Friday 3 November 2017

Anike Episode 9

A week later, my sister called again and told me my mummy’s friend threw them out of the house, they now sleep in a nearby church compound.
I knew we can’t continue like this, so I made up my mind that if selling my body will put smiles on my families face once again and end this suffering, then so be it.
I waited for Happy to come back from her boutique, I did not even allow her to rest before I bring up the issue.
“Happy I think I’m ready, my mum and siblings are really suffering”
“Are you sure” she asked a and I told her my mind is made up.
“I have one big offer for you” She said and I listened with rapt attention.
There is this man I met in Abuja, although I’ve known him for some time now. His name is Admiral Gabriel Alawode, A high rank Navy, he’s also a Prince, I heard he’s father is a first class king in south west. He’s divorced with two kids, the kids lived abroad with their mum. He is 52years, he doesn’t want to remarry but he wants a young girl to keep as a companion. Though he travels a lot but he wants someone around him whenever he’s in the country.
“Why a young girl?”
“He doesn’t want anyone who will start demanding marriage. He knows a young girl won’t want marriage from him”
“Anike, Prince Alawode is wealthy. I can’t date him, so I rejected the offer”
“I can’t stick to just one person, I don’t want to be anyone’s property. I’ll feel trapped especially with that his age. I can still manage if he’s 40”
“Why do you want to introduce me to this particular one and not the younger ones”
She smiled. “Smart question. Like I said earlier, you know you…(she gestured with her hands) you are a good girl and I know you won’t like to sleep around with random men.
But with the money this man has, you’ll be okay with him alone, he will take care of you and all your responsibilities. He doesn’t sleep around that’s why he wants just one person who will be committed to him alone”
“Hmm! I sighed heavily. I’m 22 Happy, that man is same with my late father!”
“I know this is not easy to take in at once, it’s not an easy decision to take but this is the best offer for your kind of person” she said
“I heard most of this men are ritualist, you won’t want me to fall into the hands of a ritualist, would you?”
“He’s not a ritualist Anike, he’s an Ad…mi….ral, Anike. Admiral of the fleet…the highest rank in Navy and he also works hand in hand with the government.
I heard highest ranked navy are highly paid, their basic salary is #16million or so, aside the salary they are still entitled to some money, and they earns close to #30million at the end of the month” she explained. He’s into oil and gas too. He has many filling stations across the states. Aside that he also has one or two political assignments with the federal government. So I leave you to guess the rest.
“Jesus! In this country? And they say there is recession”
“Recession only affect the masses my dear”
“Really, then recession can’t affect people like that”
“Should I call him now?”
“No, not now, let me sleep over it”
“I understand, take your time” She said patting my back.
That evening I replayed my discussion with Happy. I’m no longer that slim 100 level Anike, Yes, I’ve added flesh in the right places. I’ve grown up to be a beautiful young woman with a shinning dark skin, average height and a very nice body structure that could get any man’s attention. But I never dreamt of using my precious body in exchange for money. I remembered how beautiful my life was before I lost my father and I cried. I remembered my friend Tinuke, I wanted to tell her about it, but I’m sure she won’t like the idea.
I remembered my lost love too, Olamilekan. And I wept, Olamilekan can’t help me, Tinuke cant help me, they are still depending on their parents.
Happy is right, nobody can help my family except I stand up to the task. It’s time to grow up, I can no longer be that Daddy’s little girl. It’s high time I embrace reality.
The next day, I told Happy, I was ready to take the offer.
“Good, you will thank me later Anike. That I’m sure off”
“If you say so”. She brought out her wallet and retrieved a business card from it.
“I only have his office line, I don’t have his personal line, but the call will be directed to him” she said.
She called the office line and it was picked by his secretary. She placed the call on speaker.
“Hello, Admiral Gabriel Alawode’s office how may I help you” the voice said.
“I’d like to speak with Admiral Alawode” She said feigning accent.
“Name please?”
“Happy, from Senator Nwannze his friend”
“He’s not on sit, but I’ll forward the call to his PA, just hold on for a some minutes”
“Hello, this is the PA to Admiral Gabriel Alawode, how may I help you?”
Happy repeated herself. “He’s on a call, please hold on.
After some minutes we heard the PA’s voice.
“He said he’ll call back” he said, then the line went off.
“He’ll callback, maybe he’s still on call” Happy said.
“So much protocol!” I said
“People like him are not easy to reach except you have their personal line”
Some minutes later, he called back. Happy picked it and placed the call on speaker, so I could here their conversation.
“Happy how are you” he said with a rich baritone voice.
“I’m fine sir, I always trip at the sound of your voice” she said teasingly. I like that voice too,I must confess.
“Don’t flatter me, hope you’ve agreed to my offer, I believe that’s the reason you call”
“Sir, I have two news”
“Let’s hear it” he said
“Like I said earlier I’m not interested and I’m very sorry for turning you down. I’m elated that you could think of me for such offer, but I can’t”
“No problem, I respect your opinion. So what’s the other news?”
“I got you someone”
“Happy don’t worry, you don’t have to do that. It’s you I want, since you are not in, then its fine”
“You’ll like her, I promise”
“I don’t want just anybody”
“She’s not just anybody, just meet her first, then you can decide if you want her or not”
“Happy you know girls and their saucy behavior, I don’t want a girl that will give me high blood pressure or those who will expose my private life to the world. You know I’m not a fan of Paparazzi”
“Admiral Alawode….I’m not just giving you any girl, she keeps her private life private. She’s not a runs girl, she’s doing this because of financial problems”
“Really, I hope she won’t misbehave later, when she had everything she wanted”
“I promise you she won’t fall my hand”
“Fine, bring her to Abuja on Friday. I’ll send a driver to pick you up at the airport”
“No I can’t come with her, I have plans for Friday sir”
“You! Those are the people who made you reject my offer right, don’t worry go and meet them”
She laughed because the man was right. “Just send your address, she’ll find her way”
“That not necessary, I’ll book her flight, the driver will be waiting for her at the airport when she arrived”
“Nice, it’s ok then”
“Send me your account details, I’ll send some money for both of you”
“Thank you sir, see you when I see you bye”
“Good bye, thanks so much”
“You are welcome bye” she said and hung up.
“You heard everything right, once he send the money, you’ll go for shopping, visit the spa, fix your hair, do your pedicure and manicure. You just have to look great, you must impress him” She said with a wide smile plastered on her face.
“I’m scared”
“Don’t be, trust me you are in good hands”
To be continued………..

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