Thursday 2 November 2017


By:Papa Jay

King K: *cut in*. is ok. Today?s date is 5th October.*nodded* . Now, if you multiply three by five what will be the answer?And without answering him, the left sideof him was left empty within a twinkle ofan eye.King K: Oh so you all want to pay now?Yes senior. *We all responded*King K: Ok, but as you all know five multiplied by three is equal to fifteen, I will do you a little favour by dividing thatsame fifteen by five which is today?s date and what will be the answer?*Silence because we all knew where he was heading to*King K: Can?t you hear me?*Still silence*King K: All of you be on your knees.Please senior, the answer is three.*responded by a certain boy*King K: Is too late.He left us for about five minutes on our knees and returned later.King K: You can now stand up.*We all stood up.*King K: Now, you are going to pay 3 cedis each and am not expecting any excuse from anyone neither will I acceptwhat is less than 3 cedis, if your money is not up to 3 cedis, just perform magic and get me the 3 cedis that is all, no mercy for the cripple, a hunter knows noa sick game.Richard: Man I have only 2 cedis in my pocket now o. *referring to me*Me: Don?t worry, I have 10 cedis here.Richard: Oh thanks to God then.We joined the queue of those who were ready to pay.On the queue, a very handsome first year boy came, pleading with Richard to borrow him the 3 cedis so that when we get into the dorm he pays back.Richard: Am very sorry, I wish I could help you, I did not even get up to the amount we are to pay so is this my friend behind me that is going to help me. You can ask him, he might help you too.The boy now turned to me.Boy: Brother, please just help me, I promise to return you your money as soon as we get inside.Me: Don?t worry, but your name first.Boy: Am Kesh Nyne, just call me Kesh, am in room 3.Me: Oh ok.Kesh: Please may I know your name too?Me: Am Jake , just call me Jake am in room 4 cubicle .Kesh: hahaha, yoo ok. I like you already.Me: Thanks.Kesh: You are welcome my brother.It reached our turn and we paid the crazy senior and headed towards our various dormitories.I reached the entrance of the den and I knocked and I heard a male voice whichI could guess it was the voice of Zogaroo.Respondent: Who is there?Me: is me, Jake.Respondent: Ok come in.I opened the door and at the first glanceI was shocked.Over five laptops, a scanner and a printer was connected and inside the room was Abortion, Kingso and Zogaroo.Abortion: Boy, put your bag some where and come and lets give you some tips ofhow to scam.I prayed inside that ? Oh God, you know Idon?t want to do what is against your will, please help me, I don?t want to commit crime ?.I returned to them after dropping my bagon top of my bed.Abortion: Now you see how we have connected the laptops?Me: *nodded* .Abortion: correct, now what is left now is to get people details, not just anyone but those who are well to do, our main tagged are the doctors, the managers, the security officers, the?Just then I raised up my head to look at his face when I heard the mention of thesecurity officers .Abortion: Why? do you think it is impossible to scam an officer? hahaha most of them are so easy to convince, you know because of their job, they havethe believe in themselves that no one can even dare them so when you get them they always act accordingly without doubt.Me: *Smiled unwillingly*Kingso: And getting those people we want is not all that a big deal, we get them from the various social media, talking of Twitter, facebook, instagram, linked in, badoo, bbm etc.Zogaroo: Now after getting them we first ask for their details , email etc then after that we go to this anti 419 website that?s Now as I said, the main purpose of this website is to expose fraudsters and bring them to light so they post all the tricks that was been used by scammers across the globe including the fake documents and photos that was used but the sad thing is that this same website helps us to do our work easily because not everyone knows this website so we go in there and look for the best trick that will suit someone we want and this tricks are trisks that will let anyone to go for loan to send us even if he/she has nothing in his/ her pocket. You see how it is done? hahaha, my brother don?t worry, as time goes on you will get all this tricks at your finger tips, I know it seem too complicated to you now.Abortion: See, fraud is the most well paid job after blood money so forget about this studies thing and be a man ofyour own now.There was a knock on the door and Zogaroo ordered the person to come in and entered, Zygote, Adonko, Tracy, Agi, Sweetbells, and Shantel.They were all welcomed by a champagne drink from Kingso.Kingso: We have to start enjoying ourselves because very soon money willbe booming into our pockets.A few minutes afterwards Tracy asked the room to remain quiet for they came with a very important issue that need to be discussed now.*Watch out for episode 23*

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