Thursday 9 November 2017

Anike Episode 28

One thing about Prince, he doesn’t like asking for favor except the one’s he merits. He’s a man of integrity, so I personally gave up. My sister looks sad though.
“Prince, it’s OK you’ve tried your best. Thank God her name is the first on the waiting list” I said trying to lighten the mood.
He looked at me in the eyes “Anike this is the first time you asked a favor from me and I will do it even if he meant kissing the foot of my subordinate.
He picked up his phone, I know he wants to place the call.
“You don’t have to do it, I know you don’t like lobbying”
“It’s nothing, I’ll call him. I have a good relationship with him and asking him something for the first time we make things easier”
“Ok” I said
He called the former head of state but the phone was not on speaker this time. After some minutes of conversing with him, he ended the call.
“What did he say?” I asked
“Let’s wait till tomorrow” he replied
May be he doesn’t want to raise our hopes up, I guessed.
He changed the topic and started asking my sister questions and most are funny questions. And before I knew it my sister’s mood has lightened. Mr PA joined us and I see the way he looked at my sister, but I waved the thought off.
We all retired to our various room that evening. I already sorted out my sister and gave her everything she needed including a night dress.
She took her bath and changed. I did the same after her. She lay on the bed ready to sleep and I told her I want to get something from the kitchen but that was a lie.
I tapped the door lightly and entered into Prince’s bedroom. He was not in the bedroom. I opened the sliding glass door that led to his bedroom pool, he sat on a swing bed by the pool side swinging himself gently.
Hi” I said.
He looked up and was surprised to see me.
“Hi” he replied calmly.
He stretched forth his right hand and I took it and sat on his laps.
“Are you not sleeping in the guest room?”
“I am, I came to say good night”
“Your sister?”
“She should be sleeping by now” I guess you can’t sleep, that’s why you are here” I said looking him in the eyes.
“How will I sleep, the thought of you been so close but still far from me is enough to give me insomnia” he said smiling at me.
“I thought as much and that is why I came”
“That’s why I love you, you can always tell how I’m feeling”
I smiled and he kissed my forehead
“Now that you’ve seen me, you should be able to sleep now”
“If you say so”
“Now let’s go to bed, I’ll rock you to sleep and I’ll leave afterwards”
He obeyed and we went back into the bedroom. I made him sleep with his head on my chest. Some minutes later he was already asleep. Who says men are not babies.
I looked at his face, he was sleeping peacefully, he was even looking handsome in his sleep. I smiled and snapped him with my phone.
I left the room quietly in order not to wake him.
I opened the door to guest room and I was surprised my sister was still awake.
“Adekemi, I thought you’d be sleeping by now”
“And I thought you’ll pass the night in your lover’s room”
“Excuse me”
“Sister mi, I’m 18 and I recognized lovers when I see one”
“Seriously!” I couldn’t believe my ears. She continued.
“See the way all the staff in this house treats you like a goddess.
We to came Abuja with just our phones and handbags. Where did all this clothing’s came from. It meant one thing, your things are here. You practically live here, right”
“Adekemi I don’t live here!”
“Really! You can tell that to an imbecile Anike….you lied to us that this man is just a good Samaritan. You even lied to your own mother. And I’m very sure hes not your friends Uncle”
“Stop! Adekemi stop!”
“You are his mistress, right”
I closed my eyes, I don’t know the right words to say to her. I know I may never be that sister she was once proud of again.
“You did this for us right. I understand, Thank you for the sacrifice big sister” she said and broke into tears.
I moved closer to her and hugged her. “It’s alright kid sister.”
“How are you coping, He’s way older than you”
“Adekemi, when life throws lime at you, all you have to do is to make lemonade out of it”
“I would have been scared for you but that man I met today he’s a good man”
“Yes he is, the most priceless thing I’ve ever came across. I see him as a father figure”
“I can see you are comfortable around him”
“Yep” I gave her a smiley face.
“Sister mi! You are blushing! Are you in love with him?”
I smiled. “I choose not to answer that question. Now go wash your face and sleep”
“Yes sis” she smiled and when into the bathroom. She came back and lie on the bed.
“One more thing, this is our little secret, nobody must hear about it and that includes Mum. Deal?”
“Now sleep, it’s late”
“Sister mi, how do you cope when you sleep with him…his age” She asked cunningly.
“Really! You don’t expect me to discuss my s-x life with my kid sister. Do you? My friend sleep!”
We both laughed, I put off the light and we slept.
The next morning, I joined Prince in the gym where we exercised. He was on tone of the he tread mill. I stepped on the other tread mill beside him. We chatted while working out on the thread mill.
