” Amaya questioned.
Cassandra saw the love already written all over her, even in her eyes, so she smiled and said, “Never mind darling”
Back to the resident of Hector and his sister. He dropped the phone call and turned just to see his sister staring her him with her hands folded. “What?!” he exclaimed.
“What is wrong with you?!” Nelikita asked bitterly facing him as he sat on the cushion. “Why do you like women so much, deceiving and taking them to bed always”
“That’s my life”
“And your stupid life has caused us our precious stone. Womanizer!”
“What did you just call me?” Hector stood up.
“A womanizer, that’s what you are!”
As Hector raised his hand to slap her, Nelikita stretched her hand upward and Hector found himself hanging in the air, up above the ceiling. Yes, this is her own power. She has the power of hanging things in the air while Hector, the power of running faster than a moving train or anything you can think of. (Just like Flash)..
Cassandra and Amaya got home. They were surprise to see Mrs Jonas shivering at a corner and papers on the floor, the one caused by Hector’s high velocity. Then Cassandra rushed her while Amaya looked at the nasty parlour slowly. “What happened here?” she asked but nobody answered her.
“Is okay mother I’m here” Cassandra held Mrs Jonas and also stared at the papers. “What happened her?” she also asked.
“Hector came here” the mother replied and Cassandra understood instantly while Amaya was still woozy.
“Who’s Hector?” she asked, yet nobody answered her. Suddenly, the noise started again from Cassandra’s room. “What was that?!” Amaya was still inquisitive.
Cassandra boldly entered her room followed by Amaya. Then Cassandra gently opened the box where the book was. The box was made of metal with the image of a human skull on it. At the very sight of Amaya, Cassandra brought out the big, heavy brown book with bold thick cover. As she opened it, light from the book shone all over the place then her eyes closed and a strange wind began to blow. Seeing that, Amaya ran to her aunt, Jonas who was already at the door. “Aunt, what’s happening?” she asked but Mrs Jonas held her tightly without replying. Spiritually, Cassandra saw dead looking people torturing humans. She could see blood in the city and people lamenting and crying.. Few minutes later, the wind stopped, the light from the book went down and Cassandra opened her eyes full of tears.
“What did you see my daughter?” Mrs Jonas asked as Cassandra dried her tears.
“Mother, can i ask you a question?”
“Go on my child”
“Is it possible for the love hunters to return?” hearing that, Amaya disengaged herself from her aunt looking scared. The question also rendered Mrs Jonas speechless…
Hector was still hanging in the air while Nelly reached her phone.
“Who are you calling?” Hector asked.
“I’m calling Grace” Nelly replied as she looked for her number.
“No, you can’t do that. Why?”
“To tell her how you have been cheating on her”
“Pls, don’t do that. I’m sorry”
Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door then Nelly quickly brought Hector down. Both rushed the door and opened it just to see a woman in tears. She wore a gown with scattered hair. That was Mrs Lucas their neighbour.
“What?” Hector asked her.
“My son is missing” Mrs Lucas replied then both looked at each other..
To Be Continued…………………….

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