Friday 3 November 2017

Anike Episode 5

Episode 5

The next day Tinuke and I were already waiting for Olamilekan at the common room with our bags. He got there few minutes to 8am and joined us in the common room.
“Hope I’m on time?” he asked.
“You are right on time” I replied.
“Shall we” he said helping us with our bags.
We got to the airport, trust me good bye is the saddest words. Olamilekan watched us with amazement when Tinuke and I was shedding tears when Tinukes flight was announced. I’m sure he was wondering if the semester break has been extended from four weeks to a year. We said our good byes and she left.
I start down quietly missing my friend already.
“Will you miss me, the way you’ll miss her?” he asked.
“She’s my friend, room mate, course mate, fellowship mate, everything. You should understand. I’ll miss you too. Remember we’ll still see in Lagos unlike her”
“Sure, but still Anike you need to grow up, you are an undergraduate and not just that ‘Daddy’s little girl’
“I’m a big girl”
“Say that to yourself, anyways what are your plans for the break?” He asked
“Plans! I don’t have any plans, I will spend most of my time at home, I’ll just visit one or two friends in the neighborhood”
“And you won’t be bored, staying at home alone?”
“No I won’t, I’m an indoor person and I’m used to it. Mum too will be around most time…full house wife” I shrugged.
“Wow! That’s rare this days”
My flight was announced. We hugged and he kissed me my forehead before I left the departure.
Home sweet home, it’s so good to be home. I met my mum at home who had prepared delicacies for me. My Dad was so happy to see me when they got back from work. My two siblings were all over me. I’m much older than them. Adekemi is 14 while Okiki the baby of the house and the only male child is 11.
Tinuke had called me earlier when she got to Abuja. I returned Tinuke’s call later in the evening and I spoke with Sam as well. She was happy I spoke with her boyfriend. He actually called me back and apologized.
Olamilekan’s call came in immediately, we talked briefly and he promised to Check on me once he’s in Lagos.
Olamilekan payed me a visit some days later when he arrived Lagos. He was dressed in blue jean and grey polo shirt, looking charming as usual. I led him into the house. He met my mum. I introduce him as my friend, then I rushed to my room to change. I wore a knee length Ankara gown, it was friday.
He stayed for a while before we left for the cinema in his car. We got to the cinema, bought drinks and popcorn and watch an action thriller movie and a romantic comedy.
After seeing the movies we sat in the park discussing the movies we saw and other things. He took me back home in the evening.
Trust my friend she called me immediately I got home, I wondered if she put a tracking device on me to know I was home already.
“ Monitoring Spirit! Did you put a tracking device on me? Because I just got home now” I asked playfully.
“ I’m monitoring you in spirit ni, hope you had a nice time with him?”
“Yes I did”
We talked for a while, she asked after my parent, I asked after hers before ending the call.
I started preparing for school. We are to resume the following week. I called Tinuke and we both agreed to return to school on Monday, because in my school some lectures will go to class on that very resumption day to give lectures and trust me they’ll take attendance if not test.
Olamilekan called and want me to visit him before we resume so I could know his place. He sent his address and I went the following day.
I got to his beautiful abode, I met his younger sister and He introduced us.
I stayed for like 30mins, I already told him I had some errands to run for my mum. We left his house for a nearby eatery.
We chatted while eating, I told him I’m going back to school on monday. He said he’s traveling on tuesday which means we can’t travel together.
We left the eatery and he drop me off at the bus stop where I took a cab. He gave me #5k for transport.
I was so happy to see my friend. ‘Miss’ is an understatement, we hugged, pecked and hugged again giggling and smiling.
“You’ve added wait o, see your cheeks” Tinuke said wheeling her box to one side of the room. I smiled at the kettle who’s calling pot black.
I came in earlier, so she met me cleaning the room. So she joined me.
After the cleaning and arranging, we took our bath. We were so exhausted from the enviromental sanitation.
“I’m tired Anike, maybe we should just eat bread this night, I’m so tired to cook and you are tired as well”
“I brought some soup from home, I already envisaged that we’ll be tired to cook, after the cleanup. I’ll just boil rice” I said.
“Anike you are a life saver, that’s so thoughtful of you, she rushed to the pot of soup and was amazed to see meat, fish and pomo gracing the soup. “This is a good definition of ose igberaga” (week of enjoyment) she said jokingly. We slept immediately after eating.
Olamilekan came to the hostel the next day. He brought a carton of noodles with him and handed it over to me, he said it’s for Tinuke and I. We both thanked him.
I saw him off to the packing lot where he parked his car and handed over the plastic bag I carried to him. It was a gift I bought for him. He thanked me, opened his car and gave a plastic bag also. He also got me a gift too. He entered his car and I watched him zoomed out of the parking lot.
I went to my boyfriend’s lodge on a Saturday after my practical classes. Tinuke did not follow me this time.
I got to his logde and met him watching a movie.
I heard the movie is interesting, I don’t have enough time to watch the movie at his place, so I told him I’ll copy it on my flash drive before leaving.
He cooked for me and I ate to my satisfaction. When I was ready to leave I took his laptop so I could copy the movies. The laptop was passworded, I told him to come enter the password and he said the password is Anike mi. I entered my name and the system came up. I smiled and promise myself to do the same.
I copied the film alongside with the interesting ones he told me to copy. He dropped me off later at the hostel.
To be continued…………………..

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