Friday 3 November 2017

Anike Episode 6

Everything was going on smoothly between us, we find time to hang out once in a while, I got to meet Olamilekan’s friend Jude. I love his choice of friends, they have so many things in common. Olamilekan also gave me a copy of the key to his room. He said I can always come around any day, anytime, he said I should onsider it as my second room.
We were really getting serious and Olamilekan was a sweet guy to be with.
Tinukes got a call from home. Her mum called and informed her that her grandma passed on and she said she has to join them in ogbomosho her home town, this weekend for her burial.
Her grandma who died at 85 already instructed her children before she died that they must bury her immediately when she died, she hated the morgue”
“Can you sleep in the room all alone?” she asked
“I doubt if I can sleep here alone, I’m not used to it” I said
“I have an idea, maybe you should spend the weekend at his place”
“And by his, you mean olamilekan right? No way”
“I don’t want you to be lonely while I’m gone, you know how dry hostel is on weekends and that’s the only place that can assure me that you’ll be fine without me. I’ll give him a call, because I know how stubborn you can be sometimes”
“Please don’t call him, at least I have a room to myself at home, its just that this place will be empty without you, but I’ll be fine”
“I’m calling him, watch me” she took her phone and put a call through to him.
She called Olamilekan and told him about her grandma and trip to ogbomoso. “Please come pick her up on Friday evening, because I’m sure my stubborn friend won’t come on her own and that’s why I’m calling you personally” She said and ended the call.
I thanked her for planning my weekend for me without my consent.
In the evening, I was busy preparing dinner and gisting with Tinuke while she on the other hand, lay on the bed. We were discussing about the fight that happened in class that day between two girls that fought over a guy, inside the lecture theater
“That reminds me. Anike, have you guys talked about s-x?”
“I’m serious o, you guys need to make decisions on what you want in this relationship”
“Please just stop, I can’t believe we are having this conversation. I’m not a baby, spare me the lectures”
“You are a baby, because you are new in this game. I’m a year older than you and I still have experience than you, this is the first relationship both of you are having, so shut up and listen.
First, both of you have to know your HIV status, then in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, you have to use protection. Now as your friend I’m asking, what do you want?”
“Tinuke, honestly, I want to remain a virgin till I get married. I just wish we are on the same page”
“It takes two to tango you know, hence the reason to talk about it and remember you are spending the weekend at his place”
“We’ll talk about it, thank you. Counsellor Tinuke”
“You are welcome” she winked at me.
Lectures ends by 12pm on Fridays, we headed straight to the hostel after lectures. Tinuke pack some few things for her journey, I saw her off to the park, I waited for the bus to move before I left the park .
I got back to the hostel and most of the rooms were locked.
By 4pm, the hostel was almost empty, especially the rooms in our wing.
I thought about everything Tinuke said and it got me scared. Maybe I should just stay in the hostel, I’ll survive” I said trying to encourage myself.
Olamilekan called me later around 6pm, he said he’ll be in the hostel in 20mins. I told him not to bother but he said he had already promised Tinuke.
I packed everything I knew I’d need for the weekend, Olamilekan came by to pick me. I was already set, he grab the bag and felt the weight.
“If I may ask, why is this bag heavy Anike? its just two days”
“I know, its just that I packed everything I’ll need along with me”
“Like what ma?” he asked with sarcasm
“My personal things including some fast food”
“What?” he shouted placing his hand on his temple.
“ I’m sorry I only took beverages, cereal and noodles”
“Jesus! Anike”
Olamilekan sank into the bed and turned the standing fan to face him, because he suddenly started sweating.
“Please hold on a sec, I think I need some air”
“Why are u sweating all of a sudden, is it because of what I said?”
“Anike! Please just keep quiet, I don’t want to raise my voice at you” he paused for a bit then continued.
I have never been humiliated like this all my life, you packed foodstuff? You know I’m still trying hard to comprehend this”
“I’m sorry, if you don’t like it, I don’t want to inconvenient you, I don’t like been a burden to people….”
“Anike! Stop talking”
“I can see you are angry, I’ll leave them behind”
“You will leave everything behind “ he said firmly”
“What! including my clothes too” I said trying to pick my clothes from the bag. You know what I’m not going again”
“Fine, then stay because if you are coming with me then you are not taking anything with you and I mean it, imagine you even pack your cover clothes, you are just so unbelievable. I doubt if I can put up with this your childish attitude ” he said throwing his hands into the air.
That was the first time we argued, Olamilekan was really pissed off, I looked into his eyes, and saw that part of him I never saw before and it’s not nice at all. I had to change my mind. He left the room and I followed after him after locking the door.