“I sent you a picture, did you get it?” I asked
“You took it last night?”
“Yes, I did”
“Do you how many pictures of you I took while you were sleeping?”
“It’s a lie”
He stopped the treadmill and brought out his phone from his pocket joggers. I stopped mine as well.
“Here” he said and passed the phone to me.
The name of the folder is ‘My sleeping beauty’. I opened the folder and saw 14pictures of me sleeping. Some in his arms, others alone.
“I could sue you for this you know” I said smiling.
“You can sue me in the court of love” I draw him closer to me and gave him a long kissed.
We showered together and left the gym.
Breakfast was announced by the chef. The three of us sat at the dinning taking breakfast.
Adekemi was eating and starring at Prince at the same time. She didn’t do well to hide it from him because their eyes met like three to four times.
“Adekemi!” Prince called out and looked at me.
“She knows” I said
“Thank you sir…..for everything” she said shyly.
He held her hand and smiled. Adekemi smiled back. She couldn’t look him in the eye, so she took her phone and busied herself with it.
“Sister mi!” She screamed
“What!” I was so scared, Prince had drop his cutleries too.
“My name is on the new list” she said joyfully.
I took her phone from her and checked. It was just three names. I hugged my sister and congratulated her. I wanted to jump on Prince and kiss him to thank him but that I can’t do that in the presence of my sister.
She knelt down beside Prince and thanked him. “You made my dream come true, thank you sir” she said gleefully.
“You are welcome my dear, please stand up” he said and pulled her up.
I looked at Prince. “Thank you” I mouthed
“When are you reporting at the Academy?” he asked.
“Next week sir” she replied.
“Then you have to start preparing but first of all, this calls for celebration. I’ll take you out later”
“Thanks sis, let me call Mummy, Okiki and some of my friends” she said and left the dinning.
“My Prince” I smiled holding his hands.
“My princess” he replied and kissed my hand.
“Thank you…..”I said and hugged him.
He smiled. He was through with his food, he stood up and I followed him to his room. He called the former head of state to thank him.
I was all over him, when he ended the call. I kissed him and he kissed me back. Minutes later our clothes was all over the place.
“Ask anything you want from me and I’ll give you” I said to him while making out.
“I want just one thing but You won’t give me Anike” he said looking at my blurry eyes.
“What is it?”
“Don’t worry, forget it” He kissed me again. My phone rang but he was still on top of me. I stretched my hands and took my phone from the bed side table. I checked the caller and it was my mum. I placed the phone back.
“Who is calling?”
“My Mum. I’ll call her back. I’m sure Adekemi had called her. I can’t answer her call when a man is on top of me, I see it as disrespectful.
Some minutes later we were done and I took a quick bath. I called my Mum back, she was so happy with the news. I left his bedroom for the guest room and my sister was still making calls with my second phone, I’m very sure she had exhausted her call card.
“If you exhaust my credit, I’ll have your head”
She hold the call. “How on earth will I exhaust #28,000” she said and return to her phone conversation.
“You are not serious” I said and changed my clothes.
She ended the call after talking like forever. “Why do you change your clothes”
“Do you have a problem with that” I grinned.
I don’t know where I got this inquisitive sister of mine from. Did she expect me to tell her that I changed my clothes because I just had s-x.
“No o, I just asked why the second change of clothes” she replied me
“I don’t want to wear the dress out, that’s why. Now dress up and let’s take you out. She dress up and we left with the driver and one of the staff.
We came back later in the day. He had a visitor in one of the sitting room. I was tired, I needed to take a nap, so I went straight to the guest room.
On Sunday before we left, Prince gave Adekemi a new iPhone 6. He also told me to transfer #200k into her account. She was so happy
“Thank you very much sir, may God continue to bless you. I think I have a father figure too” she turned to me and I smiled.
“You are welcome, you are free to call me anytime. If anything happens at the academy just let me know. I’ll call one of the directors over there who will be your guardian. I wish you the best” he said smiling. I can see he likes Adekemi, my sister is a sweet girl anyway.
“Thank you sir” She said
I hugged him and he kissed my forehead.
“Bye ladies, have a safe trip”
My sister left Abuja, the most happiest girl on planet earth. The driver took us to the airport. PA also accompanied us.
I saw him exchanged number with Adekemi but I pretended like I saw nothing. I can entrust my sister in his hand, he is that great a guy. One of the reasons why Prince treat him like his own son.
One week later, Adekemi left for the academy.
To be continued

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