Thursday 9 November 2017

Anike Episode 25

I opened the door and She walked in and started crying.
“Anike, I’m sorry for betraying you, I shouldn’t have done what I did, not after everything you’ve done for me. Jealousy made me do it”
“Jealousy! You said you can date him, then. He’s still old or is he now younger?”
“I know I said so, I know he’s rich but I haven’t seen a man spent for a side chick like that before. At some point I even thought you are using jazz on him. Seeing all the thing he’s doing for you, I regret throwing away what belongs to me. Anime you have the whole of Admiral’s heart. See the way he handled the lecturer’s case. He loves and pampers you with everything he has and I became jealous all of a sudden.
Anike it’s not about the material things that made me grow jealous, you treat me well with everything you have, but the fact that a powerful wealthy man like that is under your finger tips is what arouse the jealousy the more.
I started plotting ways to separate the two of you for months. But couldn’t come up with anything, I know he trusts you so much.
Telling me about the infection was an opportunity, you told me you haven’t informed him and I know he’ll be mad if he hears it from someone else but I had to lie about you dating his friends just to make my story juicy” he confessed.
“Happy you betrayed me, I even stopped you from doing runs, I started paying you the money you make on weekends. I fund your boutique, I bought you a car, I feed you, you never brought a grain of rice into this house and you eat. I cloth you. What else do you want me to do that I never did. Once I get an alert, you get an alert too. I’ve been grateful enough for what you did for me. I will forever be indebted to you for connecting me with Prince Alawode. But you still choose to destroy my relationship with him” I said pouring out my heart.
“Please find it in your heart to forgive me, I’m truly sorry”
“So where have you been since?” I asked Happy.
“I received a call from Prince Alawode and I knew my cover had been blown, I started packing my things. I moved it into my car, I was about to go out and some guys took me, one of them drove my car. I was blind folded. I only opened my eyes and met myself in a dark room.
They didn’t touch me, I was fed only cereal and water. I begged them to release me but they didn’t listen to my pleas. I even thought they were ritualist.
Until today when I got a call from Prince. One of the guys gave me the phone and I spoke with him. He said
“Happy this is just a tip of the iceberg, You messed with the wrong girl, you should be thankful, I hate shedding blood I would have waste you without a trace. I’m just doing this for now because she’s worried sick for a betrayal like you.
Happy if you touch a single strand on Anike’s hair, I’ll kill you and I mean I’ll kill you without leaving a trace”
That was all he said, he did even gave me the chance to apologize.
He said he already ordered the guys to release me because of you. He said I must sign and undertaking which will be filled in police station. I signed and undertaking, it says anything that happens to you is going to be on me.
“Eh ya….”
“Have learnt my lessons please forgive me and help me apologized to him. He also said he’ll make sure I graduate in this school without a certificate”
“Ahn..ahn! But seriously you shouldn’t have played such pranks on him, do you think he wouldn’t find out the truth”
“Help me beg him please, I know he’ll listen to you”
“I don’t talk to him again since that day, I only called today because of you, I just found out from Tara today that you are missing, I knew he’s behind it, that’s why I gave him a call. Have already cut all ties with him before today”
She knelt down and held me. “Eh…I’m finished, Anike please you have to talk to him, you have to mend your relationship with him or else I’ll be the one to face the consequences” She pleaded holding my legs.
“I’ll talk to him, please get up and stop kneeling like a little girl, a big like you”
“Thank you”
“Go and get your things back and move in”
“Ha….Prince Alawode will kill me. He warned me sternly to stay away from you. We both know he’ll find out”
“I’ll ” I exclaimed.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll stay with Tara. We just have few months to graduate”
“OK, then. If you need anything don’t hesitate to tell me”
She left later. I had to call Prince again, because I don’t understand why she won’t let the girl be.
I called his secured line again
“Have you seen her”
“Yes, but why all the threat nau, you even said he won’t graduate with a certificate”
“I’m protecting you, that girl could endanger your life”
“Prince keep your protection, I don’t need it. She’s a good person it’s only human for her to act like that”
“What’s wrong with protecting the love of my life. Anyway I didn’t mean those threats, I know her to be a good person too, I just want to put her on the edge so she could tread carefully around you”
“Better, you’ve done enough to her please let her be abeg. Good day!”
“Anike, don’t hang up. I’m coming back to Nigeria by the end of the week, I’ll see you then”
“If you think I’ll come to your place when you return, then you are a joker except you’ll kidnapped me the way you kidnapped Happy” I scoffed.
“Anike…I’m not a kidnapper o, I just want to scare her that’s all”
“I have a meeting now, I’ll call back later”. Please replace your sim, so we could talk”
“I wont replace it, thanks for today anyway” I said and hung up.
The next day was my visits to the orphanage. I visited the orphanage every months. I had already bought the things I’m taking along with me the previous week. I believe in given back to the society.
One of the children at the orphanage called me aside when I was about to leave.
“Anty Anike, I had a bad dream about you” Lily said.
She’s one of my favorite at the orphanage.
“How bad was the dream, Pretty?”
“I can’t really explain, but I saw a man who instructed to pass a message to you
“What’s the message?” I asked.
“He said you must pray and seek God’s face before you take any decision that as to do with your future”
“Alright dear, thanks”
I left the orphanage and drove to straight home digesting what the girl said.
I went to school on Friday afternoon to returned some text books I borrowed from the library. From there I went to the supermarket to get some things for my sick course mate. I went to her hostel to visit her. I spent little time with her before I leave.
I left the hostel around six and I drove back home. I honked and waited for the gateman to open the gate. He opened after what took like forever. I drove in and I noticed some men in Navy Uniform. I looked up and saw the Boss himself sitting on a plastic chair in my corridor.
“What’s he doing here” I asked no one in particular He has never set foot in my house before.
I made to reverse before the gate was closed.
“Lock that gate” he commanded the gateman and I wonder if he’s the one paying his salary. He obeyed and locked the gate.
Good, I locked my doors and stay put in the car. For like ten minutes I was there and he was watching. He later walk up to the car and knocked the window.
I didn’t move, he knocked again and I whined down.
“What?” I asked
“Get down” I did not answer him.
“Anike stop been stubborn and get down from the d–n car!” He ordered.
I turned off the ignition, took my key and Gucci handbag and alighted.
“You! I pointed at the gateman, follow him when he’s going, maybe he could get you a job because you have no job here again. I promise you, I’ll see to that” I lash at the gateman.
“Madam….”the gateman called out but I waved him off
I made for the door and Prince followed. I retrieve the key from my bag and unlock the door. Two of the naval officers also followed us in.
To be continued

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