Thursday 2 November 2017


**By: Papa Jay

A few minutes afterwards, Tracy asked the room to remain quiet for they came witha very important issue that needs to be discussed now.So they all kept quiet impatiently waitingfor the issue Tracy is talking about.I knew what the issue is all about so I prepared myself to face anything.Tracy: The issue is all about Jake.Kingso: Jake? ok go on we are listening.Tracy: Can you imagine Jake is already dating another girl aside Shantel?Zogaroo: Sure?Zygote: Hahaha no, I don?t believe this mumu can propose to a girl.Agi: Why should she even lie Zygote ?Adonko: And who is that girl?Shantel: Some poor girl bi.Kingso: Jake, do you have a girlfriend aside Shantel?Me: Yes, I have a girlfriend but not aside anyone.There was exchanged of looks on my bold reply.Abortion: Who is she? and why do you choose her over Shantel?Me: She is Sandra and I have no reason for loving her.Tracy: This is stupid love, how can you love someone for no reason?Agi: Is because the girl lacks everything, she don?t even have one quality that he can rely on loving her yet he claim is love.Zygote: Jake! why do love her?Me: *Silent*Zogaroo: Can you hear him?Me: Yes.Zogaroo: Then answer us.Me: I just love her.Sweetbells: because of her beauty?Me: NoSweetbells: Her money?Me: No.Shantel: She doesn?t even have a penny.Sweetbells: Then why?Agi: See, we can?t phantom how a vibrant young guy like you can close his eyes to a girl like Shantel nakedness, is just unimaginable, don?t be a fool, satisfy her, she is dying for you, she can?t even sleep because of you.Kingso: See, I don?t care about why you love her or not, all I want to tell you is that your so called relationship has come to an end today.Abortion: But before that am going to give you 25 lashes at your back for cheating.Just then the door opened without been knocked and Benita and Jezy came in.Benita: No, their relationship will not endtoday or tomorrow neither will anyone touch Jake tonight or else everyone will hear of us this very minutes.Jezy: Jake too has the right to love and whom to love.There was silence and exchanged of looks.Zygote: What do you ladies mean? Do you know who helped us to acquire all these machines you are seeing here? If you don?t know, almost all these machines was provided by Shantel.Benita: But that does not mean she should force herself into someone?s life?Tracy: Point of correction Benita, my daughter is not forcing herself into his life but the fact is that, that girl is trying to take her boyfriend from her.They continued arguing over this until we all went to bed.I woke up in the midnight and realize Shantel lying beside me but what shocked me most is that I was left with only boxer short and I was asking myselfhow my khaki trousers been removed leaving only my boxer shorts.*It was my plan to sleep with my trousers whenever Shantel is in the den*.So I woke her.Me: Hey! who removed my trousers? *in a low but angry voice*.Shantel: Is me.Me: For what reason? ,so what did you do to me? *frowned face*Shantel: Leave me alone, I want to sleepor I should try what I could not get from you? *smiling and stretched her hand to grab my d--k*.I quickly pulled back and turned to face the other side.Shantel started her smooth touches on me and my body became very hot.Me: Please stop that, I don?t like what you are doing. *in a very low voice to prevent the seniors from hearing me*.Shantel: Jake, can?t you see that am madly in love with you? or am not beautiful?Me: Is not about beauty ok.Shantel: Then what?Me: Is because I don?t like the way you are forcing me to do what am not ready to do.Shantel: Please, you just make love to me tonight and I will allow you to date your girlfriend.Me: I will never do that and you don?t even have the right to stop me from dating whomever I want to date ok.Shantel: Don?t try to be stubborn Jake. See, don?t think sister Beni and Jezy are supporting you so you can keep up with your plans to date that stupid girl. I can buy them tomorrow and they will start fighting for me ok. I saw it in their eyes that they are just hungry and I know howto shut them up but it will be very stupid for you to let me waste all the money I want to spend on you on others before I get you as my boyfriend.Me: See, I don?t need your money ok andI don?t even need anyone support. Whether they support me or not ?bankoma? (meaning am not turning back) and what is money to a cockroach? is just a paper to it.Shantel: Poor people always see money as a mere paper but when they get it they lose their senses.Me: Am not poor please.Shantel: Ok just tell me whatever you want and I promise to get it for you afteryou satisfy me.Me: Please I want to sleep now so leaveme alone.During that night, Shantel continued to try all she could by touching, rubbing herfirm boobs against me, caressing me to the extent that my innocent d--k becamevery stiff but I still refused her.We prepared for school, after the assembly, we headed to our various classes since orientation was over and we are now in our various classes.The class teacher came in and asked usto put our other book on the table for there are some things we are suppose to other now.I opened my bag and could not find mine, I was confused because I remember putting it inside.I researched through but still could not find it.Class teacher: Where is yours? Didn?t you hear the announcement at the assembly yesterday that all form ones are to bring their other book?Me: Please sir, I heard it and I rememberputting it inside the bag before coming.Class teacher: No, may be you mistakenly left it in the dorm because there are your names and serial numbers already printed in each leaf so no one will take yours for anything, I suggest you go and see your dorm prefect and go and bring it now before the ,senior housemaster and his group comes in.So without wasting much time I ran to the dorm prefect class for the keys but he directed me to his assistant, so I furthered to the assistant dorm prefect class and thank God I was able to get it and made my way to the dorm side .On reaching there, i saw one form one boy standing there.Me: Why are you still here?Boy: I forgot my other book o brother and I was coming for it not knowing thatthe dorm is already locked.Me: Which house are you?Boy: The golden house.Me: You are lucky then, the keys are withme, I also left my other book inside and went for the keys so hurry up lets go for them.Boy: Oh thank you very much.I opened the door and he headed to room one and I also headed to room four cubicle (The Lions Den).I opened the den door without knocking with the thought that no one is in by nowbut how wrong I was.*Watchout for episode 24*

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