Inside the car, I was thinking of how I’ll spend two days with him without clothes, or did he except me to wear his clothes. I looked up and realized he was taking another route.
“Olamilekan, this is not the way to your house” I said breaking the silence.
“Of course, I know the way to my house”
“Its like you are still angry” I said and he didn’t say a word.
He parked in front of a shopping mall, he alighted from the car, went to the other side of car and opened the car door for me. He held my hand still not smiling and led me into the mall.
“Pick everything thing you need for the weekend” he ordered
“Must you do this” I asked
“Yes, since you think I’m not capable to host you for two days, then I think its high time I flaunt my riches, so start shopping, girlfriend” he commanded and I obeyed.
When I was through, he paid via POS and went straight to the car. I followed him back to the car.
“The only thing you can’t get in my room is a ladies wears” he said and drove off.
That was the only statement he altered throughout the drive. And that silence made me boiled within me.
Olamilekan helped me carried my things from the car into the room, we got back around 7:30pm. From the mall down to his lodge, none of us talked to each other. I called Tinuke to ask after her journey.
“I’m missing you already” I said to her while we were talking on phone.
“Don’t miss me too much, don’t worry your boyfriend will fill in for me”. Little did she know that we are not on good terms.
We talk briefly before ending the call.
“What do you want for dinner?” he asked
“Nothing” I replied
“Anike for the love of God, why are you making a mountain out of a mole hill”
“I said I don’t want anything, in fact I want to go back to the hostel” I bursted into tears.
Olamilekan was sad when he saw me crying, he quickly rushed to my side to comfort me.
“Anike mi, please stop crying”
“Let me cry, you refused to talk to me, if you are still angry with me, then let me leave”
“I’m not angry at you believe me, though I don’t like what happened earlier, I just gave you the piece of my mind and it has ended right there in your room”
I stopped crying because of what he said. He asked what I wanted for dinner but I told him I was not hungry that all I want is a good sleep. I slept without taking dinner.
I woke up in the middle of the night, I checked the time and to my surprise its 1:00am, I recollected everything that happened that night. Unknown to me Olamilekan was awake too. I woke up hungry so I told him I was hungry. He went into the kitchen and made noodles for me.
After eating, I went back to sleep. I woke up early that Saturday morning because of the physics practical class I have by 9am. I was about to enter the bathroom to take my bath, when he called out.
“There is towel, toothbrush and toiletries in the bathroom, and they are all new”
“Thanks, I’m using yours except you don’t like the idea” I said teasingly.
“Really! Are you sure?”
“Except your toothbrush” I said smiling.
“Come here” he said pulling me into an embrace. My Anike is growing up”
“So I’m a baby right”
I showered and joined him in the kitchen, He already boiled yam, and I fried the egg. I served the food. “We are eating together” I told him.
“Yes ma” he said.
After breakfast I left for my practical class after.
I came back around 4pm, I met him watching a football match. Guys can bore you with their weekend football matches.
“Welcome, how was the practical class?” he asked, he’s eyes fixed on the game.
“A bit stressful, I had to fill in for Tinuke too, but it’s fine”
“Do you mind us going out later, I don’t want to bore you here with football”
“Let’s stay indoor, you can continue with your match. I’ll freshing up and join you later”
Later in the night, we were about to sleep, then I remembered the issues I want to discuss with Olamilekan.
“Olamilekan, Are you sleeping already?” I asked to be sure since his eyes was closed.
“No, you need something?”
“Not really, there’s an issue I’d like us to discuss” Olamilekan sat up.
“What issue? I cleared my throat.
“I want us to discuss about s-x as regarding this relationship”
He smiled. “Anike, for the record, this is not you talking, that’s your friend talking”
“And how do you know that?”
“Trust me I sure know what Tinuke is capable of saying”
Anyways, He was right. I told him I want to keep my virginity till I get married and he agreed. I was happy and I counted myself lucky to have that kind of a guy.
I returned to the hostel on Sunday, I had already called my friend and she informed me that she’s on her way. I tidy up the room and did some washing, I also cooked for my friend, so she could eat something when she comes back.
“Welcome” I said and help her with her bag.
“How was your journey?”
“Fine, I bless God”
“And the burial?”
“It went well, all thanks to God”
Tinuke called her parent and boyfriend to let them know she has gotten to school. She showered and went straight to sleep. I persuaded her to eat before sleeping but to avail. She woke up after two hours, now she looked refreshed.
“Can I serve you food now” I asked
“Not now, maybe later, thanks. So how did your weekend go with Olamilekan, please I don’t mind hearing details” she said teasingly. I downloaded the movie that played during the weekend between my boyfriend and I.

To be continued

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